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Mortgagc Bale. rjBFAULT having been made in the oondiHnnii t hearing date the rst day of FetaSrApJft and recordedlo the oüice of the Kejster o, De ',? wkleh mortgagettere is olaimed tobe due at 1, datethe ram of three th„us„n,i two handled S and hfty three dolían and fortyflri cents „1 dollar, as aAttorneT fee as provided fiÏÏdÏÏJS Sage.and no.uit orprooeeding at la ,„ „ 'ry having been instituí, ,1 torecovei the cured by ,,„, mortgage or any part thereof: w, öf"r ,;::." ?■ b nn ,„ lh,., ,i . . ,, ""ll!""l "i Mid mortgage, and ut the statuU taauehoase made and providtd, Baid moit, .., „, , Ja, Zn 2 tlie t;""t r-ioMtSlay S uttlmt Hv ,' i ' atlü" o'dotfcin theforenoou! ut .i,ii day at the outhdoor of the Court Hom of W, naw, aid CourtHonse being the plnceof '■■ theClrcuitCo,1rtfo1theSillCountyoiw„s !,„. sale, t public auction, tothehighesi bidaer „ V premises, deaoribed in said mortgage which mm mortgaged premian are describid m Sd mort.' ,Be „s iollows, viz: AU thoae traou or parcX5fX?d sitúate in t he township of of Ann Arbor, cou w and Slate afbresaid, to wit: The eaat hall o 1, northeast quarter of soetion eighteen, town 1, south, mnge six east ; and also a tiiant-ul.r pi, land oft the west half oí the ame quarter üecnon i ins eaxt of the road, mmeneiñgTt southeast corner of the west half of the oii 2artÍMeOÓf"?ÍÍ8í0tÍOn ',',Ud rVmii7 "SfiaS e st 8ide of the Ournwell road itwefve rods índ also quartcjr of section sevcntwn, oontainina ixty-six and ninety hundredths of an and also thS êisteorterr?"rCCl "' P "-■"""- east quarter of section soventeen ia said townvhin commencing at a „take and tonea in tte crater ' ?ortToñTrodlnteena"a runnin th';'''-i' v W ñft'v rods to ? ï"ke JBnd stones' thence "w ' h"'" lïuVonriver tí' '"' tOn(?8' tliene WeSt t0 the beïnnin Imrt Te mg Sllid rivt'r to the P'' of seventeen not to exceed twentj JrJs "ud alw the right of diKBing and BODittnctiig a mülraceOT tl e moat ehRible place or grounrt ou the tl ■ . "r , tion of tho southwest fractional quarteToTsect aeventeen, and at all times of repa ring -h1 k. . % rï withotherneeessarymachinery, and als,, ü , t otKr picceorparcel ofland on said lotion seventera "t0 wit: All the land between said race and the Hunm river and also all the land on said Southwest ftw tional quarter of section seventeen, between tha south line of the the road raming eaaterly from sa d river on the quarter line and a line parallel thereto eight rods distant on the south Bide of said road and quarter line, and also the right of making and k," ,' ing in repair at all times a tail race so callea from the mili on the premises above granted into the rwer at any point on the aaid southwest fractional miarter oí section seventeen, intending to convcy the mili and exclusive water power to run the saine, known js the Kellogg milis, and the righte, priTilegei and franchises connected therewith, exceptan and re serving from the foregoing the land heretófore boU by said McMahon to John L. Tappan Ann Arbor, Mich., October 23, 187S. 8ILAS H DOÜGLAÖS, Moii Felch & Gkant, Atty's for Mortgaget. Mortgage Sale. XlUEREAS Wright E. Mills and CkuMa F T Mills, of thetownship of Manchester, ,■„„„.'.' of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the lif teenth day of December, A. U. 1871, éxecuted a mortgage to Charles J. Howell of the city of Xew York, to secure the payment oi ceitain principafnnd interest money therein mentioned, which mo was rewirded in the omce ol Register of Deeda a the countyof Washtenaw and State ot Michigan on the eighth day of January, A. D, 1872, at 3 oH, k P. Liber48, page 12: And whereas, detault has been made for more than twenty days in I he r.av ment of an instalinent of said interest money wnii'h became due on the tirst day of January, A b in; by reason whcreof and pursunnt to the terms oi said mortgage, said mortgagee electa that so much of said principal as remains unpaid with ill arrea] interest thereonshall beoome due and payableinme. diately: And whereas there is claimcu lo be due aiid unpaid at the date of this notice the sin. oi ,,,', thousand six hundred and forty-nine dollars aml muety-two cents for principal and interest, also fifty dolíais as a reasonable solicitor orattorney fee therefor in addition to all olher legal costs, as otten as any prooeedings is taken to forecloee saidmoitgam either by virtue