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BUSINESS DIREOTORY. ri BA BI ER & MtAT,KR, Attoi-ney at J Law, Ann Albor, Slich. fñtAZEH, HARRIHAN & HAJIILTOV C Attorneys at Law. Ottice Nos. i and 9 South , Miin stveet, Ann Arbor. Mich. b7cOL.E, Dealer in Coal. Office wHIiFelch . & Grant, ovnr .--laws .n fc Sons' Store, Our., Poarth and Huron St. iTïTisiüS TH TCHER, Attorney and Ci Counselor at Law, No. 5 Ernst liuron Street, Ano Arbor, Mich. 1386 V BROR MINERA I„ SPRINGS. V Morris Halo. M. L., Superintendent. Office g baUdin? corner Mann and rtest Huron. Streets. WIIVES Sc WORDEN, 20 onth .Main strea, Ann Arixir, Mich-, wholosale and retail dealsrdn Dry Goods, Carpets and Groeeries. 185ltr IJ ACK SCH.WID, Dealers in Dry Goods. .'1 urocurie, Orockery, c. 54 t'onth Main Btraet. 1 i ir II. JACKSON, Deutlst.auccessorto C. B. V . Portex. Office corner Main and liaron street, over the store of R. V. Kllis & Co , Ann Arbor, inostheticsadministeredif reqaired. ■ E.?. JOJÜVSOK, Dealer in Hats and Cap, L'urs. Straw Ooods. Gents' Furnishing Goods, te. No 7 South Main .-treet, Ann Arbor, ilich. ijTHERLAr WHKDO1V, Ufe and 5 Firelnsuranci" A_ents, and dealersin Real Estáte. Office on Harón StreetBXcH 4; ABEL, Dealers in Dry Goods. Groceries, Ac &c.,No iO South Main Street, Ann , rbor. _LiWSOJ( Sc SON, Grocer, Provisión and j Oommlnion Merchants. and dealers in Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Plasler Paris. No. 16 Bast 1 ii ron street. iir 1. WAKTER, Dcialcr in Ready MadeCloth VV inir. lotbs. Oasshaarea. Vestinps, Hats, Cap, ] Trinka, Oarpet Bag, tut 21 Houth Main street. ; VTOAil W CIIEEVEK, ' . i AfTORNEY AT LAW ! . OH-o with 15. W. Morgan, East side of Conrt House Sqiüre. I331 Ur C. CARR, Dcnlisi, - Siiicessor to C. C. ' ' ■ J enkins. ' ' Nitrous (Ixid 1 ' ,- '' ' ■ (;is üdministered jj when necessai-y. f 1% Office over ' Eacli & Abel's ïy tore. " I I _ mf " ■ : i No. 26 R o u t h JJUULiJ Main 1ÍRS. H. J. HILÏON, M. D., PHKSÍGÍAN AND SURGEON, ■ind Rexidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Ingalis, Ann Arbor, Mich. 5. _" OUico honra- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 r. M."f33 Rtfr.rt.nces -Vkov. Sagee, PltoF. Palmeb. 11 B O C E E B Y fiLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & P Donnelly 'I:iv i rWnre a largeatocknf Orockerj, Glassware, Plated Ware, Ontlery Groceries, &c, c, all tobe íolrl at umis'uilly low pricee. No 12 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor. lMKf J. Sc f. DONEELTf. rOHN G. (iALL, DBALBB I1ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Ij AKO, SI!S AGES. Etc., Ordersíolicitedand promptly ÏUed with thebest ; niMts in the market. 31 Kast Washington street Aun Arbor, Sopt. ISth', 1S09. 1235tf hR. C. A. LETTER COX VI NÚES TO PÜT UP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Uregory Block. C. A.LEITER Si CO. Aun Arbor. Dec. 22d 1871. 1351 M AltKSEY, oáf Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagonp, ANI) SLEIGHtS, of everystyle, made of the best muterial, and warranted. llepairing done promptlT lüd prioes reasonable. Detroit Street, rear R. K. üepot, Ann Arbor, ilich. 144Cyl TOHN FEED. BKOSS, MAÜCFACTUBEK OP ti!tI.VfiïïS, BIGUIKS, MHBËR WAGOSS, SP5U.i HAtiOSS CITIKKS, SLKIVIIS, kt. All vork warranted of the beBt material. Repairin? done promptly and reasonably All work wartanteü to _ive perfect saliilaction. 68 South Main Street. 1422 pLOUK AND PEED STORE. j HENSY WASCH, ' (Successorto Ueo. Laubengayer,) ( At 14 West ï.iberty Street, will keepconstan 1 iy (m ii t'ull Miuek oí iionr, Meul, OatB, Cira, Mili Peed , fcc. All orders proniptly filled at the loweet cn&h primee. Cash puid lor Corn and Oats. i415y 1 i rVR. C. B. POKTEK, DEWTIST. Otiicc in the Savings Bank Block, Arm Arbor. Ml Operations en the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. a3CJRPAS3ED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE sïTThh mimi tbbto, I") OIVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, Dñwre of tke proper aixt, thapt olor , firmntsMmd nalwal txprenio. 1344 VIOK'S FOK 1874. 200 Pages, 500 Enernvings, and Cal ored Plate. Bubliahod Quiirterly. at 25 cents ft year. January nurabsr jurt iued. A Oerman edition publinhed. kiinu JAMES TICK, Rocfaester, IV. V. H56


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Michigan Argus