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derman Amariah Hammon, one of our oldest and most respected citizena, committed suicido on Suuday evening last, at the residence of his father In the Fifth ward of this city. Deceased arose on Sunday morning, apparently in good health ; went to Ypsilanti, returning, went to Michigan Center to visit his father who is employed at that place as a miller, with whom he remained and took dinner and in the afternoon returned to this city. He retired at 8 o'clock At about 10, the attention of members of the family was attracted by unusual breathing, and upon entering the room found the unfortunate young man in a perfectly unconscious state. Medical aid was immediately called and the conjecture that he had taken poison was confirmed by finding in the pockst of his clothing an empty bottle, labeled " Luudanum," which it was subsequently ascertained he had purchased on Saturday afternoon. The fact that self-destruction was contemplated is still fnrther and most fully proven by a letter fouud in his trunk, addressed to a young lady of this city, to whom he was paying attention. The proper antidotes were administered but were unavailing. He died at about 8 o'clock on Monday morning. Natural despondeney, and lo w spirits on account of being out of employment, it is believed were the causes of the rash act. Charley had, until within a few months past, been in the employmeut of the Michigan Central EaĆ¼road Co., was an unassuming and quiet young man, and had many friends who mouru his loss. The bereaved family to which he belonged have the sympathy of all their acquaintances. It is unuecessary to add that what purports to have been the verdict of a coroner's jury in regard to this matter, as published in the Free Press, Chicago Times'find other papers, is untruei for the simple reason that no inquest has been held. It is not often that we "cabbage" our maga zine notices, but we clip the following from the New York World, merely premising thathaving inspected the number we can indorse the closing sentence : " The St. Nicholas, Messrs. Scribner & Co. 's new juvenile magazine, begina the new year by swallowing " Our Young FoJks." This feat has only resulted in an increase of size, and has by no means been followed by the dulness which usually follows repletion. The Saint Nicholas is as full as it can well be of articles that will win the enthusiasm of its young readers. It offers nearly forty wood-cuts - most of them of a high order of merit - and thirty-two contributed or editorial articles. Among its contributors are Donald G. Mitchell, who fumishes a paper on " Christmas Angels ;" Lucy Larcom, who ''contributes a 'poern entitled " The Lent Flower of the year ;" John Hay, who writes of " Christmas in Spain ;" William Callen Bryant, whose poem, " The Hidden Rill," is the gem of the number; Charles Dudley Warner, J. T Trowbridge, and other popular writers. It is safe to say that it is the best number of a juvenile magazine ever issued." $3 a year. Send for it for a Christmas present. Sceibnee & Co., New York. - The Aequs and Si. Nicholas for $4.25. The prospectus of the Detroit Free Press comes to us too late to be put in type this week. We, therefore, give its strong points here: a weil managed editorial department ; a general news department which rakes in all news of interest foreign and domestic ; a thorough discussion of local matters, including State News gathered by special correspondents and from the " country press " wtth credits ; full congressional and legislative reports ; a farm and fireside department, with extended cattle and market reports, commercial and financial articles and reports, valuable both to the business man and the farmer, lts literary department also receives careful attention. We can coramend the daily to all business and professional men, and the tri-weekly and weekly to jarmers and others not wauting the other editions. We nearly forgot tosay anything of the politics of the Free Press, but who don't know that it is and always has been a Democratie Journal. Thetermsare: Daily, f 10; Tri-weekly, $5; Weekly, $2. Address Free Press Company, Detroit. - We f urnish the AKOUS and the Free Press (weekly) for $3.50. Now is the time to subscribe for the best two papers m the State.