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Pioneer Meeting

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Ann Anno;:, Fob. Sd, loT4. The Washtenaw Couoty Pioneer Society met pursuant to adjournment ;it the Firenien's Hall, in the city of Ann Arbor, Gen. E. Clark in the cbair. Ou motion 51. 1!. GoodHch was tippointed Sucrelary pro tem. The following resolution was adopted on motion üf'Natlian Webb, ofPittsfield. Resolved, That the Pioneer Society hold a festival or picnic in eotumemoration of the semi-centennial location of' the county seat of' Washtenaw eounty, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the iMth day of February, 1374. On motion of Win. A. Junes, ol'Dexter, tlie following resolution was adopted : Resolced, That a c.unnüttee of nine be appointed by the Chair to inako arrangeinents f'or the semi-centennial location of the county seat of Washtenaw county. The President appointed as sftfd comniittec the following gentlemen : II. A. Beal, of Ann Arbor City ; Nathan Wcbb, ofPittsfield; Wm. A. Jonas, of Dexter ; J. Q. A. Sessiona, of Ann Arbor City ; M. II. (joodrich, of Aun Albor City, John J. Robison, ofSharon; Ezva D. Lay, ofYpsilantiTown; Wm. M. Gregory, of Saline; and C. H. Wines, of Sylvan. On motion of L. Davis, of Ann Arbor Town, the cotmnittee of arrangements werc insfructed to secure the basement of the Methodist Church, or souic other suitable place, in which the Society may hold the festival on the 24th of' Fcbraary nest. On motion of John J. llobinson, of Sharoii, the meeting adjourned to meet at half-past 1 o'clock r. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The meeting was called to order by the President, Hon. Alpheus Felch. On motion of L. Davis, Chas. A. Chapín, of Ann Arbor, was iustructed to correspond with Mark Howard, of N. Y., with a view of securing a file of the fiïst paper pöblishod in the county c,f Washtenaw. On motion of M. II. Goodrich, tho Society voted that the necessary cash expenses incurred in providing for the festival should be met by an assessment on the members of the Society. On motion of' L. Davis, the President appointed 11. A. Beal, J. Q. A. Sessions and Wm. IL Gregory to arrange a program me for the next meeting of the Society. On motion of Wm. A. Jones, it was ordered that when this meeting adjourn it adjourn to meet on the second Monday in April next. On motion of' Gen. Clark, Chas. A. Chapín and S. D. Noble, of Ann Arbor City, were appointed to make arrangements for the future 'meetings of the Society. Interesting and instructivo papers from Mrs. K. B. Norris, of' Ypsilanti ; Wm. A. Jones, of Dexter ; Morell Goodrich, of Scio ; Wm. M. Gregory, of Saline ; and John Geddes, of Ann Arbor Town, were read before the meeting. On motion these papers wure ordered entered on the records of the Society. On motion the Society adjournod to meet at 11 o'clock a. ji., on the sceond Monday of April next. Geo. S. Wheeler, Secretar}'. MR. JONES' PAPER. The original township of Dexter, comprising what is now included" in the towns of Webster, Scio, Dexter, Lima, Freedom, Bridgewater, Manchester, Sharon, Sylvan, and Lyndon, together with the settled portions of the unorganized counties of Jackson and Livingston, was organized by the Legislativo Council, of' the Tciritory of Michigan, at the time of' the organizaron of Washtenaw county about the beginnin; .Pil i j- - ot tne year 1827. ïhe tirst Supervisor is believed to have been Ilufus Grosmau, who held the office two or three years. We have no record of township meetings until 1830, in which year Chauncey S. Goodrich was clected Supervisor, and Dr. Cyril Nichols town Clerk. After Goodrich, came Ilenry Warner, two years; then in 1833, Nathan Pierce, though I think that Webster, Scio, and Bridgewater, were set off before that time. Mr. Warner says he has served on the Board of Supervisors whou there were but five in the county, to-wit : George Renwick, of Salem, then called Panama; Job Gorton, of' Ypsilanti; Uarvey Chubb, of Ann Arbor ; Orrin Parsons, of Saline ; and himself. George Warner, a brother of Henry, was Collector of taxes about that time, and went to the " Bond of the liaisin," or what is now Sharon, Manchester, Bridgewater, and also to Jackson and Pinckney, to collcct the taxes on his roll. In the Spring of 1834, the township comprised the present towns of Dextor and Lyndon, with the scttled portions of Livingston county, or at least the western part thereof, in which year David Dudley was chosen Supervisor, and C. B. Taylor town Olerk. The present township of Dexter was organizod in 183G, with Thomas Lee as Supervisor, and Dr. Amos ftrnvna inwn The h'rst settlcment in tho town was made in 1825, on tho north-east fractional quarter of section 36, by Sylvanus and iVathaniel Neble, who had settled in Ann Arbor tho year bef'ore. Samuel W. Dexter, aftorwavils known as Judge Dexter, liad loeated land where the village is iri 1824, on sections 0 in Seio, and 31 in Webster. Hia oldost patents ure dated October 12 and October 20, 1824. I havo not the date of the entry of' his land. He also loeated soon aftcr tho east one-lialf of section 12, in Dexter, whero the Dover Mills are now loeated, his patent fbr wliicli is dated April 2, 1825. The next iuhabitanta rere Joseph Arnold, Ruflls Crosman, and llenry Wu-nav, eaelt of whom loeated his land m the'earjy )ait of' the yeftr 1826, made some mprovements, and removed their jíimilÍMS then: in (lie fll of the same year. The nftmes of those who came into the town within the nest two years wore C. S G-oodrieh, Coinelius O=torhout, David J)udley, Riohard Brower, Charles B. Taylor, Levi Whitcótnb, Thomas Loe, Isaiah rhelps, Hogers (jan-, and his sono, Enos W. Carr, and Elijah P. Carr, Sidney S. Derby, and (Jlark Porry. Solomon Peterson came in at the saine timo but settled near Pinekney. Henry Warner stil] lives at tho a?e of 77 years on tho same farm wliich he first loeated. Joseph Arnold still lives in town but with his son on another farm. S S Derby is in Ypsilanti ; llichard Brower went back to Steuben countv, N Y wherc I heüeve he still lives ; Levi i cpmb went away and loeated near Green 1 my, Wis., some yoars ngo. T10 others i whose names are mentioned abovo, are all 1 uuuu. uaraüua JNoblo, Adrián Quaekinbusn, liphraim Carponter, George il isherman, Isaac Pentioycr, Richard Peterson, John G. PetewoD, Warren Sp&Idin? -John JJruen, Samuel Northam, James il' Lakue, I'atnck llubbard, Daniel Tuttle, and Bben Phelps. became resideots of the town betbre 1833, none of whom arelen in the town, and nut more tlian two or thrco or theiii are helievod to bo stil] living. Cornelias Osterhout and a man naiued Huil built :i saw-mill wherè the Hudson Mills now are, in 1827. Judge Dexter and Isaac Poraeroy built a saw-mill where the Dover Miils now are, in 833, Dover Milli woru built by Daniel D. Slflap & (Jo,, in 1840, and remainod in their hands unt'il the death of Col. Sloan in 1801, when on the settlement oi' lus estáte it was purehased by Thomas Birkett, the present proprietor. Ilud.son Milla wero built in 1845-0 by Adams & Peters. Adams' interest was won aftér purchased by 8. AV. Holmes. Alter severa] changos in tlio proprietorship, the property i now owncd by I'. Birkett, proprietor of the Dover Mills. The Mèisrs. Nofcle pat up n shwity or tont on their land in ihe spring oí 1825, wherc the men lived whilu thcy built a house, plantod somepolatoes and a garden and broke up and preparad soaie hiwl tbr wheat. rhe tont or shanty vra presided over by the eldest d.-vughter of Sylvanus Noble, fhen ;i girl of eleven year.