ot the above power of tale in cliaiicery or in any other ïnauner piovided by law, and nosuitor proceedings haring been instituted either m law or equity to recover the same or any p;lrt thereof; Notice therefoie is hereby given, that on .Saturday, the eixth day of December next, at two o clock in the afterno .,n of said day, al tl door of the Court House, in the eity'ot Ann Arbur [that benig the building in which the Circuit, for the couuty of Waahtenaw, and state aloresaid n held,) and by virtue of the power oi sal, Baid mortgage, I shall sell at publicnuctiou to tia highest bidder the premises deacribed in Baid mortgage, to sntisfy the ainc.uni of principul and in claimed to be Jue, with the attornej 't fee of i.i lars and charges of sale to-wil : ' All thore ceitain pieces or parcela of land eituated in the townshin o) Munchester, county of Washtenaw, and S; Michigan afoiesaid, known, bounded and describid as follows, to wit : Being the is; hall ofthenortfleast quarter, and the northeast qmutt-r of the scnitheast quarter, of sectiou nnmber thutv-, ne rexceirtmg one and a half act es of the last above dcpci-ibei piece ot land1; also the northeasl qnarter of tt,e southwest quarter of section number thirly-l wo, tic east half of the southeast quartei of Bectionm thirty, (3u) (excepiing sixty acres fiom the north end of the last above derenbeil piece of land); also all that part of the west half of the northweet quarter of section number thirty-two which lies south of the center of the highway above mentioned. and also fiomthe west side of the northeast qnarterofthe soulhwest quarter of said section, the two last paleéis of bind on seetion thirty-two contnining toitv. six and a half acres of land, and being th same laiid deeded by Oliver Nickols and hiswife to George U. Matthews in the spring of 18S9, all in lownship number four south of range number three east, and contnimng in all two hundred and twentv-flve acres of land. September lOth, 1873. John N. Gott, CHARLES J. HOWF.U, Attorney for Mortgagee. .Mor'; Mortgage Sale. DEFAt'LT haring been made in (he condifión of a cerlain mortgage, made and execut, ,1 by ooien Cook and Ann L. Cook, his wite, of the city of Ann A-rbor, Washtenaw County, and Stale of Michigan, to yilas K. L)ouglass, of the same pjaoe, bearilg date the nwt day of August, in the year of our Lora OM thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and r, ed in the office ot the Registei of Ueeds of the county of Washtenaw, in said State ot Michigan, on tl tirst day of August, a. p. 18U7, mliber 86 of mortgages, on page Mi, on which mortgage there is claimed to te due at tlie date oí this notice, tor principal and interest, the sum of two thou.-and tive hundred aud ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, togethei with an attorney fee of iifty dollars, as provid agreed should any proceedings be taken lor the foreclosureof said mortgage; and whereaa no pioceedings at law or in equity have been taken to recover the same or any part thêreof : Xow, therefore, notice ia hereby given that by virtue of the power of stle eontained in mortgage, 1 shall se.l at public auction to the hlghest bidder, on Monday, the ninth day oí February, a. n. 1874, at ten of the clock in the torenoon ot that day, at the soutli door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor and State oí' Michigan, that being the building in which the Circuit Court for tlie county of Washtenaw is held, the premises deseribed in said mortgage, or so muoh thereof as shall be necessary to satistv tlie amouut due on said mortgüge, the costa and expenses of said sale and tlie attorney fee as aforesaid ; tuú prenásae are described as follows, towit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known and desciibed as fdlows, to wit: lying in the township of Ann Arbor, and being part of the northwest quarter of section number thirty-three in township nuiuber two pouth of range number six east in said State, beginning in the east line of said quarter section at a point mixteen chains and lifty-three links soutii of the northeast coroer of said quarter section, and running thence south on said line five chainw and Öiirty-fivö links, thence south fifty-one and a-half degrees weet twenty-two chaina and eleven links to the center of the Ypsilanti road, thence noi-thwesterly aloBg Üm center of said road nineteen chains and" ninety-üvu links to a point eighteen chaina and seventy fivelink south of the north line of said section, thence east parallel to the north line of said section twenty chains and thirty-two links, thence north pnrallel to the west line of said aection six chain.s nn.l , tive links, thence east parallel to said north line nine chainsand forty-four links to the oast lin, of said qnarter section, thence south four chnins and thrM links to the place of beginning', and heins; the 8anW land deeded by Jacob Kempf to said ('ook, part? 