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A NNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31, J. D. '73, OL the condition and affairs of the GKRMAN FARMáRS' FIRË INSURANCE CO Located at Aun Arbor, orinized under the laws of the State of Michigan, and business in the County of Washttmaw, Ín said Mtate. JACOB RAAB, President WM. F. Buss, Sec'yMEMBEHbHIl'H. Number of Memburs December Slat üf previous year - 5i)2 Nuraber of Mein be added duriug the pMMDt t.:u, - 72 Total, - 664 Ueduet number of meinbers wiihdrawu áurmgthe year, 4ü NuiuIjhi (jf membera now be loiiffin to coinpaiiy, - - w RIHKN. Amount of property at rink Dee. 3lat oipreTiuuiToar,l,S2St&6ö.(H) Amount of i iskw tiddod durfnfjthe present yeura, - " . 343,020.00 ),866U.OO Deduct siska cunceled, wíthdriiwn or terminated, - 13ñ,í:OR.OO Net amount now at riakft by company, 11,731,577.00 liESOURCEtí. Amount of premium or deposit notes now ín forco, . 839. G9 Amount of canh premiums (r aasesaiiieuts} actually on hand, 94.80 Amount of ouUtandiug ascesKments not canceled, None. Tefcd Resources, $984.86 L I A B I h 1T IK8. - Xo fie . INCOMK. Airiuuut of premium on deposit notes taken during the year, $1,204 34 Amount oí canh premiums received during the year, xone. Amount collected on aasesamenta which were luvíed during the present year, None. Amouut collected thia year on asaeasments whioh were Ievied in prior yeara, l,:i30.&6 Amount reccived from memberahip or policy leea, 178.1.T Amount received from percentage on increa&ed or deereased insurance, None. Inconiü from all other aourcea, None. 'VUú Income for the year, $2,773.0s EXPENIilTUHKs. Amount paid for losses during the year (of which $2,100.00 occurred in prior „ $2.100.00 Amount of salary and feea paid toOfficers and Directora, as per itema in Hchedu!eA, 212 67 Amount of all other expenditurea durin? the years aa per chedule B, I75.6:ï Total expenditures during year, $2,448.20 SCHEDULK A. NAME OF OFFICBB OE DIBECSOÏl TO WHOM PAID. President, Jacob Rtiab, mi nn Hecretary, William F. Huss, 'kil TreaHurer, Aaron L. Feldkttmn na hs Direotor, Simou Hirth, '.- ,,„ Director, John Schenk, 20 00 Director, Jacob Jedele, uIm Agent, Jacob Blum, {' Aent, Jacob Breiuing, ISOO Viee Tresident, Jacob April, qq Total Schedule A, 21'' 57 MI8CELLANKOUH QUEbTIONS. 1. IIow many aasessments have beell made dui-iní the year ! Ana. None. 2. What Í8 the ainount of all the asaesamenta made aurinjf the year .' Ans. Nothing. . What ia the per cent. of suoh aaaeaamenta on the pvoperty innured I Ana. No per cent. 4. What ia therate per cent. of Huch aaseaament on the preunuin or depooit notes. A: a. No per cent. 5. Whatamount waa BE-AUS8UD fur usseasments that were not puid ! Ans. Noue. li. What amouut of hisaes are allowed to accumulate before an aaaesament ia leviod f Ana. None 7. I)oea the Compauy, iu makiug an aaaeasment, provide therem for any surplua fund over the actual liisaea accrued? If so, how much ! Ana AsaeasnientB are not made to provide a surplus ; wheu a loas oooun, an aaseasment ia mude, and then ao much only u ia neded to cover Ihe losa. 8. What proportion of the Ut] losa suatainod by a pj hcy-holdei doe tlie Uumpaiiy pay I Ana. The tull Ims oovered by poltcy. STAT3S OF MICHIGAN, i ! 