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All Sorts Of Pen-scratches

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In the largor tovvas and smuller oities of Southern and Central Oliio, Riplëy, London, Athens, Hillsboro, etc, ;i prayïng crusado has been in progresa lor a Fortnight or so, tlio women beingtho crusaders and tho liqaoi sellors - whother druggists, grocers or saloon koepor - thu objuctive point. Saloons havo brton invaded and praying and singing carriod on to tho diseomfituro of keepers and customers : when refused arlmission to salcong, prajrer meetings havo boon held on the sidewalks or temporary tabernaoles erected. In somo towns t!ie traffic has cntirely ceasod, in othors the woinon havo beon enjoinod, and in othors tha contest wages hotly. Tho ends tho women aim at are commendablo, and may good come out of their crusade, tlie reformation of drunken fathors, brothers, and wives. - Bro. George of the Lansing Republiean has been to Washington - looking after an offioe, perhaps ; but of that nothing. In writing up his " sight seein' ho tells of a Grand Lodgo man who wroto to Eoprescntative Conger .asking him to " get him a bilí of divoroo right straight through Congress, as ho could not wait the slow motion of tho courts, ani Congrexs was alile to do anything, and to reliove a fellow's sufforings with a termagant wife." ïho words we put in italics show a level hoad down at Grand Ledge, for thero is at least nothing under tha sun whieh Cougross don't think it can do. - Some curiosity soeker at Washington has unearthed a iong lost but unropoaled law which roquires tho departmonts to be open from October lst to April lst nine hours a day, and during the other inonths ten hours a day. Which enforeed, as it should be, will bring a regiment of clorks to grief who have struggled hard for years to enduro tho severo labors of six hours a day, besides warranting a considerable reduction in the clerical forco. - Tho little game that didn't work : that of tho Itev. Dr. J. P. ÏTowman, Chaplain of tho Senate and porambulating cousulsato inspector, in trying to get entranco to a Japanese court by sending in hiscard inscribod, among other things, " special friend of President Grant," " No official of sufficiently high rank to recoive him " was the modest rebuff. Good for the Japs. - Congressman Cox made one of his funny speeches on Thursday of last week, which the World correspondent says was made still more funny " by the efforts ol a Michigan man, narned Field, who insisted with a droll stupidity that reminded the House of Lord Dundeary, that tho House should bo brought to order." - There was a grand " Charity Ball" at tho Academy of Music, on tho evening of tho 5th, of which a chronicler says : " All the wealth and all the fashion of New York wero present. Evory ono was a personage of account, the absentees were of no account." Qrcat is charity. - Gen. Butler "roso to romark" on Tuesday, and pitchod into the nowspapers sled-length, - to uso a once very popular colloquialisni. And this notwithstanding he told the House that he was "iron-clad." He didn't care anything about nowspaper abuse on his own account, but feit it a duty to protect his thinuor skiimed associates. Generous Butler. - The Lansing Repuliliban is oxceedingly happy that the bonded debt of that city (exclusivo of $50,000 school bonds voted but not yet issued) is only $ 112,000, or $16 for each man, woman and ehild oi the estimated population. Tho bonded debt of this city (excluding tho school district bonded debt of $29,000) is only $0,500, or about 75 cents a head. - Dawes has introduced a two cent postago bill : and the department fulling soveral millions short overy year. Ii these imitators of English "cheap postage " could cut tho United States down to the size of tho British Isles perhaps postage could bo reducod to tho English standard. - A N. Y. Ecening Post " spooial " is responsiblo for tho statement that Gen. Howard has been assured that ho will havo no occnsion to object to the members of tho court of inquiry to be appointed by the President. No one supposod that he would, - Edwin Booth has filed a petition ín bankruptcy. His liabilities are put in the neighborhood of $200,000, with assets " limited." The estáte of üakes Ames is tho heaviest croditor- 1100,000. Booth's theater with the bad management of his brother did it. - The new Tremont Houso, Chicago, tho splendors of whioh far oxcol thoso of the old Tremont in its palmiest days (if the autograph, no, lithograph letter before us is not mistaken), is to be oponed to the traveling public on Monday noxt, tho 16th inst. - There are supposed to bo 74 uiembembers of the United States Sonate, and yet but 54 voted either for or against the amendatory bankrupt bill which passed on Tuosday. The 20 absentóos (an unusally small number) draw full pay. - The County Suporintendents of the Poor have held and adjourned meeting at Lansing this weck, at whieh roports woro made on tho location and construction of poor-houses and tho treatment of the insano in tho county poor-houses. - The House, on Wodnesday, passed the resolution for a oourt of inquiry in tho case of Gen. Hovvard, as amended by the Senate. Now for sharp practice in naming the membors of the Court. - The Manchester Journal advises its readers that tho new Constitution is to bo voted upon at the coming spring election. Whore did the Journal get its information ? - A House couimittec is invostigating Judge Busteed, with a view to impeachment, and it is hoped that ho will soon bo a judge busted. And Duroll, ditto. - "In Chancery:" Caleb Cushing. Mrs. Myra Olark Gaines is the complain,ant. Calob and Myra aro well-matched for porsistenco and tho end is not yot. - Atlorney-Goneral Ball is at Washington, seeking to be appointed consul to Valencia, Spain or soiue better borth. So a special to tho Vree Prcas says. - Tho Grand Lodgo of tho Indopendont Order of Good Templars commonced its annual session in Dotroit on Tuesday. - - Ex-Shoriff Brcnnan has paid his fine, sorved out his time, and boen dischargcd from Ludlow street jail. - Tho Sonate bas not yet confirmod Gen. Van Buien nominated for a Japan Consulship. - Tho Indians in thu .Northwost are again on the war-path. - The Ashantee war is reportad ended. - Gold closed at 112 Wednesday.g


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