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ll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllill!llllliriill!'llir.ll'"!i!r3!!IPI'liill'lllllllllllllllBI OUR ABSTRACT BOOKS ! Aa partially indicated above, are now posted to date. They at once, iu a condensed or postud form, show the orignal chain and idl naw chains of title. Inatanee, such un AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, Known as Tax-Titles, which are very numerous in thÏH County, Decrees, Contracts, Deeds ! "WILLS, 3cO, Alto, now as well as all of the oíd undischnrLed Mortgafjes hh fiir back as 1824- which are legión. Persons tftkinz title or mortgages and Hens will remember that Tax-Titles and other collateral muitere are not fonnd in the usual mode of aearch by Indexes at the Register's office. The books or lioers in the Register's office have becomeso numerous and voluminous that long time ia necessarily required even to muke a haal y and unreliftble search. With ourfacilities we aay to the public that we can show them title and Title History, make Deeds, Mortguges, Assignments, Discharges, &c, as correetly, quicker and in , better style than any other office in the County. We have MONE7 TO LOAN ! On Bond and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchanged. HOUSES TO RENT. 33 aeree oppoaite the Observatory íor sale in iots to snit purch osera . ROOT & LEITER, Real Estáte Agents, No. 1. Gregory Block , Thacï W. Root, and opposlte the Poetoffice. ÜHABLES A. L.EITF.K. UlÜtf JMm (O %3JÊ SLIKT Gr of tlxo BXiOOXS THE MOST THOBOUGH FURIFIKR OP THB BLOOD TET IHSCOVEUED. - CUKES ALL HUMORS,JFROM A COMMON ERÜPTION TO THE WORST SCROFULA. m By lts use Cáncer are enred, and Canccrous tumors are dispersod without the surgeon's knife- Scrofula conquered, aud Consomption prevetited and cured. Tenereal Dlseates, Mercurial and Minera] Poisons, and their effeets eradicated, and vigoroua health and a sound constitution established. Femalo WcakncM and Dlseaae; Dropsy, general or partial; Swellings. esternal or nternal; and Tumors are reduced aud dispersed iu a very Bhort time, k ■ Kr j uipelas, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, and Fever Sores are soon removed by this powcrful detergent medicine. Scorbntlc Dlseases, Dandrnfl", Scalyor Rough Skin, and Pimples quickly give way, leaving the skin smooth and fair. Cbronic Dlseases, Fevcr and Agne, Disordered Liver, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Nervous Affections, General Debility, in short, all the nnmerouB diseases caused by bad blood are conquered, and give way before tbis moet powerful corrector, tUe King ol the Blood. Eaeh bottle containa between forty and fiftj ordinary doses, costing only one dollar. Froin one to fonr or tive bottle will cure Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Pimpleï on the Face, Bilea, ordinary Eruptions, etc. Front two to eight bottles will cure Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, ülcers, Sores, and Canker in the Mouth and Stomach, Erysipelas, etc. Front two to ten bottle will restore healthy action to the Liver and Spleen, will regúlate the Bowels and Kidneys. From two to lx bottle will be found ef" fectual in curing Neuralgia, Sick-Headache, St. Vitus' Dance, and Epilepsy. From live to tnrelve bottles will cure the worst cases of Scrofula. From tnree to twelve bottles will care severe and obstinate cases of Oatarrh. From tiro to tour bottles will cure tht worst cases of Piles, and regnlate Costive Bowels. From two to ten bottles will cure bad cases of Dropsy. Prlce $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. Solc by all Druggists. fr, D. R VVSOÍ1, SON & CO., Propr's, Bnffalo, JÍ. Y, See testimoniáis in local column. 1ÍJÍN I o. o. :dWhenflretL. COLBY hung hissign Ot C. O. I).