98COÜNTY OF WaüHTENAW, I Jacob Raab, President, and William F. Busn fíecretnryot said Corapany, do, and eanh for himaelt doth depose and aay. that they llave read the forwtoinK .italeim-nt, and kuow tlie cont.iLU thereof, and that they have good reason to behevu, and do believe, aid Blatement to be trne. JACOli UAAB, President. WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. Hworn and sub-ctibed before me, at Ann Arbor, T "i?, íí','t(3UUdC'uutr' t"i12th day of January r .. , . AAROX L. FF.LDKAMP, Slioh aC6 '" ttnd fr Wtt8llten"w County, 1W YORK MÍ-BIk A Democüatio "Weekly. EBtabliahed 1850 It roppOrtB WMU Snpremacj. political and social, rerma, $2 per year. To cluba, nine copies for 8. ípecmen coplea free. Addreas DAY-BO(JK, New WOOD'S ÍIODSEHOLD lAtiAME THE BEST DOLLAR JHNTHLY. (IJS M TTi 1 U a y ma'le by canvasaing X U Tfl X L ' tilia magazine- now iu f[P J I U JJ) Q itH Utb volume-witli CbroTHE ÏOSEMITE TALLE Y, 14x20 ■■■■ lus. in 17 OH Colora. Magazine one )ear with mounted Chromo. {2 00 Magazine, oiie year, with Unmounted Chiomo, 1 50 Magazine, alune, one year, oo Kxamino our (ïlubtiing and Premium Lists Xwo First ClaNS PeriodicaU for tlie rrico of Oue. We solicit l'anramert and otlierw to send at onco for terms and Kpecimen Muaazine. Address S. E.SHCTES, PubUahn, 41 Paek Küw, N. Y. City, ok Newbuboh, N. T. if I? A'Tí ipyclopedia of ThinjfB W'orth Know-IU Li 1 lull i?. r 25,00 Wants BuppHed. Over 11, luO columus on royal-octavo-sized Daöwantkd. 1.8. The rente8tcei) -■ of the i TKRIIslt;llr01"0 t'ree. Pumphlet circulara ,, , Pree. N'th Western Bible and Pub. Co. ÉXITO. (lrand Kapids, Mich. MAKTIN'S IMl'KOVED BRICK MACHINE. Wili, mAke more and Bktter Brioks than ANy MaOHINK IN UtM. ADOlh'EDAND UsED BYTHELeaDino Bbick Manufacttkers. Manufacturen and HOLD BY AJIES M'F'G CO., JMilcopee, Mass. SAW MUL MEN Will proloiif? llu'ir lives. mnke bctter lumber und earn nioney nsierand faster, by uMiif,' the MEINER PAT. HEAD BLOCKS. Dcscriptive circular aent upon applicatiou. Siuker, DuviS & Co Iiitliunapolls, Tnd. (riCi.-Clinrjper dfiy ! Agents wanted! All classes VPJ vVtyÓKJof wurkingpeople, of eithersex, young or oíd. mftke moro moiiey ut work for us in their spare momeut, or ill the time, than at unytbiug elae. PiirticuinrH fice. Addieaa G. Stinbon & Co,, Portland Muine. (tvi Oto tl 00 in Wall St., often leads to u forV II Ituniö. Nu risk. S2-pága ptiniphlet for dtnmp. , I Vu,kntik, TiíMimiixíF, & Co., Bankers and VPIU Brokers, 3Í) Wall Öt„ New York. FITS rr EPILEPSY" poaitivoly cuied. The worat cases, of longest standing, by usiiiK Mr. Hebburd'w Cure; A bottle sent 'ree to all addrewsing J. K. Diiiblee. Druggiat, 814 6th Avenue, New Yurk. 146 gv THE GREAT CAUST Just publiwhed, in a Bealed Envelope. Price G ets. A l.rrtiirr on the Nuture, Treatiuent and Radical cure of Seminal Weaknetw, Hpcrmatorrhum, iuducod by Helt'-Abuse, Involuntary JSmii siona, Impotency, Nervoun Debility, aud IniiRnlimenta to IfMFttUM éommUt ; (,'oii8iimption, Kjilepdy and Fit ; Mental and l'liyukul IncHijacity, c - By KOÜKRT J. OULVEitWELL, M. D.( Author of the " Green Book," &c. The world-renown author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly provea from liis own experience that the awiul conaquencea of Selt'-Abuse may be etFectually removed without medecine, aud without danpermi - in lif 1 oieralionH, twues, instrumentH, rings or cordial, pointintf out h mode of cure at once certain and eflectual by which every sufferer, no matter what liis oondition may be, muy cure hiniBelf cheaply, phvately and radically. TUIS LKOTURE WtLL PROVE A BOON TO TH0U8AXDS AND THOUSAND6. Sent uuder seal, in a plain pnvelope, to any addrosrt. on reccipt of six ivutn, or two postaae stampa. AddreHs the Vublmhera, CHAS. J C. KLINE & CO. I 27 Bowery, New York, Postotfice Box, 45S0. 