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SECOND STOCK - OF - FALL & WINTER QOODS I Now being received by BACH k ABEL HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE ÓF THE GREAT DEPRESSION EXISTING IN THE EAST.EEN MAEKETS BY MAKING LAEGE CASH PUECHASES. WE AEE NOW ENABLED TO OFFEE OUE LAEGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DEY GOODS AT GEEATLY EEDÜCED PEICES. 2W BUYEES WILL CONSULT THELR INTERESTS AND EXAMINE OUE STOCK BEFORE MAKING PUECHASES. BACH & ABEL. ___ books. _ _ BOOKS J. B. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STQEE JiEAR THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALI. i BOOKS. - . - _: - . - I ÜL.C.RISDON'S ADVERTI3EMENT. m Now is the time to buy S PARLOR & HBAT1N6 STOVES. ■ I uill sell them at COST until further notice. i So. 81 S. Main St, Aun Arbor. TAMRS MoMAHON, Justicc of the Peace, Office in new block, Nortli of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSTXR.A.ZSrCÍC A&KNT. Trlumph, asBets, $T2T.9O3.11 Nortn Missouri, " 45,417. M Hibernia, " 85U,0OO.OU RKAL K9TATK. I have 8 acres t land 'í of a mile from the city iniitü, rtnely locatod for fruit or garden purposes. Algo 4o acres. Also 10 acres, with h"nae and barn.and a Hvel stream of waterrunninthrungh the barn yard. 60 acres, a mllconl 1 wlll sell aoy or all the abovegchoap, or exchanse for cit property. 1874yl JAMES McMAHON. WAGNER The One-Priced Clothier ! Has recentlyenlargcdhis store and has just received and offers to the public the larffest Btock oí MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOYS' Ready-Made Fall and Winter . CLOTHING! Ever brought within the County of Washtenaw.- These Roods were boujfht tor cash, und will be sold at the lowest possiblu catíh price. AT WAONER'S. Also coustanlly on hand a fine line of Foreign and Dumcstic Cloths, Cassimeres and Yestings All in great variety, which will be made up to order and warranted tom. AT WAONEE'S. A complete and large stock of ■ Gents' Furnishing Goods of every description, lower than ever. AT WAGNER'8. TRLTNKS AND VALI9ES of various tyles and makes. AT WAGNER'S. GOOD PAPER COLLARS only 8 ets. per box. WM. WAGNEK. 51 South Main St., Ann Arbor JL B. GIDLET, Succesaor to COLGItOVE 4 SON. DRUGGI8T AND dllST IN COOKS NEW HOTEL, No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN DRl'OS, IDEDICIKES, SIRGICAL HSTRI m:TS, PCRË UhlS .1 Yl LiqiOftS, (FGR MEDICAL PÜRPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Pertumery, PAINTS, OILS, V AIÍ.M ISIIKS, ÍI.ASS AND PIJTTY PDYSICIAHS PBESCBIPTIOKS Carefally componnded at all honrs. PROPO-E NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS G00D AN ARTICLE Bé it. (.iiihï. lMTtf


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Michigan Argus