- At No. '29, And otfered Groceries cheup for cash, Some peoplesaid, " he's bound to go to smash. And old-time Grocera would faintly smile, lrophesying "CO. D. will last but little while. En sixty days we'll run him oif the track. And cali our wandeling customers back." The croiikers said and thought it true, 'He'll surely l:til before ihe year ia New ! You can't sell Groceries in this town And got youvpay in reenbacks down; Where dry tfoods merchante on eveiy street With silkh and sutins, liang1 out chickena to eat ; Where trade is mixed in every place, At the same counter yon buy butter or hice ; Where credit und loss go hand in hand. Mr. 0. O. D. but u slim chance will stand." Tiet prophets nnd crookers have their say, L.OOLBYaellsGRüCEillKSonlyfürREADYPAY, And sells so cheap tor daily cash He fears no danger of a smash. And to bis pations all, and business friendB, The greetiog of the seusoo ho extends, To young and oíd, a lad New Year, With hosls of friends and lots. of cheer! Give him a cali, and from his store Your tnbleB spread with good things more. At that place you willalways rind l'resli ntw Groceries ot best quality and kind- Kverythintf needful for good cheer at home You c;m buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, To inention details would weary the printer. But aak if you choose for anything e.itable, You get it ut once, in quality unbeatuble I For hunffry men wlio re weary and cold, He has Oysters hot, Oystern that must besold - Oysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And tlie best of cigars to smoke on your way. A dish oí' hot Oysters will do you mueh good. And cheer you while selling your grain or wood. And with Cfish in hand lay in a store Of Coffee, Tea, Sxtgar, Flour and ïuany more, Of all things substantial lor daily use, Nor treat tue'a good things with abuse ; Croekery and Qrassware and Fruit s to put in them, Nuts, Kuisins, and Candy, for children wlio win thtm And ye who are blessed with their beautiful faces, Will tind [2D] the best of all places, To buy a trine, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your pleasure. than tlioirs, will be greater by half Then do not íorget to cali on Mr. C. O. D., And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea. TboQgh the big Q) a may fall from its place, The C. O. I. J" store is still on the race. And does not iutend to üy from the eourse Till croakers of evil talk themselveshoarse. Groceries can be sold for re ad y pay. And U. OollDy has lea raed the way 8old five times more than he expected- By 0. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not af raid to teilKeep the best of all things- with pricea low- be good natured, gi'e good measure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! Keal Estáte for Sale. j STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washrenaw, I as. In the matter of the eatuto oí' (íeorge Youngv i Senior. Notice is hereby given, thrtt in pursuance ( in order grnnted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte of said deceiised by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County of Washrenaw, on the twent -flrst day of October A. D. 1873, there will be sold J n't public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the residence of the underaigned in the townsliip of Lyndon, in the county of Washtenaw in said State, on Saturday the thirteenth day of December, A. D. 1873, at 10 o'cïock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all o cumbranoes by mortfyage or otherwise „, isting at the time of the death of said deceased, .. and also subject to the riprht of dower oi the widow of f Baia deceased therein] , the following deseribed rel estáte, to wit : The west hall of thenorth eoet quarter of section twenty. in town one nouth, range three east, in said State, containing eighty acreB. more or ' lesa. f THOMAS YOUN, Adminiitrator. Dated, Oct., 21st, A. D. 1878. Estáte of Jtseph Cran8. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtenaw ,s9. At a session of' the Probate Court íor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City oí Anu Arbor, on Monday, the seventeenth day ol Novcmlier, in the ve.