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ANS AltBOR, ThUIÏSUAY, DeC. II, 1873. Apples- Green, 40@60c. Botter- 25c. Beef - From wagon, $4.50@5.50. Cobn- Old 55- New 25c. perbu. Chickens - Dressed 6@8c Deessed Hogs,- 5.00@6.00 iGs- Command 20@23c. Hat - $15@20 per ton, according to quality. Honey - lu cap, 22@25c. Lard - The market, 8!c. Onionb- Í1.0O. Üats- 35@37c. Potatoep- New SOignoc. TuitNirs- 30@4(!c. White $1.S5@1.4O; Amber 1.25@1.30 Detroit Live Stock Market. From the Detroit Free Press. Michioan Centkal Cattle Yards ) Monday, Dee. 8. The shiprnents of live stock continue to flow from the sources noted last week, those from the ' Northwestern región having been totally sus pended since the effects of the panic became thoroughly extended. Stock from that región entered actively into competition with State ofierings at this time last year, furuishing nearly all of the extra choice class in the mirket and stocking the market to overflowing. The absence of this stock is attributed to the decline in poultry nicats, whieh are held so cheaply as to lessen the demaud for other choice meats. State operators are highly satisfied with the present state of things, though it must be said that producers in the Northwest, remote from the homo market, are just now the real sufferers. The receipts for the past week and correspoudins week last year were as follows : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Week ending December 8, 403 3,880 1,195 Week onding Dec. 9, 1872, 920 8,1.50 4,250 Total 1,:)28 12,030 5,445 Xo through cattle from Chicago, and 1,453 hogs were received, against 1,634 of the previous week. CATTLE. The market was liberally supplied with a choice stock, ranging evener than at any market luring the season. Sales were active, competition being very brisk, and prices advanciug thereunder. The choicest lots, averaging 1,000 rad 1,203 brought $4 25 and the outside figure 84 50. MeJium qaalitie3 sold mostly by the head at ?3 50, and the poorest at $Z 53 per hun-lred. Koe & Phillips had four head ot Christinas cattle, fetl by William Cjx, of Bjtttle Creek' which averaged over 1,500 each. They were sold at a private figure to Samuel Andrews, of this city. They were, in point of quaüty, the Snest in market for the season, and reflocted credit on the State, Shipments opened lively thig morning under advice3 from markets there. The offermgs were exclusively from the State, and showed a marked improTement. HOOS There is no abatement in the supply, all quatitie being taken and good satislaction prevailiug. More confilence in tlie market is'prevalent, large consignments being forwarded without fear of a reductiou of prices. Packers' lots selected. brought $4 40 to 4 50; mixed lots, $4 25, and light weights $4. Packers receive large consignments from Chicago, besides tnosn from the State, which shows how extensive the packuig business is becoming here. Prices ranged the same week last year from $3 50 to Y3 85. SHEEP. Continue active, with an upward tendency in the price. Competition was als} very brisk, makmg market affairs in this particular quite lively. Choice smooth lots, averaging 85 to 95 pounds, bronght $4 25 to 4 50. Medium grades and mixed lots ran to S4, though fiuer grades were more sought after. The best qualities at this time last year brought only $3 75 to 4, which speaks well for the present season. Kino's Cattle Yaeds, Detroit, Monday eveuing, Dec. 8. $ CATTLE, The principal offerings were of quite inferior quality this morniiig, and the tendency of prices was to higher ruling, dealere varying in their opinions trom l-4c to l-2c higher than last week for the best lots offered. Sales were principally by the head, underthe following quotationa : Choico beeves, young, large, well fattened, weighing from 1,200 to 1,400 lbs. ?3 75 o 4 00 Good beeves, woll fattened, steers and hoifers, averagiug 1,050 to 1,100 lbs, 3 00 a 3 50 Medium grades, fair steers, averagmg 950 to 1,050 lbs., 2 50 a 2 72 Working cattle, well fattened, averaging 1,000 to 1,500 lbs., 3 25 a 3 50 Cows, commou to choice, 3 00 a 3 2,3 Common stock, medium steers, and fair to extra cows, in docent flesh, 800 to 1,000 lbs., 2 25 a 2 75 Thin cattle, a 2 25


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