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W 1 29! Vh;n ílr.t. r. .IDUiVh,,,,.],,, jr 'j. u. v. - At ïso. '.i', And offered Groceries choap for cash Kome peoplc said, " he's Imunrt to go lo smash." And old-time Gjocera vould faintly smilr, Propheiiying (■. o. I). willlast but little whil.-. Tn MMv d:iys wc'll run limi oï the Ir.--)., And oall om WAndering customers back' The croakers saM and thought it true, "He'll surely mil befute the ycnr ii New I You oan't seü Uroccrics in this town Aim (et yourpujr in reenbacks down; here dry gooda merchimts on every street itli likt .ind aatins, hang out chickens to eat ; Wheie trilde la mixed in overy place, Al the same counter jou fouy butler or lace ; Where credit, and loss go hnñd in hand. Mr. CO. 11. but iislimchanuewillstiinil." let prophetsMid iroiktn bno theit snv, I'-COLBYseltaQBOOKEIKeotayforREADYPAT, Andsella m heup for daily cash " lic reu nq dánger of a smash And in hls patrón aU, and buMöeifï)end( 'I he greeting of the getraen h metend, I n youiiK and oíd, a glad New Year, V il.h hoaU of frii-nils and lot of (rl fiivi! him a ca]], nd tnta his store Yuur tables spread with good things more. At that place you will ilwaya (ind Fresh mw Groceries ot bent quaHty andkiudi- verythiHR neertful for good cheer at home on can buy at hm counter whenever you come. n ■ la ya ui oso short thla bittor cold winter, I o mentioM dotailM ould wenry the printer. Hut usk it you choose for mythinif entable, You (jet lt at once, in quality unbeatable ! For hinm mei rwhö are weary and cold, nttoZ "t?", ' ?yBter at must bc sold - j stera pickled, Oyster stew, and ovster frv, Or üysters any otlier way you choose to trv. ne will serve up Oysters at any hour of day, And the best of eigars to smoke on your way. A d,.], oí hot Oysters will do you much Rood, And cheer Tou while sëlBag yourgrain or wood. ?'lwÍlh c"sh in han(1 IllJ' in teW - i'i .f?' Ie"' Flour andmany more, or all tlunfrs substantial for d.iily use for treat life's good thingu with abuse' Olassware and Fruit to put ra thera, M ut, Kaisins, and Candy, for children who win them wm V' Tr'",1,' ÏÏ UrSïd yiih thcir beautiful faee, NV ïll hnd [39] the best of all places 1 o buy a tnüe, to bring a smile or ringini? laui-h, Your pleasure. than theirs, will be greïitei by half 1 hen do not (orget to cali on Mr. C. O X) And buy of him your Fruit, Sugar, and Ten. VbTc' V)' tÍs 90 m"y f!lU from its ttoa, Ihe ü. O. D. y store is still on thé race And doos not intend to fly from the course lili croakers of ovil talk themselves hoarse Oroeeries can be sold lor ready pav lï prColby n lenrned tlm wav ■ Sold ve times more th.m hc expected ' Jiy C-. 0. 1). from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teil- Keep the bew of uil things-with prioe low- ba rood natured, give -rood measnre De good And you are bound to sell ! 89! 29! 29! B00KS. BOOKS. ÏC WEBSTER & f'O. SfïW IÍ00K STOHE IN THE "UREttOBÏ BLOCK." LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST AI CALI,, BOÖKS. j L.C.RISDON'S A VSRTI3EMENi. Now la the time to buy " PARLOK & HBATING STOVES. I wítl sell them it COST uutil further not ioe. ITo. 81 S. Main St, Auu Arbor. BUSINESS COLLEGE! Aun Arfooi', - Mi(hian. Studemti can enter any timeafter A'i-;. 31st. (■ ill and examine faeilities for study at our very pleosant and uewlv fmnished rooraj , U41tf xBH a ■ tt'i'IÉÏ'ÉÏlI É I ï É' tiliV.Uk.' Briggs'House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO.. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences- Passenger Elevator, Bath Rooms, Hot and Cold Water in each Room, Elegantly Furnished, andlocatcd 11 the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS & HUNTOON, Proprietors. TAMBS McMAHON, Justice of the Peaee, Office in now block, North of Court House Money collected and promptly pald over. INSUBANCK AGENT. Triumph, nssets, $727.903.11 Nortn Missouri, " 45,417. al Hibcrnia, ' 350,000.00 EBAL ICST-ArE. I have S0 acres of land X of a mlle from the city imite, finely locatod for fruit or garden purposee. Also 40 acres. Al8o 10 acres, with house and barn,and a MtcI atream of water runnln? throngh the burn ynrd. CO acres, a mllc out. I will sell any or all the above cheap, or exchance forcitproperty. 