--, now the wifo of Dr. A. Gray. of Des ter. 8he tells how timid she feit in going through the marshes on account of the rattlesnakes. In the fk.ll, having completed the necessary arrangements they removed ilieir families from Ann Arbpr. The Mfssts. Noble fioding that proVisïons, cspecially floür, were in good demand alter neighbora began tg setüo uroundtheui started through the wilderaess to Pntiac, horo they bought some wheat. had it grouijd, transpofféd it hv some riièkna tb theHuron river or one of ita afflueiits, built or böughtabbat, loaded their flour- cnongh tor ten barrels- i nt o it, and carne down tïio wittl it to Dextef, where they sold some, traded sorae to the Indians, and consumcd some theméelres, triatíng on the whole a not very unproütable venture. On their way down the river they rán into a lako, on wlneh they spent a lótlg timo tryïng to discover the outlet. It was Önally foand now wKert iey onterod the late, hut so hidden from view by gras,?, rusffer and hly-pads. that they ssed itseveral tunes bciore difeöoVering it. The scarcifyof jpioVfeions ft Chosc days was sometimes a seiiöus tnuttèH The game and feh whieh tliey linntcd Or oaught, or obtained from the Indiaiii, was soinetimcs nearly their solo relianco. Whilè Kving at Aun Arbor, Mr. Noble Avent to Ypsifanti to work for soniething in thé way ofbreadstuffij,_ and all He was a'ble to obtain for his labor in that line was onc pech, of Jndüin com-meal. Ai ter they came to Dexter and raised grain of their own, miils being distant and their fastest rondsters being oxén they made a sort of bowl or mortar in aiï oak stump or log, in whieh they ponndcd their eorn till they reduced it to sufficient üneness tor ooofcing liut the sufferinc íbr want of food was at no time equal to that causod by sickness. Ahnost every one was prosirated by the aga, or souie qther íbrm oí intermitiente at some time within the first year or two after his arrival in the country. 1 have heard Mr. Nathaniel Noble s;iy that he had it ahnost continuously for thiiteeu iuontha Ayoungson of Mr. Quackinbush dicdof It. Many others expected death, or at least thought they could not live, and had but httlc desire to. They will teil you even now, that there is nothing whieh will make a person so resignod to death as a long and severe courso of aguo. Among the carly seMlers was one Dr Belden, who located a lot of land and built a house about a ímle west from Mr Arnold's. When ho got his house covered, with a blapket for a door, and boards for Windows, with a floor only aeross one side he moved his family, consistiñg of his wife and one ehild, into it. The lire-place was merely a baek of stone, with a hole abpvé to let tho smoke out ; the hearth was the ground, and everything e'so in the most primitivo condition. Finding he needed something more in the way of supplics, he "e started for Detroit, in comp'any with Mr. arren Spaülding and an ox-team, to procure them. Soon after his departure, his wife, who was unwell ivhen he went away, was suddenly taken worse with congestivo chjlls, or gntnefhing of that kind. lier gitnatioh was discovcred by some one, who summoned Dr. Nichols tb visit lier. He, finding her in a witieal coudition, re'quested Mrs. Arnold, as thu nearest available person, to assist in taking care of her Mrs. Arnold, ever prompt to the calis of humamty, responded to the request, and she and Dr. Nichols werc the only persons present at her death; whieh took placo soon after, and before the arrival of her husband from Detroit. After assisting to lay her out, the left. leaving Mts. Arnold alone with the corpso and child. Mr. Henry Warner, two and a half miles west, being the nearest available person who owned a horsen-was sent to meet Dr. Belden. Starting a little before noon, he rode üown somcwnére between Wayne and Dcarborn, where he niet them putup for the night. Léavirig their team, they procured some borses, and Dr. Belden and Mr. Spalding rode all night, arriving at home some time nest morning. wrs. Avnotcl, nnümg that sho must stay fhrougft the night. 'moved the body of the dèad woman up by tlie sidë of the bed, where she could reach it, topk tlie chiU, and went to bed and lay till morning. I wonld say slept till morning, but Mis. Arnold thinks she did not sloep niuch. Dr. licldcii buried liis wit'e in the rillagê, took his child, and went back to goüie of the Eastern States, a sadder an(, pei'liaps', a wi.'