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Local Brevities

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Cabdö. _ Circulare. _ Bill-Heads. - Letter-Heads. _ Shipping Tags. - Printed at the Aegus office. - In the best style and cheap. - Don't order elsewhere before calling. - Satisfaction guarantoed in every respect. - The Abgus and the Detroit Free Press (neekly) for $3.50. - The Treather continúes mild and fine and the roads are getting good. - The Circuit Court is again in sessiun this week, Judge Turner presiding. - The editor ia stül taking lessons in tax-gatheringt which will account for lack oï editorial. - We put the Akous to prees Wednesday afternoon, so that the Aeoüs boys can celébrate Christmas. -The iaint shop of William Herz, on Washington street, was burned on Thursday evening of laat week. - Christmas services will be held at the Conational Church, at the usual hour of morning cxercises. - The wife of Eev. Geo. Taylor, who has been siek and a great sufferer for many months, died ou Sunday last. _At the instance of the stockholders, Judge Crime has appointed E. F. UU, Esq., of Ypsilanti, Eeceiver for the Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana Eailroad. _ W. 8. George, of the Lansing Rejmblican, rave us a cali on Monday evening, and editor, like made himself useful, - that is assisted us in reauing proof, for which thanks. - Christmas trees were the order at the M. E. Sunday School, Fifth ward, Tuesday evening. at St, Andrew's and the First M. E. Church Wednesday evening ; and the Baptist Sabbath School will be feted this (Friday) evening. -The dwelling of Reuben Heuser, of Sharon was burned on Saturday morning last. Loss estimated at $2,000. Insured in the Washtenaw Mutual, $S00 on houss and $300 on furniture. - Jacob Hangsterfer, so well known in this city as confectioner and restauranter, died on Thursday evening last. His funeral was largely attended at St. Andrew's Church on Sunday afternoon. We invite the attention of the Arous readers, especiallv of those living in this city and along the line of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Eailroad, to the report of the Board of Directors of that Corporation, which will be found on the fourth page of this paper, and which is accompanied by a clear financial statement by Treasurer Millen. This report will show every stockholder just what has become of the money they have paid in, and ought to convince all that none of it has been squandered or gone to enrich rings or fatten officers. It also plainly poiuts out the reason why the road has uot been completed, iroued and put in operation : that reason being the general financial crisis. And it closes with an intimation that ïf a narrow gauge could be agreed upon, it could be finished by the company and without sacrificing the investment, and expresses the opinión that a narrow-gauge road would pay a profit to stockholders. We vote for a narrow-gauge. The application for a mandanus directed to the Regeuts of the Uuiversity and requiring them to appoint two professors of homeopathy in the Univeraity was argued before Judge Crane ou Mjnday, by Judge Lawrence for the relators, ani Hon. C. I. Walker for the Eegeuts. Jndge Lawrence discussed at length both the question ol jurisdiction and the constitutionality of the law, both of which were denied by Judge Walker. At the close of the two arguments, and without hearing Hon. D. D. Hughes or (xov. Felch, Judge Ckane announced his conviction that he was without junsdiction and denied the motion. It is not definitely known what will be the next move, but an appeal is intimated. What is to be appealed or what from ia more than we eau discover. A Mrs. Eobinson, nee Stevens, nee Barlow was drowned in a cistern, at Ypsilanti, on Thursday evening of last week, the circumstances not renderiug it certain whether accident, suicide or foul play should be the verdict. According to the evidence given at the inquest she resided awhile iu Ann Arbor last summer and was shot at during that time. The story is not a very credible one, and the claim put forth that she waa an authoress iu disguise, in fact Eebecca Harding Davis, one of the most popular magazine writors' is too thin to be entertained. The regular quarterly scssion of the Washtenaw County Medical Society was held at Cook's Hotel on Monday last, Dr. Frothinghain presidiag. A paper was read frora Dr. Cheever on " Colorado as a Sanitarium," and ono by Dr. Palmer on " Diseases of the Mind." Dr. McLean reported some very intoresting operations since his connection with the University. The long voxed questiou of the admission of females was decided iu favor of the proposed innovation and Mrs. Dr. Hilton was admitted to momberr hip. Mes.ra. Everta & Stewart are progressing finely in the preparation of the material for their County Atlas, and we can promise that in maps illustrations, historical and statistical matter it will be a superb volume and deserving a large subscriptiou and aale. The illustrations will include a large and fine view of the University Hall and gioimds. We have seen the drawing and it the lithographing does it credit it will merit great praiso. i 11 ÏLe Detroit Free Press has taken to issuing a Saturday supplement to its interior subscribers, which is full (it good tilines and iuruislies another evideuce of Free Press euterprise. We again offer Aiíous readers the Aeous and Free Prett (weekly and the best weekly published in the State) for $3.50. Now is the time to subscribe. Oa Tuesday forenoon Jacob Buehler of this city, in the employ of Muhlig Bros., was run away with at Saline,- the team taking fnght at the cars, - thrown from the wagon, the wheel running over his head, breaking his skull and killmg him instantly. The same team ran away in our streets on Monday, with the same driver.