1374yl JAMES McMAHON. ' Foit sai.i; : ! . i The undersifrned offers for sale chcap his 8tore, , corner of Huron and Fourth streets : a good and convenient building niid one of the best businesK ] tions- espeoially tor tlie grocry trade- in the city. Ann Arbor, Wov. 6, 1878. . I451tf L. E. SLAWSON. SÏICHIUAN CENTRAL BAJLR0A1). WINTER TIME TABL5. f-inowsni!elir"insnowleaTe thl! sever"1 tot."" "oiNü wm. STATION. Ü "=! S " " " ; JL'JLJjLJI Ü_ r. . ... M. A. M. I'. M. p. M. P. M. P. M Detroit, leavo, "7 IS 10 IS 14.Ï 4 00 40flÓ 30 Ypsllanti, 8 4:i 11 25 " 02 S 30 7 10a m AnnArboi-, H OS 11 48 3 21 .'. 50 7 45 ij 05 Doxtor, :l SJ 3 4i c 2S 8 10 Chelsen, B 6J 4 (M, „ 30 (ras Lako, 10 19 p, m. 4 '■'■ ', t 'M Jackson, 11, ;,., 1 o:, .-, M ,, Bj , .j0 P. M, A H Kalamazoo, 2 20 3 4(i mi 12 20 ■ Chicago arnve, 6 30 tl M 6 30 s 30 OOIKP, KAST. d a .9 è 3 g í i a p. : Q aw-)a! S5,Q-iJ a. M.'a. m. .. 11. p. m. ChicRgo, leavc, 6 00 1 :!() 9 1 5 9 oo !p. m. a. m. a. m. Kalumazoo, 11 05; 1 18 5 00 : 2 15 PM. a.m. Jackson. 2 30 s 6S s 00 12 :;o 4 45 (JraHH Lakp, 2 ;"'6 H 30 Ohelsen, t U 8 ,V!; A. M. Detter, :i 41 ;, 00 ; 5 Ann Albor, 4 05 5 03 0 38 1 55 0 00 6 55 Ypsilnnti, 4 SS !, 22 10 03 2 17 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, 5_8Ö 6 25 11 20 330 ; 2.-, 845 The Atlantic and TaciHc Expresa run 1etween Jackson and Niles on the Air Line Dated.Nov. S. 1873 DETEOIT, HILLSDALE & INDI ANA HAII.ROAD. JJOING WEST. -1S73BOOM EASI. stations. Mail. Exp.i stations. Kxp. Mail. A. M. V. M.. Detroit, dep... 4:0ll a. m. p. m. Ypsilanti 10:30 Sd6 Bunkers (t]30 2:15 Saline 11:00 0:43 HilUdnle 7:06 S:M Dridewater.. 11:18 7:00 : Manchester.... 8-33 408 Manchester. ...11:38 7:18 Bridgewuter .. 8:50 4:28 i". M. I Saline 9:05 4:45 Hilladale 1:20 8:52 , Ypailanti 10:03 5:15 Bgokera 1:30 9:00 i Detroit. 11:20 6:25 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Snp't, Ypsilnnti. FIRE ! FIRE I C. H. miLLEN'S FIRE Inie Apcy The Oldest Agency in the City ! Representa the following first-clnss companies : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus over 84,000,000. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Capital and surplus $2,000,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Capital and surplus $750,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capitnl and surplus f000,000. No. 4 South Main Street, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN. 14ó8tf WÁGÑER The One-Priced Clothier ! Has recfintly enlarged bis store and hal jnct received and oifers to the public the laraest stock ot MENS', YOÜTIIS', AND BOYS' Heady-Madc Fall and Winter ■ CLOTHING ! Ever brought within the County of Wnshtenaw.- These goods were bought for cash, and will be sold al the lowest iwsaible ctish price. AT WAGNER'8. Also coustuntly on hand a ftnc lino of Foreign aud DL'inestie Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesting All in great variety, which will be made up to order and warranted to tlt. AT WAGXE1ÍS. A complete ind large stock oí Gents' Furnishing; (Joods of eyery deseriptioii, lower thnn ever. AT WAGNEB'8. TEUNK8 AND VALJ9B3 oí v.irious styies and mukes. AT WAONER'S. GOOÜ PAPElt COLLARS only 8 cts. per box. WM. WAGNEE. 21 South Main St., Aun Albor PHAMBE15S' ENCYOLOPiEDIA. A DH'TKiNAltV Ot' Universal Knowledge for the People. WITH Maps, Platos, and Engravings. Completo ín 10 A oís. of 832 padres each. Ulustrattd loith about Four 'Thousand Enqraiñngs and foríu Map, together with a Series if rom Eifjhty te One Jfniuïrtd JClegantly Éngrdved Pintes - iilustrative of the StUtfeUt of Katural History -tww for the fihst TlMEappeariüf? ñi íhc work. TRICE PER VOLUMK. Kxtra (,'loth, bevcled boards, - - jjj M Libvary Sheep. marbled edgres, - . 