-er man. I am unable to gjv.c the iianics of the earlicKt preaoherá of the town, thouih l think tho late Rev, C. G. Clark of Webster was onc ; but Iris niiiifstrations wcre prineipally in Dexter vülaie and Webstor, only preaching ocea.-iüiuilly in the town of Dexter. The first ehureli ereeied in tl.e town was by tho Catholio Society, ncar the center of the town, about 35 years ago. This was, unf'ortunately, burried several ycars afterwards. Instead of' nn fln muwfl j.uji.i.uit UI I VUUlIUllJg Jtl LllU i'illll site, they built ono fn Dexter viflage, anc have lately f'ound it uecessary, on acooun of the nortease in ntimbers of thëit cotigre gation, to build alaïgër and more expensive one, whicfe is now riearly coniiilcted. The Methodiflts built a house of' worship in the North Lake ntíghborhood, a few jrCars sinee, and the üeruian Eianefical Assöciation built oneon seetion 33, in J 871, in both af'whieh services are held regularly. I aai aware that this sketch of the early bistoiy of the town is a very üiüiiger one ; Dut it is as good as I ara able to" prepare :'roin my present limitcd sourees of inforuation. Wlir. A. Jones ÏIIE FAPEK Oï JlItS. ilATtlc XOURIS. So rauch has boon said, written and piinted on the mooted questionof the origen of the name Ypsilunti, that I havo thought I might help- vvith tho aid of dates and letters, bclbre me, to oonfirm Mr. J. Morton's statement of recollcctions concerning it, He is undoubtedly correct as regards the early ovvners of tho soil : these raen having pmchased of the carlier French clajmants - Godfroy Pepin, ]-)O Chambre and others, John Stewart and William Harwood wore living hore when wo arrived, in June, J828, Mr. Morton also roentions Mr. John Brj-ani and fainily, as among tho oarliest sottlors at tho grovo. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bryan wero porsonal frionas of mine, and wcro true, reliable persons. We found them hore in 1828, wore intímate during tho years of their rosidenco hero, and have corresponded since their romoval to Constantino, in this State, wberé Mrs. Bryan is still living. In a lotter receivod not long sinco she alludes to tho mistake of Mr. John Geddes in supposing tho name f the town was given by " Major " Woodruff. Hhe says he had at that timo no interest in tho new villago ; his home and interest being a short distanco bclow, at Woodruff's grove ; that he, with many others, -as Mr. Morton statcs.wished the town to bo called Watervüle, 4t tl}e preliniinary mpoting, Mrs. Bryan says, hor husband always opposed it, and took sides wita uuügo a. as. vvooaward, ono of tho first judges of tho infant tomtory, anc who had the honor of giving his name to its iirst codo of Iaws. This was calicd tho " Woodward Code " and was signed by Gov. Hul], and tho two judges, Augustus B. Voodward and Frcderjo ftatos. His influenco Jinaily provailod- to secure tho name of Ypsilauti. Early in I828--the sarao ycar- Congress passcd an act giving power to tho Governor and Council to divido the Territory into Tovvnships - to incorporato the same, and to próvido for tho election of officors, &o.+ The story of the Greek reyolutioji hud reachecl onr shores as oarly as 1Kio, and tho most harrowing accounts oi' tho sufferings and destitutiou of tho Greoks, reached this country. Tho inhabitants of the eastern towns and cities were aroused ; meetings woro called ; the w.omén were enlisted in the work, and clothing Lftñmán'aHiatoryófMichifrán. i 1 bid. and inucli provisión gathered. A essel was ehartered aud Dr. Howe, of Boston, was sent in charge of the distribution in 1824. Foreinost among the patriots of this time were th; noble Princely fuinily of Ypsüanti, of whom a few fttcts are here fkppended. Constantino, bom in 17üO, in Constantinople, Conspirad to free lireeco - was pardoned and diud in Kiev, Kussia. His sons Alexander and Demetrias, distinguished themselves in the llussian servico. In 1820, Alexander took the leadership to prornote the independence of Greece; in 1821 he surrendered to Austria and reniained a prisoner for six years. He