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The Internal Revenue

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Uoinimssioner of Internal Revenue Douglas, in response to a request of Mr Wilson, of Indiana, for a statein nt of the r,ceipts i'ruui internal revenue for the ourreat fiscal year, and the effect thereon of the pan:c, has sent that gentleman a letter containiug the desired mforination. It ippears trom tuis that vvhile in each of the uionths of july, August and Septem oer the receipts exeeeded $8,000,000, averiiging for-eacb niouth $8,728,659, iu Octouur and Noveuiber respeotively they feil to $Ü,9O8,4Ü1 and $6,74,050, or an average ot $7,821,255 -a ditfVreuce of $1,007,405 in the muuthly average. Undero.di aary ciicuinstaiici's there would have been no falling off, so that the Conimissiuuer thmks " the receipts for Ootober and Novemlicr were nearly $4,000,000 less, ihan ihcy would have been hut for the tin, .acial disturbance." For the firat sixceen days of tho . present month the receipts were $4.141,088, against $5,863,420 fur the corr.sponding ptinod in the last fiscal year. At the date of his letter the Couimissuiiür estimited the receipts for ihe whole of tlie niouth of December at $7,020,300. This is a tnuch better showmg ihau was mude in November, and a little better than thtit made iu October, i'id trom it tlie Comrniss'oner is led to believe that "tb o most of. the financinl troabla is over so tur as it effectsinternaf revenue, und that receipts will soon reach their foriucr hverage." He concludes by saying : " Had tliere been no disturbance iu mouetary aff.iirs there is little doubt that the aggregnte receipts for the currt-nt fiscal yuar would havo roached $105,000.000. Huw rnuch tliey will fall below this ander existing luws will of course de pend upou the duration and extentof the stiingeucy in the mouey maiket." _i _


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