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lEf! i O. O. ID. I When flrnt L, COLBT hung his lgn Ot C. O. D.-AtNo.29, And offered Groceries cheap for cash, Some people said, ' he's bound to go lo smash." And old-time Grocers would faintly smiU', Prophesying (;. O. D. will laat but little whüc ín sixty days we'll run hnn off the track, And cali our wandeling eu.itomnrs back." The croakers said and thought it trne, "He'll aurely iail before the year is New ! You can't sell Groceries in this town And get yourpny in irreenbacks down; Where dry goodtt merchantson every streel With silkf and satina, hang out chickens to at ; Where trade is mixed in every place, At the Bame counter you buy butter or lare ; Where credit and loss go hand in hand Mr. U. O. V. but a slim chance will stand." Let prophets and croakers have their snv L.COLBYsells GROCKBIKBonly for ltEADY PAT, Andaells so cbeap for daily caah He feai-H no danger of a smuh. And to his patrona all, and busineBfl friends, Thp greeting of the season he extends To young and oíd, a glad New Year, With hosu of l'riunda and lot of cheer ! Oive him a cali, and from liis tore Your tables apread with good things more. At that place you will always flnd Fresh ntw Uroceries ot best quality and kind- Fverything needful for good cheer t home You can buy at his counter whenever you come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, To mention details wonld wearv the printer. Bat ask if you choose for anything eutnble, You Kut it at once, in quality unbeatable I Forhungry men who are weary and cola. He has Oyster hot, Oysh-rs that must bêaold - Oysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry, Or Oysters any other way you chooie to try. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of day. And the bet of cigurs to smoke on your way. A diah of hot Oysters will do you much good. And cheer yon while selling your grain or wood. And with csh in hand lay in a store Of Codee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and manv more, Of all tilinga substuntial for daily use. Nor treat life's good thiugs with abuse ; Crockery and Glasswure and Fruits to put in them Nuts, Kaisins, and Candy, for childreu who win them Sr"n V 7ÍÍ!; ?r 1 blf)'d witn their beautiful faces, WiU flnd [J3] the best of all places, To buy a trine, to bring a smile or ringing laugh Your pleasure. than theirs, wil! be greuter by huif Thcn do not forget to cali on Mr. C. O. I)., And buy of hiin your Fruits, Sugar, and Tea, Though the big qq may fall fmm its place, T ?i" 2i store is still on the race And does not intend to fly from the course Till croakers of evil talk 'themselves hoarse Groceries can be sold for ready pay And Xl. Colby has learned the wav Sold five times more than he expected- By C. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he i not afraid to teilKeep the best of all thinps-with prices low- be good natured, give good mensure, " And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! BOOKS. BOOKS.r I J. R. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE IN THE "UREORY BLOCK." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST ANI) ALL. BOOKS. I L.C. RISDON'S j AOVëSRTISEMENT. Now is the time to buy PARfcltlATifi ! STOVES. ' I will sell them at COST uutil turther notice. j iïo. 31 S. Main St, Ann Arbor. ' i BUSINESS COLLEGE! ! Bank Blook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan. ( Student eau enter any time after Aus. 31st. ' Gall aud examine facilities for study at our very Í pleaaant and newly furnished rooms 144Itf Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rcbuilt upon the o!d site, ha all the modern conveniences- Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegamly Fumished, and located in the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, ■ Proprletors. TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, OfiBce in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly paid over. IN8URANCK AGKNT. Trlumph, asiein, $727.903 II North Mlstonri, " 45,417. fll Hibernia, " 350,000.00 REAL ESTÁTE. I have 80 sereê f land % of a mile frorn the city imite, flnely locatod for fruit or garden purposes. Aleo 40 acres. Alo 10 acre, with house and barn.and a llvel ■tream of water running through the barn yard. 0 aerea, a mlleonl. I will iell snyor all the abovc cheap, or exchanee for clt property. lT4yl JAMES McMAHON. c , , ___ t TOR SALE ! I The nnderslfrned offert for ale cheap hia 8tor corner of Hnron and Fourth (treeta : pood nnd i Tenieat building and one of the best business f tioos- eipetiallT for the Rroeery trad- lo ln citT a Ann Arbor, Rot. 8, W. iilti L. E. MICHIGAN CE5TRAL RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLB. PHssengertrainsnowleave the severnl tations.iw COliOWS OOINO WEgl. STATIONS. „ ' f : S 0 Y, W Ü.L1IË al r i -. ■ A. M.A. M J. M.p. M..P. fc Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 15. 