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Tacob ii alm;;;, 22 East Huron Street, Ana Albor, Dealer in fine Gents' and I,ulicw' (iold and Sil er WATCHES AND CHAIffS ! A great variety of line GOLD AND PLATEO JEWELRY, old Pens, Clocka, &e. Sole aifent of the celebrateci PAUL BRETON WATCH, Alao of the Perfected Lazarus & !Torria' Spectacles and Eye ölasses OPEBA. OLASSES FOR SALE OH RENT. BE?" Special attention givtn to repalring Wntches, Clouka, Jewelry and Bpectao]s. 1456w4 IV OTf(!E! Tlie anniuil meeting of the Washtenaw Couaty Agncultural and Horticultural Society ior the I oloction of üfttcerB for the ensuing year, and for tho tnuuacbion of sncli other business aa may properlv come before it, will be held at the Comt House, ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuosdny the 1 f.tli day of December at 11 o'olook. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2, 1873. DAVID ir. FJiVLEY, 1 b5w-' SecretKi-y. MSSOLUTION. Notioe ía liereby given thnt the partnership hevetofore exiating ander the ftrm nme of Crainer & öl in rer. is dissolved by mutua] conaent. Die business will be continued by D. Cismar, at tlie same othce, to whom all claims are due Nor. 4th, 1873. C1IAMER & GliANOER. ' Chancery Notice. CTATlUíF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, u sa. In Chancery. Diautua Wat.erous, Comulainant vs. Daniel S. Waterous, defendant. It satisfaotorilyapDearinff upon due próof by affidavit to tlns court that the defendunt, Daniel S Waterous is not a resident of the State of Michigan' but that he resides in Chicago, in the State of Illiiioi; On motionof Fraz.r, Haniman & Hamilton. solicitóla for complainant, it is ordcred that the sa d delendant, Daniel S. Waterous.caufehiBappearancein thtaoaUMto b cntered whhin three monthsfromlthe date of tfab order, and that in case of hls appearalice he cause he answer to complaiuants bill to be flled' and a oopy thereof to be served on the complainmts Kohcitors wltbin twenty days af ter service of a copv of aid bill and notice of a copy „f this order, and in defanlt theroof that said Bill be taken as confessed by the said defendant, Daniel S. And it is further order that within twenty days said complainant canse a notice of this order to b.-published in tho Michioan Aegü-), a newspaper printed and bub pubhshedjfn said county and that suid publicationlbe continucd in said paper at least once each week tor six successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served at least twenty days befb re tho time prescribed fcr his appearance Dated this 17th day of November A D 1873 ALEX. D.CRANE, Circuit Judge. GSSf""" & HAMILT0N' S"'-torsgfr Eeal Estáte for Sale. wjTATE OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw ss O In the matter of the estáte of Caroline Male? mmor. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order gramed to the undersigned, Guardian of the estáte of said minor, by the llon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-üfth day of November, a. d. 187U, thcre will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court house, in the city of Ann Arbor in the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on Friday' thetwentythirddayofJanuary, a. D. 1874, at ten o clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mort gage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale) aiid also subject to the rih of dower of Kosina Miller, widow of (iottfrey Stiller deceased therein, all the right title and interest of said minor, it being tho equal undividod one-fourth pul of the following described real estáte to wit : The east half of the Southwest quarter of' section twenty-nine ; the west three-eighths or the west thirty acres of the west half of the northenst quarter ot section thnty ; and the south half of the cast half of the southwest quarter of section twentv all in town two south range üve east (Scio) in said' State, (except a strip of land on the west side of the last described piece ot land nine rods and six inches in widtb.j Together with the nght of way across the southwest corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said tction number twenty, one rod Dated, November 25th, 1873. LEONHAKD GEUNER, Guardian. Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss K By virtue ot an execution issued out of und under the seal of the Circuit Court ior tlie county of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered in favor of Christian Schmidt, plaintiff, and against the (joods and chattles, lands and tencments of George Hoe and Abrnm Moe, defendants therein named I did on the third day of Deoember, 1873, levy on the following described real estáte, to wit : The northeast fractional quarter of stction flve, town two south range six east, coutaining one hundred and eighteen acres of land ; Also the cast side of the northwest quarter of section five, town two south, range six east, contaimng five acres, which property above described I buil expose íor sale to the highest bidder at public auction, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw county, on Saturday, the seventcoutli day of January, 1874, at 10 o'olock a. m., of said day Dated, December 3, 1873. M. FLEMING, Sheriff 1455td By Thomas J. Hoskins, Dap'y öheriff. THE WORLD. The great Democratie victories in Xew Yoik Ohio Marylaud and Virginia, the startling ltepublican de' teatsm Wisconsm, lowa, Kansas and Illinois foieshadow the election of a Democratie Con"ress in 1874, and the eleetion of a Democratie President in 18 0. The secret of the triumph nlrendy v,on has been steadfast adherance to the organization, unflinchine fktelity to tho principies of the Deiuocratir party The WoitLD has been faithful to it trust. VVhéri faintheait talkedot' a spoiled party, a dead p-irtv a new party, it bore aloft the flag of tha historie indomitable Democratie pavty. That flag, inscribed with the legenda Free Trade and Farmers' Kihts HardMoney and no Monopolies,- thu