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A NPfUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31st, 1873, of the condition and affairs of the WASHTENAW MUTUAL F1RE INSURANCE COMPANY, located at Ann Arbor, organized under the lawa of the State of Michigan, and doing business in the County of Woshtenaw, in said State. BENJAMIN W. WAITE, President. Newton Sheldon, Secretary. MEMBEESHIP9. Number of members December 31st, of previous year, 2167 Number of members added during the present year, 153 Total, - - 2320 Deduct number of members withdrawn during the year 110 Xumber of members now belonging to company, 2210 EISKS. Amount of property at risk Dee. 31, of previoua year, $5,235,329 Amount of risks added during present year, 634,285 Total, $5,869,614 Deduct risks canceled, withdrawn or terminated, 523,842 Net amount now at risk by company, 85,345,772 EESOUBCES. Amount of premium or deposit notes now in force, notie. Amount of cash premiums (or assessments) actually on hand, $213.43 Amount of outstanding asaessments not canceled, 331.01 Nature and amount of all other resources, viz: premium, $372.84; policy fees, 168.25 ; surplus, 116,51, 657.60 Interest, "4.65 Discount, 34.09 Total resources, 81,310.78 LIABILITIES. 1. Claims i'or losses due and payable, $2,300.00 2. Claims for losses not matured, 4,063.24 3. Claims for losses resisted, none. 4. Nature and amount of all other claims, viz : pay of officers, 297.50 Total liabilities, $6,660.74 IïfCOME. Amonnt of premium on deposit notes taken during the yeor, none. Amount of cash premiums received during the year, $372.84 Amount collected on assessments which were levied during the present year, 7,749.47 Amount collected this year on assessments whieh were levied in prior years, 3,628.43 Amount received from membership or policy fees, 168.25 Amouut ieceived from percentage on increased or decreased insurance, 116.61 Income from all other sources, viz : from interest and discount, 108.74 Total income for the year, 12,144.24 EXPENDITUBKS. Amount paid for losscs during the year (of which $4,404.13 occurred m prior years), $13,065.03 Amount of salary and fees paid to Officers and Directora as per items in schedule A, 1,004.83 Amount ot all other expenditures during the year as per sehedule B, 1,315.15 Total expenditures during year, $ 15,385.51 SCHEDULE A. NAME OF OFFICEB OR DIRECTOR TO WHOIt TAID. President, B. W. Waito, $100.33 Secretáry, N. Sheldon, 850.00 Director, Robert McColl, 49.50 Auditor, John J. Bobison, 5.00 Total Schedule A, $1,004.83 SCHEDULE B. ITEM3 OF " ALL OTHER EXPENSES." Town Agents, ?G57.60 Investigation of loases, 285.88 Printing and pubüshing, 115.25 Postage, 12.07 Stationery, 16.05 Express charges, 7.85 Eent ol office, 1 1-4 years, 156.25 Wood for office, 37.58 Kefunded, 9.23 Interest, 7.89 Dept. Com. of Insurance. 9.50 Total Schedule B, $1,315.15 Includes counsel and witness fees in Morgan suit. MISOELLANEOUS dUESTIONS. 1. How many assessmcnts have been made during the year ? Ans. One, Aug. 8, 1873. 2. What is the amomit of all the assessments made daring the year ? Ans. $8,080.48. 3. What is the rate per cent. of such assessments on the property insured 'i Ans. 15.35 per cent., or $1.53.5 per $1,000. 4. What is the rate per cent. of auch aasessïnent on the premium or depoait notes ? Ans. None per cent. 5. What amount was be-assessed for assessmeuts that were not paid f Ans. None. 6. What aznount of losses are allowed to accumulate before an assessment is levied 't Ans. Losses paid in 90 days by assessment. 7. Does the Company, in making an assessment, provide therein for any surplus f und over the actual losses accrued ? If so, how much ? Ans. Yes ; one-tenth of one per cent. on amount at risk. 8. What proportion of tho actual loss sustained by a policy-holder doea the Company pay? Ans. All to the amount insureá. STATE OP MIOHiaAN- County of Washtenaw, ss. Benj. W. Waite, President, and Newton Sheldon, Secretary of said Company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, that they hava read the foregoing statement, and know the contents thereof, and that they have good reason to believe, and do believe, said statement to be true. BENJ. W. WAITE, President. NEWTON SHELDON, Secretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, in said State and county, this 17th day of January, A. D. 1874. MYEON WEBB, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mich. " HOW TOJO WIST." This