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29 i 19 . 19 1 : ; o. o. ! Vhen flrst L. COLBY hung hlasign ■ t C. ü. D.- AtNo.29, ' .nd offered Groeerics chpap for canh, orne people finid, ' he's bound to go to sinadh." ' Vnd oldtime üroeers would faintly smilc, 'rophesying "C. O. I). will lint but little whili-. n wxty days we'll run him off the truck, ' n'l rnll our wtiadoring cuíUmers bck." '' 'he éroaken naid and thoupht it true, ( He'll surely lail before the year i New ! 'ou eun't Boíl Groceries in tnis town Jid get yotir puy in ffreenbiicks down ; Whtre dry ífoods merchante on every street irUh .sil kN nnd satins, hang out nhickena to ftt; Vhere trilde ia raixeíl in cvery place, At the name counter you buy uutter or lace ; Vhere nredit and Iohs o haud in luuul. ir. C ). I. but u slim chance will .itund." tüt prophetu and croakers haví; their say, ItiOtJÍYuells OltOt.KUIESonly foi 1ÍEA.DY PA.T, Andaells ao cheap for divily caah le feaiH no danger oí o. amwh. And to hi patrons all, and business friend, L'he greeting of the aenaon lie extend, Po young nnd oíd, a L?lad New Year, With bot rtf lriends an'l )ot of cheer ! (iire him a culi, and frotn hift atore Your tablea spread with good thixiga more. At that place you will alwaj s find Fresh new Oroceriew oí bestquality and kind- Fverythinc needful for good cheer at homo You can buy at his counter whenever you como. The days are m short tliis bitter cold wmtcr, To mention dotnib) would weary tho printer. Hut. nsk if you choose for anythiníf entable, Yon e it :it once, in quality unbeatnbltí I For hungty nien who are weary and cold. He has Oysters hot, Oyster that mut besold - Oyuters pickled, Oyater atew, and oystcr fry, Or Oytra any other way you chooáe to try. He will servo up Oystera at nny hour of dny, And the best of cigars to smoke on yonr way. A diah of hot Oysters will do you much ood. And cheer tou wbile your (jniin or wood. And with cash In hand Injr in tt toro Of Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour and many more, Of all things uubstantial for daily use, Kor troat lifo's good things with abuse ; Crockery and Glassware nnd Fruit to put in them, Ñuta, Kaieins, and Candy, for children who win thcm And yo who are blessed with their beautiful tac, Will flnd [2?] tho bent of all places, To buy a trine, to bring n amile or ringing laugh, Your rrle.'tsure. than their, will be grenter by hulf Then do not íorget to enll on Mr. C. O. D., And buy of him yom Fruits, tíugar, nnd Te, Tlioujrh lie big (j)n may fall f rom ils place, The C. O. I). iJ store jKstillon the race And doea not intend to fly trom the course Till croakerfl of evil talk themselves hoarae. Groceriett cax be sold for roady pay. And T . Colby has learned the way : Sold flw) times more than he expected- By O. O. U. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to tell- Keep the best of all things- with prices low- be good natured, givo Rood.measure, And you are bound to sell ' 29! 29! 29! BOOKS. BOOKS. ! J. K. WEBSTER & CO. NEW BOOK STORE IN THE " (JRE(JORV BLOCK." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AND CALL. BOOKS. ! L.C.RISDOIM'S [ r A 1VBRTI3BMEN I'. i Now is the time to buy 'Iparim&heatiivü j STOVES. I Í 1 will neil (hem at CO8T unlil further ïotioe. ! So. 31 S. Main SI, Anii Arbor. j j ■■ __ jj_ BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bault BlooVc, Aun Arbor. - Michigan. StuUents can enter any time after Aug. 31st. Cj.11 and examine facilitieB for study at our very plefHont anti ncwly ftirnished rooms. 144ltf " Jm Ê mmm'Ê'w'È I tí ij B'y fp iKflüBByBlMi 1 1 1 f 'É Briggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ava. CHICAGO. Thls weli-known Hotel, rcbuilt upen the oM site, ha all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in cach Boom, Elegant! Kurnished, and located in the business centre of the city. TEBMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS !t HUNTOON, : Proprietors. TAMES MoMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in now block, North of Court Money collccted and promptly paid over. INSURANCE AÖKNT. Trinmph, aaicts, $T2T.90S.ll North Miuotiri, " IT.Ol Hlbernla, " 350,000.00 RKAL K9TATE, I have 80 acres of hmd of a mile froin the cïtj imlts, flnely located for fruit or garden rxirpoaea. Also 40 acres. AIso 10 acres, with house aud barn.and a llvel stream of waterrunnlngthrough the ham yard. BOucree, a mlleon!. I willsell any oral! the abovo cheap, or ezchanse 'or cit proporty. 