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foriign maslern, selecred with a view to the hi.hcst artistic suecess aud "rentest general interest, 'i hns the subscribers to THE ALUINE will, at a trifling cost enjoy in his ow home tile pl asures and refimnfj influencea ot trae art. 'Ihc quarterly tinted platea for 1874 will be by Thos. Miran and J. D. Woodward. The Cunstraas iaue for 1874 will contain apeclal designs appropriate to the season, by our best artitts, and will surpasa in attractloua any of lts predecessora. PEEMIUMS FOE 1874. Every subacriber to THE ALDINE for the year 1874 wi'll receive pair of Chromoa. '1 he original picturea were paiuted in oil for the publifihers of THE ALDINE, by Thomas Moran, whoae great Colorado picture was purchimiid by Congress lor ten thousaud dollars. Thesubjects were chosen to rep rsent "The East" and "The West." One is a view in The White -ininituiiis New Hamp"hire ; the other givea The Oliffs ol Greea Itiver, WyomingTerritory. The dia'erence in the nature of the aceites themselves is a pleasing contrast, and affords a good display oT the artist'a scope and coloriüg.. The chromos are each worked from thlrty distiuct platea, and are in size (12xl6j and appearance exact facsirailles of the origináis. The presentation of a wortliy eiample of AmericaN grcatest landscape painter to thesubecribers of THE ALUIN E was a bold but peculiarly happy idea, and ita auccespful realization is atteeted by the following testimonial ovei the aignature of Mr. Moran himseJf: Newark, N J., Sept. 20, 1873. Messrs. James Sutton & Co. Gentlemen - I am delighted with the proofs in color of yon r chromos. They are wonderfully aucceisful representatious by mechanical procesa of the uriginal paintings. Very respectfully, fSiiined) TÜO3. MORAN. These chromos are in every sense American.- They are by an original Araericao procesa, with ma terial of American manufacture, trom deaigna of Ameiicanscenery by an Ameiicaa painter, and presen ted to theflret snmful American Art Journal. If any subscriber should indícate a nreference for a figure sabject, the pnblishers will eend "Thoughts of Home," a new and beautifal enromo. 14xlO luches, representing a little I tiilian exlle whose spt-akinir eyee betray the longings of his heart. TEEMS. $5 per year, in adcance, wüh oil Chromosfree. For FIFTK CENTS EXTRA, the chromoa will be sent, mounted, vurniahed, and prepaid b7 mail. THE ALDINEvtVW. hereafter, he obtalnable only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rato; cash for subscriptionsmust be senl to the publishers direct, or hnnded to the local canvassers mthtiut rtptmtitrtlily lo ihe puMishrrs, except n case, wheie the certifícate is given, beíiriug the íac-eiiuile signature of James íutton & Co. 0ANVAS8EES WAÖ'TED. Any person wishing to act permaBently as a local canvaeser will receive full and prompt inlormation by applyingto JAMES SUTTON & CO., Pnblishers, M5ÍW 58 Maiden Lañe. New York. C1VEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE Rheumats'm jéEt aL. Neuralgia, M S& Deafness, Hoadache, M i Latar,r5' Spralns, ■ ■ Bowel Com. Bruises, ■ P a'nte and Cuts, Burn, W W a ' llar CMMblalns, B F WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker timo than any other preparatlon In the wond. Wowlllwill refund the moneylfwedo notglve Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like .g&fe. the most a charm I M natural Neverfails fl R shades to ■ VofBrown ly produce B HF or Black BY ONE APPLICATION. TUEMAIN & COLÉ, GROCER8 AND PROVISIÓN DEALERS No. 30 East Hurón Street. A full line of GroceriesconstRntly on hand and for Baleolieup, including Mugare, Teas, Spices, &c. Country Produce Bought and sold. Biing in your Butter, Ee Poultry, Fruits, &c. IV. B. CJOI.E haa established his Conl office at tha Btore of TREMAIN & COLE, wliere all order8 will be promptly attended to]438 STEAmns7 COCO-OLEIÍiL? A perfect hair dressinpr- not a. dje . nor a i - atontare, but a dressing, elegant F- _,_-! and et. - STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE is cooHng to ho scalp, imparta a delishtful mmv. cl vitality ■"■' -■■ - i ' ü.