was finally relcasod in 1827 by the interposition of Nicholas, of Iiussia ; but with health hopelessly destroyed. Ho died the f olio win g year. His younger brother, Uemotrius Ypsilanti, joined the insurrection in 1821; took part in tho siego of Tripolitza, vhich he carried by storm in Octobor, but was repulsed at Nauplia in December. In June, 1822, lie was chosen President of tho National Asscmbly. Met with varying success ; but in July distinguishod himself by" audaciously holding the citadel of Argos with throe hundred men and three days provisions, against a three davs siege, trom an army of 30,000 men. Tho Greeks having oxhausted thcir scanty supplies cautiously withdrew during the night and forced thoir way thrqugh the Turkish lines without losing a man. In 1823 he withdrew from public life ; but in June, 1825, opposed , successfully, Ibrahiin Pacha, at the Mills of Lerni. In 1826 he opposed receiving a " Protectorate " from England. In 1828 ho was made commander of tho troops in Eastern Greeco. In April, 1832 he was chosen one of tho seven commissioners and held that office till his death. His sister Maria Ypsilanti, with patriotism equal to his own, gave her dowry equal to $150,000 to aid her suffering country. With such associatious as those may we not rejoice in tho firmness of Judgo Woodward in giving to our town the honorod namo of Ypsilanti, insteadof unmeaning "Watervillo. Asido írom the sentiment connected with tho name we niay congratúlate ourselves that its six consonants will always hinder it from being a popular title. While Pennsylvauia rejoicesin the possession of seven Danvilles, the whole United States has only one Ypsilanti. Mrs. Norris apponds the following extratc from an old copy of the Detroit Tribune showing the different ways Ypsilanti was spelled upon the envelopes of letters which passed through the división distributing postoffice, during six months in the carly settloment of this county. We know of no better standpoiut from which to wituess and weigh the general stupidity of mankind, than is possessed by the atlachis of our larger PostofBees. The specimens of chirographical, orthographical and syntactical blunders that daily tax and puzzle their ingenious facultaos, are always marvellous aud somotimes miraculous. Through the kindness of some of the gentlemen, connected with our own Postónico, we are cnabled to lay before our readers a number of the more ludicrous and novel oceurreneos, that occasionally vary the monotouous routine of duty, which' may prove amusing if not odifying. No oue can appreciate the labor of making up mails, until they un derstand the great difliculty of determining from the envelopea the destination of tho enclosure. Tho percentage of letters properly dirocted. is small, and that of those decently written, is still less. Foreign letters espocially distort the names'of American Postónicos into the most unearthly shapes, so that only a perception, sharpenod by long practico, could detect the semblance. As an examplo we give tho followiug list of the various methods in which the word "Ypsilauti" has been spelt upon the envelopes of letters passing through our Postoffice during tho past six months, taken down by Mr. Cargill, in charge of the Michigan División of our llistribution Postoffico : Epsolnny, Yplantice, Upsylauti, Ipsalantia, Ipsillanta, Apsilanta, IPseylunty, Yeplanpha, Ypseylantia, Epoilante, Hypsilanteau, Yipshulanty, Ipsylanta, Clypsalauta, Ipsileindi, Ypt-zy-luntia, Upslautei, Hipslyauty, Hipsalantio, Hypslenti, Yplanthropi, Hypsilantheu, Epcilanti, ipsalantie, ABsa Lanty, E Ypcaluntia, Epcilantia, Ypslnaty, Ippes Landing, Yulomtice, Ypssyllanti, ieplantice, ipsloty, Wipsilanti, lppslyantia, Yps-i Landtinc, Eyspialanta, I bselandie, Hypisalianty, Iepcilunta, Eplonsay, I ppslanty, eypsssillianty, I seland, FYpislantia, Ypisylvauia, Ibcelanclie, Iipsalinta, Ipcliontia, Ebsalanda, Eybsylandy, Ipsciluntun, 1 Pis-lanta, Whipcalentia, Eipsly Lanty, Iscpylantia, (iyselantio, WYPslanty, j