1SI4J1 JAMES McMAHON. "POR NAl.i: ! The nnderalirned offora for ale ohenp hla 8to, corner of Huron and Fourth streeta : irood and oonvsnient bnildin nnd one of the best busineaa locatloos- peolally for the (trocerT trade- la tba oity. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, UÍ3. 14Sltf L. E. JHCHIUAN CENTRAL RAILEOAI). WIXTEtt TIME TABLB. PasssiigprtrnincnowlTaTe ths swernl ttiors,iis r 11OW3 fKHHfl WK61. JTTTÜTTTT ' :_5_!_L_iJf_O i , (3 j '. M.jA. M.'P. Ji.'r. K.P.M.'p. M. ' )etroit, leave, 7 15 10 IS' 145 4 001 5 winsn ' fpsilanti, S 43 11 26 I 02 5 30: 7 10;a. m. Lnn Arbor, 02 11 43: 3 21 ! 50; 7 45 12 05 ! )exter, SI 35 i 3 41 6 Jj 8 1 hebren, 9 52i : 4 00 : 8 30! JransLake, !lB 19 r. u. 4 Ji '.ino ïackson, 10 Mj l 05' 5 05 8 35 1 .10 íliilimxju, i 20 3 40 S !0 12 i! íhiragoarrivc. R :)ü ■ o 9 M B 30 'KHKO F.ART. rf{.9 ; J I pi L1JjifL:P a. m.:a. ii.; r. tt,r. m.[ Uhicagu, lrnvp, 5 00 8 S0( .'15 1)00 P. M. A. M.j I A. X.! Knlamazoo, 11 05 1 18 5 00, : 2 15 !p. M. ! Ií.ji.I Jackson, 2 30: 3 55. S 0012 30', 4 45] OrassLake, ! 2 66 r 8 30 1 1 Chelsea, 3 24 ' 8 b3, 1 A. M. Dexter, S 41 09 ' ! 6 25 Ann Arbor, : 4 05 5 03 9 SS 1 55 (í 00 6 U Ypsilanti, 4 251 i 22 10 03 '2 17 fi 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, i 5 50! 8 iS 11 20 :t so 7 MI 8 46 The Atlantic and Pacillc ExpreKS run between JacVaon and Nile on the Air Une. Dated.Nov. 2.1873 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA EAll.ROAD. OOIKO WKST. -1873- 10ï'0 EAST. station. Mau. Exp.l btatios. Y.xj). Muil. A. M. P, H.i Detroit, dep... 4:00 j A. M. l.M. YpHilanti 10:.0 8:15 i Uanker f:30 2:15 Saline, 11:00 H:4Ö Hillsdale 7:05 2:S0 Hridp;water..U:lS 7:00 I Manchester.... ::;:! 4K)8 Manchester... .11:38 7:18 Bridgewater . . 8:61 4:28 r. M. i Saline 0:05 4:45 Hilltdale 1:20 8:S2 Ypsilanti 10:0S 5:15 Banker 1:30 9:00 I Detroit 11:20 fi:2ó Train run by Chicago time. W. F. FAltKEK, Sup't, YpBÜanti. FIRE! FIRE! C. H. MILLEN'S FIRE lince Ain The Oldest Agency in the City ! Ilcpresent tha following first-class compauies : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus OTer $4,000,000. Continental Ins. Co., of New York, Capital and surplus Í2,ñ00,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Capital and surplus 7í)0,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus 8600,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEíí. 1458tf " WAGNER The One-Priced Clothier ! Hh receatly eulartred his store and f iuh just rece. ved and oliera to the public the lttrcettt M ocle oí MENS', YOUTHS', AND BOYS' Reody-Made Fa!! ml Winter CLOTHING! Ever bKiught within the County uf Wushtenaw.- These toorts were bought for cash, and will be sold iit the lowent possiblecanh price. AT WAONKR'8. Also conatanlly on hand a fine line of Foreign und Dumeatic Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings All in Rreat rariety, which will bo mude up to order and warrantod to tíl. AT WAOXER'8. A complete und lulge stock of Gents' Fupnishing Goods of evpry description, Jover th);n ever. AT WAONEK'S. THUNK8 AND V ALISES of varions style and makes. AT WAGNER'8. OOOI) PAPER COLT.AR8 only 8 cU. per box. WM. WAGNER. 21 South Main St., Ann Arlor pHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPDIA. X DICTIONAHY or Universal Kriowledge for the People. BEVI8ED KDITION. WIIH Maps, Plates, and Engravings. 'limpíelo Id 10 Vols. of S32 jmcs each. l.luytrated with abovt Four Thotuand Engravings avd yorty Maps, iogtiher with a Serias qf f rom Righty to Om Jlnwirtxi Elegantli En'praved Platrg - illugtrative. of tbr Stíbjtcts of Natural Hiitory -noto for tht fibbt time ajypearing tn the work. PRICE PER VOLUME. Kxtra Clotn, beveled boards, - - $5 50 ..ibrary Sheep. marblod edges, - fi 00 Half Turkey Morocco, - 6 50 Tuis Editiox is Sold only by Aoexts. Fubliahed by 3. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., l'hilndelphia, Pa. 8YLVANIT8 WAKREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General Agent for the State of Michigan. Bycomp:iring Chambern' Encyelopaídia with the few American Cyclopdia,- the work with which it s most freqnently brought into compnriaon, it will o found that white the ten volumea of Chambers' ontain 83M pages, the original Hxtsen volumes of the few American contain lesa than 12.000 pages. It rill also be found that a page of Chambern' contnins , uil onc'fifth. more matter tbau a pae of the New .merican, making the ten volumes of the former quivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at least hirteen volume of the lattM, not to mention the umerous Plates (about 60), Woodcnts home 4 O00, nd Maps {about 40), that are included ia thls edition f Chambers', and to which the New American pos sessM no correiponding feature. It ia confldently ieliwed that as a popular " Dictionabt or ümiveraí KriowtsDOH, taa Vfork Ln without an equal in le EngHin languaje. 11361 Estato of Mary Corrigan. LTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of W„kJAt sesaion of the bate Court toThP'?,t Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offiw' ufe y f Ann Arbor, on Monday the twenty-nmth dav J, 3!?L5S"tSS. yei" ons thouaaud eisht Present, Noah W. Checver, Judgeof Probate In the matter ot the catato of Mary Corrió, de On reading and filing tho petition duly veriflM )f fcdward üuffy, prayins that a oertuin, ' ment nowonttlem this court, purporting "o bê th," adnutted to probate, au.] that ho may be apwmttó olo Executor thercof. "i'yomtea Thereuponitis ordcred, that Monday the swnii clay of . February noxt, at ten o'clocl i the w ??;}i!"FeI tor hearing of fuid potiüon and tbat the devisees, legatee, and.heirs at lnw of S pet.Uonergivo notiee to the persons inteosted n,ad estáte, , of the pendency of said petition. and thTheartoi thoreof by causuur a copy ol' this order to be pub K in tho Mtchigan Argu, a newspaper printed and cíen lating m said (unty, threc successivc weeks previo to unid dny of hearing. i"-uons (A true oopy.) NOAH "W. CHEEVER 146() Judge of Probate. Estato of Frederick J. Wanzeck. TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw „ k, At u Hossioii of tho Probate Court for the countv of Washteniiw, holden at the Probate Office in th City of Anti Arbor, on Wednisday, thelenth da5 of January, in the ycar one thonsnnd eiirht hun dred and seventy-tour. !1' Pment, Noah W. C'heever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the catate of Frederick J W-,n zeek, deceased. Leonhard Oruner, Adminístralo, Sf saia estute, comes mto court und représenla that 1 is now preparod to ronder Lis tinal account as "ïióh Adminutrutor. " Thereupon it ia ordered, that Wadnesday the fourth day of February next, at ten o'ctak in the forenoon be assigned for the examining and il lowing such account, and that the heirs ut úw of said deceanwl, and all other persona intercsted in Sttid éatate, are required to appear at a sessron 0 said Court then to be holden "t the SS Olhce, m the City of Ann Arbor, andahow cause it any there bu, why the said account shonld not be allowed : And it is further ordtred that said Administrator give notioe to -tl i persons interestcd in aaid estate.of the peudency of said' account and the Hearing thereof, by causing a conv of this order to be published in the MicMnan Anm ■ newsp.iper, printed and eirculating in sa'id countv' threc suceessive weeks previous to said day of hear' (A tnif eopy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 160 Judso of Probate. Eatato of John Shaughniss. OTATEOP MICHIGAN, Ooanty of WaBhtciKuv h O Alaeussiouuf the Probate Court for the Countv of Wahtenaw, holden at the Probate office In tl city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, tho twentieth dayof January, in thoyearouethoueandeightlmn. dred and seventy-iour. Hresent, Noah W. Cheevur, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of John Shuughnideceased. Michael Cowan Executor of said ei-fate come into court and representa that he is