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BÏÏSINESSDIREOTORY -HAMER ORANGEIt, Attornoys at j :Mw, Ann Arbor, Mich. F Viu.'mT'atLaw. Offloe Noe. 7 and 9 South tfaia gtreet, Ann Arbor, Mioh. ,- K roi.i;. Dealer in Coal. Offloe l. &GRAST, over Slawson & Sons' Store, Cor., Foiirth and Huron St. jIstüS TH TCHER, Attorney and R O,,,ta at LW, No. 5 Bast Huron Street, [un Albor, Jli-h. U86_ , NH ARBOR MINERAL SPRINOS. _ Sorria Hale M D., Superintendent. Office nbuldinir,comrJtnn and West Huron Streetg. firlKS & WORDEN, 20 -onth Main stret-t, VV Ann r ""■■ Mich-, wholesale and rotail deale-sin Dry Gods. Carpeta and Groceries. 1 351 tf il yCÁ V SCUMID, Dealers in Dry Goods. 1 ■(..Mcerius, Crockery,&c. No. 54 Sooth Main Street. ; „r ii, JACKSON, Dentift.successorto C. B. VV Porter. office comer Main and riaronatreet, M,r the store of R. W. Kllis & Co , Ann Arbor, jilea, i inestheticsadmiuistered if reqaired. n i. JOHNSON, Dealer in Hats and Caps, D. if ars, Straw Goods. Gents' Fnrnishing Goods, LC. No ï Sontli Main .-trcet, Ann Arbor, Mich. H IIIKKI-ASn ft WHEDOK, Life and Pirelnsurancf Agente, and dealersm Real Estáte. Office on Huron Street riACH ABEL, Dealers in Dry Goods GroDcerioe,c c.,No 6 South Main Mreet, Ann Irbor. . - -il WSON k SON, Grocers, Provisión and Oommtosion Merohant, and deMera in Water Lime.Und Piastor, au,l Plasler Paris. No. lt East Siiror. strcet .ri. V;Hlt, Daaler in Ready MadeHoth VV in" lotbs. Cauimere. Testlnai, Hats, Capa, Tranks.Oarpet Bag, &c '21 outh Mainstreet. VTOAHW CHEEVEK, 'attorney at uwi' Ofloe with E. W. Morgan, East side of Conrt Houee Bqaare. i3 WC. CARR, Bcntist, . Siioeessor to C. C. J,iikins. Sv Nitrous Oxid A Gas administered '" , i__. wnen nccessary. f k Offloe over VBach & Abel's _W store. V i '"V' -3"" j No. 2fiSoüth MRS. H. J. HILTÜN, M. D., PHYSICi&N AND SURGEON, Office and Residence No. 88 Ann Streel, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 f. m."I Rtftrmcu- Pkof. Saoeu, Pbof. Paljikb. 143 lyl , l R O C K E li Y GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & L■ Donnelly Have in atore alargo stock "f'rockerj , Glassware, Plated Ware.i'ntlcry Groceries, &c, c, all tobe soldat unusuaily low prices. No. 12 Kast Huron Street, Ann Arbor. UÏ8tf J. & tf.. DOXMELLÏ. roiiN gTgall, DEALEB I1ST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, IiAU. SAU5AGES, Etc, Orrlerssolicitedandpromptly llled with tbebest meats in the market. 31 East W ashingtoti street Ann Arbor, Sept. Itn, 18C9. iSOTtf rR. C. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO PUT UP AND FILL Physicians Presrriptions, At all honrs, at No. 1 Uregory Block. C A. LBITER CO. Ann Arbor.Dec. 22dl871. 1354 ARKSEÏ, $Ok Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIGHS, of every style, made of the best material and warranted. Kepairing done promptlynnd )rices reascmable. Detroit Street, near B. II. üepot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 144(iyl TOHN FEED. BROSS, MANUFACTUREH OF (tlU.V4ES, Bl(iIE8, LllIBEIt VUiOS, sritnci W(.os iltiiks SLEIGHS, ÍL. All -vork warranted of the best material. Repairing done promptly and reasonably AU work warranted to give perfect aatiitaction. ü8 Soutli Main atreet. 1422 PLOÜR AND FEED STORE. HENRY TASCH,, (Succesaor to Geo. Laubengayer,) At 14 West I,ilcrtj-Street,wiilkeepcnnMm Ivon hand a full atock of Fiour, Mea 1, Oats, (Jorn, MiUFeed,&c. All order proiuptly rilled at the lowe8t cash prices. Cash paid tor Corn aud Oats. i416yl DR. C.B. PORTEE,, t 1 DENTIST. i OlHce in the Suvinga Bank Block, Ann Albor. Ml Operations on the Natural Teeth Perfoimed with Care, , CTS3URPASSED PACIIilTIES AND EXPERIENCE ( IN SIlTtto AHT1FICÏAL TEETH, CO UIVB E VI'II INDIVIDUAL, Dtmure.toj tke proper tizc, shaptf.olrtr.firwnr.itanit natura l ezpretiion 1244 VI CE'S FLORAL GÜOE FOR 1874. 200 Pages, 5OO HiigniviiigN, ixiid Colorcd Flate. Publiahed Quarterly, at 25 cents a year. January numbor juut issued. A Germán editión pubüshed. Addtesa JAMES VICK, Rocbester, N. Y. 1455


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