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Prospectus lor 1874- 7th Year. THE ÁLDINE, An lllustra'ed Monthly Journal universally admitted to Oe the Sandsomett Periódica! in the. World. A Representativa and (Jharnpion of American Tastet Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. TBX ALDINE, whlle issued with all the regulari tv, haa none of the temporary or timtly Interest characteristjc of ordintiry periodicals. Itls au elegaiit iniscellany of pure, ïight and graceful literature; aud a eoUect on of piet urea, the rareat specimens of artistic skill, in blark and white. Althongh each eneceeding miraber affords a freah pleasure to its frit!nds,the real valué and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most appreciated after it hae been bound upat the close of the year. While other pubiicationa may claim Bupenor cheapness, ae compared with rivals oí a similar clase, THE ALDIÑE is a uuique and original couception- alone and unapproached - absolutely without competition iu price or character. The poBPessor of a complete volume can uot duplícate the quantity of fine paper ard engravings in ay other shape or r.umber of volumes or ten times üs cosí; and then, there are the ehronotf besides.' ART DEPARTMENT, 1874. The illustratíons of THE ALDINE have won a world-widureputation, and in the art centers of Europe it is an admitted fact that its wood cuta are extunples of the highest perfection ever attained. - The comraon prejudice in favor of " steel platea," ïb rapidly yielding to a more educatcd and discriminatftig taste which recognizee the advantages of superior" artistic quality with greater facility of production. The wood cutsof THE ALDINE possesa all the dclicacy and elabórate finish of the most costly steel píate, wliile theyafford a better rendering oí the artist's original. In addition todeslgns by the members of the National Academy, and other noted American artists, THE ALDINE will reproduce examplcs of the best loreign masLcrs, selected with a view to the highest artistic success and Ejreatest general interest. Thas the subscribers to THE ALDINE will, at a trifling coBt.enjoy in hisown home the pleasures and reilning influencoB of true art. The quarterly tinted platos for 1374 will be by Thos. Moran aud J. D. Woodward. The Chnstmas issue for 1874 will contain special designs appropriate to the season, by our best artiets, and will surpasa in attractlons any of its predecessors. PREMIUMS FOR 1874. Every subscriber to TIIE ALDJNE for the year 18T4 will receive a pair of ChromoB. The original picture were painted in oil for the publishers of THE ALDINE, by Thomas Moran, whose great Colorado picture was purchased by Oongress for ten thousnnd dollars. The Biibjects were chosen to rep regent 'The East" and "The West." One is a view in The White Mountains; New Hampphire ; the other gives The Cliffs ol Green River, Wyoming Territory. The difference in the nature of the acenes theniselves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a cood display of the artist's scope and coloring.. The chromos are each worked froni thirty distinct plates, and are in size (lïzlO) and appearance exact facsimilies of the origináis. The preeentation of a worthy example of America's greatest landscape paintertothesubscribers of TIIE ALDINE was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and its succeseful realization is attested by the following testimonial, ovei the Bignature of Mr. Moran himself: Newark, N. J.. Sept. 20, 1873. McHsrs. Juraos Sutton & Co. Gentlemen - I am delightnd with the proofs in color oí your chromos. They are wonderi'ully successful representatioua by mechanical procees of the original paintings. Vérv respectfully, fSiined) THOS. MORAN. These chromofl are in every sense American. - They are by an original American procese, with ma terial of American manufacture, trom designs of Americanscenery by an American painter, aud preeented to the first succesafuï American Art. Journal. If any subscriber should indiciite a preference for a figure subject, the publishers will send "Thoughts of ilome," a new and baautiful chromo. 14x20 inches, representing a little Italian exile whose speakina eyes betray the longings of his heart. TERMS. $5 per year, in advance, with oil Chroinottjree. For FIFTIT CENTS EXTRA, the chromos will be sent, mounted, varnished, and prepaid by mail. THE ALDINE v'ü, hereafter,be obtainable only by subacript.ion. There will be no reduced or club rato; cash for subscriptionsinust be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local canvassers uñthoui r (spon sil ñlüy to the publishers, except in case, where the certifícate is given, bearing the lac-simile signature of James Sutton & Co, CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wifhing to act permanently as a local canvaseer will receive full and prompt inlormation by applyin to JAMES SUTTON & CO., PublUhers, 1452wS SSMaidenLane. New York. CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. ForwashingHorses, Cattle, Plgs, Dogs; Kllls Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Lloe on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sneep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheaper and better than all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse the Bkln from all Impurlties, CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES M A OTHER Salt-Rheum H I Cutaneout And all p Br DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. AfTords complete protectlon to pints, VInes, Trees, &c, from all Bugs, rleas, Plant Llce and Parasites. Without InJury to Vegetable Life. Never falle. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectlve cure and preventiva or Scab-lt kllls all Llce-Cads-Tlcks' etc The Increased growth and welght ot fleece encouraged by lts use more tha equals the cost of the dip. .. . Bdchan's Carbollc Soaps and Compounds alo. are genuine. All othere ara base imitations ■ orthlesa. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTSTREMAIJÍ & COLE, GROCERS AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS Xo. 30 East Huron Street. A full line of Groceries constantly on hand and for salecheap, including tíugars, Teas, Spices, &c. Country Produce Boufrht and sold. Bring in your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Fruits, &c. N. R. COIiE has established his Coal office at ths Btore of TRBMAIN & COLE, where all orders will be promptly attended to' 1438 T " STEARNS' eOCO-OLEIfiïE, A perfeol hair dressinff- not a dya nor ;i pegtorative, but a dzessiig, elegant "- r-" j iinl ooononiK r ■ " STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is oooiing to the ecaip, imparta a clelig'litlul seufto ol vilaiity i and BOKtneBB to- - "a iL-' Uoir. f I STEARNS' COCO-OLESNE, sv,i i tly ji'rfuiiH'd and limpid, reii'lovs the ho ploumi - - dreaaea it in any I !■-. .-. STEARNS' COCO-OLESNE, entirely vegetable oil, prevenís fchatdryuesa oí W h i i h ■■" cauaoa dandruit' f ■r'1 to Q camulate. '" _ STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE con óns in one lance botüe moie oil aiirt moro perfume _- !h;inniijollOT' - i hail i g in marset, and I i beBiai ■ ia -flve per cent leoa thaa most othti. STEARNS' COCO-OLEIN2Ï Wij' b'.'ii si' li niiie'.iMidurlioiisiiiib ■ urn hair, ilustroushrown and blfk '■■■.i Ir.ur, least ts the har huesa "r co irse hair, STEABMS' COCO-OL :iNE FEELESj- CEEMIST, IiETlïOIT, MICII. Bold CTorrwliBrc. Besurou ■! ;;. t Lhc Gennln Cocu-Olelm nHc.ij : , -.;,,. c " ' i ■■■ ' ■ ■ ('OCOlrillf. 'i OT U ' . oí itnowsold, i'Utnpu i muineasth makeri dai'Q ■ ■ ■ law. "POR SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well loated for rosidenees or business. Also several Mortyaires for salo. Inquiru of K. W. MORGAN. l2m! THE TRADING ASSOCIATION Would cali the ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF THE LADIES ft GENTLEMEN To the fact that they will offer their ENTIRE STOCK OF AND WOOLENS AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROM FORMÉR PRICES, On and after November 24th, 1873, FOR60DAYS For Cash. COIMSUMERS Will flnd thia thó GREATEST OPPORTUNITY Ever Known ! To make their ChristmaS PURCHASES FOR CASH. 2= COME AND SEE PRICES ! . W. HAYS, Supt. Ann Arbor, Nov. 24, 1873. 1454tf


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