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umei tract or parcel of land beinir nart of D , mËmmm seventeen not toTxceed t , "itc-r cl richt of di'innirani twenty ucres, aud also tte taoml quarter of section seventeen hltil!, Hf south line of the the rond runninR ea" e, v 1„„, "t riveron tfarniign lm. i .. Í _. ' ,.'rom "'1 ■ k. j i 4 line ml nlne parallel tl, „ eightrodsdistant onthesouth side of" ,0 ƒ. 2 quarterline, and also the right oí makin r7kr , in m repair at 11 times a Uil rae; ffidS the mili on the premises above (rranted ini tl „ at any point on the said southw?rt iracl , 1 ' VaZ of section seventeen, Intendüig to convey Z I Í and exclusive water power to run ik I T " as the Kellore milis. "andïhe' righ, ' prhTe'"? franchises connectfd therewitlif em. E.Sr Ann Arbor, Mich., October 23, 187a' Mortgage Sale. 1 Mills, of thetownslnp of Ma„ci,tt, ' f of Washtenaw, and State oí Michigan. onH teenth day of December, A. 1). 1871 xernt.i mortgage to Charles J. Howell.. of the c, ö W York, to secure the payment of oeitain piincinafaZ interest money therein mentioned, whieli mortc,. was recorded ,n the office ol liegistcr of , the county of Washtenaw and State of Hiel , ontheeighthdayof Jauuary, A. U 18;-' „1'1,'T ' P. LtberS, page !2: Aud whjreas iefaïu has been made for more than twenty days in kp Z! ment of an instalment of said interest monevXh became aue on the fint day ol Janoary A i i-" by reason whereof and pursuant to the tèrma oi sa'S mortgage, said mortgagee fileote tliat o much of s' principal asremams uupaid with all arre;,, interest thereon hall becume due and payable iWe diately: And whereas there is clairniu to l,e AuTZ unpaid at the dute of this ootice the su oi i thousand six hundred and forty-nine dollars and mnety-two cents lor principal and interest, also flftï dollars as a reasonable solicitor orattorney fee then for in addition to all other legal costs as oftên as any proceedings is taken to foreclose saidmorteaw either by virtue of the above power of sale in E! cery or in any othrr manner piovided by lair ■,nd " oult "i pioijeeuiiiÉfs naving Deen ïnshtuled eithf m luw or equity to recover the sanie or ani na thereof; Notice therefore is hereby given that o Salurday, the sixth day uf December next at tw oclock in the afternom of said the soul door of the (Jourt House, in the cityoi Am Arb. fthat beinf? the building in which the Circnitlon tor the county of Washtenaw, and State ahraaid held,) and by virtue of the power ot sale containedi said mortguge, I shall sell at publicnueiion tn i! highest bidder the premises described in said mor Smte, to sntisfy the amount of prindpul and interei claimed to be .me, with the attorney's fee of Bil j do lrs and charges of snle to-wit: AUthoee cratai pieces or pareels of land situated in the townshin ( Mimchester, county of Washtenaw, and State c Michigan aforeBaid, known, bouniled and describe as follows, to wit: Being the east half of tlienortl eastquarter, and the northeast quarter uf thesiratl eastquarter, of sectiou numbor ne (cxceiil ing one and a half acies of the last above describe piece of land,1; also the northeast qnarter of tl Southwest quarter of section number thirly-tivo, tl east half of the southeast qunrter of sectiu'n numlie thirty, (30) (exeepting sixty acres trom the north en of the last above described piece of land): also a that part of the west half of the northwest quartt of section number thirty-two which lies southof th center of the highway above mentioned, and als fiom the west side of the northeast quarter of th southwest quarter of said section, the twolastpai cels of land on section thirty-tTo oontainint: fortj six and a half acres of land, and b'jing the s;mie lan deeded by Oliver Nickols and hiswife i Matthews in the spring of J 869. all in Lownship num er four south of range nuraber three easl, and coe ainmg in all two hundred and twenty-flvo acre o and. September lOth, 1873. John N. Gott, CHARLES J. HOWF.LL, Attorney for Mortgagee. Mortgajree. The above sale is postponed until the twentieth day of December instant, at the same time and place. December 6, 1873. John N. Gott, CHARLES J. HO1VELL, Attorney for Mortgagee. Marl Hortgage Sale. TEFAULT having been mude in the colidition of U a certain mortgage, made und exccuted tv Solen Cook and Ann L. Couk, his wiie, of the city ol Am Arbor, Washtenaw County, and State of ih to SUiis H. Uouglass, of the same place, beariig date the fust day of Auaust, in the year ot om1 Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and recordad in the oiüce of the Kegister of Deeds of the county of Washtenaw, in eaid State ot Michigan, on tl first day of August, a. p. 1867. m libcr 36 ot mortgages, on page 536, on which mortgage there is eluimi-d to be due at the date f this nolice, for principal and interest, the sum of two tl.ousand flve hundrpd and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, togethei with an attorney fee of üfty dollars, ns piovided and agreed should any proceedings be taken lor the foiecloaureof said mortgage: and whereas lo prweedings at law or in equity have been taken to reeoier the same or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given that by virtue of the power of s,ie