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■ I SECOND STOCK - OP - FUI & WINTER G-OOIDSI Now being received by BACH & ABEL i HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE GR E AT DEPRESSION EXISTING IN THE EA8TEEN MARKETS BY MAKING LAEGE CASH PURCHASES. WE ARE NOW ENABLED TO OFFER OUR LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. VW BUYjGRS WILL CONSULT THEIR INTERÏSSTS AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK BEFORE MAKING PURCEASES, BACH & ABEL. BlSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Bloolc, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. Studente c&n enter any time after Aug. 31st. Cali and exan üne facilities for study at our very pleasant and owly furnished zoom. 144Xtx WHAT TEACHER Or pupil i properly fumished for his work, as s new term beeinB, unless he is supplied wlth a GOOD KNClflSH D1CTIOWJL&X' hRt Pr?fessional maa, famlf y or private individual, can always read understandingly, or make the best mtellectual progresa, unless there is at hand, for often consultition, a Uke woxkt "and whilit you are , about it, QET THE BEST," ■WBBSTBR'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY 10,000 Words and Meanings not in other Diotionaries 3,000 Engravings ; 1840 Pagea Quarto. Price $12. ■ar A National Standard. The authority in the Government Printing Office at Washington. KyWarmly ïecomraended by Bancrolt, rreaooxi, MotleyVGeo P. Mah, Halleck, Whittier, Willis, Saxe Elihu Burritt, Daniel Webster, Rufus Choate, and the best American and European acholars. rubliahedby O. & C. OTerriam, Spnngfleld, Mass. öold by aU Booksellers. [-:] Webster's School Dictlonaries, lllustrated Edltions. Webster's Primary School Dictionary, ÏO4 Eng. Common School " S74 ' ■ High School " 7 " Acadomic " 3 " ■ Oounting House " ith numerous illustrationB and many valuable tables not to bo iOpubli.1h9e3hbryeÏVISON, BLAKEMAN. TAYLOE & CO., N. Y. Bold ererywhere. 'S7 TjiOR SALE ON LONG CREDIT ! Arm Arbor City Lot, with good tiüe, and well loated for residenee or business. AloseveralMortggeioraale, „-OAW Inqui of " MORGAN. 14Sïm3 THHE lISTST AEBOE TRADING ASSOCIATION Would cali tho ESPECIAL ATTENTION OF THE t nnTïïio o nDMmr nufïïiM LjAUUUSMiNILjIiIKiN T the fact that they will ofFor their ENTIRE STOCK OF AND WOOLEISTS AT A GREAT REDUCTION FROM FORMER PRICES.S On and after November 24th, 1873, FOR 60 DAYS I For Cash. CONSUMERS Will find this the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY Ever Known ! To make theirj ChristmaS PURCHASES FOR CASH. HT COME AND SEE PRICES t O. W. HAYS, Snpt. Ann Artior, Nhv. 24, !::'.. ' ittit


Old News
Michigan Argus