- 1 ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, nrectiy pcrt'umed and limpid, rendcrs tlie lwir srppleaml y- dresses it in any h- I ir i form. mm STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE, entirely vigntable oil, prevente thatdryncss of bcüIj w i1 i 0 11 C cauaea dandruü f- m ;,, muíate. MM t .] , STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE oonuúiu ia one large tottle more oil and more jtr(urae - , -tlian any otini - . li a i i dr -,m'i? V i i .i, in niarli et, and I t.v [es ii so!d wenty-five per cent. less than most otliurs. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brIghleTnblmirIenfrir,darkenajb urn Imir, : - lustlxius uud black c 3 a.r, k-sWlIS ) ín: iKir.-linoss oi STEARNS' COCO-OLïINE tS MADE ONL7 J!Y TEEDESICK STILATJï"1, - CHEMIEiT, DET1ÏOIT, 1MVU. PoldovTywli.'re. !!■■ vnrc u"ii get the fiennlne Coco-Oleln. Let, uoodq pa ia i ff on you u lio'tlo ol om chmp aud tuortkliu imitaüon'pf CocsOlelike. T'iere ore inore than twenty nbunterfciiti ot 1 1 now snid, put up as near Ukc the enuiot as tho makur.s duic und evada tlio law. HOR SALïToN LONG OREDItI Ann Arbor City Lots, with (food title, and wcll loRted for residences or business. Alao teveral Mortyaga for ule. i InquJr of E. W. MOEOAX HS2mS jOi O M CONVRV KCE . ' !!l!',l::illllll!!'l''giÑ" OÜR ABSTRACT BOOKS! A? prtlally indicHted above, are i;ow posted to date. They ot once, iu a oondensed or posted fonn, show the orignal chain aml all ncwchainsui title. I. such ae AUDITOR GENEEAL'S DEEDS, { nAwn i m 'Pn -fc T! 41 fK. ,,.1. IaL - ■ Known as rax-fitloa, whiob are "ery nnmerotifi in tui County, Decrees, Contráete, Deeds ! Alao, now aa well as all of the old undisoharged Mortgaaee as far back as 18-4- whieh are legions. Persons tnkintitle or mortgncrcs aml liena wili remember that Tax-Titles and other collaternl nmbters are not found in the uual mode of seare.h by at the Reisfer's offioe. 1'he bonks or lioérsinthe RegiHter's office have becomcrto numeróos and vohiminous that long time is necessuniy required even to m;ike a haaty and unreliable search. With ourfacilitiea we say to the publir thüt we can pbow them fitle and Title History, make Deeda, jVlortR-.ttrfs, Assipnments, Diacíinrg-tyí, &c, as correetly, quieker and in better stylr; thun auy olhnr office in the County. We have MONEY TO LOAN ! On Bond and Mortgage en long time. REAL ESTÁTE Soldorexchansred. HOUSES TO RENT. 33 acre? opposite the Observatory for BfiUi in Iota to snit puren asers EOOT & LEITER, Keal Estáte Af?ents, No. 1. Gresory Blook. Tract W. Boot, and opposite the Poitofflce. ÜH1HI.K8 A. LEITF.H. UlUtf II ÜQ M I Li U I Uj 3 JU I O, j When flrst L. COLBY hung Iii sitm Of C. O. D.-At No. ?9, And oiFered Groceries chp;ip ior oAfth, Some peoplesiiid, " hu's bound to go to smash." And oïd-iime Grocers would faintly amilc, Prophesyiiig "E. O. 1. will last büt íittle whik-. In wxty days we'll run him o!t' the track, And cali our wandoiinc Customera bock.'1 The croakprs sairl and thougjit it trim, "He'li aurely tail beíore the year ia New! You can't sell (iroceriiis in tiiiri town And get yout pay in ffreenbaoka down ; Wh(?redry jroodö morchanlson every treet With silks and satins, hiiiifi1 out obickens to eat ; Where trade is mixed in every place, At the same counter you bny tmtter orhïce ; "Wbere credit and lómgO hand in hand. Mr. C. O. D. but a slim chtuioe WÍU stand." Let prophei and eronkera have tbeir say, L.COLBYsellsUROCEIilESonlyfijrlïEADYrAY, Andsellsso cheap tbr dailyoftfth He fears no danger of a snutBbu And to his patrons all, and bosinesc fiiends The greeting of the season he e.i - To young and oíd, a glad New Yeur, With hoals of frit'nds and lolh oí clieöï ! Give him a cali, and from Iris store Your tüfcles spread with goed thitips more. At that place you wül olwaya find Fresh iiew (iroceries oí besï quality md kind- Fverythinff necdiul fot good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenerer you ome. The days are so short tliis bitter caM