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Ann Arbor, Jan. 10, 1846. The wheat marker is q.uite inactive. The price remains without miich variaiion, buyers ofimng from 75 to ?,0 cents. In Buffhlo, Jon. 2, notliing1 was doinjj in Flour, holders askinj $5; and buvers offering .-4.50. The New York markcl, we hear, líos advanced to $6. Butler is on the decline a litlle, the beBt qunlity bringing J5 cents. Oats ore wortli L9 to SI cents. The currency of the State still remnins in a dnbious condition. The Auditor General, in hts report to the Legislatnre, recominends the repf u! of the charter of ihe Oaklnnd Coun -. ty Bank, fbr violating its charter in not pay'mg the State Taxes. Th circulation of the Bank, we )earnfis limited to quite a narrow dis'rict of Territory. The River IIuíbíd Bank goes rather hard, fnrmers generally refusing to lake its notea for producu. There appears to be o large aniotint in circulation. The war panic has had a depressing effect on the commercial transactions in New York, and on the sea board generally. It 3 known to most of our farmers that the amount of duties paid in England on imported Wheat, varies with the priee of the grain, the duties ribing ns the prico dlminishosr8nd lowring as the price rises. This is called the Sliding Scale of Sir Robert Peel. The Toílowing table exhibiting the price and duty in dollars and cents-, will be interesting to the western farmea. Wherv tbey read the Forcign Newsrby nolicrog tho price of Wheat in England, they car raf'sr to this table ot n claiice, ond ascertain the price which western Wheat will bring in the Eoglish market, after paying the duticf. The tablc is frem the New York Exprct.Price per qr. Trice per Dutjr Duty oft of 8 busbel? bushcl. porqr. perbu. f loar. Un der 3 Is. ft 53 tOi 60o ft 89 5t to 52 t 98 19 37 L f 52 to 5$ I H5 18 54 2 60 55 to 56 1 68 17 51 2 45 56 to 57 1 71 16 48 2 Si 57 to 5S. Í 74 15 45 2 n 58 to 5ST 1 77 14 4 t OS 59 to 60 T 80 13 59 1 g 60 to 6Í 1 83 IS 36 1 73 Cl to 6 1 CG 11 SU 1 w 63 to 63 1 89 10 30 1 4563 to 64 r 02 9 27 1 gr 64 to 65 ï 95 8 24 1 16 65 to 66 Í 9a f "21 1 01 66 to 69 L 07 6 IS 80 69 to 70 2 10 5 15 72 T0 to.ít 2 13 4 M $7 7! to 72 Í 16 3 ft 43 72 to 7S 2 19 2 6' L3 73s. or abore 1 3 14