'f the fir.--t part (to said mortgage) and the siune land described in two deed? to said Kempf i-pcimled in tlie Register' office, in said county, in liber Y ot ! I ou pftges 676 and 677, aud in liber No. 32 of deels at pages 508 and 559. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. S1LAS H. DOUiiLAPS, Mortgagec. Felch & Grant, Attorneys for Mortgiigee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT ha been made in the condition oí a oertaln mortgage made and executed by 8olon C ook, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wushtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Aclelaide Lewitt, of the eame place, hearing date the first daj' of May, in the yearof our Lord one Üu i hundred and sixty-seven, and recorded in tlie office of the liegisterof Deeds of si'id county of Waal tonaw.on thcseventh dity of May, a. D. i807, in libet 3ÍJ of mortgages, on page 491, and wbich was transferred and assipned by said Adelaide Lewitt to biiaa H. Douglttss, of said city of Ann Arbor, by :ui inatrunient of assignment dnly exeonted, acknowledged and delivered by her, beaiing date the twentyflfth day of April, a. d. 187t, and remorded in tb1 office of siiid Register of Deeds, on the day laat afore sjiid,in liber 2 of assignments of mortgagea, o a page 501 ; on which mortgtige there is clairaed to be due at the date oí this notice, for principal and interest, the aum of fifteen hundred and thirty-ñve dolíaforty-one cents, together with an attorney fee of twenty-five dollars, as provided lor in said moi should any proceedms be taken to foreclose thi and wheieaa no proseedings at law or in equity have been taken to recover the same or nny part thereoi : Now, therefore. notice is hereby iventhnt, by virtDfl of the power of sale contained in said mortg-nge, I shallaell at public auction, to'the highest bidder, on Mouday the ninth day of February A. P., 18! ten of the clock in the forenoon of that day, at tbe south door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw and Ltatf of Michigan, that the building in whieh the Ciicuit Court for the county-of Washtenaw is held. Uw premises descnbedin saidniortgage,orsoniucli there of as shall be neeessary to satisfy the ninoiint doe or aaid mortgage, the costs and expensesof said BSle and the attomeys fee as af oresaid. said premises are describ ed as follows, to wit : All those certain tracts or part cels of land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known and described as theeast three-fourths of lot number six fi) and the west half of lot number seven (7), in blockonefl) north of range six (íi) eaat aooording to the recorded plat of the village of Ann Arbor in snid county of Washtenaw. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. BILA8 H. DOU0LA8, Assignee of süid Mortgage. Felch & Gbant, Att'ys. for said Assignee. Sheriff 's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of O By virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court i'or the county of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, in favor of Julius Robinson and Louis Laxnbert, plaintiföi and against the goods and chattels, landi and tenements of Mosos Marks, defendant therein named, I did on the seventeenth dny of Octoher, 1873, levy on the following described real estáte, to wit : Lots number two (2í, four (4J, six ((}, and eitrht f8), in block number flve {.i; in Orrnsby & Page'e addition to the villaire fnow city) of Anii Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, which property above described I ahall expose for sale to the hit?hest biddor, at public auction, at the south door of the Court House, in tliP city of Ann Arbor, in Washtennw county, on Saturday, the twentj -seventh day of December, 1S73, at Io'clock M. of said day. Dated, November 10, 18T3. M. FLEMIXG. Sheriff, 1452td By G. VT. Bhown, Deputy Sheriff.


Old News
Michigan Argus