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VIICHHIAX CENTRAL RAlLROiliW1XTÏB TlitE TABLÏ. 'ei tidiii now leave tiif severil BtutlulisSiis GOING WBST. iTATÍOHfc. W f í o rt s, o ; x S a k e - w e, A. M. A. M. P. M. r. M. 1'. M. 1". M. Detroit, lea ve, T 19 10 is 1 45 -1 00 i 4 10 30 iTpsilanti, 8 4a 11 it 3 "2 5 30 ; lo a. iu. AnnArbOT, 8 Oüill 48 3 21 5 50 7 45 12 05 Dextcr, 9 S5 8 41 0 25 8 Hl ïhelsca, :) Si 4 00 ■ 80 :.ake, ld IS i'. w. 4 ss' 9 ui' - Jackion, 10 ,55 1 05 S 05 9 35 1 30 Calamasoo, 2 i 3 4ii 8 20 12 26 Jhicago arrivi . h :;d !. ..u c 30 ,i 30 GOINii KAKT. f ! é i .. -e m "a gig g vk I ij_ J!_L áj A. M. A. M. V. K. P. M. Ihicegu, lenve, 5 (I s 90 ; 6 16 9 00 1'. M. A. M. A. M. Culaiuiizim. 11 05 1 IS 5 00 ! 2 15 Tnckson. S 3Ó: 3 5S! 8 00 2 30 4 45 hnasLakc, i M5 : 8 30, Jbelsea, II 24 : 8 63J a. m. lexter, S 41 ;i 09 ! 6 25 Ann Albor, 4 05 5 03 9 S 1 55 6 00 8 SS Ypsilnnti, 4 25 5 22 10 03 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50 0 25 1 1 20 3 30 7 25 8 45 The Atlantic and Pnciflc Express run between raokson anil Nile on the Air Line. l)ull,S"ov. 2. 1873 DÊTEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAIT.EOAD. GOINO WEST. -1873 - GOiyG EAST. STATIONS. Mail. Exp.1 STATIONS. Kxp, Mail. Detroit, dep... ' ' ' 4:'oo' MY]wüinti 10:S0 6:15 Bankers P:30 2:15 Saline, 1:00 6:43 Hillsdule 7:05 2:30 Brid(rewnter..'l:l8 7:00 Manchester.... 8:33 4:08 Manchester.. ..11:38 7:18 Bridgewuter . . 8:5" 4:28 p.M. Saline 9:05 4:45 Hilladale 1:20 8:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankers. 1:30 9:00 Detroit 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Vinepjar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "'Tonics," Appetizers," " Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a trtie Medicine, made from the native roots and herbs of California, free from all AlcoholicStimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Principie, a Perfect Renoyator and Invigorator of the System, carrying o(T all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body. They are easy of administration, prompt in their action, certain ia theif results, safe and reliable in all forms of disease. Xo FersOn ca tak these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital orgaus wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or Indigestión. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomafch, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Biliotis Attacka, Palpitation of the Heart, 1 nrtammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidnevs, and a himdred other painful tymptomR, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. In these complaints jt haa no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits tlian a lengthy advertisement. For Feinale Complaints, in young or oíd, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an infiuencc that a niarked iniprovement is soon perceptible. For Inflanimatory anti Chronic liiieiimatisuk and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Bilious, Rernittent and Inteimittent Fevers, 13iseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidnevs and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangeraent of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gcntle Purgat ive as well as a Tonic, possessinj; also the peculiar nierit of acting as a powerful agent in ïelieving Congestión or Infiammation f the Liver aud Visceral Orgaus, and ín lïiiious DiseasesFor Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, SaitRheum, lïlotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, CarInincles, Rmg-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorationsof the Skin, Hu mors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally du; up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convmce the inost iucredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pi infles, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it wheu you iïnd it obstnicted and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it wheu it is foul ; your feelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the healih of the system will folio w. Grateful thoiisands proclaím Vinf.gar Bitters the most wondeiful Iuvigorant that ever sustained the sinlcin system. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist : There is scarcely an individual upon the face of the earth whose body sexempt from the presence of worms. It is not ti pon the healihy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased hu mors aud slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of Medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, will nee the system fiotu worms Hke these Bitters. Rlechanlcal Diseases, Persons engaged Ín Paints and Mineral, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minen, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To gtiard against tln's take a dose of Wai.ker's Vinegar Bitters ouce or twice a week. as a Preventíve. Bllious. ReinlUeut, and Intermlttent %Pevers, wliich are so prevalent in the valleys of our great nvers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cmnberland. Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannali, Roanoke, James, and mauy others, with their vast tributarias, turoughout our entire country during the Summer and Autmnn, and vemnrkably so during seasons of unusunl heat and dryness, are invariably accopfipaoied by extensive derangements of ihe stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera, There are always inore or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torpor of ihe bowels, being clogged up with viliated accumulations. In their treatment, a purgative, exeriing a powerful influence upon these various organs, is essentially necessary. There is no catliartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. Walksk's Vinegar Bitters, as they will speeclily remove the dark-coliïred viscid mniter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive orgnns. Scrofiila, or KinVs Kvil, While Swelnngs, Ulcers, Erysí pelas, S weiled Neck, Goiter, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflainmationsp Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Wai.ker's Vinegar Bitters have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate Fhd intractable cases. Dr. Walker's California Vinegar Bitters act on all these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove the cause, and byresolvmg away the effects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the atfected parts recetve liealth, and a permanent cure is effected. Tiie propertles of Dr. Wai.kkr's Vinegar Bitters are Aperient. Diaphoreiic and Carminative, Nutricious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Couuter-Irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Iïilious. The Apcrtent and mild Laxative properties of Dr. Walkhr's Vinkgar Bitters are the best safeguard in all cases of eruptions and maliguant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing projierties protect the hútnors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, .colic, cramps, etc. Their Irritant intluence extends throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kidneys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Auti-Bilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secretion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure oí Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Korlify the body against disenso by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemie can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease-proof by thïs great iavigorant. Directions. - Take of the Bitters on going to bed at night from a half to ona and one-half wine-glatsfull. Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely vegetable ingredients, and contain no spirit. J. WALKER, PropV. R.H. McDONALD&CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor. of Washington and Charkon Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERSBUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Hlock, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. Studeiits can enter any time after Aug. 31st. Cali aud examine facilities for 8tudy at our very pleaiant and nwly furniahed rooms 1441tL JTJESIRABLE REAL ESTÁTE ron SALE! The tubscnber, olí account of iil tteulth offvra his 33 ackks Ib thé eorporation for wle, TMaground iidjoins the Universit) Obüurvulury on the east, ojiposite sitio oí th o strci't. It has ti most excellent SPRING ! Ou the uurtheust tormerly supplied the IiailrOfld tanks with water. ITS ADVAWTAGES Are as folio ws: Foroity Turposes the Hurón líiver meandersthe saine dome 30 tO 40 roda, and ia part oí the best "W"atér Power On the Hiver in this vieinity, and the elevation on the íiortheiiHt córner is sutíiciently high and ampie to sup ply the city necessitie í'or water and flre pui-poses' THE WESTERN PORTION On the road ia very appropriate and suítable for a l'ublic City Cerne tery. The city has no such grounds now but must have soon, and whatever {rrounda the city does not care to use, can be 8old at an advantage 80 mueh so,that the coat of the Water Works