-ir one tlionsaud eifrht hundird inri KventY-three. I'ivwnt, nal, W. Cheever, Judge oí Probate In the muttei of the estáte of .loseph Crime deaeuMd. David Depue Had Willium E. Grane, admití■tratara of siiid estáte, come into coun mid it-ureíent that they :ne prermred to renilei thcii faal ifoount :t Mteh uHninistintois. Thereupon it is ordered, thai Monday, the iifteenth day of Decembei noxt, a1 ter o'clook in the forsuoon, ue aiwiyned forexnminiafj atid itlUrwing Buch aooouut, iirirt that the ln'ii .i( luw of said deceascd, Miid M other pemorm iirterested in siiid estáte, are required to appear ut u mmíoh oí said Court, then to ha holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Albor, In eaid eotiuty.and show .mum, ifanytbere be, why tlieuud account hould not, be iillowid: And it 6 further ordered. thal anidadminiatrntorBgivenotioetotheperaonsintcrtstedrnsaid "Mtate. of thepeudeneyofaaidaocouni .and theheitrinp thereof , by causinp a copy of thi order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and eirculating in aiu County, three sucoe.ssive weeka previous to said day of hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVKK, 145S Judge of Probate. Estáte of Susan H. W])es, minor. TATli OP MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. Al asflasHHLOf the Probate Court for thecounty of Waahtenaw, holden at the l'robnte Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, on .Monday, the tonth day of November, in the year one thousaud ei(fht hundred and seveuty three. Present, Noah W. Oheever, .Tudpeof Probate. In tho matter of thê estáte of Husan H. Welles, minor. On roadinr nnd flling the petition, duly verilied, of Silaa H. Douglaaa, (uardiuu, praying that he may be liuensed to sell certain real catate belongiuir to aid minor Thereupon it is ordered, that Tucsday, the ninth day of December next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aasrgned for the hearing of said petition, and that the ne.xl of kin of said minor, and all other persons interestc-d in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to ba holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayei of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a oopy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspnper printed and circulating in said oounty, three succefssivo weeks previous to said day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.) NOAH VV. CHEKVKR, 1152 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Almy S. Lund. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss O At a session of the Probate Court for the Countv ei Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Wedneisday, the twenty-sixth day oi November, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. Present, Nouh W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Almy a. Lund, deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly verined, ol Charleb II. Richmond, praying that a certain instrument now on tile in this court, purporting to be tht last will and testament of siad deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that he and Frederick D. Richmond may be appointed Kxecutors theieof. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentysecond day of December next, atten o'clock in the foit noon, be assigned lor the hearingof said petition, anc devisees.legutees, and heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are re quired toappeai ata session of snid Court, then te be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Anr. i Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why tbc piayer of the petitioner should not begranted : And i is further ordered, that said petitiouer give notice t the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency o said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing i copy of this order to be published in the Michigai Argus, a newspaper printed and circulating in sail County, three successive weeks previous to said da' of hearing. (Atiuecopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVEE, 14-')4 Judge of I'rouate. Sherifï's Sale. STATKOK MICHIGAN, Washtenaw County, ss By virtue oí a writ of execution fsaued out ot ani under the Seal oí the Circuit Court for thecounty o Washtenaw, nul to me directfd iind delivered againa the i;oods, ehüttles, hmds, and temments of Mer chant H. Goodrioh, I have thin lSth day of Novtmb i [ A. D., 1373, aeized and levied upon all fhe right, titl and interest Mejchnni n. tïoodrieh hits in tmd to th folloiring lands. lo wit: lots number two, three iour, hve. iind six, and west halt ot lots .even ai. eight, blode one uoi th, range live tast, txcepting tt: feet rff the wesr huif of Iota sevcn nnd eight, also ex ( cept forty-fonr i tt Ir nt i n Fouith Mriet, by oii , hundred and ten ii a dcep, ( ö s. utl-wtst torne , of said ots, all iii tbecil ol Aun Axbn.Tí nfht nn . coimty. State of Michigan, wliich abovo desciil prop-rt) 1 stal! txpo.e li r sale at auctioit, to Ui highisl bidder Kt the oirli door ot the Cour t House, in ihe city of .Min Arbor, on the third da ofjunuíny, . D.1874 Dated, Ann Ai ol', Nov 1!', 1-73. UóStd 11. FLEMING, Uheriif. Shtrifr Sni. ■ VTA1E OF MICHluAN, oounty of Wuahtennw, sí By virtue ol nn üxecution issneil out oí' and un ' der si-ai oí the Circuit Coiirt tor the county o Vasliten;iw, to me directCd :md duhA'eivd,. ni lavo oí John Geei. pittintitf. and (tgainbt the gueds ani chattels, landa and tenementa oí Mose Maiks, de leiuhint tlieioin itained, l did on tl ie éeveatemth da; 1 of uctober, I8ïii,levy un fche iollowiny decribed rea ' estafe, to wit : Iots nnmbertwo '2 , tour '4j, six (6] ai'd eiíílit fj, in block nuxnber íie ñ) i Ormflb; & Pngea ndtHHon to il.' villajfe fnow city of Am Arbor, WashteiniwcoDuty, MícIiÍkmu, which proper . ty above describí d 1 s} uil ex]iof tor Milt' to the high ' est bidder, al public auction, at tbe r-outh door of tli 1 CQurt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, m Wshte naw cuumy, on fatoraay, the iweiity-se-nth da; of December, IS"!, at ten o'clock in ihe foreuoon o ■ said diiy. ■ Dated, Nov. 10, 1870. ?.:. FLEMING, Sheriff. ; H62td By i?. N'. !■ own, Depnly felienff 1 8heriñ"s Sale. t QTATEOF MK'tlli.AX. I (Uüity of Washtenaw, ts O lïy virtue of au issued out of and un ■ der the acal oí the Ciicu.t ''our! 1or tlie county o Washtenaw, to diivotod nnd delivered, in ivu: of Chliötiali Schiindt, plaintitt. atiu auailiül the goodi and Cliattles, buidí : lid tfrIM IMlils OÍ öeOTfi? Men [ and Abrain Mof defendntits iierein named, 1 die on the third day oi DeDriaüvr. 187-ï, ItfVy on the fol [ lowing deKcribed rt-al (tílatt-, to wit : The northes1 fraciioiial (tUHiiei of section five, town two soutl rang-e mx eawt, containinf,' one huudred aud eighteei acre ot land ; Also ihe east side of the northwew; quarter of cction fíve, town two south, range sia east, containing five aeies. which projjerty abovede scribed 1 uhitll exposé ior tsale to the higtieet bidder ftt public auction, at the south door of the Courl House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw county, on Saturday, the seventcenth day of JanUory, 1874, at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. Dated, December 3, 1873. M. FLEMINO, Sheriff, 1455td By Thomas J. Hoskins, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriff 's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, sa. lïy virtue of an execution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the county oi Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, in favor of Julius Robinson and Louis Lambert, plaintiffs, and against the goods and chattels, lands and teneluents of Moses Marks, defendant tlierein named, 1 did on the seventeenth day of October, 1873, levy on the followmg desenbed real estáte, to wit : Lote number two (2), four (4), six (6), and eitrht f8), in block number five (5) in Ormsby & Page's addition to the villatre 'now city) of Ann ArlSor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, which property above described I sliall exposé for sale to the hiL'hest bidder, at public auction, at the south door of the Court House, in thp city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw connty, on Saturday, the twent j-seventh day of December, 1873, at 12 o'elock M. of said day. Dated, November 10, 1873. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 14S2td By G. W. Brown, Deputy Sheriff. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Caroline Milier, minor. Notice is hereby given, that in purauance of an order granied to the undersigned, Guardian of the estáte of said minor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-fifth dtty of November, a. d. 1873, there will be sold at public veiidue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in said State, on Fridiiy, the twenty tliird day of January, a. d. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day fsubject to all encumbrances by mortpage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale} and also subject to the righ of dower of Kosina Milier, widow of Gottfrey Milier deceased Iherem. all the right title and interest of Maid minor, it being the equal undivided one-fourth pait of the folio described real estáte, to wit : The east half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-niue; the west three-eifihihs or the west thirtyaciva of the west half of the northeast quarter of section thirty; aud the south half of the east half of the southwest quurter of section twenty, all in town two south range five eaat (Sciol in said State, fexcept a strip uf land on the west side of the last described piecc of land nine rods and six inches in width.) Together with the right of way across the southwest corner of the west half of the southeast quarter of said stction number twenty, one rod in width. Dated, November 25th, 1873. LKONHARDGRUNER,Guinlian. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, m. In the matter of the estáte of VeitZeeb, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an or der granted to the underigned, AdmiBistrator of the estáte of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the oounty of Washtenaw, on the fourth day of November, a. d. 1873. there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wushtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the twenty third duy of December, a. d. 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon oí that day (subject to all en cumbrances by mort gage or otherwise existing at the time of t e death of said deceased, and also subject to the right of dower of Elizabeth Zeeb, widow of said deceased therein), the following described real estáte, to wit : The west half of the southwest quarter of sectiou tiventy-two ; the west half of the ' north west quarter ofseetiou twenty-seven ; the unundivided three-eighths of the west half of the ' northwest quarter of section twenty-two, in town ( two south range five east (Scio.) Also the following describeii land in Northtield. in said county, to wit : beginning at the northeast corner of section ftve. thenee south on the east line of said section to ' the center of the i'ontiac road, thenee southwesterly t along the center of said rorfd to the east and west quurter line of said aection, thenee west on said c ter line to the half quarter post, thenee north on thf west line of the east half of the northeast quarter of said section to the north sectiou line of said section, thenee east on said sention line to the? place of beginiing (excepting a piece of land twe ty feet in width - ff of the west side of trnid land), all in said State. Dated, November 4th, a. d. 1873. WILLIAM APRIL. Administmtor. J - F D WELLING HOUSES ï'uR SALE J in A largeand very well built brick house with two st r more lots. Two lurge fratned houses. Also a good af ized brick house and framed ; and a smal] m rftme house on a g-ood lot, intended for adding a front si ii snle on fair terms and a reasonable credit. ïc Also other buildings, Jots, and property. si MONEY WAIVTJEB -- So many wibhlng io ol yrrmo money appl to me that I oan readily obtain c' r lenders good üatiafactory inveetmentB at ten per nt. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Aüril 23. 1873. H23tf Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the otnulM amortgage exeeuted by James l,rOIlsof I Fanny Mcfianon, his wite, to mSL H On,"aá ' bearing date the flrst day of Febru an A íf8 S and recorded in theomoe of the ü .?.',,, ' JV18, for Washtenaw Oounty, Michigan. „? t 2 tí, Í ot February, A. D. l.