1 45 4 00 j 5 4010 30 Ypsllantl, S 48 11 251 3 2 í 30 7 10 a. m AnnArbor, ' (. njll 43: 3 21 4 so1 7 4512 05 Dexter, 9 M, ; ,, 41 6 .,, , 1(;'i Chelaea, 9 521 4 (Kl s 30 OrassLake, 10 19 p. m. 4 .ís ooi Jackson, 10 ft 1 05 5 05 1 9 35 1 1 30 1'. M. A M I Kalamazoo, : J 20 3 40 8 20 il j! OhlCttKOarrivp, H :ií 900 j 30 8 :W 'HUNO KABT. ; d lililí! j feí .... , " m. v. m. nr Chicago, leave, 5 00 N :;il {( a 00 „ , " A. M. A. M. Knlamazix), n H.i 1 ís 5 00 2 ts Jackson. 2 S0 3 Sí 00 12 30 4 45! OrassLake, 2 flfi g 301 ; I Ohebira, 3 24 ! 8 6s IA M Dexter, 3 41 1 ! 09 í 25 Ann Albor, 4 0í; 5 03 9 38 1 5 6 00' B H Ypsilantl. 4 25; 5 22 10 03, 2 17 fi 20 7 20 Detroit.jirrive, 5 50 6 25 11 20 3 30 7 25 8 45 The Atlantio and Enofflí EcpreM run bitten Jackson and Nileaon the Air Line Datd,Nov. 2.1873 DETROIT, niLLSDALE & INDIANA BA1I.ROAD. i O0"" WE8T- 173- GOIKO EA8T. stations. Mal;. Exp.i stations. Kxp Mail a. m. r. h. Detroit, dep... 4:00 A. M. p. M. Ypsilanti 10:S0 6:15 Bankers p:30 215 Sahne,.. ... 1:00 (1:43 Hillsdale 7-05 2-80 Brulsewater..U:lS 7:00 Manchester ... 8:33 4;08 Manchester.. ..11:3 7:18 Bridffewater . . 8:50 4:28 _.,. , , MSaline 9:05 4:45 HiIMale 1:20 8:Í2 Ypsilanti 10:03 515 Banker 1:30 9:00 Detroit 1 1:20 6:25 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Estáte of Frederick J. Wanzeck. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, as. O At a aession of the Probate Court for thecounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Ohïce, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Wednesday, the seventh laj ot January, in tüe year one thousand eiitht hun(lred and seventy-fonr. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judsre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of ï'rederick J. Wanrack, deceased. Lonhard Gruner, Administrator ol iaid estáte, comes into court and représenla that he is now prepared to render his ilnal account as such Administrator. Thereupon it i ordered, that Wadnesday, tlie lourth duy of Februtry nuxt, at ten o'clock in tlie forenoon be aasigned for the examininK and allowing such account, and that the heirs at law of said deceused, and all other persons inteiested in said estáte, are required to appeur at a session ot said Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, andahow cause, li any there be, why the said account bIiouW not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said Administrator give notice to the persons ïnteresttd in aid estate.of the pendency of said account and the Hearing thereof, by causing a copy of tlus order to be publishod in the Michigan Argut, a newsp.iper, printed and circulating in a'id county, three succesoive weeke previous to said dav of henring. ' (A true copy.) NOAH "W. CHEEVER, 1460 Judie of Probate. Estáte of Mary Corrigan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw 88 O At a session of the Probate Coort fur tlie County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday the twenty-ninth day oí December, in the year one thousaud eight humlri-c and seventy-three. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary Corrigan dei:i-aaed. . ,ü" JeadinS and flling the Pe'itioi duly verifled, of tdwanl Duffy, pmyinfr that a certain instrumenl now on tile in thia court, purporting to be the last will and testament of said dtceused, muy be admitted to probate, and that he may be appumted sole Executor thereof. Thereupon it is ordered. that Monday, the necond day of JFebruary next, at ten o'clock in the iorenoon, be aasijjned for hearing oí said petition, and that the devisees, legatees, and .heira at law of said deceased, and all other persons iuterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session ol said Court, then to )e holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Albor, and show cauae, if any here be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not