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Notice to Farmers. WAXTED- A farm to work on share8. Idquire of E. Claek, or addruss " Farmer "PO Box 108, Ann Arbor. Dec. 24, 1873. 1459w2 FOR SALtfT The nubscriber, lis Assignee ín Bankruptcy of John F. Miller and Stephen M. Webster, will offer for sale AT PUBLIC AUCTION, On TUESDAY, THE 13th DAY OP JANUART, 1874 at 2 o'clock P. M., at the late Banking Office of MiUflr & Websier, three doors east of the Post Ornee in Ann Arbor : 1 lurge Bank Safe, a Bank Counter and partitions 2 Writing Desks. 1 Letter Prees, several ntimps and presses, seveml chaira, 3 stoven, window curtains, and other olllce furniture ; 2 Settees, 1 Piano, 1 Hat Hack, 2 Bedsteads, nome Carpets, sev-Bial Gas Chandeliers and many other articles of household furnituie ; a mimber ol pictnres and frnmes, several Watohes (if notpreviously redeemed), a horse, cutter, bugjry, harness, string of bells, and divers olher articles ot iiersonal property. In the meantime, and before the public sale, said property will be subject to private sale, at tair pricea. Ann Arbor, Dec. 30, 1873. E. C. BEAMAN, Assignee. Sheriff's Sale. OTATE OS MICHIGAN, Washtenaw County, ss. K By viitue of a writ of execution issued out oí and under the Seal oí tho Circuit Court tor the connty oí Waahtcnaw, and lo me directed and delivered agiiinst the goods, cimtilee, lands, anu tentmenls of Merniiiiiit li (Joodvich. I havethisSlst day of Deecmber, A. D., liiT3, seized and levied upon all the right, titli and inleieat Weiclianl H. ((odricli has in and to t)n íoliowinfi landp, to wit: Lols immber Iwu, tliree. four, íive. iind six. nnd west huif ol loU seven are eif?ht, block one north, ninpe íive easi, eïcepting tes feei off the west huil oí lots aeven and einht, also ex cept forly-four íeet íiont on Fourth street, by one hundred and ten fett deep, oft the soutli-west cornei oí 8 lid lots, also lotH number thirtcen nnd fourtcen, bi ck number three north lange four etst, all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county. Stilte of Michigan, wliich nbovu dewcrilied propery I shnll expose for sale at auction, to the hie-lieet bidder at the ourh door of the Court House, in th city of(.Ann Arbor, on the iourternth day of i-ebuivry, A. D. 1874 Dated, Ann Aroor, Dec 31, IS3. H39td M. FLEMING, Sheriff. FIRE ! FIRE ! C. H. MILLEN'S FIRE ImoB Apncy The üldest Agency in the City ! Representa the following first-class companies : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus over $4,000,000. Continental Ins. Co , of New York, Capital and surplus $2,500,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Capital and surplus $750,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus $600,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN. H58tf 1P "lIrrClP'cloPcdlttof Things Worth Know illl llloluing, ür25,(K)0 WKiitsSupplied. Over 11 , 1 ö columus ou royal-octavo-sized pag. WANTKD. les. The grentent Ktcript Bo k of the 8ge. ■pi.' ij ijl liroiim Free. Famphlet circulara ,' k ree. N'th Western Bible and Pub. Co., t',.