wuiirr, Tomention details would wearv Öte printer. But aak if you choose tnt anythin? e itflble, You get it at once, in quality unbeai abïe ! For hungry men who ure wenry :ind colcl, He has Üysters liot, Oysters tlmt raust beaold - Oysters pickled, Üystir stew, and ovster fiv, Ut Oysters imy otlier way yon choose tn try He will serve up Oysters at any hour of aay, And the best oí oigan to emobe on ynur way. A diah of hot, Oyatere will do you aracti good, And cheer vou wh.le sellinj. yOur gruin or wood. And with Ciish in hnnd lny in a r.rrr Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and mony more, Of all things BUbsUntial for daily uso, Nor treat life's (rood tliin-s wil h al Crockeiy :md Glassware and Finita lo put in tlom, Nuts, Itaisins, and Caridy, fur ehildreji ivl-.o win Ou ín w"n e Tíün KS3fd with thcir beatiful faces, Wül flnd [Ml the best of stil placee, To buy a trifle, to briug a smile or rin-ino lanh Your pleasure. Uum theirs, will be freateï by half Ihen donotiorget tocallon Mr C. O. D„ And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Ton. Tliourt the big qq roay fnll f,om its place, The C. O. D. V store is si ilion the mor And does cot intend to fly from the oourse Till eroakers of evil talk tlu-mselvesho irse Qrooeries can be sold for ready pay An JC Colby has learied tlie way : .Sold Hve times more than he expected- By C. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teilKeep the best of all things-with pric , lo.v-be uood natured, give jfood measuii-, And you are bound to sell ! 291 291 291 BOOKS j BOOKS. J. R. WEBSTEB & CO. NEW UOOK STORE NEAR THE EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO ÏOUR INTEREST AXD CALL. BOOKS. - ' i L.C.RISDOfP$ A VfíRTI3EMEN. Now is the time to buy PAlÜBftlATIl STOVES. j I will sell thcm at COflT until furtLer ' notiee. IYo. 31 g. Main St, Aun Arbor. '_ i j Commissioners' Notíoe TATE OF MICHIGAN, eounty of Warttenaw, ss O The underapned .haring been appoiated l,v the Probate tonrt for soid eounty, Commiiomvs l„ „- ceive, examine, and adjnst all claim and demanda of all persons aguinst the eatate of Mary Oarpenter ate of said eounty, deceased, hereby mve notioè thatBix monthsfrom date are allowe.f, liv order aid Probate Court, fororeditorstoprasenttheirclaimn apramst the estáte of aaid íeceased, and thal (1. moet at the oöice of Francis 51. Oakley, in the ïownslnp of York, in said eounty, on Tnenday, the iwentvfourth dayof February, and on Tuesdaj , the ixth day of May next, at ton o'di.cK a. m. i of cald days, to receive, examine, ana ailji: claims. ' Dated November 26th, A. D. 1873. JAMES LAWRESTCE, LTMANLAKE, 1454'r4 Comniissionois. T IVE ÖEESE FEATHERf! PIEST . 2.,Dt ut os hand and fors by BACEfr ABEL. Estáte of Almy S. Lund. OTATE OF MICHIGAN". County of Washtenaw Ö At . Mum of the Probate Court fo the Wv of Washten holdaat the Probate Office, in the City NovenbeÍTn' ?h Wednesd5-. twentysixth day of "onty-aree yCar one thoui W hundred Present, Xonh W. Cheever, .ludiré of Prohiti doe?,,".'.?.1"11"11 f tUe eat"te ï%4, nyr ;md nlimt the petition, duly verifled of Churlos II. Riohmood, praying that a c-rtain instrument qow on til,, i,, thia court, purporting ■ tö C thé last W,U and testament of smd Jeceïïed muy te „d! mitted to probate, ud tliat he and Frciierick D Rk} mond muy be appointed Exeeutors theieof Therrapon it is ordered, that Monday, the twentysecond day ut Decembernext, atten o'clock in the forsdoto, beass%nedforthe hearing of said petition.and duylsee,leKateeS,andhpir at l.,w of B,,id dcceased, and :.ll othet peraona Interented in said estáte, are re ouiredtoapp, „ln of said court, thento be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Arm Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, whv the prareroftíiepetitíonersnonldnotbegtanSd: And it u farther ora „ petitioner gin notíve t" the persons mteretl in said .state, of tbependencyof aidputWon,andthé hearina therW, K2, copy of thia order to be publi8),ed iñ tne mè"Ln Argu a nowspaper printed and circulating in said three snccessive weeks previous