betfranted: And it is further ordered. that said petitioner eive notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearinp thereof, by causin? n copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and oircuatinpin said County, three succeüsive weeks previou to said day of hearing. lAtruecopy.) ' NOAH W. CHEEVER ub0 Judue of Probate. "ST. NICHOLAS" ATD "OUR YOÜNG FOLKS." The publishers of SX. IICHOI.AS, ScribI ner'ii Illustraled Magzine for Oírla and i Boys, take puaure in announcinf; that by an ar rangement with Messrs. J. K. Usjjood & Co., their popular Magazine 'Oltli YOUWÍJ FOLKS" i HA8 BEEN MERGED IN " ST. NrCHOLAS.' ( In addition to the strikinj noyelties and greal lilec rary and irtistic atlractions. almiay oftered by " ST NICHOLAS," The Best Features of Our Youn i Kolks will be retained. " St. N chulas" has been , enlarged. new contributions have been ■ among them ' c A SKHIAL8TUBY BY J. T TROWBRIDGB. Late Editor of "Onr Young Folks," which begins ín tlie preeeut number. Olher Eminent writers well known to the íe.iders of "Our Yoniiir Kolkt." has been engaged. We are thua enabled to present to the public 11 Mat'nzine for (Jhildren and Youth, superior iu respect to any ever before published. Three SrLKNDiD Sebial Stobijes : WHAT MIUHTHA VE BEEX EXPE( TEI), A Story for Boys, Bt bank K. Stockton. Autbor of 'Tiuga-Ling," " Roundabout Kumbles " etc. Mr. Stockton i one of the best of uur Ameri writers. The scène of the story ia laid in Virginia. Ihe boy-hero has stnrted out with a irun on his shoulder, and we may be sure there will be no end of fun and advt-ntures. "NIMPO'S TROUBES," A Story for GirU, By OLIVE THORNE (Mbs. Harbiet M. Milleb), A great faTonte with the children. It ia a good strong, wholewme itory of girl life, aud wiU be fuli of interest for both boys and girls, 'FAST FKIENDS," By J. T. TROWBRIDGfi, Dne of the mogt popular writers for young folks in America. Keadera of "Jack Hazard," " A Chance for Himself ," and " Doing his Bst," will underitand what a capital treat is in store for them in Mr. Trowbridge's new Rtory. 4.I.L THKSE 81ORIES iPI.ENDIDLY ILLU8TRATRD. " JIMMTJOHN STORIES," By Mrs. ABBY MOKTON DIAZ, Author of " Thé William Henry T.etters, " Williara Henry and His Friends," and "LUoy Maria" fwho tías the rare and happy Kift of knowin how to delight young people) will appear during the jear There will also beShorter fitories, l'apers on Science and Htory, Natural History, Wild Sport and Adventures, Sketches of Travel, Vairy Tales, Poema Pimles, Charade, Jingle, Fun and Fanoy Iostruction. Entertainment and Deligrht. Somethine for all, froir. Father and Motherto the baby, The IIlustrations will be the best rhat the Artists of two continent eau upply, and will be printed with ihe reatet cure. FOR VERY UTTLE FOLKS. Our papes in bip type and easy words for the yoitntfest readers, which Imve been hif " frOm the tirflt, will be contiuiuil. 'J'lic clnldien will be glad to know alfo, Unit the flepartment of .JA(:K-l-rHK-IHJLPIT j is to be n permanent feature of the mjriuine. Jack ' will teil ome of the most cuiiuus things ever heard ' and miike hiinHeltiitMierjtlly enLertaininy. ' ' l We have undcrtaken to innke the best nuwtzine ' posBible, for the litlle lölka, as well as thoso who ' are older. Evcry number of St. Xicholas will contnin s Kood rearting muiter for boya nnd girU of all aiíes e bendes a ïreat deal of heaitr and innocent iuu ' I e Cliristnms comes büt oni;e a hut St Nlcholas the new m azlne for eirls and boys, comes every ". moinh. lt has aire dy on the hcarts of the yonn" folke, and the little childieu are cryiug for 8 N'ichiilu. P e Want 100,000 Cliildron made Happy BY ST, NICHOLAS W TUK UOLIDAVS. ft. Nicholas, as enlargea, contain one third re mi-tter th-in Our Young F.)lke thua glvl:1); a great variety lor all. With itw great Literarv and l'ictorivl Attractious, and lts beautllul l' will lic found to be the Cheapest Magazine in the G World. IJ Snbecription Prïcc.