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St. Louis, Jan. 9

St. Louis, Jan. 9 image
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l'he RejiuUli'iin bas a special froin Topekó, Kíinsas, whiuh saya : The case of the State m. Pomeroy, tor the bribery of Senator York, was called in the County Court here to-day. The defendant was not present, and his counsel asked for a further continnanoe, was refused. aud Pomeroy's bail, $20,000 waa ordered forfeited, with the understanding, however, that if the defeudant appears for trial during this month the order of forfeiture will be rescinded. It is believed here that Pomeroy will never be tried, but as the case stands it puts him in the position oí' a criminal at large without bail and liable to arrest at any time. The Detroit Pot cominents quite at ' length upon the paragraph in last week's l Argus touching the free of postage : culation of newspapers within the county vhere published, and expresses a doubt whether.tho old law or regulation aided in the least in inoreasing the citculation of the local journals, and asks, " Have any of the local journals lost subscribers because they now have to pay postage ? " Undoubtedly they have, but not to so great an extent as was anticipated, more subscribers having scolded and donounced the law than were willing to give the order to "stop ray paper." The sinall pittance of 20 cents a year will determino the decisión of many a man as to what paper he will take, and not the sole question of merit. The publishers of "country papers" well know that they are expected to compete in price wïth the raetropolitan journals, and that they lose hundred8 of supscribers because they cannot do so. Nevertheless, we do not lieve in protection or subsidies of any 1 kind, and thcrefore do not advocate a restoration of free county circulation. ' But we do protest against discrimination against us. It is worth more (or express 1 companies and railroad managers have i ways been at fault) to bring a paokage of N. T. Tribunes from the seaboard to Ypsilanti than to carry a paokage of the Akgus to the same office, and more should be charged for the same whether it aids in increasing our circulation or not. That is our risk and not the business of the government or of the postoffico departruent. The Post can discover the discrimination when it looks at home and seos papers coming through the mails delivered at the doors of subscribers without extra charge, while Detroit publishers must pay a cent a paper extra for that service. Under the old law the Postmaster-General was kind enough to hold that papers put into the office at the place where published, for local delivery and not transmission through the mails, were not mailablo matter, but considerately permitted postmasters to deliver them, if doing so did not interfere with the business of the office. Tlicn, postmasters would deliver local papers to box-renters and none others, but now they are held to be mailable matter and full postage charged. The wholo tendency of legislation and official construtions and decisions is against the local press. We, therefore, renew our demand for discriminating rates, and hope that every paper will join us in it. TnE " Postniaster-General is credited with two recent decisions as follows, the second of which is of special interest to " country " publishers : Handbills or circulara cannot be considered as supplements to newspapers us defined by section 128, page 17-1- they can only be sent in the same marnier as prospectuses. Supplements to newspapers must consist of matter crowded out of the regular issue for want of space, and must be printed at an isaued from irom the same otnce oí puDiicanon as me newspaper in wkich they are inclosed. If this second decisión is to stand for law, and we suppose that it will until reversed by his judicial high-mightiness, Postmaster-General Gkeswell, or by legislation, the local papers will hereafter be unable to give their readers " supplements " containing the messages of President and Governor or other important news matter, unless printed at their own offices. It will also out short the sale and circulation of the " co-operative supplements " with which many publishers piece out leau papers. We can see no sound reason for the decisión. A supplement may be bona fide within the meaning of the law, and not be printed at the home office. Such a supplement would be a message (referred to) or other reading matter or even advertisements which would otherwise find a place in the regular'columns- sayof tax-sales,mail-lettings or laws, as printed at Albany and circulated as supplements through two papers in each county. Handbills or circulars which are inclosed for pay and really form no part of the paper are not hanafide supplements within the meaning of the postal laws. The decisión is another strike at the local or country press. Bay City has had a sensation, and one which more than likely has proved a tragedy. Two men, McEwen and Smith. while on a fishing excursión in the bay were set afloat on the ice. After seven days exposure and hardship they floated safely ashore, but a sail boat that put off from Alabaster, with six men, in search of the castaways, has been found botton} up and the men had not been heard from at our latest datosTho article iu another column discussing financial questions will be read with interest. It contains several good suggestions, thaugh it is hardly to be expecr ted that any large number of financiers will agree to all of his propositions. CongiMíss resumed its session on Monday. and more talk about repealing the odious salary-grab law is in order. A little less talk and a little more act (in the right direction) would be acceptable to the country. But, wliat does the average Congressman care for the country 'i - f 2 per thousancl feet, with 10 cents offfor prompt paymont of bilis, ia the prioe charged for gas by the Mutual Gas Iieht Company oí' Detroit. If there is money in gas at that prioe in Detroit, the Ann Arbor Gas Light Corapany ought to concede a reduction to its customers. "Prospect for legislation good. No extensión will be asked for." That's the message Torn Scott had tolegraphed f rom Washington to his San Diego friends a few days ago : concerning the Southern Pacific Railroad, of course. The legislalion is a raid upon the treasury. The national debt increased $S,453,272 in the mQiith of December ; and yet, if our uieinory is not at fault, TJ. S. Grant, und not Horace Qreeley, was elected President in 137. An old minister named Itoynolds, livintr in Mithtenburgcounty, Ky., is charged with brutally buating his daughter, aged eighteen, because she refused to accept a young man in the neighborhood for a husband. The whippings were frequently ropeated until she consented to the marriage. The evening before the wedding was to take place the girl escaped froin home. She was brought before the county court and a gentleman of high standing appointed her guardián.


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