ï't t'tl . L,i,mi1 Rutmlo fi",.l. 200 PIANOS ORGAÑS cw atuJ Secsad-HaDdf o Firsl-Cln UI akers, wülbe sold at I,uwcr Prices for cash, "■ on Infttal lincntM, in City or Country, il II i mu 1 lus I iiiuiii ial Crisis and the Holila j -., fy II. Wil ■ : lts A SOIS, 4S1 llruinlway, ilia ii ever bcfore off crol in Vork. Airi'iiiN Wan led f nU Watera' Celebrated l'i.iiius.l urn. rto and Orcnestral iir;ms. I llustrated :it;i loquea inailcd. i.i and Inducements I n Hu i'radr. A discount to Ministers, Churches, Suutluy-SflioolN, etc. laflMCV Made ■R"i)id'.v lith Stencils A Key Check ll UW C I Oultíta. Calaloifues und full particulars FKKË! 8. il. Spesceb, U7 Hanover St., lïoston (hl (to SI 00 in Wall St., often leads toa forl tun Noriek. 32-pnge pamplilet for atamp. , I I I Valentive, 'I'ümbkidge & Oo., Bankera and JJlUBrokers, 39 Wall St., New York. f 3 fc f za . ms. ,3, m m m m m m fe. JCi-ilnAprr djtv!. Agenta waníed ï Ail claaaeisJ)J LU & workiiigpeople. oí titherttex, youn or oíd. ni ike more m 'uey at woik tor us in iheir spurt momento, or iiii the time, than at anvthing else l'iti tioulurs f ree. Address G. IStinson & Co., Portland Maine. (jeFpTriiwell i co, conduct n Agency for the reception of advertisements for American Newspaper - tho most complete estivblishmem of thekniG in the world. íSix thounand Xew&p;ipfr.-i are kept regulurly on file, open 10 inspec tion by customt-re. No reuding room, h o wever com plete recfive- one-twentieth of thiü number. Ever y ■ ■ V ï ■ t ■ . 1111 n K % 1-1 I ikivi II iU 1 tir iXUIllG m 1U in LliU paper, without any additional charge or commission, so that au adveitiaer. in dealing with the Agency, is saved trouble and correspondence, making: onc euntrnct inötead of a dozen, a hundred or a thouaand. A Book of eight paes, contuiuing lists of beat papers, largest cireulutions, relilous, agricultural. cUisb, political, daily and country papers, alao magazines aad all publications wlucn are speeially valualle to advertisers, with some in forma tion about prieea, is sent Free to any addres on applieaüon ï'eioni at a distuuce wi-sh i ng to make contracta for advertising in any town ciiy, oounlry State or Ter ritory of the United Staten, or any portion of Air Domini n of Canada, my öend a concise statement of whnt they want, toether with acopy of the dvertiseiiicnt tliey desire inserted, and wil! r1 - ceive infoimntion by return mail wliicli will emtblt (hem to decide to increase reduce or forgo the order t'or such iuformation there is no charle whatever. I'ubliahera not only aend their files tree, but pay Mesara Ueo. P. Uowsll & Co. for their services. Orders are acceDted for a cingle paper as well hs for a larger list ; for a single dollar aa readilv as for a larger aura. Address the American Newapaper Advertisiug Agency, 41 PARK ROWJU. ii pSYHOMANCY, OR SOUL CHARMING.' 1 Howeitüersex may fascínate and gnin the love and atfeetions of any pr-on tliey clioose.instnntly. This simple mental aequirement all can possess, free, by mail, for2' cents; togetlier with a Marriage Öuide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hinta to Iadies. A queer book. lOO.OiH) sold. -AdJrees T. WILLIAM & ÜO., Publisher#( PLiladelphia. 1WELLING HOUSES ïoB SALE A largeand very woll built bick house with two or more lots. Two Ifirf frumed houaes. Also a good nized briok house antt framed hous-; anda email frame house on a good lot. intended foraddini? a front for sale on fuir terms and a reasonnble cnnlit. AlfOOthei buildings, lots, and property. MO!VEY WA.STEÖ-- 8o many wi.hing lo omw moncy applj to me that I can readily obtain for Í(ír5 -iood dutisfnctorr inresunents at ten per oent. iuterest. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Annl 28. lTfi. 142ñtf jOTICE. The annunl meeting of the Foreet Tïill Cemetery Compauy of Ann Aibtir, will be held at the atore of Gfo. Grenville. on Tuesday, January tith, 1S74, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for the electionof offlceri and the tranaaction of aueh other biuinesa uö my come fore ït. J ORO GRENVH.W, Clerk. ' Ann Arbor, Dec. 18tb, 1RTS. lwU37 3 AND "OUIt TOUNG F0LK3. ïoys, take pic-asure in announcinir tw fcl aoii aument with Me.Brs. J. R oaÊooVi 7,F an '" mpular Magazine "sgood & Uo., their OLK YOTIX; F()K,„ SAS BEEN MEHGED IN ' ST. NICHOLA. In addition to the trikin., novelties and ereat ] ,' Nli.HOLAS," The Beat Feuturea of Our Vn tolk will be retained. 8t. Nirhola. " "„, ,T'g EHIALSTOItYBY J. T TROÏÏBRIDGI Late Editor of Our Yune t'ok begin, in ie praaent numter o7h, r Unin , Wmch „uperiorin eïery ctToXc;un4 TnnisE Splf.ndid Sebial StoriesWHATMItíHT HAVE BEEN EXPECTED A Story lor H.i j s, Bï Fbank K. Stcickton "NIMPO'S TROUB ES" A Story for Girls, By OLIVE THOENB (MBs. Habb.ex M. „ A grcat favonte with the children Jt i . ' "FAST FKIENDS," By J. T. TEOWBEIDGfi, Oneofthemoít popular writers for Tounir fmi. ALL THE6E STORIEBPLendh, "JIMMTJOHÑ" STORIKS" By Mrs. ABBY MOKTON DIAZ Authorof "The William Honry Letten. " wnHemyand HisFriends," {Z has the rare and happy Bift of knowinfr how tn rf light young peoplel will appear durimr M,V, I' There wül also be Shorter KtoVies P.nm „„ F and Hi.tory. Natural Hwtor" Wild Tp, rt a„T? ventures. Sketches of Travel Fairv Tl Í d' P"l-. Charades, Jingle., Fun andn , 'l ÍS' non. Entertainment and Deliirht Snmïn!' ï all, fron: Father and Mother to the bv Th'eï Iuttlon8v,,llbe the best that the Ar LJ, t," FOB VERT LÏTTLE FOLKS. üur pages in big type and eaSy words ft th. youngest readers, which have been ■ - btt tlSL ï?e first.willbe contiuued. The children lui wld to know also, that the department of g .IAK-I1-I H K-PUL' Ml is to be a permanen feature of the mgasine. Jack will teil some of the most cunous thiriüs ever h and make himself generully entertnininfr ' We have undertaken to make the best mnitnzir, pcMible, for the littla tolks, as wella. SÓ are older Every number of St. Nicholas w.ll conuin KOOd reading matter for boys aud prls ot uil ai bendes a gn-at deal of heartY and Innocent un i nristmaa comes bat once a year. ImtSt Nicholi the new nngazine for girls and boys. cnm evert raonth. Ithasalro dy on the beartnof thcvimnJ folks, and the little children are crying for St" IC no J rt s - We Want 100,000 Children mide Hanpy BY ST. NICHOLAS T THE HOLIDAYS. ' H. Nicholas, as eniarged contain onr third more matter th .n Our Yonng Pulks thn ivhw l'ictoriil Attractions, and lts beantifnl Prirtir.c t willbufuund to bo the Cheapest Magazine ni he v orld. Subscription Price 3ayear The tw back nnra er for November anri Dec mher, '.3 will ' roall nubsrib-r lor "74 wi h.MU adclMnnl cnarce "imr Munrh.forONE DOLiAR: 2Sc b a nmber'orSnle andatlbcnptio-n rec-eivcd by ail Booksel] ltb & News Deale a od the abuve terma Money may be sent to n in cheeke payaWe to our order, or in Post Office Money Orders, nr in Rreis. lered Letten Monoy in Letter nut Regittered it sendir' risk SCRIBN'EB & (0., 54 Hroailuaj, New York. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RA1LR0AI). WINTER TIME TABLÏ. P88engeitrainsnow leave the aerernl itations,) allows: OOIKG WKBT. " JL I á- i 8TATI0HS. W I = u ï i i "f I s S q M n w - ' j I i r Ia. m. a. m. p. m. r. m. p. k. p. m Detroit, leare, 7 15 10 15 1 4fl 4 00 5 4" 1030 ïpailanti, 8 43 1125 3 i'2 5 30 7 10 . m. AnnArbor, 9 02 11 43 3 21 S 50: 7 MÍJ Dexter, 9 35! i 3 11 6 25 1 I" Chelsea, 9 52 1 4 00; ! 8 30 Gras LaVe, 10 19 p. M. 4 35 9 00 - Jackson, 10 55 1 05 5 05 9 35 150 lp. M. A. K.) Kalamazoo, ! 2 20 3 40 8 20 12 25 Ohlcago rrive, 8 30 9 00 I M S OOING EAST. I - iêi M lAlíi JLi A. M. A. M. P. M. P. Y. Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 30Í I 5 16 9 00 P. M.A.M.' A. . Kalamaioo, U 05 1 18 5 00 2 U 1'. M. A. M. Tackson, í 2 SO S 55 8 00:12 30 4 45! (JrasaLake, ! 2 SO 8 30 1 1 i Chelsea, i 5 24 8 531 i. x. Dexter, ; 3 41 9 09: , 6 !í Ann Arbor, 4 05 5 03 9 38 1 1 55 6 00 6 U Ypilanti, i 4 25 i i 22 10 03 ! 2 17 IH1 M Detroit, arrire, i 5 50 25 11 201 3 30 Ï 25 Sjí The Atlantic and Pacific Express run twtweeo Jackson and Niles on the Air Line. I)ad, N'ot. 2.1873 DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EA1LEOAD OOISO WE8T. -1873- OOIHO ÍABT. BTATIONS. Mai.. Kxp. 8TATIONH. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. H. . „ p Detroit, dep... 4:00 A' M Ypwlanti 10:S0 6:15 Bankers C:30 2:15 Saline, 1:00 6:43 Hillsdale 7:05 2:3 Bridprewatur . . 1:18 7:00 Manchester ... S:M i1 Manchester.. ..11:38 7:18 Bridgewater . . 8:5' i: p. M. I Saline .... 9:15 4 Flillsílale 1:20 8:52 ! Ypsilanti.. 11:03 fcM Bankers. ■ 1:30 9:00 I Detroit ... 1 MI Tfaina run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypslnti. ( ROCERIES AT LESS THAN COST! L. R. SLAWSON Is dow selling Groceries at LESS THAN COST For cash to close out his stock. KT Buyem shuuld cali and examine MígOoS! tore purcliiisiiisj . NO HUMBUO ABOCT THIS. Ann Arbor, Noy. 6, 1873. ___Ü'U'-80PPLYIÑGA W hOStí ÜEEllEÍI'1 BA!KI KN - LAWTEIW., PHV8ICI s iu et yi# Vuil"',:' _____ BOOKKKUPK 1HERCHANT', NOVEL 1, ■■ ■ ■■ One of the nio-t pnciiwl, " iweful, imd vnlniiblf inAND ventiona of the '", ÍOverS,"o0ll0W'"?S IIA r r II I jus,-, k i vin? miquai" USEFULIaggag I IM V E IV T I O Wj Send for Pricn List nd Tllustrated Circuí'AGENTSWANTEDnSr""' Also, County Righta for Sale. Addrew C. A. COOK. CHICAGO, ILI Wanted, Agents. Í7Í to 2S0 pr month, f5rhf1;llinira' and Introduce the Oenulna :im proved CommoB Sense Fann y S w Machine. Thl. machine wlll ;, MI. tuck. uilt. cord, bind, bniij"y brolder In a moat iuprior „„8. only $15. Fnlly licenied. and warrantod fora , W.williy$l.onofcr ny machine that "tban tronger, more beautlfuLor more elastic "j. ery makei the "IHastio Lock "tóh. tbt econd tltrh can be ent. and UU the cloth ""j m pnlled apart withont tearing it. We P? e"„iioo l?3 to 250 per month and expense. oracomnnr(j8a froni whlch twlce that amonnt can be made . a BECOMB 4 CC 147 State treet. Chicago. Iiunw FOR SALE OR EENT.- My residence In the dtT of Ann Arbor is for sale or rw urniahed or unfurmahed, to "tpurchaaer or tena túaitaatedinoneof the most conTtnient, aeaii , nd beanüful paxttof the city. Apply ome ' fiif - C. B.


Old News
Michigan Argus