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Vjtf#lfÏElS Dr. .1. iValker's California Vint'üjai' Hit fa' I'S are a purély Vegetable prepuration, made chicfly frora t.ho native hevbs formd on thelower ranges of the Sierra Nevada inountains of California, the medicinal proporties of wliich are extractc.l tberefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost dailyagked, "What is the cause of the nnparalleled sueces8 of Visko.vb Bitteiis?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patiënt recovers his health. They are the great blood purifler and a life-giving principie, a perfect Eenovator and Invigorator of tho system. Neverbeforeinthehistory of the world has a medicino been componnded possessing the reniarkable quali ties of ViNEGAii Bitters in healing the sick of evcry disease man is heir to. They are a gcntle 'Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of the Livor and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Disensos. li' iueu vill enjoy good healtli, let thein use Visteo ab Bitters as a medicine, and avoid tho use of alcoholic stimulants b every form. _ _ _ No Person can takp these Bil Iers according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or othor racims. and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Grateful Tiioiisaiids proclaim Vinegab Bitters the most wonderful Iuvigoi-ant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Bemittent, and Iptermitteilt Fevei'S, whiph are so prevalen t in the valleys of onr gi'eat rivera threugkont the United States, especially those o) the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Aikausas, Bed, Colorado, Brazos, Eio Grande, Pearl, Ala bama, Mobile, Savannah, Koanoko, James, and many others, with their vast tributarles, throughout our entire country during the Slimmer and Autumn. and remarkably so duiing seasons of nnusuul Jieat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of tho stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscewi .Int heir treatment, a purgative, exerting a powurfnl influence upon these various oi-gans, is essentially necessarj-. There i.s no eathartie for the purpose equal to Dn. J. Walkek's VDiEOAB Bittees, as they vill speedüy remove the dark-colored viscid matter with ■which the bowela are loaded, at tho same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and geiierally restoring the healthy functions of the digestiva organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Head aehe.Pain in the Shoulders,Coughs,Tightness of the Chest, Dizziucss, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, ]3ad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attaoks, Palpitation of tho Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the región of the Kidupys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are tho ojfsprings of Dyspepsia. One bofctle wijl prove a better guarantee of its merits thun a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or liing's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas,' Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as iji all other constitutional Diseases, Walkkb's Vinegab Bittees have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Iuflammatory and Chronic Rheniliatisni, Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fovcrs, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Minera, as they advanco in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To gtuurd against this, take a dose of V auush's Vinegak Bitteks occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions.Tetter, Salt Eheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimplos, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ringworms, ScaJd Hfead, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatover name or nature, aro literally dug np and carried out of the system in a short time by tJio use of these -Bitters. Pin, Tape, and olher Wonns,l"rking in the sy stem of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, wiH tree the system froni worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, i" young or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, tliese ïonio Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jauilllice.- In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your livor is not doing its ■work. The only sensible treatment is to pi-omoto the secretion of the bile and favor its i'or this purpose use VlNEÜAR BlITEKS. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenevcr you find its impurities burstiug through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings vrill tel) you when. Keep the blood pure, and the iiealth of the system will follow. K. II. 'l -IIO.V A I,l &, CO., Druggibts aud Geneml Aguntw, Sau Fraueisco, Caliibr Ilia, aud cor. Washiutou aud Cbarltou Sta., Kew York. Solil by : 1 1 linifiHiMs and Dealers. Q 1$. GIDLKV, nccear to ('OLGUOÏB A 8ON. Ou , -a 'IJS ■■-. -- , DRUiJi AND üilST IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL. No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN ORlfcS, MEDICINES, SIRÜICAL nSÏKIHEM'S. PIRE UVi:s AND LIQIORS, (FOK MEDICAL PÜRPOHES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Pcriumery, PAINTS, OOM, V Alt MSIII.S, I.ASS AND PCTTV, PHYSICIAIS' PBESGBIPTIONS Carefallycomponndod at all honra. PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIEM IN THE CITY WHO FURNISH AS GOOD AN ARTICLE. e. k. umi.uv. 136Ttf T-JESIKABLE REAL ESTÁTE ron SALE! The sabacnbev, on account of iü health offers Ijia 33 A CU 10 In the corporution for sale. Thisground adjointítbe Umversitj Observatory on Ihe east, oppoBÍte sidé oí the streef . lt has a most excellent SPRING! On the northtfflat corner- formorly supplied Ihe lï;ul roftd tanks with water. ITS ADVANTACES Are ns folio ws : For city purposes the Huron River meanders ihe sanie some 30 to 40 rods, and is part of the best Water Power On the Rivet in this vicinity, and the elevution on the northeast cornor is suüiciently hiífh und ampie to sup ply the rity neoeatfltiM for water and flrepurposes' THE WESTERN PORTÏON On the road is very a)propriate and suitablt for a Public City Cemetery. The city bas no such gifontida now bnt must huve hooii, and whatever groun-Ja th city do(.s not caie to use, eran be eold at un a-dvantHfre, o mucli so.that the cost of the Watfer Works groundë and Cemetery, would, be merely nominal. If the city does not want ihe sanie, the grounds would b invalUiihlc for FEÏÏ1TS, LA.RGE&SMALL, 'J'Iirre bcing some 100 trws now n bemin j Vegetables and Pastm-iie. And sJao for MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK, Horsen, Mitep, And other animáis ahvays in great want by maiiy in the city and its viciuity. As city lots adioiningthe northwest corner of this land are now selling frora threc hundred to three hundred and ñfty dollars, these lands would or oould be sold in a short time to a gootl advantage and to mueh jiroütto the purcfiawers LIBEBAL TUMTE Will be (,'ivcii or the 8:imowiU be oxchnngcd for Morohantable Roods or Drugs and Medicines, at cohIprices. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbur, Jan 31 18T3. ]4U L. C. RISDON 8ELL8 PEKI1Y & ( O.'S No. 9 Nev litrïtu COPPER LINED IRQN-CLAD RESERVOIR, FUKf, TRTMMKl), IFOIR, $6O I Otlier Stores in proporción M SOTITIT MAÏN ST., AXN AEBOR. 144Ctf If yon aro Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Broken Down Constiintion, Or rcquire a Eemedy to Pnrify and Enricli the Blood, STou will flnd Dr.Crook's Compoond Syrnp ofPokeBoot t(i (josíMs greater merlt, cure you more speedily, and do yon more good than any and aü other remedies comblned. rbat Pale.Yellow, s -k look i nc Skin la changed to one of freslmess and nealth. Those Diseases of the Kkiii.l'impIes,Pnslules, Blotclies and Eraptiona. are removed. Scrofula, Kcrofnlons Siseases of tbe Kyos, White Swelllngs, Ulcers, Old Sores or any kind of Humor rapldly dwindle and disappear under lts inflnence. Whatisit? It Is neture's own restorer t A soluble oxyd of Iron comblned "with tha medicinal properties of Poke Root dlvested ot all dlsagreeable qualltles. It wlll cure any Sisease whose real or direct cause is Bad Blood. Rtaeamatisin, Pains in Umin or liónos, Constitntions broken down by Mercurial or other poisons, are all cured by U.LjFor (Sypliilix, or Sy pbilltic tnint, therels nothing ecjual to lt. A trial wlll prove it. Soldby THE GREAT CAUSE & OF JEXTJJSLA.3ST MISERY. Just publishiil. is ;i SnJSd Envdope. l'rice 0 ets. A l.ccturc on tbe Nature, Treatmcnt íiad Kadical cure of Seminal VVeíiknes, Spermatorrhaia, induced by Self-Abusé, InvoluntarV Kmi sions, Impotency, Nervous Deliility, uud ïmpt'diinentu to Jlamafjü puncrally ; UoBBUmptioD, Kpllcpsy und I'it ; Mcuttil and 2 hvsieul Inciumcitv, o -By KoKlETJ. CTTLVEEH ÊLL, M. pT, Author of the 4 Oreen Iïook," -c. ïhe world-rcnown iiuUior, in tilia admirable Lecture, clearly provee iioin liis own experience tliat the awlul consequeners ei Belf-Abuse may bü etfectttally removed without medeciae, aud without dan?erous snrgical operations, bougies, instrument, rings or cordials, poioting out a mude ot' cure at once certíiin and effectuál by which every üufferer, no matter what hia cor.dition may be, may cure himself oheaply, jjrivately anrl radionlly. THIS LKCTUKE WILL rilüVlS A liUÜN TO XHOUSANDS AND THOUSANDP. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrees. on receipt of six cents, or Iwo postage stumps. Address the Publishcrs, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., I aT Bowery, New York, Postoffloe Jio.x, 4380. l8yl ■ÍIOCERIES AT LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSON Is now selling Groceries at LES8 THAN CO8T "Fui1 cash to closo out his stook. Bgr Buyers shoukl culi nucl exaraiue liis gooi! bofore jjurohusing. NO HUilBUii AÜOUT 'J'JUS. Anu Arboi.Nuv. (i, 1873. 1451tf K HURRY UP ! UAKTIES wlshiug Wall Paper, Cloth - and Paper Shades, Hollands, Window Fixtures, Coida, Taesels. &cM all New Styles, at Sfttlsfactorj Prlces. liy J. K, Webster A Co, B ok More, near the Expresa Ofllce. X X 1W VORK Ml-BOOÜ A DëMöÖKATIC Vv'rn.-r,, qö IS'.O. Jt PPQO W (I !,■ ■,ilic;il ;iml Cerros, $B per year, To clubs, pinê capíes for $fi. Rpeeftnen copies frce. Adtïn ■ !)AY-ÖOOK. N"ew Vc. i.ity. YOOD'S UOÜSEHOLD KttlZIffi TUR I5K8T DOLLAR U NTI!I,Y. ] U r 1 U ;lï' m:li'(1 'J' GMfvMaing U TO Hl I U ''"'■ t)lis ïnüKüzif."- in. i.i ÖJJI " !ll lii ' ■ n';' v"!"" ' - will] i lmTHK Ï0SK3HTI: VALLKV, Í )ï3(I inrltoN, in XV OH !os. Mar:iiiif uno i-ar w i'li iimiüiit.'] iLkmu. $2 01) ilagozine, aqe yeiir, with ; I i.p ui. i ,,u MáAZltle, aluno, hiiG yr;U'. I 00 Rxamine au lilübbintf tind Primitrm 't vo I irsl I l:iss l' i ioiüiiilH tor the l'rifcof One. Wc ealicit Canvnsser and otliors to sr!i,l ;it [jiic ■ ( t'T { t T !tw Rlld Sju-riinon Magiziiic. .'clilrcisS. !■;. sm;''I-:s, Publisher, ■)! Paus ]IW, K. V. i i i ■ , .ik Ni .„■i:i i:i:ii, X. Y. Hl P VrjiOsnycIopctlia of Tliin-s Worth K:iov lUljii ÏÖIVI ing, ur.25.000 Wants Bupplied. Over u,l(J0 noliynuH on royal-octnvo-sized pog WASTun. l.s. Thi TE1 n Ttll'ltroitio lr'roe. Pamphlet circularé ., l'rw. N'Ui AV...-cvn Biblíand l'ni.. i o li,:rtril. Oran4 napids, Mieh. M ABTÏN'S 3 M PRÖVÈD BRiCK MACHINE. i [,t. sfOBZ an: BeïTEE Iïiik ks than a.nv Machín k ::-. -v.. Adqitbuakd UaEÓ bxthbXeadt:-; Bitccü ÍANi'i-AuxTur.Ks. Majïüt M'rriuai ot AMES ÜJiSjTrli, CliIcoDoc, Mass. SAW MILL MEN" Vill prolomr tli el r Uves, make beltcr liim)er and carn inoncy eanerand luister. MEINER PAT, HE AD BLOGKS. Dfscriptivo circular sent npon applicatioii. Sinker, ihiviS &, Cu liiil:iunjolis, Ind. ï!Rtn'ilQn'1" 'l1"; ' -sn(s ""mti: All classes fcPJ uUkPoUof woikinpuoph;, ui' eitbersexi yoimg or old. make move moosj ut. work for ns in tlioir spiiro momonts, or all the time, than at anythrog else. Piiitieiüiirsfree. Address G. Stinson i; Co., Portland Mui&o. (hl Pto SlOO in Wll Sr., aften leads ton forl Itune. Norisk. 32-page pampfalet for tamp. iN Vai.f.ntink, Tcmbeidqe & (Jo., Bankcrs and vpUjBrolters, 33 Wnll st., Néw Voil. FITS ANDÈiï LEPSY positivoly cmed. Tlie worst rases, of longest standing, by usiii' Dr, HcbbiirdK Cure. A botile sent. lre,c to all aédresBing J, B. Disbusr, Drug- gist, 8M 6th Amrar, New Yi,ik. Uftí Tajj. ün. i.f.'i m : E. J. JIIKII. HATTER! Hits tumedl)u!:iuj; upon Winter $ml oponed his stoel; ot WINTER GOODS! fiiclüdiñff .-ill tlic latest My;-s o f Hats and öaps ! LiAio: (Ir JL, X T S ' FÜRNISHINO (ÍOODS, &f, GOOD GOODS AND LOWPBICES Is tin.' wn-'l lo pass ;lonL tho líne. 7 Noulli Vliiin Sí.. Aim Albor. 1421 CIVEN AWAY IF ET WILI. NOT SNSTANTLY RELIEVE Neuralgia, B Doafness, B"uTsësS: ï ■ P'"'""'"' Cuts, Brn., W g e!lar Chllblalns, B W DIseases. WILL KILL The worst cough In quicker time than any other preparatlon In the wond. Wewlllwlll refund the rnoney If we do notglve Immedlate relief. SOLDEVERYWHERE. ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like T-, tho most a charm ! JÊ SL natural Nevorfailsfl 1 shades to MJ HOf Browr ly produce p or Black SY ONE APPLiCATiON. PUÏ YOUE MONEY WIIEKE IT WILL DO THE JkTOT' GOOD A. A. TERRY II AS A FüLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRIOfíS T O DE F Y (!O M P E T1T1O A.LSO, A FL'I.L LINIO OF GENTS' FÜRNISHING GOODS f" Cali heforc purcKdííug. 1 ó South Main Street. „ T IVE GÏÏESE FEATHERS PIBST aTJALITY , L'üuü'iillyouhancl andfor saleby B ACH Se ABEL.


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