143(yl Estáte of John Shaughniss. OTATE OP MICHIGAN. Oonnty o f Washtennw, . Ü At a sesaiouof tile Probate Court for the Countjr of Wa-Htattsnaw, holden at the Probate office in the City uf Anu Arbor, on Tueaday, the twcntieth dayof January, la tho yearonethousaudeight hundrèd and aeTenty-lonr. l'resent, Xoah W. liheevor, Jiidgc of Probtte. Iu the matter of the estáte of John . Ëhnughnli, deceased. Michuel 'nwan Kxccutor of suid estáte, comen uto court und repraMDtfl that he i uow prepared to reutJcr his final account hh -sucli ExeCB tor. Thereupon it is Ordered, that Friday, Ihe twentieth dtty oi February uext, at ten o'clock in the foreuoou, be a8l,'ned for examlnint' and allowíng Btich accounl , and that t ti e deviseea, Ifgatees, and heirs at law of said deceaed, and all other pereouH interesled in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a aesfion of aaid Court, then tobe holden at the the C'ityof Ann Arbor iimairiCounty.and howcaum' if any there be, why the aaid airoim t should not be allowed : Aud i t le further ordered, that aaid Kxecutor give notlce to thepersonsinterestedin said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, liy camine a copy of this order tobe publishedin the Michigan A rius, a newspaperprinted andcirculatinu insaidCounty, three auccessive weeks previous to sairtdayof hearing. „..„_..,,„.,,„ (A true eopy.) ÏTOAH W. CHEK EB, 14S7 Judge of Pcobate. A lïKU'Al, STATI:jii;m For the year ending December 31it 1873 „f ,v condition and affiürs of the ' WASHTENAW MUTUAL FlRE INSURANCE COMPANY, located at Aun Arbor, organized under the In, of the State of Michigan, and doing S in the Cuunty of Washtenaw, in said Sta'è BEXJAMIN W. WAITE, President Newtox Sheldon, Secretary. MEMBKHSHIPB. Number of membera December Sltt, of previous year, 2167 Number of membera added during the present year, fö3 Total, - - 2320 Deduct number of membera withdrawn during the year 110 Number of memberB now belonging to company, 2210 BISKS. Amouut of property at risk Dec. 31, of previous year, j;-, jg ,,, Amount of riska added during pres' ' Wit year, m; r iT1tal', , , $ó,869H iJeduct risks canceled, withdrawn or terminatcd, j-j o,.} Net amount ïiow at risk by eompany, $0,344772 RESOURCES. Amount of premium or deposit notes now in foree, „ Amount of cash premiums (or assesaments) actually on hand, $213 Amount oí outstanding asseasmeuts not canueled, 33; , Nature and amount of all other resources, viz : premium, 1372.84 ; policy fee, 168.25 ; surplus, 1 16,61, 657 60 Interest, -,'.. Discount, L Total resources, IM10J8 LIABII.ITIES. 1. Claims for loases due and payable, $2,300 00 2. Claims for losses not maturod, 4 UG3 24 3. Claims for losses resisted, ' me 4. Nature and amount of all otlier claima, viz : pay of officers, 297 60 Total liabilities, $6,660 "4 INCOME. Amonnt of premium on depoait notes taken during the yeor, nme Amount of cash premiums received during the year, $372.84 Amouut collected on assessmeuts which were leviedduring tlie present year, 7,749,1; Amount collected this year on assessments which were levied in prior years, S,BS8.Ö Amount received from membersliip or policy fees, mii Amount ïeceived from percentage on increaaed or decreaaed insurance, 1 Ui. 51 Income froin all other aources, viz : from interest and discount, 108.74 Total income for the year, $12,141. .'i EXPENDITITRKS. Amount paid for losses during the year (of which $4,404.13 occurred in prior years), 1S,O86.