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Local Brevities

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Cabm. Circulare. _ Bill-Hcails. _Letter-Hcad. _ sliipping Tags. printed at the Arous oflico. _Ih the bost stylo and ciieap. Don't order elsewhero before calling. „Satisfaction guaranteed in every respect __ xiie ico harvest lias commenced. __ (jooá sleighing is the word just now : where hc roads wero not too rough. Xlic Zouaves passed inspection on Friday j má werc assigned to the First Regilót, s Company B. „fl'e invite atteution to tbe advcrtisement of Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company. ,iran men should take an interest in sustain. ome institution. Tlie lecture oL Mr. Proctor, the .(tonomcr, waa Iargely attended on Wednesday nDír, but was too much a matter of figures „popular appreciatiou. „OnSunday evening next the Eev. C. H. i,hun will give tlie closing lecture of bis cur! .'„tcourse and answer the question, " What , irians Belicve ?" „The lectura of Hon. Wm. i'arsons on batur,, ovening last was largely attended, and the rker's popularity raaintained. The sketch 'fenof öeo. Stephenson was thoroughly interrfjag and instructive. __ Tffo barns were burnod just about uoon oi t n(jay last, in the Fourth ward east of State jWt: one belonging to Capt. Beahan and the Arto Geo. A. Gilbert. Cause- a barrel of bes against the Gilbert barn. Hart! work 9TedÜiehouse3. _0n Wednesday cvening next, the llth inst., Dn Ibry Livormore willlecture on " Women's grands " in the University Hall and S. L. A. jjso. Mrs. Livermore is reputed ono of the jlest advocates of the ultra women's right school alan entertaining lecturer. -Prof. E. Morse, who lectured in our city ks ago before : the Sfudents' Lecture isociation, his subject being " From Monad to ' will give two lectures at the Opera House ■ jloniiay and Tuesday evenings, February UJ and 24th, on " The Theories of Evolution." _In the United States Circuit Court at Dei iit, on Jlouday last, Judge Longyear rendered j decisión in the case of A. W. Chase vs . 14. A. Bsa! denying the motion for a preliminary iniinctioii, with costs to defendant. Tho opinión ai and filert he!d against tho coniplaiuant on fterï claim. -Wegivcthis "".veek tho last letter of our "Forein Correspondent," J. M. Wheeler, Esq. nJ in doiug so must thank him in the name of ir readers for hikiug them along with him in liiJCTirneyings, and exiiosmg to their view and limiraüoB the art treasurcs of tho oities of Eu:;,■ visite dhy the way. - A small steamer is boing built at Chelsea to Ie put on AVhitmore Lako the coming season, running for the accommodation of the guests of Ik Clifton House and the general public. lts jimensions are to be: length, 33 feet; beam. Heet ; burden, 8 tons ; engiue, five-horse power; riih capacity to carry 70 passengers. - The following members of the High School ave been appointed for the junior exhibition to 8 held Friday evening, March 20th : Minnie üioivn, Carrie Evcrett, üeorgie Goodrich, Maya be, Alicc Porter, Charles Barry, E. J. DePuy, ID. HaskeU, E. C. Knight, Jesse Millspaugh, .S.Ryiuru, J. W. Scott, K. B. Smoot, and M). York. -The pamphlct copy of the " Proceedings oi e Board oi Supervisors" oí' this county - releed from the Clerk - has a singular and imjrimt omission : the biographical sketches of 'itseveral membcrs oL the Board - as written for ad published in the Courier. They should liave seniucluded as an appendix- with charcoal iietches of autlior and subjects. - On Saturday last a y oung son of F. P. Galpin, Supervisor of Superior, - whose name and ige m ditl not learn, - met with puite a serious :;cidnit. He stood in a wagon throwing out me cobs when the horses started suddenly, ; im out upon the ground, breaking of the small bones of his right arm near the ribnr, splitting the larger bone above the elbow aJ dislocating the elbow joint. - A largD congregation gathered at the Presí'erian Church ou Sunday evening, - not a atteing vacant, - to hear Proí. Morris before h Christian Association of the University. H subject of the discourse, which was a ■NgktfnJ aud schclarly one, was "Providence: non of the Scientific aud Speculative i-aght of the day to the Christian Religión." imusic for the evening was f urnished by the Club. -ffc omitted last week to notice the failure i tlic McColl Brothers, woolen manufacturers sBelii, and the assignment of their assets to ïorgan O'Brien, selected by the creditors. The Mr figures their assets rt $25,337.80, and iiabilitiesat 28,053.74, of which Y11,861 is uied by mortgage. Eobert McColl, the oíd supervisor of Webster, ia on the paper of his rs in the sum of $3,610. The McColls' I hebeen and are yet reputed honest, their fortunes coming from attempting too much general business transaction. -Some weeks ago we made arnote of the :w that the Supervisors allowed themselves for eral days more service than they did their tors, and jocularly asked which Supervisor 'Sciatcd as janitor for the days raaking the treoce, or something to that efiect. We now '1' that a Supervisor living in the southwest portion of the county - not in the corner 'i-toolc mortal oüense thereat, and says that told Tond what he thought of him and I'IW his paper. As said Supervisor never "'ktheAEous he couldn't well have stopped ' copy even, and as he never exchanged three Wjiis with us upon any subject we wero enimiconscious of being "blowedup." wi (o not often mcddle with tho business ol ' neighbors or oriticise, unless we can apc the methods to which our cotemporary unalists, local or State, resort to make their 4umns readable or créate a sensation ; but "must enter a protest againstsuch items as the 'wing, clipped from the Courier of last Vk: ''srumorcd that the business affairs of one J M most prominent business men on Main Wi are in aa embarrassed condition, and that '■ Wi not be able to pay over fitty cents on the "'■ It ia a mystery to those who know hiq .J'shouid be so, for he was always at his we of business and had one of the most ecomicaloi wives. Aparigraph like this- as in this case- is a ""'s the dark ; hits wliere it is not aimcd, and uses frouble to honorable business men. li ! ' 'nancial difticulties of a business man are to jWnicled,_and it is legitímate journalism ronide them at the appropriate time and in proper spirit,- there should be no chance for uu the part of tho public. The man '"ai should be nained in order that others ay not fall under suspicion and bc subjected to 'otimely and uucalled for pressuru.


Old News
Michigan Argus