toaaid day (A tme oopy.) NOAH W. CIIEEVEE 1454 Judi of Probate. Shfiriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Waahtenaw County, n. ■ ' l.y virtue ot a writ of cxocution issiu-d out oi and ot the Circuit Court for the county of, and to me directed and deliveredaeainst thegood, cbattles, land, and teiunienls of Merch-mt 1 . i ood, loh . [ liave thia lSth day of November, A. D., 187, seizcd and levicd upou all the right, title and interest Merchnnt H. Goodrich has in and to the JoUowing land, (o wit : Lols numbnr two, three, Le, and ox, and west half ot lot s eeveD and LK k one north, range fir. eut. exceptini; ten fee ofl (he wesi hall oí Iota seven and eiKht, also exoeptforty-four lest front on Fourth streel by one himdred and ten feet deep, off the south-west corner lots, all In the city of Ann Arbor. Washtmaw OOUDty, .State oi Jlichigan, which above described property 1 ahnll expose for sale at auction, to the highest bidder at the tontll door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the third day ol Jannaiy, A, D. 1874 Dated, Ánn Arbor, Mot. 19, 1873 18W M. FLEMIXG, Sheriff. Sheriff 's Sale. i, TA TE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. ■■y vtrtueof ;m exeoution issued out of aud unai of the Circuit Court lor the county of ttaw, to me direeted and delivered, in iavor 01 John Geer, plaintiff, and against the goods und cnattels, lands and tenementa of Moses Marka, defendant theiom nemed, 1 did on the suventeenth day of Uotober, 1873, levy un the followinj; described real escate, to wit : Lot numbertwo !2j, four (4;, six (6) and eight f8), m blonk number flve (5) in Ormsby & Page's addition to the village fnów cityj of Ann Ailoi, Wnshtpnnw county, Michigan, which property nbove desciibed I shall exposé for sale to the higheBt bidder, atpublic auction, at thè south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw county, on Saturday, the twenly-seventh day of December, 1873, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of day. Dated, Nor. 10, 1873. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1452td By G. W. ürown, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw.ts. O By virtue of an execution iaued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court tor the county of W.islitenaw, to mo direeted and delivered, in iavor of Christian Sohmidt, plaintiü1, and agniust the goods and ciiattles, lands and tent1 ment of George Hoe and Abriim Moe, defendanta therein naraed, I did on the tliird day of Deocmber, 1873, lew on the following described real estáte, to wit : The northeast fraertonal quarter of section flve, towu two south range six east, containing one hundred and eihteen acre? of land ; Also the east side of the northwest quarter of section flve, town two south, range six eaat, contaimng ñreaeres, which property above dei ihall exposé ior Kale to the highest bidder n t public anction, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. in Vb... county, on Saturdny, tbe seventcenth day of Janunry, 1S74. at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day. Dated, Deoember 3, 1873. ,„,.- m M. FLEMING, Sheriff. lMitd By Thomas J. Hoskins, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss. UJ By virtueof an exeout'On weued out of and undor the sea] of tbe Circuit Court lor tbe county oí w ashtenaw, to me direoted and delivered, in favoi of Julius BoblQBOa and Louis Lamhert, plaintlffs and against the good and chattels, lanrls and tenements it Moss Marks, ftefendant tljtrein named, I o'i tlie scvcnteenth day of Üciobcr, 1873, levy on the following descjlbed real estáte, to uit: Lots number two (2), four (4), six (6), and eieht tSl, in biock number flve (Si in Ormsby & V:ge' addition to Die villnire 'now city) of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw eounty, Michigan, wliich property above described I ahall i exposé for sais toths hlchest bidder, at public auction, at tlie south door of the Court Houee. in the city of Ann Arbor, in Washtenaw county, od Saturday, tlie twmtj-seyentJ day of Deccmbur, 1873, at 