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MNESS DIRECTORY, $aiS?EB' Attorneya a' --Tíírs" THATCHER, Attorney ana jtfdoV S E"3t ÓuIon1,feet' "'.TtRBOR MINERAL. SPRINCS. I1, A, i Hala M. I)., Siuwrinteiulent. Office iScornerMann and West Hurón Streelt '.FsVwoitDEÍ, Mftmth Main strest, fiMArboi Mich., wholraale and retal! deal' „„Goods, Carpeta and Groceries. "iin ' lSJltf -7,T7rjCHlIID, Dealers in Dry (loods. J-rieOi-ockery.&c. No. 64 outh Main g. ' a JACKSON, Dentist.succeaeortoC. B. T Pier office corner Main and Hnron street, tore of R. W. Elli & Co , Aun Arbor, J'i inestheticsadministercd if recjaired. iJOHlVSOiV, Dealer in HatB and Cape, F in'n Straw Ooods. Gents1 Fnrnishing Goods, "' So' Vsuiith Main Mroet. Aun Arbor, Mich. ÍtjTebEaÑd & WIIEBON, Life and SmUmhuk Aaents, and dealemin Eeal Bstate. „{.on Hnron Streef _ -TPiTXABEl,, Dealers in T)ry Goods. GroB,r",ic &c.,No 26 South Main .Street. Ann K. _ '. TTvïSO! SON, Grocerí, Provisión and Í ■ "ni-ion Merchante, and dealers in Water ,'ÏÏd Piaster, and Plasler Ptie. No. W East . : street .TV'tpTgÑeR, D"aler in Ready MadeCloth llin.'otb. Vestlngs, Hato. Caps, ';%rvet Baga, Ac 21 Sontn Main street. J0AH W OhIeVEK, 1ET0RNEY AT LAW ! i,t with E. W. Morgan, East side of Court House C. CARK, Dentist, -5Riiccessor toC.C. HhB Gas Hdmimstered iií'i" " f wlii'n necessary. V Baeh & A bel' s r stoi"e. WPlPW'j No.26South v- Jluin 8t. ÏUS. H. J. HELTON, IL D., DYSiClAN AND SURGËON, fie aid Benience No. 88 Ann Street, cormt of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. f Office hou-8 to 10 a. m., and 2 to 4 f. j.i."S8 Rtferencet- Prof. Paciei!, Phof. Palmee. U81yl UOCKBEY ULASSWARE & GKOCERIES, J. &, P Donnelly Hmimtore alarbe stock f Crockerv, Glassware. ]ltedWare,Cutlery Grocerie, &c, 4c. all tobe }!dstunnsaa!ly low pricee. Ko. 12 EastHnron Street. Ann Arbor. 11MU J. & r. DO1ÏNELLT. [OHN Gr. GALL, DEALER ITT ÏÏESH AND SALT ME ATS, I.ARO, S4BSAGBS, Ete., Orsolicited and promptly Illed with thebeet Ktsinthemarket. 31 East Washington street lm irbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. lgS5tf dr.1Ta. leiter, Pliysidan and Surgeon, Sce over Watts' JewelryStore, Main Street, Residtnce 58 E.iai Iluron Street, ltf ANN ARBOR, MICH. AKKSKÏ, cdy& Mannfacturer of jarriages, Buggies, Wagons, ÜD SLKIGHS, of everystylo, made of the best iiiterial, and warranted. Repauing done promptnnd priees reasonable. Detroit Street, near R. 1. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl TOHN FEED. BUOSS, MANÜFACTUBKB OF llilü.VGES, BUGUIES, LI 'ÍIBElt U VtOS, spkixo wagons; citteks, SLE1GHS, &c. Ailwork warranted of the best material. Repairag done proiaptly aud reasonably All work war'anted to sive perfect satisfaction. G8 South Main fot, 1422 TLOUB AND FEED STORE. HENRTT WASCH, (Successor to lieo. Laubengayer,) itH West L,iberty Street, will keep constan 'yonhnda full stock of' Fiour, Mea 1, Oats, Corn, 'illFeed, &c. All orders pro.mptly fllled al the lowt cagh prics. Cash pnid tor Corn and Oats. 415yl ja. Ü.B. PORTER, DENTIST. Olüce in the Savings Bank Block, Ann Arbor. 411 Qperations on the Natural Teeth Perfoimed with Care. iJifSORPASSBD PACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE HTIlSta AHÏÏriêiAL TEETH, TO GIVE EACÏI INDIVIDUAL, totouretoftke proper $ixe, thape, color, firmne$aa na natural exprctsion. 124 4 VÏCS'S FLOBAL GXJÏÖE FOR 1874. 00 Pages, 50O EngraviiigN, and Colorea Píate. Publiabed Quarterly , at 25 cents a year. -Tanuary lumbar just issued. A Germán editión imblishert. iddresa JAMES VICK, Rocbester, I. Y. 14S6 yVE GBESE FEATHJÍRS PIRST OTT A-IjITS" , Conttínt'yonhatiá and iorsaleby B ACH Sr ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus