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The Irish Home Rule Government

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The following are the resolutions proposed during the sittings of thé Itish Home Rule Conference, which met in Dublin on the 18th of last month : 1. That as the basis of the proceedings of this Conference we declare our conviction that it is essentially necossary to tho ueaco and prosperity of Ireland that the right of domestic legislation on all Irish affAirs shonld be restored to our countrT 2. That, solemnly reasserting the inalienable right of the Irish people to selfgovernment, we declare that the time, ir our opinión, has come when a combinec and energetic eft'ort should be made to obtain the restoration of that right. 3. That, in accordauce with the ancien' and constitutional rights of the Irish nation, we claim the privilege of inanaging our own affairs by a parliament assemblee in Ireland, and composedof the Sovereign the Lords, and the Couimons of Ireland 4 That in claiming these rights anc privileges for our country, we adopt the principie of a federal arrangement which ' would secure to the Irish parliam nt the right oí legislating for and regulating al! raatters relating to the internal affaire oi Ireland, while leaving to the Imperial Parliament the power of dealing with all questions affecting the Imperial Crown and Government, legislation regarding the colonies, and other dependencies oi the Crown, the relations of the empire with foreign states, and all inatters appertaining to the defence and stability of the empire at large, as well as power ot granting and providing the supplies necessary for imperial purposes. 5. That such an arrangement does not involve anychangein the existing constitution of the Imperial Parliament, or aoy interferentie with the prerogatives of the Crown, or disturbance of the principies of the constitution. G. That to secure to the Irish people the advantages of constitutional government it is essential tbat there should be in Ireland an administration for Irish affairs, controlled according to constitutional principies by the Irish parliament, and controiled by ministers constitutionally respousible to that parliament. 7. That in the opinión of this Conference a federal arrangement, based upon these principies, would consolídate the strength and maintain the integrity of the Empire, and add to the dignity and power of the imperial Crown. 8. That while we believe that in an Irish parliament the rights and liberties of all classes of or countrymen would lind their best and surest protection, we are willing that there should be incorporated in the federal constitution articles supplying the amplest guarantees that no change should be made by that parliaraent in the present settlemeut of property in Ireland, and that uo legislation shall be adopted to establish any religious ascendincy in Ireland, or to subject any person to disabilities on account of his religious opinions.


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