$3fi year. The twn back nnm bers for November and December, '3. wil! be Ber to all subsrib'ïrs for '74 wi hout additiool charge Four Moiutufor ONE DOLLAR: 20c a a Number For Sale and subcriptiom reeeived by ail Bookaeli ers & New Doalei a on tlio abovc u-t nu . Money may bc ent to ns in cheek? payable to ou order, or in Post Office Money Order, or ín Rei tened Letteis Monity Ín Letter not Regiatereíf a riuli-rV risk SCRIBXER & CO., 654 Broadway, Fiew Vork. T WELLING HOUSES ïuR SALE A largeand very well built brie house, with two r more Iota. Two large frained houses. Alao a g-ood tized britk hou ut1 mui l'rumed bous ; and a minall "rarae house on a good lot, in tended ioradding afioat 'or sale on t'uir terms and a reasonabie credit. Altoother buiidiugH, lots, and property. mty i: WANTE.-So many wihing (o orrow money applj to me that I eau readily obtitin ór lenden good datisfuctory investmenta at ten per Dt. interest. E. W. MORUAJT. Ana Arbor, April 23. 1973. 143SIÍ ' Mortgage Sale. pEFAtLT having been made ie the conditinn. STr, m2FïïY e=d by James MoMahon '" Fanny McMahon. hi wife, to Silas H röui bearing date the érst day of I'ebruary, A r, ]fe and recorded in the office of the Register of ïfi for Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the thiri P f ïy. A. D. 1866, in liber 34 of mortgaL. da; page 446, by which defanlt the power of f?'01 tained in said mortgage ha. bccome operative Br,?0 whicb mortgage there ia claimed to be due at1 Hee .i,Um ,f ,íbree thound two hundred .' and flf ty three dollar, and forty flvt cents, ulso flf, T" dollar aan Attorney fee as provided in said .rT,1 gage, and no suit or proceeding at law or in S, cery having been instituted to recover the dtb 7 cured by said mortgHge or any part thereof: x,,,f u i therefore hereby given that by virtue of the o, of salecoutained in said mortgage, and of the 2 m such case made and provided, Baid mortguVe ïï be foreclosed on 8aturday. the twenty.fourth .. Ju'"y. 1874, t ten o'clock in the tmtlll of that day, at the south door of the Court fiï in the city of Ann Arbor, in .aid county of Wal naw (sn.d Court House being the place of hoi ' the CircuitCourt tor the saidcounty of Wishtena"? ' sale, at pubhc auction, to the highest bidder ,B premises, deseribed in said mortgnge, which Vï niortgaged premises are described in Raid mortgfw ,, tollows, viz: All those tracts or parcda oi V'; sitúate in the township of of Am, Arbor oo and State aforesaid, to wlt: The eixst halUt n! northeast quarter of section eighteen town t outh, range six east ; and also a triangular m."l and off the west half „I the same quarter èecu h' mir east of the Cornwell road, commencin at ,i outheast corner of the west half of the norttJÏÏ quaiterot. aid section and running noitherly ont? euat side of the Cornwell road, twelve rods; and .u the Southwest fractlon of the northwest ftacttaS qi.arter of section seventeen, containioi? hi "' and mnety hundredths of an acre ; and al( tl othei tract or parcel of land being part of the umiï eaflt quarter of section aeventeeí h aid toV ," commenciug at a stake and stoues in the contor ,P' of ection seventeen, and running thence earttth forty-one rods to a stake and stones, thence noi Z ' ly öfty rods to a ítakoand stones, thence west toSi Huronnver, thence along said river to the p)„l , beKiiining ; and alo a certain and permanent' nc of flowing land on the northeast quarter of the Si part of the Southwest fiactional quarter of s ! seventeen not to exceed twenty acres, and .l nght o dufging and coBBtructinp a mili race o I most ehgible place orground on the northMst Irí tiou of the southwest fractional quarter of seci seventeen, nd at all times of repairing and kS! in repair for the nse of the flourhig und riHfi with other necessary machinery ; and also that oth picceor parcel of land on said section seventeen te wit : AU the land between aid race and the H Jiver, and also all the land on said t„! tional quarter of section seventeen, between tl south line of the the road running easterlv froLtó river on the quarter liue and a line parallel tK eight rods distant on the south side of said nñ ïï quarter line, and also the right of making and km! ing m repair t all times a tail race m aUed f Í" the mili on the premises above granted into the nu at any point on the said southwest fraetiomil m,L. of section seventeeu, intecding to convey the mfl and excluHve water power to run the urne, knZ a the Kellogg milis, and the rightg, privil ,!