contained in mortgage, Ishallselat public a'jctitjn to the highest bidder, on Monday, the nmth day oï February, a. d. 1874, at ten of the clock in the toienoon of that day, ut the aouth door ot ttie Comt House in the city ut Ann Arbor and State of Michigan, that being the in -which the Circuit (Jourt for the county ot Wuhtenaw is held, tlie premises described in said mortgüpe, or ü mueb thereof as shall be necessary to Batisfy the amonnf due on s-iid mortgnge, the costs and expenses oí said sale and the attorney fee as aforesaid ; elidir are described as follows, to wit : All that certain tract or parcel of land known and describid as fellows, to wit : lying in the township of Ann Arbor, and being part of the northwett quartcr of seclion number thirty-three in township number two Kjuth of range number six cast in said State, beginning in t W l-Mlur 11 Tuk Jft t] '1 1 l rin iik4- mnt lvt at I i clï mm citat iiiiv ui oiitu quajiei eei'iiuu ■ i umi oiateen chains and tifty-three links south of the norilieast corner of aaid quarter section, and running thence south on snid line ñve chains and thirty iive links, thence south fifty-one and a-half degrtes wept twenty-two chains and eleven links to the center of the Ypsilanti road, thenee northwesterly along the center of said rond nineteen chains and" niüety-fivt' ' links to a point eig'hteen cluiins and aeventy five links south of the north line of aaid section, theuce eiiet parallel to the north line of said section twenly chains and thirty-two links, thence north parallel to the west line of said section six ehanis and tventyflve links, thence east parallel to said north line nine chains and forty-four links to the east liue of said quarter section, thence south four chuins und tin f links to the place of bezinning, and beinsr U' : lm' land deededby Jacob Kempfto said ('ook, party vt the first part (to said mortgage! and the sanie lrnid described in two deeds to said Kempt' rccorded in 'te Regiater's office, in said rounty, in liber Y of TVt'K on pafrea 676 and 677, and in liber No. 32 of deeda at püges558and 559. . Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. S1LA8 H. DOUGLASS, Mortgage. Felch & Gbant, Attorneys for Mortgngec. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the oondition of n certain mortgage mudo and eiecutsd bj Sol ('cok, uf the city of Ann Arbor, ia the county ot Waohtenuw, and State of Michigan, to Adelmof Lewitt, of the same place, hearing dute the fl of May, in the yearof our Lord one thousnnd eiclt hundred and sixty-seveu, and reeorded in tiie oihes of the Register of Deeds of eeid county of V naw, on the seventh day of May, a. r. 186?, in hlr 36 of mortgages, on page 491, und whioh WM T ï t 1: - ferred and assifïned by said Adelaide Lewitt to 811M H. Douglass, of said city of Ann Arbor, by an instrument of assignment duly eieouted. acknoTledged and delivercd by her, hearing dato tlir twentr flfth day of April, a. d. I870, and reoorded 111 we othce of said Kegister of Deeds, on the day last aft said, in liber 2 of assignments of mortgagos, on pgf 501; on which mortgage there is cliiimed tobi' liiu' :" the date oí this notice, for principal and interest, the sum of flfteen hundred and thirty-flve dollars ano forty-one cents, together with an attorney iee "t twenty-tive dollars, as provided for in suid morifrapi should any proeeedinga be taken to foreclose the same; and wheieas no prooeedings at law in eqnitj been taken to recover the same or uny P" thercoi : Xow, thercfore. notice is hereby given that, by nrt of the power of sale onntniiuii in núd mortgape. í ■hall sell at public auction, to'tlie highest bidder, on Monday the ninth day of Februnry A. D., l ten ot the clock in the forenoon of tlmt duy, at the south door of the Court House in the City of Adji Arbor, in said county of Washteimw and 'Mnte " Michigan, Uiat being the buildinsr in whioh the Cacuit Court for the counly of Washtermw is held, líe premiseR descnbed in said mortíaíre, 01 so murfi 1 1" 'i ( of as sliall be necessary to satiisfy the nmoiint (lúe 0J unid mortpage, the costs and cxpensesof Md s ' the attorneys feeas aioresaid. said premiscs :i re de ' "■ ed as follows, to wit : All those certain tracta or par cels of land sitúate in the City of A nu Arbor, in "ie county of Washtenaw, nd State nf Michipnn. lcnmvn and describcd as theeast three-fonrths of lot uvmi ■ ■ six fa) and the west half of lot number Beven (7)i in blockonefl) norlh of ranife six (6) enst accortlmp to the recordrd plat of the village of Ami Ail'ur ;; county of Washtenaw. Ann Arbor, November 12. 1873. PILAS H. DOUGLA. s Assigueeof raid Moitgüi'1Felph Ohant, Att'ys. for said Assignee. T WELLING HOUSES ïuB SALE A largeand very well huilt brick house, witli two or more lois. Two large fraraed houses. AIo a poon íized brick house and framcd houae ; find s Frame house on a gwdlot, intended foraddiTig1 afrtmt tor sale on fair terras and a rensonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. ITÏOIVEY WANTED-So many wibhin W oTT&w money apply to me thut I can readily obtain 'or lenders good satisfactory iovestraents at ten per ent. inUwit. E. V?. MORCíAN. Aim Arbor, Aoril 28. 1878. MWtf


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