ia un inquiry which every one shouid have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a little care taken in examination of routes will in many cases gave much trouble, time and money. The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad has achievcd a aplcndid reputation in the last tliree ycara as the leading PaBsenger Eoute to the West. Starting at Chicago or Peoría; it runs direct through Southern Iowa and Nebraska, with close connectiona to California and the Territories. It is also tho short line and best line to Quincy, Missouri, andpointsin Kansas and New Mexico. Fassengers on tlioir way westward connot do better than to take this route. Th8 lino has published a pamphlet cntitled ' How TO go West," which contains much valuable information ; a largo, correct map of the Great West, which can be obtained f ree of charge by addrcssing the General Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Eailroad, Chicago, 111. UGlyl B. COLE HaspurchftBed the interest of his partner, W. Trein uin, in tho GROCERY BUSINESS ! Aud will '! Play a Lone Hand," furnlshing tho Best Goods ! at, the LOWEST CASH PRICES. RemembeiHhe place- 30 East Huron Street. BL7 Mr. Cole issumes all the liabilities of the late flrm, and all balancea due the rlrni muBtbepaid to him. lOtf A! SUPPLYING A WANT 'LONG NEEDED BY BANKhllS, - - - i.a w vi:its, PHY8ICIA1VS, Ll C fii CLEROYinEN, H C YW COBKF.SPOIVD'TS, _______ BOOKKEEPEBS, 'i i:u ii a rs, ynifrí fohhiona II I I I Itl MMan MI . __ One of the most practioal, useful, and valuable inA.TfT) Yentions oí the age. Pat ented December, 1872. Over 5,000 now in üaily I A P PI I U9C giving unqualifled I k Ib h I satisfactiou. NobuBinegs U V _■ I U la office is complete without I N V E NT IONSend for Price List and Illustrated Circular. AGENTS WANTED ?iffiM Also, Countv Kights for Sale. Address V. A. OOK. CHICAGO, ILL. NNUAL STATEMENT For the year ending December 31, A_. D. '73, Of the oondition and affairs of the GERMÁN FARMERS' PIRE INSURANCE CO. Located at Ann Arbor, organized undor the laws of ;he Stato of Michigan, and doing business in the Countv oï Washteuaw, in sfiid State. JACOB RAAB, President. ffu, F. Buss; Sec'y. MEMBEItSHirS. Number of Membars December 31st of previous year, - 592 ííumber of Members added during the present year, - 72 Total, ... 604 Deduct number of membcra withdrawn during the year, 40 Number of members now bc longing to company, - - 624 IÏISKS. Amount of property at risk Dec. 31st of previous year, $1,523,566.00 Amount of risks added during the present years, - - 343,020.00 $1,806,585.00 }educt sisks canceled, withdrtwD or terminated,. - 135,208.00 Net amount now at risks by company, $1,731,377.00 RESOURCES. Amount of premium or deposit notes now in forcé, $ 839.B9 Amount of cash premiums Cor assessments) actually on hand, 94.86 Amount of outstanding assessments not cauceled, None. Total Resources, $934.85 liabilities. - None. INCOME. Amount of premium on deposit notes taken during the year, $1,284.34 Amount of cash premiums received during the year, None. Amount collected on aBsessments which were levied during the present year, None. Amount collected this year on assessments which were levied in prior yeara, 1,330.56 Amount received from membership or policy fees, 178.15 Amount received from percentage on increased or decreased insurance, None. ncome from all other sources, None. Total Income for the year, $2,773.05 EXPENDITUEES. Amount paid for losses during the year (of which $2,100.00 occurred in prior yerrs), $2.100.03 Amount of salary and f ees paid to Officers and Directora, as per items in Schedule A, 212.57 Amount of all other expenditures during the yearB as per Schedule B, 175.63 Total expenditures during year, $5,448.20 SCHEDULE A. NAME OF OFFICEK OB DIBECSOR TO WHOM PAID. 'resident, Jacob Itaab, $31 00 iecretary, VVUliam F. Buss, 3845 ?reasurer, Aaron L. Feldkamp, 39.63 Mrector, Simon nirth, 17.00 )irector, John Schenk, 2o!oO Mrector, Jacob Jedele, 3459 Lgent, Jacob lïlum, 14.00 Igent, Jacob Breining, 15.00 Vice President, Jacob April, 3.00 Total Schedule A, $212.57 MISCELLANEOUS Qt'ESTIOSS. 1. How many assessments nave been made aunn? he year ? Ans. None. 2. What ia the amount of all the assessments made during the year? Ans. Nothing. 