%6, in libtr 34 ot inonï L da) page 446, by wi.ich d.folt the p.,, , , tained in aajd mortgage has boooroe opentr?.,?"'' wl.ich mortgage tlei e 8 olaimed to b du 1 date the sum of three thousand two I,,,, and fifty three dollar and teflnta2S? dollars as an Attorney fee a provKlcl toiiSïïïï1 gage, and uo suit or prooeeding at hnv ,„ "!, f'011' oery hftTing been instituted toreooTei u P , f"" cured by ld monsago or any part thereof! NotS i therefore hereby given that by vírtue „i V] ot sale contained in said mortgage, and of tl ê s , ' msuchcase made and proviSeá, aaid mo "1. , "■'." beforeclosedon Saturdy. the twenty.foítj January.A.l). 1874, at ten oViock „ , ,' of that day, at the scmthdoor of the C u„ h"":' lnthecityof Ann Arbor, iusaid eountï ot v ,'"'' naw (said Court House being the nïfceof hSÍ'6" theCircuitCourtforthesaideoumvol 'vVa,h o, 8 wie, at public auction, to the highest I,XV premises, descriljed in said mortfrnire l V i ■"' mortgaged premi., . ;,,-,■ deacribed in sairt uS(JS folloWB, vu: All those haou. or parceU ituaU in the towtttfaip of ot Ann and State aforesaid, to wit: The east halt ot ?iJ northeast quarter of seotion eighteen tuwii t soutb, range six east ; and alao a triangular k„ "'. and off the west half oí the aanni quarier ing east of theCornwol] rod, „;,,„". southeast corner of the west half oi the n quarter ot said seol ion and rnnnlng i,ci :1„ , ], „„ ,," east sideot the Cornwell road, u, the aouthweet fraction of the northttest f] quarter of section seventeen, oontainins , and ninety hundredths of an acre; and aWtS other tract or parcel of land being part of the rol east quarter of section seveuteen in said t. ■ commenciug at a stake and Iones in tbe een of section seventeen, and running [henee eastrrw forty-one roda to a stake and stonel, thence mÏÏ ly ütty roda to a stake and atonea, thence west to tl ,' Huron river, thence along said river to the pl„", !■ beginmng ; and also a certain und permSSent of flowinff land on the northeast quarter of the partot the southwest fractional quartor of re?, sevemeen not to exceed twenty acres, and i nghto tdiEsingand constructiva mili race oo ic most ehgible place or ground on the north( ast ti ! tion of the southwest fractional quarter of -ec „ seventeen, and at all times ot reuarrm. J 1 ,1, topafa for the use of O .fliïXgri with other necessary machinery ; and also tl picceor parcel of land on said Uction seventeeVta wit : AU the land between said race and the Hun ..ver and also all the land on said SoutWs, , " tional quarter of stction seventeen, between ti south line of the the road running eastei lv f,om a river on the quarter line and a line parallel themo eight rods distant on the south Bide ot aaid roadmS quarter line, and also the right of making „„„ L' , ing in repair at all limes a tail race bo ralled from the mili on the premises abore granted into the n , at any pomt on the said southwest fractiona] ,',„., ... ofsection seventeen, intending to ramvey ul.'.í and exclusive water power to run the same, kro, as the Kellogg milis, and the rights, priTÜwes ,,„S franchises connecttd therewith, exceptina and servingfromthe foregoing the land hetetofote aoU by said McMahon to John L Tappan. Ann Arbor, Mich., October 28, 187Ü. SILAS H D0TJGLA88, Mortga Felch & Grant, Atty's for Mortgngee. Mortgage Sale. WHKRKAS James E. Selfe nnd Eliza Ann Sclfp of tbe township of Manchester, eounti 3 Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the ütteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord mie thoiisud eight linndred and scventy, executed a monean m Charles J. Howell, of the city of New V State of New York, to secure the paj ment ot au principal and interest money tderein mentiouHi which morlgaue was recorded in the oüke ut the lin'. ister of Deeda in said county, on the 10ti August, A. D. 1870, at %', o'clock P. M. ot said in in líber 43 of mortgagi s, on page :ill ; and . default has been made for more than tfiirty tlavs in the payment ot an installmenlot said interest niinitv which became due on the flfteenth day of July A,r, 1872 by reabon whereof and puiu;mt to i; of said mortgage said mortgagee herebj eli . much (f said principal as, reraains Dnpaid, arrearagesof interest thereon, shall becomedne lui payable immediately ; and vhereas there is cwim.j u be due and unpaid on said moit'a.. ;ii tii( !tt cf this notice, the slim of tw" tiiousaiid nine htiudu and forty-eight dollars for pnncipal and , also an a'.torney's fee