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MICHIOAJÍ CEXTRAL RAILROAI). TISTER TIME TABLÏ. Paswijei train now lea ve the severul tatiuns.rii fülloftfc: ooixo wm, NTATION.. _J M ■L J ! o 2 k -í k o o o JL'_A-Aá_lJLJL A. M. A. M.'P. M.JP. M. P. M.íp. M. Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 15: 1 45: 4 ÜO 5 4(1 1(1 3 Ypsilanti, 8 43 11 25 S 02 5 30 7 10a. m. AnnArbor, 9 02 11 43 3 21 5 50 7 45 12 05 Dexter, 9 35! 3 41 6 2ó 8 loi Chelsou, 9 52; ■ ■ 4 00i 8 30! GrassLake, 10 1! p. m.' 4 351 9 00 Jaekson, 10 55; 1 05 5 08 8 35 1 30 V. M. A. K. Kalamazoo, j 2 20 3 40 ' 8 20 12 2!i Chicago rrive, '__? L?_ÍIOJ_ i 6__3" OOINO EAST. 4 !bt!if tlií 3 q jfl IB :-! S S5 Q lA. U.!a. H. I'. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 1 8 SO 6 15 9 00 p. m.'a. m. a. m. Kalamazoo, 11 05 1 18 5 00 2 U P. M. A. M. Jackaon. 2 30Í 8 S5; 8 00 12 301 4 45 GrassLnke, 2 5S1 1 8 301 1 Chelsea, 3 24í ' 8 53! a. m. Dexter, 3 41 a 09 - c 25 Ann Arhor, 4 Oí I 5 03! 9 3S: 1 55 fi 00 6 Sí Ypsilunti, 4 25' 5 22 10 03 2 17 ( 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5 50 6 25 11 20: 3 30. 7 25i 8 45 The Atlantic and Pacific Express run botween Jaekson and Niles on the Air Line. Dated, Nov. 2. 1873 DETBOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAII.EOAD OOING WEST. -1873- OOING EART. STATIONS. M.1;. Exp. STATIONS. Kxp. Mtlil. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 4:00 a. m. p. M. Ypsilanti 10:30 6:15 Bankers f.;30 2:15 Saline 11:00 6:43 Hillsdale 7:05 2:30 Bridgewater.. U.-18. 7:00 Manchester.... 8:33 4:08 Manchester. ...11:88 7:18 Bridgewater . . 8:5'! 4:28 P.M. Saline 9:05 4:45 Hillsdale 1:20 8:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:15 Bankera 1:30 9:00 Detroit 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilonti. THE WORLD. Tho great Democratie victories in New York, Ohio, Marylaud and Virginia, the startling üepubliean defeats in Wisconsin, lowa, Kansus and Illinois, foreehadow the election of a Democratie Congress in 1874, and the election of a Democratie President in 1876. The secret of the triumph already won haa been steadfaat adherance to the organization, unflinching firtelity to the principies of the Democratie party The World has been faithful to its trust. When faint heaits talked of a spoiled party, a dead partv a new party, it bore aloft the flag of the historie, indomitable Democratie party. That flag, inscribed with the legenda Free Trade and Farmers' Kights, Hard Money and no Monopolies,- the Democrats of Ohio and New York carried to a glorious victory subverting Grant majorities of 37,00' and fil.OOO. A new career now opens before the Democracy- more glorious and more benefleent than its past caieer, identified though that be with the founding of the republic, its expansión across the continent its half century of prosperity and peiice. The open secret of its future, as of its past and present triumphs, is still a steadfast adherence to the organization, un unflinching lidelity to the principies of the Democratie party- principies neYor so needful asnow tobeappliedthroughout our National, State and Municipal life, to heal the wounds and demoralization of war, to stop eorruption and proflígate expenditure, to limit and localize powers entrusted to the people's servants, to libérate our industries trom the fetters of a barbarous Tariff, our trade from the fluctuations af an irredeemable paper Currency and our agricultura from the doublé plundiring of both, as well as to repair the wide-sprend flnancial JRuin wiought by the Fiscal policy of the Eepublican The dnty of The "World in this onward march of tho Democratie hosta to victory, is the