uow prepared tu renderhiu üual account as such Exvcn tor. Therenponltis Ordered, that Friday. !hc twertieth day of Fcbrnary next, at ten o'clook in ihc forenoon, bc assigncd for examinins and allow ing such account, and that the öevlsees, l'gatees and heiriat law of said deceased, and all other persons interesled in said estáte, are requirtd to appear at a sussion of said Conrt, then to be holden at the ProbateOfllce. in the City of Ann Arbor InnaldCounty and showcanseif any there be why the said account ahould not be allowed: Aoditie further ordered, that aaid Executor give uutice tothepersonsintereetedin said eetate, of the pen. dency of said acconut, and the hearing thereol, by causing a copy of this order to be publishedin the Michigan Argus,a newspaperprinted andchcutatir insaidConnty, three saccessive weeks previous to sai'i day of hearing. (A true copy.) ÍTOAH W. CHEEVEE, 146? Judge of Pcobate. Mortgago Sale. DEFAULT liaving been made in the eondition of n certain mortgage, made and executui Ly fcoloo Cook and Ann L. Cook. his wiie, of tlie city of Ann Arbor, Wuühtenaw County, and btute of MicLigim, 1 to Silas H. Douglats, of the same place, beaiii.g date the ttrsl day of Ausust, in the year ot our Luid onc thousantl eight hundred'and sixty-seven, and recoidud in the om'ce of the Register of Dceds ot the coutty of Wushtenaw, in said 8tate ot Jlichiyau. on the üist day of August, a. d. 1867 m liber S6 ol mortgages, on page 536, on which mortgage thtre is claimetl to be due at the date of this noliee, tor principal and interest, the sun? of two tl.ousand flve hundifd and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, topether with an attorncy fee of ül ty dollars, as provided and agreed ahould auy proceediugs be tnken lor the foreclosureof siiid mortgnge; and wherens i.o pir.ceeJings at law or in equity have been tiiken to recover Ihe same or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notiee is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale eontuined in mortgiige, I shall se 1 at public uuctiOD to the highest bidder, on Monday, the mnth day of February, a. d. 1874, at ten of the cloek in the loienoon ot that dny, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor and State of Michigan, that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw is held, the premises described in snid mortgjtge, or .so rancll thereof as shall be necessary to satisty the ainount due on s-üd mortgage, the costs and expenses of said sale and the attorcey fee as aforesnid ; snid Tpnmaa are described as followe, towit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known and desci ibtd a.s fellows, towil: lying in the township of Ann Arbor, and being part of the northwest quaiter of section number thirty-three in towuship number two Pouth of range number six east in said State, beginning in the east line of snid quarter section at a point sisteen chaina and tifty-thrée links south ot the Bortheast coruer of said quarter section, and running thencc south on said line iive chains and thirly tive links, thence Bouth flfty-one and a-half degrees west twenty-two chains and eleven links to the center oí the Ypsilanti road, thence northwesterly ilong the center of said road nineteen chaius and ninety-flre links to a point eighteen chains and seventy iive links south of the north line of said section, thence e;it parallel to the north line f s:iid section twenty chains and thirty-two links, tbence north pniallel to the west, line of said section sis rhains and twentyöve links, thence east parallel to naid north line nine ehains and foity four links to the east line of Raid qnarter section, thenee south four chains nd three links to the place of beginning, and bcing the snme land deeded by Jacob Kenopf to said Cook, party (n the flr t part (to said mortgiige) and the sanie land ilescribed in two deeds to said Ktm]if recorded in tin Kegister't office, in said county, in liber Y of Deeds, on pages 676 and 077, und m liber No. -'l'J of clrpcls at pages 6S8 and 559. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. SILAS H. DOfGLASS, Mort, . Felch & Gbant, Attorneys for Mortgagec. SherifTs Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahténaw, n. O Noticfi is hereby given that by virtue of ene writ of execution issued out of and under tlie Keal of tlie Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, to me directed and deüvered, I did on this ninetoenth dny of November, A. D. 1ST.J, Ii'vy upon all the right. title and interest of Mtrchant H. Goodrich, in and to the following desnribcd real estáte, situated in the County oí Waaln tenaw, State of Michigan, to it: Lots number two, three, ioui, five and six, and west half of lotfi seven und eight, block one nortb, range tive cost, excipting ten feet oif the west half of lots neven nucí eight, also except forty four feet front on Fourth street by onc hundred and ten feet deep oö' tliú southwest corner of said lots. all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Couuty, State of Michigan, which above described property I shall exposé for salt' M public auction, to tne highest bidder, at the soutn door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the twenty first day of February, A. 1). 1S74, al ten o'cloek a. h. of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Nov. 10, 187.1. 1460 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw Connty, .-i. By virtuo of a writ of execution issued out ot und under the Seal of the Circuit Court for the county oi Washtenaw, and to me direeted and dclivered agiBst the gowlB, cliattles, lands, anu ten'ments ol Jlotchaut H Goodrich, I have this Slat dny of Detcmbi r, A. D., 1S73, seized and levied upon all the liclit, titli and interest Merchant H. Gnodiich Ims in nud to tLe following land?, to wit: I-iOts number twu, tluee, four, iive, nd six, nnd west half oí lots seve n ai. il eight, block one north, range iive east, txceptiuR teu feet oö the west half of lots seven and eifilit, also except forty-four ieet front on Fourth street, by one hundred and ten feet deep, off the south-west collier of said lols. also lots number thirteen ancl fourtoen, bl.ick number three north ïanse four eust, all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw connty, State of Michigan, which abovu deseribed property 1 shall expose for sale at auction, to the liig'hest bidder at the ■ ou:h door of tl o Qonrt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the iwenty-first day of Feburary, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clorfi a. m. of dny. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 31, 1C73. lJülltd M. FLEMINO, Sheriff. UOCO-OLE!... A perfect intir ii:e-siiip- not adye nor Btorativ, but a liivssinf;, elegant r-1 ..... nomieal. ' ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEJNC; is eooiinp tr) the se.ilp, imparta a deügntt'nl - ■■ vitalily I and soitness to l__j- V ■ ■ ■ t 1 P - STEARNS' COCO-OLEiNE, iweetly porfumed and limpid, renners tlie hair ple and y- " dressea it in any I STEARNS' COCO-OLEiNE entirely veg-efable oil, prevenía ihat c: which " causes dandruit r-y-j ' ' muíate. " ' ' STEARNS' COCO-OLEÍNE contains in one large bottle more o:l uid iñori fume -■ Hthan any othcr ' dressing mhmíii marltet, and Hi il'M(h-'-; ' sold twenty-flve per cent, lesa than most others. STEARNS' COCO-OLEINE brightens blonde hair.darkensaub . ■ urn haff. renderslustrousbrown and blark hair, ' 'h" aens the harshness of coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLSINE 18 MADE ONLY BT TEEDEEICK STEAENS, - CEEMIST, UETBOIT, MICH. f-old cvery where. Be suro and get tho Genuine Coco-OIeine. Lot no one paJm off on you abottic of somo ehmp and wortlikss imitation of CocoOlrlne. Thcre are more than twenty counter.ens of i t novr sold, put up as near like the genuiue as ta makers daré and evade the law. HURRY UP ! 1 . U'I'I KS wishing Wall Paper, Pliades Hollands, Wlndow Fixtures, Co-de. Taseels. &c , all New Styles. at Satlsfactorj Prlces. bv J. K. Webster ác Co., Book I tor e, naar the B.tpiess Office. X j ÜOR SALE ON LONG CKEDIT ! Ann Arbor City Lots, with good title, and well 1ftted for residences or business. Also several Mortgaites for sale. _ . „ Inquire ui E. W. MOHÍJAN. 143m8


Old News
Michigan Argus