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In Behalf Of Buckwheat

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A good niany ye irs ugo a wealthy fitrmer owning several liuuiired acres ol land remarked to a neighbor that he wished Le could hire oue or two acres ior a buokwheat patch. Thut incident shows the regard in which this orop has beeu held by the best farmers. The good luati's soul yuarnerl tbr buckwheat Cakes, but he could uot make hiniself wilhtig to use his own well tiled and productiva acres on which to grow the r.iw material. If he did, he could nut well sow spring gr.iin the following seasoii, and unless he sowed buckwheat without interru ton he must some time lose a orop before the patcli could be asaiu seeded. Buckwhtat is popularly considered the poor uian's erop. It is almost always got in on the least pruductive land, ofteii only half prepared, and at the last may be cut oif by an untimely frost. And yet there are few crops which will pay better for a careful preparation of the eoil. Cultivation after sowing it needs none, as the thinnest seeding quickly shades the ground to the entire exclusión of weeds, not even excepting thistles, and as a renovator of weedy soils is not surpassed by any. The complete shading of the ground keeps it moist and permeable to the air, henee the soil increases rnth(-ir thftn HiminikVlPM in +Artilit.w have known fialds where buckwheat was grown for ten years in sucoession, and the last erop was larger than the first. The loaf is broad, ïuaking large demands on the atniosphere, and as buckwheat does uot need to be sown before the first of July, it is possible to plow in a preliminary erop in June every year Tho great difficulty in growing buckwheat is froni drought at time of sowing. This retarda germination, and the erop comes up unovenly, and this difference continúes through the season. Thorough pulverization of the soil, and rolling after seedina:, will prevent this. Buukwheat should be sowii with a-diill,-s this places the seed at a uniform depth. This is more important with buckwheat than with any other grain, for if lie giain loes not ripen evenly, sume will be in lower while tho riper portion will shell jadly, to the detriment of t'utiMv crops. At prcs(!i)t prioes - 70 to HU i-.e.uts a lusbel buokwheat is not a erop to be lespis'id. Eipening within niunty d.iys rom sowiiiír, a erop can be grown alte' lover or early peas. It has benn largely own in this section this year, where orn wns dcstroyed e-trly in theneason hy .he white giub. As buckwheiit gives no feed to these vermin, one or two crops will starve them out. The saine is trae of the wire worm. Indeed, buufcwheHt u generftily sown on low, mucky ground, vvliere these pests are litan-fly t'ouud. Owing to its remaining in th gruund the second vht, by the suruutiug ot scuttered seed, it will never beecine h tuvuiite with tin; best f;inii.-rs ; bnt. there ia mi lare a proportion of the otluT kind wli.i eau profiüilily tiiiv it th it we üujb' not to liKik tbr iiccustouu'd stapli forthn ter bivakfiist-tuble.


Old News
Michigan Argus