dissemination of political truth. Our work will be iruitf ui in proportion aa The World is widely read . We aak Demócrata everywhere to aid us in scattering the good seeds broadcast over the whole Lind during the period so important to the coming barvestg. Where or how can any Democrat work so eöieiently for the diffusion of the principies of his party, and their triumph ut the ballot-box in '74 and '7C, as by procuring new readers for The World now l As a vehicle of news, The World will save no expense, no eneigy, to maintam and advance its place in the first of metropolitan journals. lts fresh, abundant, v.irious and accurate news compvismg the whole circle of current intelligence, will be discuased as becomes a ïrustworthy Organ of Opinión, with candor, with steady devotion to sound public and private moráis, with special knowledge tor special themea, and with various and wide-reachmg apprehension of the manifold interests of men and women in tlieir homes, their market places, their workshops and their farms. THE WEEKLY UIIKIII is our great edition (Wednesday) for the country lt contains: 1. The iatest pricps (telegraphed from all the markets of the United States) of Live Stock, Country Produce, General Produce of every kind and of Money, Btocks, and freights in New work and Europe. 2. The Farmers' Page, with all the doings of the Farmers' Club of the American Inatitute, letters from pracjcalfaimera, and scientific discussion on profltable farming 3. A Page lor the Family Circle, of lively and purereadiug. 4. One or Two First-rate Novela during the year 5' All the News in concise summary. ÏHE SEMMVEEKLY Containa (Tuesday and Friday) all the contenta of the Weekly, one or two flrat-rate Xovels duriug the year, and all the eream of the Daily iïorld. XHE DAILV WORLD. Frice for one eopy for one year $10 (iucluding Sunday edition, $12J, beginning any day ; and at the same rate per mooth lor any part of a year. THE WORLD AL1HANAC FOR 1874. (Ready about Jnnnary 1, 1874). One copy, postpiud, 25 cents. Five copies, post-paid, 1.00 PBICES, POSTAGE PAID, If Subscribed for before April lst, 1874. WEEKLY WORLD. for one year, eaoh copy separately nddressed 1 copy 2 00 5 copies 7 00 10 copies, and extra copy toclub agent 12 00 20 copies, and extra copy to club agent o 00 50 copies, and Weekly to club agent. . 50 00 100 copies, and Daily to club agent 100 00 SE.W-WEEKLY WORLD. ior one year, eacn copy separately addressed J cpy $ s .o 2 copies 5 00 fi copies 12 oo 10 copies, and extra copy to club agent 2 ) 00 TKK.ÏS. Cash in advance. Send Pcst-ofHee money order bank draft, or registered letter. Bill seat by inaii will be at risk of sender. Additions to club-Iiats may be made, any time in the year, at the aboye club-iates. Changesin club-Iists made only on requeat of persons receiving club package, stating date of ubecription, edition, post-oiKce, and State to whicli Ihe copy has previously been ont. We have no traveling agenta. Specimen copies posters, etc, sent free, wherever and wlien ver desired. Addross all orders and letters to "THE WORLD," POSTAGEPAID.-Ofearryksubrc;ipttafórkóne year to the Daily, Seml-Weekly, or Weekly paid tor ut above rates before April 1, 1874, we will prepay the T)UT YOUK MONEY WHEEEIT WILL DOTIÍE JMLO&TD GOOD A. A. TERSY II AS A WJJLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATESTSTYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES "T O ■-'- v v ata r jcj il uu ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING G90DS ÜW" Cali hefore purchaniug. 