12 o'clock M. of said day. Dated, November li), 1S7H. M. FLEMING, Sheriff 1452td By G. W. Bbown, Deputy Sheriff. Eeal Estáte for Sale. TA'I EOF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, ss k3 in the matter of the estáte ot Caroline Miher minor. JXotice is hereby given, that in pursuauce of nu order granicd to the umlersiirned, Guardian of the estáte of aid minor, by the Hon.Judge of Probate for tlie county of Washtenaw, on the twenty-flfth day of November, a. d. 1873, there will be sold at irabhc vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor iu the county of rt'a8htenaw, in said State, on Fridav' ■ tlie twenty third day of January, a. d. 1874 at ten' o'clock in the lorenoon of that day fsubject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time ot the sale) and also subject to the rish of dowar oí líosmn Miller. widow of Oottfrey Sliller deceased tberein. all the right lille and interest of siiid minor, it being the equul undivided one-fourth pail oí the íolluwing descriued real estáte towit: Theeatt hnlt of the Southwest quarter of section tweuty-nine; the west three-eifrbths or the west thirty aures of the west half of the northeast quarter of section tliirty ; uid the south hul f of the enst hult of the sonthwest quarter of section twenty all in towntwo south ninge five enst (Scio) in said State, fexcept a strip of land on the west side of the last describid pioce ot lima nine rods and bLk inches in width.j Togethet with the right of way across the sonthweat corner of the west half of the southeiist quurter of aaid stction number twenty, one rod in wjdth. Dated, Novemlier 25th, 1873. LKONHAKD GEUÜER.Guardian. Eeal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of O In the matter of the estáte oí V eit Zeeb, deceased. Notice is hereby xiven, that in pursuance of an di-r granted to the undersigned, Administrator of the es'ate of said deceased, by the Hon. Jude oí Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on tlie íourth day of November, a. d. 1878. there wül be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the eounly of Waahtenxw, in said State, on Tuesday the tweiity third day of Uecember, a. d. 1873, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon oí thut day (subject to all encurabrances by mortgara or ntherwim existing at the timp of t edeathof said decpused. and hIso subject t" the ripht of dower of Elizabeth Zeeb, widow of snid dpceiised thcrein), the following described real ettate, to wit : The west halt of the southweat quarter of section twenty-two ; the west half of the norlhwest quarter of seclion twenty-seven ; the unundlvided thrco-eighths of the west half of the northwest quarter of' section twenty-two, in town two south range flve eaat (Bcio.J Also the following described lnnd in Northflpld, in said county, to wit : beginninsr at the northeast corner of section thirtyflve thencesoutb on the east line of said section to the center ot the Pontiac road, thence southwesterly nlong tlie center of said road to the east and west qnnrter lin! of said section, thonce west on said quarterline to the half qoflrter post, thenee north on the west line of the east hnlf of the northeast qnarter of said seetion to the north section line of said section, thence east on said section line to the place of beginnin? (exeepting a piece of land twe ty feet in width off of the west side of said land), all in said State Dated. November 4th, a. d. 1873. W1LLIAM APRIL. Administrator. Eeal Estáte for Sale. , OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WashteO nsw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Susan H. Wdlcs, minor. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned, Guardian of the estáte of said minor, by the Hon. Judga of I'rohate for the county of Washtermw, on the eighth day of December, a. d. 1873, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court ïlouse in the city of Aun Arbor, in the county of Washtenn vv, in said State, on Wedv. the twenty-eighth day of January, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clook in the forenoon of that day (subject to all eueumbrances by mortgage or otherwise eiisting at the time of the sale), all the right, titlc and interest of said minor, it bei nii' the eqoftl undivided one-fourth of the following described real estáte, to wit : All that certáin piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the city Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, bounded and described as follows, viz : Oommenciug al a point on the oast side of División street one huzidred and eiality-three (183) feet north of the center of Huron street. thpncn Qorth on the east line of División street one hundred and soventy-nine (179) feet and nine (9) inches to land formerly owned by (xeorge Sedgwick, thenco easterly along said Sedgwi;k's South line about foity (4Ü) rods to the section lino on the cast side of State street or University Avenue, tlience southerly on the aection line und on the west side of State street or University Avenue one handred and soventy-nine feet and nine inchi's (179 9-1 '2), thenee westerly parallel with the north line to the place of begtftning. Dated, December 8, A. D. 1873. SILAS H. DOÜGLASS, ll.JGtd. Guardian. Chancery Kotico. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Conntyof Wnshfenaw, I 8B. ín i hanoery. Diantha Waterous, ( 'omplaiuuni vs, J.i7iicl S. Wftterous, delendant. It satisfactorilyappearing upon due proof by atildovit to li'is eourt th'H the Aefendant, Daniel s. Waterons is nol ;i resident of tlie State of Michisran, but that he rt'-iilL in ( 'hie;ig-o, in the State of Illinois: On motionof Prazcr, Hurriman & Hamüton, solkitors forcdinplamant, it U ordered that tltt? saiii ';it' 'loii..f'rinehisappeurancein thia oauee to be enter3 wiibia three monthsfrom tlio ad fchat ba oase of hia npiaritnco, Bhianawftrto oomplaioanfi bilí to be flled and a copy thereoj to bb served on ti.e omplain.uii's yolicitors wittiin twonry days ai ter service of a copy ot said bilí and nol ice of tliis urder, and in defnnlt t !i;tl said Bill be takon as confesscd ytjiesaid defendantt DaoielS. Waterous: And it fnrther ordered that within twrnty dnys said comaiiiitnt canse a notiee of thi order to bepublislied in c ■.truAN Ahous, a Bewspaper priated and s bed ín said oounty and that iuid publication be f ntinned in s;iid paper at leaat once eacli week for f x aucoeasive week, or-that she cause a copy of thia Iit tb be personnlly served at leaat twenty days be tima prescribed fcr his appearance ( Dated tliis 17th dy of November, A. D . 1873. f. ALEX. i). t'RANE, Cirenit Judge. Fbazek, Habbima & Hamilton, Solicitow for ComplainanU. Mortgage Sale. Fanny McMahon, hi8 wife to Sla8 II nhoi"""l bearlng date the fint day of Februarv A uglí". and recorded in the office of the tEU ' ? "W for Washtenaw County, Michigan on thï De( ot February, A. D. 1886, in libïr 31 olw, 'rl dJpage 446, bywhich default the pow;,rTftffa8. o tained ín said mortgage haa becomé operatií e conwbich mortgage tbere ia claimed I to be í Wim date the ram of three thouaand two hiftn a,tth' and flttythree dollars and forty flve clnu ?Jni a"a dollar as an Attorney fee as provfded n 'l h flf l gage, and nosuit or proceediiig at 1 w m ■ mrteryAav"]f? been 'nstituted torecovcT S. 'Í ?'ancured by Said mortgage or any pin thereof ? 8ew ' therefore hereby giwn that by virtue of h "ti(:e of sak contained iu said mortKaie and f ,1 e pow tbfCiicuitCourtforthesaTdcoLtyeotPWa8lLh0lúl? sale, at public auction, to the hiirhps! l ■ i enaw).li)premiso desmbed iñ tó 5ÍS " mortgagod premises are describra m, „„ 'eh mi tollows, viz: All those tracu. èr uwl a ,S,T a,a sitúate in the township of of Am, A „ lalld and State aforeamd, to líe i '(W?M' noi-theast quarter of section eiihte tnw i "le southeast corner of th wt alH f71??'""5 at quarter ot sa.d sectior T and rumín,? L, thv"""," eastsideof the Cornwellroadjtwelv, roda . „5 T1,'6 the southwest fraction of the Lurthsf Vr ralli0 quarter of section seventetn? co" t,„ Í, ' i": 10"" and ninety hundredths of an atr ■ a ml !7'x


Old News
Michigan Argus