Democrats ot Ohio and New York carried to a glorious victory subyerting Orant majorities of -37,OOii and 61,000. A new career now opens befoie the Demociacy- more glorious and more bcueücent than its ast oaieer, identiiied though that be with the founduiir of the republic, its expansión across tho continent its half century of prospeiity and peace. The open secret of its future, as of its past and present triumphs, is still a steadíast adherouce to the organization, an unriinching fldelity to the principies of the Democratie party- principies never so needful as now to be applied throughout our National. st.ito iuuI Municipal lifo, to heal thñ wmmda md demoralizalion of wur, to stop ci'rruption and proflígate ex penditure, to limit and localize powers entrusted to the people's servants, to libérate our industries froni the lettere of a barbarous Tariff, our trade from the fluctuations af an inedeemable paper Currency and our agriculture from the doublé plundering of noth as well as to repair the wide-spread flnancial Ruin ■"h' 1V the Fiscal policy of the Republican The duty of The World in thia onward march of the Democratie hosts to victory, is the disseminution ot political truth. Our work will be fruitful in Dro portion as The World is widely read. We ask Democrats everywhere to aid us in scattering the good seeds broadcast over the whole land during the period so important to the coming k vests. = "VVhere or how can any Democrat work so effi cioutly for the diffusion of the principies of his parly, and their triumph at the ballot-box in '74 and '76, as by procuring new readers for The Woiild itow ï As a vehicle of news, Thk Wobld will save no expense, no eneigy, to niaintain und advance its pia".e in the first ri.nk of metropolitan journals. lts fresh, abunclant, various and accurate news, commsing the whole circle of current intellifenee, will e discuased as becomes a ïrustworthy Oriran of )pinion, with candor, with steady devotion to sound ublicand private moráis, with special knowledse or special themes, and with various and wide-reach11? apprehension of the manifold interests of men nd womeu in their homes, their market placee icir workshops and their farms. THE WEEKLï WORLD s our great edition (Wodnesday) for the country t contains : 1. The latest prices (telegraphed from all the markets of the United States) of Live Stock, Country Produce, Ueueral Produce of every kind and of Money, Stocks, and freights in New work and Jiurope. 2. ïhe Farmers' Tape, with alfthe doings of the Farmers' Club of the American ïnstitute, letters from praclicalfnimers, and scientific discussion on profltttble t'arming 3. A Pago lor the Family Circle, of lively and pure reading. 4. One or Two First-rate Novéis during the year 5' All the News in concise summary. 'ÍT1ÍE SEMI.WEEKLï Contains (Tuesday and Friday) all the contenta of the Weekly, one or two íirst-rate Novéis duriug the yenr, and all the creaiu of the Daily World. ■lili: Il. I M 4 t!t ! II. Prioe for one copy (or one year $10 (including Sunday edition, $12j, beginning any day; and at the same rata per raooth for any part of a year. THE WOKLD AL.OTA1VAC FOR 1874. (Ready about Jamiary 1, 18M). One copy, postpiud, 25 cents. Five copies, poBt-paid, l.on PHICES, POSTACE I AI, If Subscribed lor before April lst, 1874. WEERLY WORLD. for one year, each copy separately addressed. 1 oopy $ 2 00 6 coplea 7 u() 10 copies, and extra copy to club agent 12 00 20 copies, and extra copy to club agent üo 00 50 copies, and Semi-Weekly to club agent.. 50 00 100 copies, and Daily to club agent 100 00 SE.11I-WEEKLY WORLD. For one year, each copy separately addressed 1 KW $ 3 C0 2 copies 5 w, 6 copies 12 oo 10 copies, and extra copy to club agent 2 1 00 ÍERJIS. Cash in advance. Send Post-office money order, bank draft, or registered letter, iiill gent by mail will be at risk of sender. Additions to elub-lists may be made, any time in the year, at the above club-rates. Changesin clublists made only on request of persons recoiving club packnge, stating date of subsoription, edition, post-offiee, nnd ötate to wliieh the copy has previously been sent. We have no traveling agents. Specimen copies, posters, e(c, sent free, wherever and when.ver desired. Address all ordei's and letters to "TJHE WOB1D," 3S Park Row, New York. TOSTAGE PAID.- On every subscription for one year to the Daily, Semi-Weekly, or Weekly paid tor at above ratets before April 1, 1874, we will prepay tho postag. l6wS C1R0ÜERIES AT J LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSON Ia now selling Groceries at LE88 THAN COST For cash to close out bis stock. &-f BuyerA shuutd culi uud examine his miodb before purehiising. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1873. H51tf lili & Stlllli Offer at prices to correspond with the late New York Bates. New and Fashionable Dress Goods. New Biaritz and Drab De Etes. New Silks and Alpacas. New Black Dress Goods. New Shawls and Cloakings. New Fringes and Guipure Laces. New Ribbons and Embroideries. New Goods for Men's wear. New Flannels and Blankets. New Bleaoh and Erown Cottons. - Those wanting to bny Dry Goode cheap should not fail to give us a cali. MACK & SCHMID. UUT YOUE MONEY WIIERE1TWILL DO THE 3VIO3JT OOO3DA. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DK FT GOMPËTIT1O ALSO, A FULL LINE OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS E Cali hefore purehnsiug. 1 5 So-uth Main Street. _gj TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notine thRt he has een appointed by the District Oourt of the United ates for the Eaatern District of Michigan asgnee of Johu F. Miller & Stephen M. Webster, of e County of W.tghtenftw and State of Miohis-an : 10 have been adjudged bankrupts by said Court' ' on the petition of a creditor, and uil debtors of d bankrupts are hereby requlred to make puyment ( me without further notice. f Ann Arbor, Nov. 24, 1873. i EZRA C. SEAMAN, Assignee 1464w3.


Old News
Michigan Argus