ï franchwes connected therewith. exceptinir ani , servingfromthe foregoing the land heretoforeJL by said McMahon to John L. Tappnn ld Ann Arbor, Mich., October 23, 187a. SILAS H DOUOLA8H, MortM Felch Obakt, Atty's for Mortgage . Mortgage Sale. IIEKAUI.T having been made in the conditio ,i S a certain mortgage, made and extcutea : Cook and Ann L. Cook, his wife, of the citv of A. Arbor, Waahtenaw County, and State of ilicll" to bUa H. Uouglass, of the same place, heariu i the nrst day of August, in the year ol our Lord il thousund eight hundred and aixty-seven, and ncoit ed in the omce of the Kegister of Deed. óf the ty ot Waahtenaw, m said State ot Michigan oí 1, flrst day of August, a. o. 1867, in liber 36 of mot ges, on page S36, on which mortgage there is clirí to be due at the date of this notice, for princiml mi interest, the sum of two thousand five hundred 1. mnety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, tocefc with an attorney fee of flfty dollars, as providd nd agreed should any proceedings be takin tor the imclosurc of said mortgage ; and whereas no pioml ngs at law or in equity have been taken to recom he same or ny part thereof : Now, therefore Mti ia hereby given that by virtue of the power 'of u contained in mortgage, 1 shall se;l at public ratio o the highest bidder, on Monday, the ninth dav ol February, a. d. UU, at ten of the clock in the L. noon ot that day, at the south door of the Cotrt House in the city of Ann Arbor and State of Micbi' Lu, inai oeing tne Diulumif in which the Cirtuit Court for the county oí Washtcnaw is held h premises described in said mortgage, or m mi tliereof as shall be necessiu y to eatisty the amona due on said mortgnge, the coat and expenses oí nid sale and the attorney fee as aioresaid ; said pretina are descnbcd as follows, to wit : All that certau tract or parcel of land known and describid aa ld lows, to wit : lying in the township of Ann Arbor and being part of the northwest quarter of aectioi' number thirty-three in township number two wijth of ruupe number sn east in said htate, begionii in the east line of said quarter section at a poiut rateen chaina and tifty-three links south of the norlbeast corner of said quarter section, and ru&niin thence south on said line five chains and thirti tït lmk. thence south flfty-one and a-half degieea vat twenty-two chaina and eleven links to the center of the Ypsilanti road, thence northwesterly along th center of said road nincttcn chains and' ninety-itt links to a iint eighteen chains and seTenty fiïe'linli south of the north line of said section, thenee eust parallel to the north. line uf said section twen!; chains and thirty-two links, thence north puralle] to the west, line of said section six rhains and traitvflve links, theoce east parallel to said nortli line BOK chains and forty four links to the east lineofsuid quarter section, thence south four clmins und thw link to the place of bezinning, and being the am In rid deededby Jacob Keuipfto said (ook, party ol the flr t part (to said mortgagel and the same land described in two deeds to said Kempf recorded in tbe Register1 office, in said county, in liber Y of Deeds, on pages 676 and 677, and m liber No. 32 of deeili at pages 658 and 569. Ann Arbor, Xovember 12, 1873. 81LAH H. DOUOLARS, Mortsagee. Fklch & Qbant, Attorneys for Mortgngee. Eeal Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county ofWashteO naw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Susau H. Welles, minor. Notice ia hereby given, that in pursuance oL an order granted to the uudersigned, Guardian of the estáte of said miuor, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the eighth day of December, i. d. 1873, there will be sold at public vendue, tu the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House u the city of Ann Arbor, il the county of Waahtenaw, in said State, on Wednesday, the twenty-eighth day of January, . I), 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the sale), all the right, title and interest of said minor, it bring the equal undivided one-fourth of the following described real estáte, to wit : All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the city Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, bouiided and described as follows, viz : Commencing at a point on the east side of División street one hundred and eighty-three (183) feet north of the center of Huron street, thence north on the east line of División street one hundred and seventy-nine (179) feet aud nine(9) inches to land formerly owued by Georse Sedpwick, thence easterly atong said Sedgwiïfc's iouth line about foi ty (40) rods to the section line on the east side of State street or UniversLty Avenue, thence southerly on the section line md on the west side of State street or Universty Avenue one hundred aud seventy-nine :eet and nine inches (179 9-12), thence westerly mrallol with the uorth line to the pluce ot t)ffinning. Dated, December 8, A. D. 1873. SILAS H. DOUGLASS, 1456td. Guardian. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WaehKD. ss. In Chancery. 1) iantha Waterous, Cumpta1 iint ts. Daniel B. Waterous, delendant. It satisfactorilyapDearing upon due proof by UB8" vit to this court that the defendant, Daniel 8. Waterous is not a resident of the State of MM?11"' but that ha resides in Chicago, in the State of Hunois: On mot ion oí Fraztr, Harriman 4 Hamutofi j solicitors for eomplainant, it is ordered'that the saiil detendant.Daniel 8. Waterous,causehisappeiiraiiceiii this cause to be entered wiihin three monthsfioni tlie date of this order, and that in case of his app? ?"' he cause his answer to complaiuant's bül tube nieo and copy thereof to be served on the complaiflant rahcitors within twenty days af ter service of a copj oi said biU and notice of this order, and in defauli thereof that said Bill be taken as confoM by the said defendant, Daniel 8. Waterous: AM" is further ordered that within twenty days said ■ [ p'ainant cause a notice of this order tobe publislied j the Michigan Akous, a newspaper printed and pulished fn said county ana that said publicalion continued in said paper at least once each week tol six sucoessive weeks, or that she cause a copy ot t i order to be personally served at least weniywO' beforp the time prescribed fcr his appearance Dated tilia 17th day of November, A. D , 1873. ALEX. U. CRANE, Circ'.iit Judge. Frazer, Habbimak & Hamilton, Sohcitors lor TompltiinanU. SherifTs Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnshtenavr.MNoties is hereby iven thnt by virtue ut' ? uf execution issued out of and under Uw Ml ol w! Circuit Court for the Counly of Wushtenaw, t me directed and delivered, I did on this ""; teenta dny of November, A. D. US73. levy ui" nll the right, title and interest of Merd)"1 H. Goodrich, in and to the follnwing dw" ,. real estáte, situated in the County ot ""?"' tenaw. State of Michigan, to wil: Lot """? two, three, tou, flve and six, and west half o' leven and eiifht, block one north, rimare tlve e. ■ ;xceplinfr ten feet off the west half of lots en al ; iight, also except forty tour feet front on louin' itreet by one hundred and ten feet deep oB , louthwest corner of aid lots. all in the city ot A nu Irbor, Whtraw County, State of "']", ,bove desoribed property I shall exposé lor '' lublic auction. to the highest oiddir, nt tlie oor of the Oourt House, in the city ot Ann Arlx ir. n the twenty flrst day of February, A. P. l'4' " f?ii o'clook a.m. of suid dny. UateU, Ann Arbor, Nor. 19, 1873. .. 1460 M. ttpMINO, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Wnshtenaw County, l)y virtue of a writ of execution jssued out o! " under the Seal of tlie Circuit Court f or the counl; m Waahtenaw, and to me direct3 and deHvern!"'1"1 thegoods, cbBtlles, lands, and tentment o' r chant H tioodrich, I llave this Sist day of DeeaKr' A. D., 1373, seized and levied upon all the ngnt, '" and interest Merchnnt H. Ooodrirb hn in uil W "" foUowing landi, to wit : Lots nuniber two, turrn four, flve, and 8lx, and west half of lot even '■" eight, bloeit one north, range five east, iXpt'H ' feet off the west half of loU seven and eiht, aleo '■■ cept forty-four feet front on Fourth street, oy ' hundil and ten feet deep, off the south-west coraer of said lots, also lots number thirteen iiui '"",!„' bljck number three north ranpre four, " the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw fwi State of Michigan, which abovo desenbed pi"! erty I shall expose for sale at auction, to tm highest bidder at the .'outh door of the tourv Huuse, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the t-neniy-ü" day of f eburary, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock a. m. stid day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 31, 1S73. .. 1460td M. FLBMINO, Sheriff. nOR SALE ON LONG CREDIT! Ann Arbor City LoU, with jood title, and well 1ted for resideucea or busineM. Al eTwal Mort{i lor ui. wr)I,oi}r 14SStoS


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Michigan Argus