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MESS DIRECTORY. Jtrêet, Ann Arbor ■ Mich. -"TírlTÍ"" TIIATCHER, Attorney and 'TBBOttniJIEBAL SPRING8. P , ri, Hale. ■ O.. Snperintendent. Office ild!n?cornerMann and WegtHuron StreeU. .vFTdTwÖKDEJf, 20 onth Main streek, VV , r .or Mich-, Wholesale and retal! deal". Saomis, Carpeta and Grocerie. ;"Dry i351tf TTsCHMID, Dealers in Dry Good, }l'ert,Croekery,&c. No. 64 South Main ■___ - - a JACKSON, Dentlst . sneceseor to C. B. IV pVrtcr offleo corner Main and HnronatreetB, "'„f, ore of R. W. Elli. & Co , Aun Arbor, S !nc8thetic9administercdjf reqaired. i JOHNSOW, Dealer in Hats and Cap, R J„'r. Straw Ooods. Gents1 Fnrnishlng Goods, So Vsottth Main strest, Ann Arbor , Mich. ríltEBEAÑD A: WHEDON, Life and iffiunnc asente, and dealers.n Keal E.tate. "nHuronStreet. tbITÍbIÉIí, Dealers In Dry Good GroBr".ic &c.,No 26 Sonth Main Street. Ann UW. ifi8OM SON, Grocerf", Provisión nd SS" Merchants, and dealers in Water m$Li Piaster, and Plasler Parle. No. 18 Bast hror. treet. '■TïTwABlïER, Dealer in Rady MadeCloth ir'ioth. Caraimcre. Vesting, HaU.Cap., JafèuV" 1!!'S8' &c 21 Sonth ü't'rti UüIlíVV.GHEEVEK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! ijtewithE W Morgan, Eaetaideof ConrtHonse ircTcAKK, Dentist, .c. Successor io C. C. gt Jcnkins. ■ " ' BBBfisw Nitroos Üxid 10 - v Gasadministered fi BBak ■when necessary. gk Office o Ver EBV Bach & Abel'a fnKfBMiHE Wïr Orí! . KUS. H7j IIÏLTON, M. D., 'HYSICH AND SURGEON, f ce and Beiidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of Irtgalls, Ann, ArTior, Mich. H'Olüce boura- 8 to 10 . m., and 2 to 4 i'. m."SB Rtftrences-Vnor. Saoeh, Pbov. Talmkb. H3iyl pE 0 CKEKY GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly' Bveln3torBalargestock. 't "rocker), Glassware, PlaiedWare, Onilery Grocene, &c, c all tobe inUitnnnBually luw prices. No. 12 Kast Hnron Street, Ann Arbor. HJSlf J. & V. DO3V1VEL,1If. JOHíí ft. G ALL, FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I.AR.D, SACSACKS, Etc, rierssolicited and promptly llled with thebest aitamthemarket. 31 Kast Washington street Am Arbor, Sept. lth, 1S69. 12S6tf drTc. a. leïtërT, Physician and Surgeon, i over Watts' Jcwelry Store, Main Street, ReskUnce 58 East Hnron Street, mi ANN ARBOB.MICH. 1 A R K S K Y , Q&3S& Manufacturar of öarriages, Buggies, Wagons, I AN[).SLEIGHS, of Bverystylf!, made of the bent I Meiial, and warranted. Hepiiiritig dono prompt1 prictis reasimable. Detroit Street, near R. '.Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl JOHN FEED. I5KOSS, MANCrACTÜRF.n OF HKUSES, MflOIBt, I.IM3ER Hlt;OS, SPRKC VtiOVS Cl'TTEKS, SLEICHS, &c. iil-tork trnrranted of the best materinl. EepairKáoae promptly and reiisonably AU work wariJ to give perfect satHtaction. 68 South Main lt. 1422 PLOUE AND FEED STORE. 1 : HENRY WASCH, ISuccessor to Ueo. Laubengayer,) s'14 West l.i!oit Street, will keepennstan da l'ull stock of Fiour, Mea 1, Oats, Corn, ■al reed, te All orders promptly iilled at the lowtcaahprices. Cah puid tor Corn and Oats. i415yl [).0.B. PORTER, DENTIST. Oüice in the Savinj Bank Block, Ann Albor. W Operatians on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. J;30HPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCB iimh ABÏÏF1ÏIAL TEETH, ra ÖfVE EAOH INDIVIDUAL, ■ftnn of the proper air.e, ghapeolnr.Jirmntsêand natural expretaion . 1244 W. A. LOVEJOY, TOBACCONIST! Deals in both pINE CUT AN1) SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuif, Pipes, &c, AT XO. 7 EAST IILROX STREET, ï?xt to the Expross Office, uu AN:y ARBO1 Míen.


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