of forty dollars Bhoi pioceedings be laken to foreclosc san. ; no suit or proceedinjjK having heen institutti in iaw or equity to recover the same or ai thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, tint on j the üftcenth day of November nexl, at 2o'clo e af.ernoon, at tht front door of the C'ourt I , the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid [that beme 7 the building in which tlie Circuit Couri for suiii couü1 ty is held), and by virtue of the power of salt contained in said mort gage, I shall sell at public iinctioi! '' to tiie highest hidtïer the premisea dea " mortgage to satisfy the amonnt of principnl md intereat ahoveclainiedasdue, with the eliaiL. ■. and uttorney's fee of forty dollars : Al; tl" pieces or pareéis of iand situüttd ut thi to Manchester, county of Washtniaw. and v Micliiyan, knon, bounded and desciil to wit : Being the aortheaat quarter oi quarter ot sectiun nnmber four (j, also ti.t: nortkwest quarter of the ecnithf ast quai ei uumber tour fexcept the ligltts and privüejii edtothe Michigan Boutnern and Northern Indümi Kailroad CompauyJ, also the SOUthe - nortlieast quarter of said stction nu j. also the tollowing described land to . - sasterly ten ehitins and fonrteen link fiomt] t west corner of theeast half of the liortli i k] r aorlhwest quarter of seetion number three, i iiortlicrly twenty-five chains, tbenci chains, tlience sontherly twenty-ftv ohi y thence westerly tour chains nnd foui links totle ,1 place ot beginnint:, the lust Ai ten acres, the wnole of the ahovi & y amounting to one hundred imd fif ty hcus; n southeast ter of the eouthetfst quart section number lom f4;. excepi Hjiii ■ i tofore deeded to Luman stevens, 11 in tov i e south of range number three east, insitid W'ashtenaw. f Dated, August 15 1873. t CHA BLES J. HOWELL, II. i - John N. Gott, Atty. for the Mort) ■ The above sale is pofltpouftd timil the lSth dny ol December next, at the sanie time and plnce. Nov 15, 1873. UHAELES J. HOWELL, Mo John X. öott, Att'y for Mortgngee. Murtgage Sule. 't WïAIIlTliniighBBtdiiii tle g U a oertain mortgiise, made and executtd Cook and Ann L. Cook his wile, of tlie en; Arbor, Washtenaw County, and State ot '■ , to Süas H. Douglass, of the süiite pla. e, ttie tirst day ot Ausiust, in the yeur oi oui 1 ■ thousaiid eitiht himdiel and sixty-seven, and recorded in the ottice of the Register of Ueeds oi iy of Waslitenaw, in said State ol Michigau on üe I ürst day of August, A. t. 18U7 in libel ;l v ges, on page 536, on which mortfiage thei : to be due at the date of this nolice, tor principal iicri interest, the sum of two tl. ousand tive hmn.: ' ninety-eight dollars and cents. with an attorney fee of fifty dollars, as proTidea acil [ agreed should any proceedings be taken lor thefoieclosure of said mortgage; and whereaa üo i ings at Iaw or in equity have been taken to . the same or any part thereof : Now, thert foi i ia hereby given that by virtue of the powe] i contained in mortgage, I snall se 1 at public auctiou to the highest bidder, on Monday, the mnth February, a. d. 1874, at ten of the clook in tbe loitnoon ot that day, at the south door of the Coart House in the city of Ann Arbor and State ot ! gan, that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the county ot Waslitenaw is held, tiie . premises described in mortgage, or &o mucb thereof as shall be necessary to satisly the amount ! due on said raortgage. the costs and expenses or wid sale and the attorney fee as aforesaid : eaid are described as follows, towit: All that certain ; tract or parcel of land known nnd desciibed lows, to wit: lying in the township of Ann Arbor, and being part of the northwest quarter oí number thirty-three in township number two south of range number six east in said State, beghraing in the east line of said quarter seetion at a COÚ teen chains and tifty-three links south of tlie northeast corner of. said quarter section, and runnir1? thence south on said line üve chains and thirtyflfl links, thence south fifty-one and a-hali twenty-two chains and eleven links to the cea the Ypsüanti road, thence norttiwesttrly Rloi center of Baid road ninetren ehains