3. What is the per cent. of such assessments on the property insured ? Ans. No per cent. 4. What is the rate per cent, of such assesement n the premium or deposit notes. Ars. No per cent. 5. What amount was re-assessed for assessments hat were not paid ? Ans. None. 6. What amount of losses are allowed to accumuate before an assessment is levied ? Ans. None. 7. Does the Company, in making an assessment, irovide therein for any surplus fund over the actual osses accrued? If so, how much? Ans. Assessnents are not made to províde a surplus ; when a osa occurs, an assessment is made, and then so much only as is needed to cover lhe loss. 8. What proportion of the actual loss sustained fy a policy-holdei does the Company pay ! Ans. The uil loss covered by policy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ï ss. Coüstt op Washtenaw, ; Jacob Raab, President, and William F. Buss, Secetary of said Company, do, and each for himself doth depose and say, that they have read the foregong statement, and know the content thereof, and hat they have good reaBon to believe, and do believe, said statement to be true. JACOB BAAB, President. „ u ,,. BUSfj. Secretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor, n said State and County, this 12th day of January, II !) 1374. „ T ,. , „ AARON L. FELDKAMP, ustice oí tue reaeo in and for Washtenaw Countv. Mich. ' ' spuRaEoisrT.DoWittTalmage Is editor of llir. ChrisUau at Work ; C. H. Spurgeon, Special Contributor. They write for no other paper in America. Three magnilicent Chromos. Pay larger commission than any other paper. CHROMOS ALL READY. No Sectarianism. No Sectionalism. One agent recently obtained 380 subscriptions in eighty hours absoluto work. Sample copies and circulars sent iree. -A-feKEIsTTS "W"A.3STTEID H. W. ADAMS, Publisher. 102 Chambers Street, New York. HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOR SALE. Having bought out tho interest of Mr. D. E. Wines n the Saw Mili and Lumber Yard, I shall continue the business in all of its branches. I have a good quality of tough oak, from 1, 1 1-2 to 2 inohes thick, undei' sheds and well seasoned. A good assortment of dry Ash. A good quality of Basswood, from one 1-2 to 2 inches thick- dry. Hickory, Maple, Cherry, Whitewood, Elm, and other varieties all well seasoned. Fence Posts, Square Timber, Plank and Oak Studding kept on hand and sawed to order on short notice. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posts and all kinds of Timber not over 8 incheB wide, planed. Oak PicketB kept on hand and cut to order at tho same price that the lumber sells for. iMOTTijiDiaxrca-s of different patterns made to order. Field Gates kept on hand and made tu order. t'ross-1'ni and IHHI Saws Eummed and Filed at short notice. BEyAU persons indebted to the late firm willpleasc cali and settle their accounts at the mili Cash paid for sound WHITE OAK, Ash and Basswood Logs. Iyl481 J. T. HALLOCK. TTVWELLING HOÜSES FuB SALE A largeand vcry well built brick house, with two or more lots. Two large framed houses. Also a good sized brick house and framed house ; and a smal frame house on a good lot, intended for adding a front for sale on fair terms and a reasonable credit" Also other buildings, lots, and property. MONEY WANTED.8o many wibhing to rroio money apply to me that I can readily obtain lor uiulen good satisfactory investments at ten Der oent. interest. , E. W. MOROAN. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1873. 142ütf SECOND STOOK - O F - Flll & WINTER G-OOIDS I Now being receired by BACH k ABEL HAVING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THE GREAT DEPEESSION EXISTING IN THE E A 8 TjE E N MAEKETS BT MAKING LAEGE CASH PUECHASES. WE AEE NOW ENABLED TO OFFEE OUE LAEGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DEY GOODS AT GEEATLY EEDUCED PEICES. BUYEES WILL CONSULT THEIE INTEEESTS AND EXAMINE OUE STOCK BEFORE MAKING PUECHASES. BACH & AtfEL. A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a greut bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, Iying2i miles f rom the city of lonU. 100 acres under improvement, -with goud orchurd, barn und flhed, and a comfortable house. Terms of payment- from 2,0O0 to f2,5OO down ; balance on long time. Also 90 ACRES, about 2L miles from Augusta, Kalamazoo Cuunty, all improvedt with good buildings. Terms - extremely low. Also 40 ACRF.8 about eight miles from Hattlogt. Also 30 ACRES on section S iu the town of Hazelton, Shiawasse County, about 12 milea from Corumia. Welltimbered. For terms addresa the undersigned. E. B POND, Ann Arbor, April 2, 1873.


Old News
Michigan Argus