15 South Main Street. „gf A CÏiancc for BargainsT For siüu Lt a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF C'HOICE LAND, lying 2 i-i miles from the city of Ioniit loo ii-res under improvement, with good nrchanl, 'ban md shed, and a comfortable house. Term of nnv Dent- from $2,000 to $2,500 down ; bulunce on loiii? Also 90 ACRES, about 2)4 miles from Augusta Cahimnzoo County, all improved, with good buildnga. Turóla - extremely low. Also 40 ACRK8 about eight miles from Hastings. Alao 80 ACRES on seotion 8 in the town of Hazel:on, Shiawasse County, about 12 miles irom Corunua VVell timbered. l'or termi addnu th ondertigned. JjESIRABLE EEAL ESTÁTE - - FOB S -A. L E I The subscriljer, on account of il health offers his 33 ACRES In the Corporation for sale. This ffround adjoins the Uruvereit) Obwrvatory on the eust, opposite aide of the itnet. Jt lias a most excellent SPRING! Uu the iiortheast corner- formerl y supplied the Iiailroad tanks with water. ITS ADVANTAGES Are as follows: For city purposea the Huron Hivcr meanders the sami; sonie 30 to 40 roda, and is part of the best "Water IPower On llie River in tb is vioinitf , and the elevation on the northeust corner la suiticiently bifth and ampie to sup ply the ciiy neceaaitios for water and lire b THE WESTERN PORTÏON On tne road is very appropriate und suitable for a Public Ciry Cemetery. The city has no such grouiide now but must lmve aoon, and whatever g-iounda the city does not care to use, can be sold at an advantage, so much so.that the coat of the Water Works grounds and emetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does n?t wimt the same, íhe grounds would be invaluable for FRUlTSpLARGE ÁSMALA There being some loo trees now in hearing Vegetables anti Pasturage, And alao for MïLK supply,BLOODED STOCK, Horses, $hetp And other animáis always in great Trant by many in the city and its viciuity. Aa city lots adjoiningtlie northwest corner of this land are now selling from tliree hundred to three hundred and fiity dollars, these lfinds would or could be sold in a short time to a good advantage wnd to much jjroÜt to the purchaaers LIBERAL 0?I3VEE Wlll bo given or the nmewill bo exchanged for Mercliantuble rooüs or Drugs aud JiediciueB, at caafc TRACY W. ROOT. A.nn Arbor, Jan 31 1873. 1411 L. 0. RISDO.N 8EL1LS i PERRY & CO.'S No. 9 Bit Aitritu COPPER LINED IEON-CLAD RESEEVOIR, FULL TRIM MED, FOR $6O I Other Stoves in prportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. 144Ctf QHAMBERS' ■ ENCYCLOPJEDIA. A DICTIONAItY OP Universal Knowledge for the People. RKVISKD EDITION. WITH Maps, Platee, and Engraving3. Complete In 10 Vols. of 832 pnges enclt. llluslrated wilh about Four 7'housand EngraHnqs and Ji'arty Maps, Ingiiher with a Serien rif frnm Kirhty to One Hnudred Blegantly Engrarxd Platen - iltustrative of 'the Subjects of Natural Hisiory -nom for the FIR8T time appearing in the work. ? 1-KlUJS -i5K VUL,lr3lE. r I Extra Clotli, beveled boards, - . $5 50 l.ibiary Khuep. marbled edges, - - 6 00 Half Turkey Moroceo, - . . 551, This Editiox is Solí) only by Agionts. Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Pliiladelphia, Pa. BTLVANUS WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General Agent for the of Michigan. Byoomparing Chambpra' Encyclopredin with the Ivew American Cyclopeedia,- the work with which it is most fivquently brought into comparison it will be found tluit wliile the ten volumes nt Chambers' contam 8320 pages, tile original sixUen volumes of the New American contain less than 12,000 patres It will als., be found tliat a page of Ohambers' contains tull nnr.