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We invite attention to the prospectus of the Detroit Post - a thorouglily radical paper and always in sympathy with the administration. At least tliat is ite reputation. To Those Interested in Bee Culture. At the sixth annual Conveution of the Michigan State Bee-Keepers' Association, it was decided to hold a special meeting at Kalamazoo, to eommence Wednesday, May 6th, 1874. It is especially desired that all mombers be preeent, and, in behali' of the Association, we urge every bee-keeper in Michigan to atteud. A cordial invitation is also extended to all persons interested in the science of bee-culture, whether residing in this or other states. Surely much good inay be derived from a comparison of experiences, next spring, and from the able papers that will then be presented. Timely notice will be given of all further arrangements. Address I cations or inquiries concerning the subject, to FRANK BENTON, Sec'y Mich. Bee-Keepers' Association, Shelby, Oceana Co., Michigan. " A Complete Pictorial History of the Times."-" Un' ixM, ebeapest, and most successful limiil y Paper ni the (niou HAKIT.K'S WEEKI.Ï. Splendidly Illustrated. The Weekly is the ablest and most powerful illustrated periodical published in this country. lts editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its illustoations of curreut events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best designers. With a circulation of 150,000, the Weekly is read by at 1 jast half a million persons, and its influence as an organ of opinión is simply treniendous. The Weekly maintains a positive position, and expresses decided views on political and social problems.. - Louisvüle Courier Journal Substriplions.- 1871. TEEMS : Haepek's Weekly, one year, $4.- S4 includes prepayment of XJ. 8. pustdge by tho publishers. Subscriptions to Haepee's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazae, to one address for one year, $10 ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to oue address for one year, $7 ; postage payable by the subscriber at the office where received. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly, or Bazae wiü be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $i each, in one remittance ; or, Six Copies for $20, without extra copy ; postage payable by the subscribers at the offices where received. Back Numbers can be supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Haepeb's Weekly, neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 each. A complete set, comprisiug Seventeen Volumes, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5.25 per vol., freight at exiMtfi da fr in nrth ei tim' H 11.11. -IL jy 111 1.11U.JV1 . The postage on Haepee's Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscnber's post-office. Address HAEPEE & BROTHEES, New York. Aluin, Terra Alba, and Slardi are good in thcir places : but have no place in Grtlet's Baking Powder. A Great Aguc ïear. Chilla and Fever now abound in all malarial district. Our readers are reminded that Deshler's Fever and Agüe Pilis are the only real, positive cure we have for ït. Their unfailing success tor a quarter of a century is very remaf kable. They contain no calomel, arsenic, or guinine, aud besides curing the disease, root and branch, brace the system up against further attacks. Write to Fraser and & Loe, for a descriptivo pamplilet. Chcap Bakiug Powders are dear enoogh in the end : the best is the cheapeat. Try (Jillet's. Tbe Household Panacea and Faniily Linimenl Ia the beat remedy in the world for the following complaintt, viz. : Cramps in the Limbsand Btomach, Pain in the Stomach, Bowels, or Side, Kheumatism in all its forma. Büioua Colic, Neuralgia , Cholera, Dysentery, Colda, Freah WoundB.Burna, SoreThroat, Spinnl Complaints, Sprains and Bruises, Chilla and Fever. For Internal and Esternal uae. lts operation ia not only to relieve the patiënt, but entireiy removea the cause of the complaiut, It penétrate and pervadea the whole system, reatoring healthy action to all it8 parta, and quickening the blood. The Household Panacea pureegetable and All-Healing. Preparod by CURTÍS & BROWN, ïfo. 215 Fulton Street, Xew York. For aale by all druggists. 