grounds and ( emetery, would be merely nominal. Tf the city does not want the same, ihe grounda would be invaluable lor FRÏÏ1TS, LARGE & SMALL There being some 100 trees now in bearing Vegetables and Pasturage. And also for MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK Horses, Mieep, And otlitïr animáis alwaya in great want by many in the city and ita vicinity. As city íots adjoininyth nor th west corner of this land are now selling from threehundred to three hundred and tifty dollars these lands would or could be sold in a short time to g-ood advautage and to muck profit to the purchasere LIBERAL TIME Will be given or the eamewill be exchanged for Mer ehautable goods or Drugs and Medicines, at cas! pricei. TRACY W. ROOT. A.nn Tan 31 lT:i. 1411 L. C. RISDON SELLS PEKRY&CO.'S Nö. 9 Net Aicricii COPPER LI'UD IR0N-CLA.D RESERVO iF, FULL TRIMMBD, FOR $6O! OtherStoves in proportlon il OU TH MAIN ST. AXK AEBOE. I446tf pHA M BER 8' ENCYCLOPiEI )IA. A DICTIONAUT OF Universal Knowledge for the People. RKVIÖKD KDITION. WITH Mnps, [-'lates, anti Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of S32 pa;;cs e.ich Illudralct! wüli about Fnur Thousand Engravings am Fortt Maps, toyetltcr with a Series qf from Êighty Lo Önf Jlnudred Elegantly EngraetA Platet - aiastrative of Ou Sirhj'cts of Natural Histoiy - now for the fikst time appearing in tke WirK-. TRICE PER VOLUME. Eïtni ('loili, beveled boiirds, - - t S1 Librar? Sheep, marbleil edpea, - - 6 ft Hiüf l'urkoy Morocco, - - - (60 Tms Edition is Sold onlt by Agents Publisli.'d bj J. Bi LU'I'ISTCOTT & CO., Fhila delphia, Pu. SYLVANVS WARBEN, 19 Wbodward Avenue Detroit, Oeimral Ageut tor the Stut of Michinu. By oomparing Chumbera1 Rnoyolopsedia with the New American l'ycloptedia,- the work with which i is most ín quL'inly brought into compurison, it wil be found Unit while llie im volumes of Chumbera coutuin 8820 pages, the original tixtten vohiuaes ot the New American contajn l&xs thun 12,000 pafyes. I' will als. be found thiU h p.te oí ('liambers' contnins fUll one-Jlftli more matter tlian a pag-e of the New Aineri.ütii, makiug tlip ten volumes of the tormer equivalent in amount of prlBted matter to at least thirteen volttmeB tt the lutter, not to mention the numeruus Platea (about 80), Woodouts (some 4 000) and Mapa (bout 40), that are included in this edition of Chambers', and to whioh the New American pos sesses no corrcspoiidintr features. It is confldently believed that as a popular " Diotionaby of Univerbax Knowi.rdge," the work is without an equalin the Englinh üraguage. 1426yl sV LECTURE TO 8' TtTOTJISrO 3VEEIST. Just published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 ets. A l.i'cture ou tlie Nature, ï'reatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Weakneas, Involuntary Emisaious, Sexual Debility, aud Impedimeuts to Marnage gnncrully ; Nervousuess, CoiiBumption, Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Phvsical Iiirapucitv. resultiiig from Abuse, etc. iliy EOBKETJ . OULVEEWELL, M. D., Author of the "Oreen Book," &c. ,...., The world-renown author, in this admirable Tecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Abuse may be etfectually removed without medecine, aud without danerous iureioal operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure at once certaln and efloctual by which every suíferer, no matter whut his condition may be, may cure himself oheaply, privately and rudically. THIS LECTURK wii't; prove a boon to thousands and thousafds. Sent under seal, to any addrefla. in a plam sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or Iwo postagu stani])M. Also Dr. Coi-vehwell's "Mamage Ouide, priee, 50 cents. Addrcss the Publishera, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. 1 2T Bowery, New York, I'ostoHice Box, 1 58(1. 14;iGyl HURRY UP ! PAUXIES wishing Wall Paper. Cloth and Paper Shades. Hollands, WIndow I'M.ttnres, Conie. Taeeels. tc, all New Stvles. at Satlsfactorj Prlces. by J. H. t elxtpr & Co., li ok -lore, near the Express Office. x xl ■ ARGUS BULLETIN ! WANTED 2000 NEW SUBSCRIBERS WANTED. More Merchants and Business men, who knowing their own interests will advertise in the AltGUS. GET YOUR BILL-HEADS, CIRCULARS, LETTER-HEADS, STATEMENTS, Át tüe Ancua Office. GET YÜUE BALL CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, At the A gras Office. GET YOUR LAW BÍ.ANKS, LAW BRIEF, LAW RECORDS, PROGRAMMES, AT THE ARGUS OFFICE. NewJType, Best Presses, Good Workiiun, ANO REASOKABL PRICES ! - A WORD TO THE WISE.


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