-fjth more matter than a page of the New American, mukiug the ten volumes of the former equivalent 111 amount of printed matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the nimerousPlates(about,80), Woodcuts (some 4 000) and Maps (11 bout 40), that are included in this edition of Chambers', and to which the New American poseases 110 corresponding features. It is confldently believed that as a popular " Dictionary of Univeksal Knowi.edge," the work is without an equalin the English language. 1426yl -■ljl." A LECTUEE TO 5E' yotxhstö iMiEïsr. Just publishcd, in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 et A I. eet ure on the Nature, Treatmen fmd Radical cure oí' Kpermatorrhrea or yemina Weaknett, EnYoluntary ËmiBsious, Hexual Debilit atid Impediments to Marziage enerally ; Nervou uoss, Cousumption, Epilcpay and Fits; Mental an Thysieal Tntiapaeity . resulliug frorn Self-Abuse et -By KOBEKT J. CULVEBWELL, M. D., Autho of the " Green Book," &c. The world-renown autlior, in this admirable Iecture, clearly provea from hia own experience thnt the awful consequences of Self-Abuse inay be effectually removed without medecine, aud without danjjeruiis aurgioal opexations, boufries, Instruments, rinf?s or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certnin and effectual by which every aufferer, no matter what hiü eondition may be, may cure hiniself chenlily, privately and radically. THIS LECTUUR WTT.T, l'KOVE A BOON TO THOÜSANDS AND Bent under seal, to nny addross. in a plain sealed ;nvelope, on the reef ipt of six cents, or Iwo postale ifümno Also Dr. Cülverweli.'s " .Uiirriuge (Juide " nrice r! ata. ' Address the Publishers, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Postofñce Box, 1 58( 1436yl HURRY UP ! PARTIES wishing Wall Paper, ClotL I and Paper Shades. Hollands, Wlndow I Fixtures, Couls, TapselR. &c, all New I Stvle. at Satiafactorj PrlceR. by j. K "rebster & Co., B iok -lore, aearthc I Express Office. X -X Prospectus for 1874-7th ïear. THE ALDINE, An llluitraled ilonthly Journal, wiiveraally admilteA to Ie the Hundsmntsl Pmmlical in the WorlU. A Represmltihve and Champion of American 7Vtxi, Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. THE ALDI.VE, whlle issued with all the regularl ty, h8 none of the temporary or timely interest characteristcof ordiniry poriodicals. lt is au elegant miscellany of pure, llghl and gracefnl literature; and a colli-et on f picture, the rarest specimeu of artistic skill, in black and white. Althouh each 9UC0ee4!&g uumher afforda a fresh pii:nsure to it friends,the real valué and Oeauty of THE ALDIXXwiU be most appreciated a'tiT it has been bouud up at the close of the year. While other publicution may claim superior cheapiu'x. as compurcd with rival of a similar class, THE AL DIJVEiü a unique and original conceplion - alone and unapproacued- abfolutely without corapetition in price or character The poBSesaor of a complete volume can not d jplicate the quantity of line paper ard engraviri;" ir any other fhape or mmber of vol unies for t'-n times itt ent; and then, there are. the chr&lnoM, bñgidesl ABT DEPARTMENT, 1874. Th UltwtratlouB of THE ALDINE have won a worlíl wïd1 reputation, and. in the art center of Kurope it isan admiited fact that its wood cut are emmplea of he hlcheat perfect.ion ever attalned - Thecommonprejudicc in favor of " steel plates," is ra;idly yieldlng to a more tducatedaud olscrími' natiiu taste which recotrnizes the advantaes ol superior artistic qualii.v with preater facllity of production. The wood CU sof THE ALUIN E possess all the deücacy and el-.lborate finish of the m 8t coetly steil plat.', wliile they afford a better rendering ol the artist's ori'-inai. In addition to designs by the members of the National Acndptny, nud other noted American artists. THE ALL 1NE will reproduce examples )f the best


Old News
Michigan Argus