1436yl Ask Vour Grocer for samples of Gillet's Snow White Boking Power, and doublé atiength flavoring. Children Often Look Pale and Sick From no other cauae than havinj; worma in the ach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS Will deatroy Worm without injury to the child, bemg perfectlv WHITE, and free trom all coloring or other injurious ingredients uaually used in worm prepuruCURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Sld bij Dntggisis and Chemisls, and dealers in Medicines al Twbntï-Five Cents a Box. lByl The Money Itefunded to anypersoo who finds any impurity in Gillet's Snow-White Baking Towder. I liirly ïean Experience of au Old Nurse. Jln. Winslow's SootUinff Symp is the prescription of one of the best Feuiale Phy&icians and Nurses in the United State, und has been used for thirty years with never failing salety and success by millions at' mothers and childien, from the feeble nifant of one week old to the adult. It correcta acidity of the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the , and iives rest. health and comfort to mother and child. "We believe it to be the Best and SureHt Remedy in the World in all cases ot uiBnainiii and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whetherit arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full direction8 for Ubinff will accompany ench bottle. IJone üenuiue unies the fac-simile of CUKT18 & PERKINSisonthe outside wrapper. Sold by all Medicine Dealer 1436vl Hc oiul the Mismisslppl.- Thousande have already gone,and thousands more are turning their eyes. towards new hornea in the fertile Weet. To those going to Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, utah, Wyoming, Nevada, Oregon or California, we reeommend a cheap, safe, quick and direet route, ma St. Louis, over the Missouri Pacific Railroad. which runs its fine Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers from 8t. Louis to principal points in the West without chartae. We believe that the Missouri Pacifle Eailroad has the best track und the flnest and safest equipment of any line west of the Mississippi, and its conncctions with roads further West are prompt and reliuble. The Texas coanection of this road is now completed, and passengers are oflered a first-class, allrail route from St. Louis to Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas & Texas R. R., via Sedalia, or over the Atlantic & Paciflo B. R., via Vinila. For maps, lime tables, information as to rates routes, &c, we refer our readers to I. G. Wheeler. Northern PasaenKer Agent, 72 Lloyd street, Butfalo, N. Y., or E. A. Ford, General Passenger Agont, St. Louis, Ho. Qnestiont vrill bt cieerfully andpromptly antwmdl EB. GIDLEY, Sacceesor to COLGROVE 4 SON. üRUGGisT ai mm IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, No. 12 R HURON STREET DEALER IN ■ DRiliS, MEDICINES, SIRO.NAL IiSTRIinENTS, PURE WISES AND LIQIORS, tFOR MEDICAL PURPÓSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pertumery, PAIIVTS, OILS, VABNISHES, a.ASS AND PUXT1T, PHYSICIAMS PRËSCRIPTIONS Carefully componnded at all hours. PKOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHO FTJRNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. e. h. i.ioi.r.v. 136Ttf j TALMAGE. 8PURGEONT.DeWittTalmage is editor of Ihr. Chrittian at Work ; C. H. Bpurgeon, Special Oontriputor. They write for no other paper in America. Three magniücent Chromos. Puf larger commission than any other paper. CHROMOS ALL READY. No Sectarianism. No Rectionaliion. One agent recently obtained 380 subscriptions in eiglity hours absolute work. Sample copie and circulara eent íree. H. W. ADAMS, Publislier. 102 Chambers Street, New York. - ' I JAMES McMAHON, O Justice of the Peace, Office in ne w block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AGKNT. Nortü Mi8ouri, " „ÍMÍH,, Hibernia. " 350,000.00 BBAL ESTÁTE. I have 80 acreB of land of a mlle from the city Itults, flnely located for fruit or garden purpOBes. Also 40 acres. Also 10 acres, with houBe and barn.and alivel stream of waterranning through the barn yard. 60 acres, a mlleonl I will eell any or all ! the abovejeheap, or exchange forcUproperty. JAMB8 MoMAHON. poR sam: ! The undersifrned offers for sale cheap his Store, córner of Hurón and Fourth otreeta : a good and convenient building and one of the best business locations- eépecittlly íor the rocery trade- in the city. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1873. „, 1441tf L. B. mÈÈ ■mBSË BriggsHouse, Bandolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO.. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modem conveniences- Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantly Furnishcd, andlocatcd in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS i HUNTOON, ; Proprietors. VIOK'S FLORAL GÏJXEE FOK 1874. 200 Patea, 60O Engravinffs, and Colored Plate. Published Quarteriy. at 25 centB year. January numbar j ut issued. A Germán edition published. Address JAMES ICK, Roclieter, W. Y. ! 1456


Old News
Michigan Argus