üypsslante, I bseliny. { Ipsolanty, Ippssalantia, Lipslantic, Wyphsorlanter, EAKLY SETTLEB. Tho following sketch of the early sottlors of School District No. Eight of Ann Arbor Township was read by John Goddes : Orrin White, his wife Ann, and three childron wero the first settlors. ïhey moved into a shanty on the northwest fractional quarter of section 20, July 4th 1824. They carao from Palmyra, Wayne County, N. Y., near where Mr. White was born. Mrs. Ann White was bom at Tioga. point, Pa.; her maiden name was Thayor. Next was George Eash and his wifo Fanny and fivo children, and a bound boy, Levi Bunt. They settled on I the northeast quarter of seotion 25 in f September or October 1824. Mr. Eash was bom in Massachusotts ; his wife, whoso maiden name was Galloway, was born in Pennsylvania. They came from Pcrry, Genesee County, N. Y. Elnathan Botsford and his wife, Eliza, ' 3ame in May 1825, and settled on the north part of the northwest fractional ' juarter of soction 36. In 1827 thev moved on to the west half of the Southwest quarter of soetion 25. They were a newly married couple. Mr. Botsford was born in Milford, New Haven County, Conn.; his wife, whose fornier name was Smith, was born in the State of New York, They came from Perry, Genesee Countv N. Y. J llobert and John Qeddes came June 14th, 18,23, and settled on the south part of tho northeast fraotional quarter of section 30. They were unmarried. Robert oanie from llomulus, Séneca County, N. Y. John caine from Londonderry Township, Séneca County, Pa., whore they woro both born and raised. Amos Hicks and Mary, his wifo, moved iuto the district in Octobor 1825. They had seven children. They finally settled on tho east half of the southeast quarter of section 26. Mr. Hicks was born in Massachusetts ; his wife, whose first name was Love, was born in Ireland. They came from Parma, Monroe County, N. Moses Clark, wife, and family of seven children, caiuo and set down on the northeast part of tho northeast fractional quarter of section 35. Mr. Clark was a Baptist minister, and was born in tho State of New York. Cannot say where his wife was born. Ho came from Greeoo, Monroe County, N. Y. Mr. Clark sold out to Elnathan Botsford in I the spring of 18.32, and with his family left the township. Two of his children died beiorc he lett. Moses Clark was 48 years old in 1825, when he carne here. Amos Hicks dicd April lOth, lN.'ij, aged 9 yoarg, disease, shingles. . Eliza Botsford died December L'Oth, 1847, agod 44 ycars and 25 days, of eonsumption. Elnathan Botsford diod January Cth, 1803, of congestión of the lungs, aged ó.'i years 8 months. Georgo Eash died Octobor 9th, 18Ú0, of paralysis, aged 67 years. Fanny Eash died May Sist, 1859, of liver complaint, aged 71 yoars, 7 months and 20 days. ürrin White died Pebruary 18th, 1864, aged 09 years, .'i rnonths and '24 days. Eobert Geddes died March llth, 186(i, iged 68 years and .'! months, of typhoid neumonía. Mary Hicks died October (th, I8681 aged 76 years, 5 months and 9 days, of ld age and paralysis. Ann White died December lst, 1871, aged 71 yoars and 8 months, of inflammation of the lungs. Elnathan Botsford died in the Fourth ward of Ann Arbor City. Orrin and Ann White died in the Fifth ward of Ann Arbor City. ïlio otliers died in School District No. 8. Thoy were all buried in said district except Orrin and Ann White, whose remaina lie in Forest Hill Cemctery of Ann Arbor. The flrst adult person that died in said district was Prosper Paine Clark, (a son of Rov. Moses Clark). He went out one morning to chop raücuts, and not coming home to dinner, he ws found by his father lying on bis fuce on the ground with a railcut on the back of his neck, dcad. This was in March 1828. He was about 2ó years old, I am tho last of the first ten settlers, and still resido on the said south part of tho northeast fractional quarter of section ,'i(). I was born March 19th, 1801. Levi Bunt enlisted in the Muxicnn war and died in New Orleans on his wny to the war. Ann Arbor, Eeb. 2, 1874