anti nii links to a point eighteen chains and sevent avelinw south of the nortb line of said section, thetice W parallel to the north line of said section wn'? chains and thirty-two links, thence north parnüel to the west liue of said section six chains and twenlytive links, thence east parallel to said north line nu'e chains and forty four links to the east line oís:'1" quarter section, thence south four chair.s audtlirc links to the place of beginning, and being the s:W land deeded by Jacob Kempfto said (ook, ] the firt part (to said mortgage) and the sanie li'W described in two deeds to said Kempf recorded in 'r Register' office, in said county, in liber Y of Het15on pages 676 and 677, und m liber N'o. ''2 of cieeds at pages 658 and 559. Ann Arbor, November 12. 187.1. SILAS H. DOUGLASS, Jlortpag Felch & Grant, Attorneys for Itortguget. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having betn made ui the concitiM ' a certain mortgage made and pxecutec! by toW Cook, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the counlj : Wabhtenaw, and State of Michigan, to .'. Lewitt, of the same place, beai ing date the fl of May, in the year of our Lord one th. UBal hundred and sixty-seveu, and recorded in the of the Hegister of Deeds of said ec.unty of Wad"' naw, on the seventh day of May, a. p. iSfi7, ÍD 36 of mortgages,on page 401, and which wb ferred and assip ned by said Adelaide Ijewitt to t-ila H. Douglasa, of said city of Ann Arfcor, bj atrument of assignment duly exccutetl, ackBO!' edged and delivered by her, beaiing date the tifth day of April, a. d. 187i', and recorded office of said Register of Deeds, on the day last afof said, in liber 2 of assignments of mnrtgagrs. oip"i 501; on which mortgage there is claimed tobcduej' the date ot this notice, for principal and int.: sum of flfteen hundred and thnty-tive dollars ■ forty-one cents, togethcr with an attorney fM 01 twenty-tive dollars, as provided for in said m. should any proceedings be taken to foreclose thi and wheieas no prooeedings at Iaw or in equit : been taken to recover the same or any part t jfi t ot . Now, therefore. notieeis hereby given that, by virtw of the power of sale contained in said mortpape.1 shall sell at public auction, to'the highest bidder," Monday tbe mnth day of February A. D., 1874,' ten of the clock in the forenoon of that day, outh door of the Court House in the City ■ Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw and ï Michigan, that being the building in which the CHp cuit ('óurt for the county of Washtenaw is held. 'w premises described in said mortffage,or so mucli 'll''' of as shall be uecessary to satisfy the' amonnt doe l' sftid mortgage, the costs and expensesof said sa] the attorneys feeas aforesaid. said premisesare desa ed as follows, towit: All those certiiin tracts orp'1" :elBof land sitúate in the City of Ann Arbor, :ounty of Wnshtenaw, and State of Michigan, too" ind described as theeast three-fonrths of lot imuitf' sil fti) and the west half of lot number si ven ["!. ■ jlockonefl) north of range six (6] east m -rording i :he recorded plat of the village of Ann Arbor :ounty of Washtenaw. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. SILAS H. DOU0LAS, Assignee of said MortgagFelch & Grant, Att'ys. for said Assignee. Commissioners' Notice. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw. - The undersigned, having been appointed vy tl.' 'róbate Court for said county, Commissioners to reaive, examine, and adjust allclaims and detituncsor II persons against the estáte of Mary CarP01!"1 ite of said county, deceased, hereby give notire latsix monthsfrom date are allowed, by order"1 lid Probate Court, iorcreditorstoijreseiittheirclaiR'' inst the estáte of said deceased, and that thej' "'" icet at the office of Francis M. Oakley, in the tow lip of York, in said county. on Tuesday, the twentjiiirtb day of February, aiid on Tuesday, the twen'!" xtb day of May next. at ten o'clock a. m. oí ecu :' paid days, to receive, examine, and ndjust siu aims. Dated November 26.Ü, yoS, LYMAN LAKE, 1454w4 Commiasionera.


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Michigan Argus