Í3 Amount of salary and fees paid to Officers and Directora as per items iu'schedule A, 1,004.83 Amouut ot all other expenditures during the year as per schedule tí, l,31.i.ló Total expenditures during year, $15,385.51 SCHEDULE A. NAME OF OFFICER OB DIliECTOR TO WIIOM PAID. President, B. W. Waite, Í100.3:! Secretary, N. Sheldon, 8M.0U Director, Robort McColl, 49.50 Auditor, John J. ltobison, Ü.M Total Schedule A, $1,004.83 SCHEDULE B. ITEMS OF " ALL OTHER EXPEXSKS." Town Agents, $(J7.till Investigation of loases, 286.88 Priuting and publibhing, 116.26 Postage, 12.07 Stationery, 16.06 Express charges, 7.8I Kent of office, 1 1-4 years, 169. Wood for office, 37.58 Hefunded, a.i) Interest, 7.8S Dept. Com. of Insurance. Total Schedule li, $l,315.1i Includes counsel aud witness fees in Murau suit. MISCELLANEOUS aUESTIOXS. 1. How many assesaments have been m&dfl during the year? Am. Une, Aug. 8, lS7:i. 2. What is the amonut of all the assessmeais made during the year ? Ans. $8,080.18. 8. What is the rate per cent. of such HMfr ments on the property iusured '( Ans. 15 5 per cent., or $1.63.6 per 1,000. 4. What is the rate per cent. of such u ment on the premium or deposit notes 't Ans. None per cent. 5. What amount was re-assessed for asseasmenta that were not paid ? Ans. None. 6. What amount of lossea are allowed to accumulate before an asseasmeut is levied? Am. Losses paid in 90 days by assessment. 7. Does the Compauy, in making an umi ment, provide therein tor any surplus fund over the actual loases accrued '( If so, how mucli!' Ans. Yes ; oue-tenth of ouo per cent. on amount at risk. 8. What proportion of the actual losa sustained by a policy-holder does the Compnuy pay 'i Ans. All to the amount insured. STATE OF MICHIUAN-County of Washteiiaw, ss. Benj. W. Waite, President, and Newton Sheldon, Secretary of said Company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, that they huvj read the foregoing statement, and know tlie contente thereof, and that they have good reitóon to believe, aud do believe, said statement to be true. . BENJ. W. WAITE, President. NEWTON SHELDON, Secretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, in said State and couuty, this 17th da_y of January, A. D. 1874. UTSON WEBB, Xotary Public, Washteuaw Oounty, Mich. : " how tojo wist." Thi is au inquiry which every one shouid have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in exainination of routen will . in many cases save much trouble, time und money. i The Chicago, Burlington & (uincy Kailruad lias achieved a siilendid reputation in the last three years as the leading Passender Route to the West. Strting at Chicago or Peoría, it runs direct thiough Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close Bonmutionsto California and the Territories. It Balso the short line and best line to (inincy, Missouri, and puints in Kansas and New Mexico. Passengere on their way westward connot do butter tlmn to tuke this route. This line hus published a pamphlet entitlcd ' Ho' TO oo Wsst," which contaius much valuaUe iulormation; a large, correct map of the Gri-ut Warti which oaa be obtained free of charge by addresslng the General Westorn Passenger Agent, Chicago, Hurlington & Uuincy Itailroad, Chicago, 111. Uílf1 Has puxchased the interest of hii partner, VV. T" mum, in thü GKOCERY BUSINESS! And will "Play a Lone.Hand," furnishing the Best Goods! at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Remtmbsiithe place -30 East Uuron Street. tar Mr. Cole issume all the linbilüies of A h firm, and all balances due the flrm must bV pilíOCERlES AT LESS TIIAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSON Is now selling Groceries at LESS THAIÑT OOST For cash to close out his stock. BfST BuyerB should culi and examine his ffoodi before purchaaing. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS. Ann Atbor, Nov. , 1873. 1451tf


Old News
Michigan Argus