0 W Hall" Turkey Morocco, - - ( j Tuis Editiox is Sold oxly ïïy Aoents. Published by J. B. LIPPINCOTT A CO., t'biladelpbitt, Pa. 8YLVANUS WARREN, 189 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, General Agent for the State oí' Hichtg&Zt. By compnrin Chumbers' Encyclopaxliu wíth tlie Xew American Üyclopeediu,- the vork with whkfa it is most frequently brought into comparison, it will bo found that while tho ten volumea of Chambera' contain 8320 pnes, the original sixUtn volumea of the New American contain lesa than 12,000 papes. It will also be found that a page of Chambers' contnins full one-Jifth more matter than a pago of the New American, malting the ten volumes of the former equivalent in amount of print ed matter to at least thirteen volumes of the tutter, not to mention the numeroua Plates iaboutöOj, Woodcuts some 4 000), and Maps (about 40), thftt nro included in this edition of Chambers', and to wbich the New American posaesaes no corresponding features. It is confldently believed that as a populnr " Dictionary of Univerbal Knowledqe," the work ia without an equal in the Enfflish lanffuage. 1426yl Estáte üf Almy S. Lund OTATE OF .MICHIGAN, county of Washtena V Al a session of the Probate Court for S ' !s nf Washtenaw, holden at the Proba cOffiw City of Ann Arbor, on Thursduy, l,e fnt'r ■"" day of January, in the year ore tnonsand íXl?íKI dred and seventy-four. lht 'm Present, Noah W Choever, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Ah, s r deceased .Charles H. Kichmond and Freocrrtr1 Rfchmond, executors of the last will and L ,D jaid deceased, come into eourt and rSSSïïl thcy are now prepared torender their na ,,„ ha as sueh Executors. "Moinr Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesdav . twenty-fltth day of Febimry next, at ten n!,i h-( m tlie forenoon bc assigned for the examinine Li00' lowmg Buch nccount, and that the devisees Ip?, al and heirs at law of said deceased, and all o'thS sons intcrestcd in said estáte, are required to -m ' nt oofjMria Court, then to be hoKler, ÍS1 Probate omoe, in tho City of Ann Arbor „n7ithf cause , f any there ÏM, why the lid nerount SV,? not bc allowed : And it ia furth.r o,d' ? l suid Executors give notico to t),e LL interested m aid estate.of the pendenov of"0"! nccount and the hearing thereof, by eausm i of th.s order to be pubïishod in tBjffi'iiJ a newspaper, printed and cireulatinfr in said ij"1 thrce successlvc weeks previous to s„id day of% (A true copy.) NOAH W. CÜEEVErt 14C:i Judse of Pioiate. Estáte of John Shaughmss OTATE OFMICHIGAN,OountyofWa8htcM,v r url '?eMlou )f the Probate Conrt for the v ,Y? ofWMbtjnjw .hoWenat the Probate office in h' city of Aun Arbor, OD Tuesday, the t ven i ', day of January, In the ynaronethónsandei.hthñ dred and seventy-iour. ""o"' tint Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof Probrto Iu the matter of the estáte of John Shau" L deceased. Mlchael Cowan , Executor of safo TS? comes Into court nnd represents that ho u , , prepared to renderhis final account as nch Exen Thcrenpcnitis Ordered, that Friday, the hrmti cth day of Fcbruary next, at ten o'clock in ,h forenoon, be aesigned for examining and illn!' mpsuch accoum, and that the devisö-s, lLÏÏ and heirs at law of said deceasefl, and all tS persorn. íntercsted iu said estáte, are reon„ to be holden at the ProbateOfflce, in the Cityof Am Arbor insaidCounty.andshowcauseifaiiy there ij whythe saidaccountshould notbe allowed Aniiir furthcr ordered, that said Executor 2ive Z tothepersonsinlerestedin said estáte, of the „' dency of aaid account, and the hearin.' thormi i causmK a copy of this order tobe publishedin ? Michigan Argus uewspaper printed andcirn.i ,■ u insaidCounty, three snecessive weeks previon ' Bail day of hearing. ■ -"uui t, tA tnie copy.l NOAH W. CHEEVEH 14;'7 Judge of Pcobate. jfiTATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial CW ö in Chaneery. Suit pending in the Circuit (,, for the County of Wasntcnnw, in Chancerv L T Arbor, on the twentieth day of January, á'd ij-, Mary A. Loring, Complainant, vs. Bams Lorin l'i, fendant. 'm' It appearins by affldavit that the defendnnt Bi. Loring, is not a resident of the fitate of MitWm I that he resides in the State of Kentucky It ii „ dered that the said defendant cause bis apnearaZ' m this cause to be entered within three mocthsfro the date of this order, and that in case of hia au anee he cause his answer to the complainant's Ml i be hled and a eopy served on tho complainant's solt tor within twenty days after service of a copy of Si bill and notice of this order, and in default thett'r! that said bill be taken as confessed by said dcfeudan And it is f urther ordered thut within twenlvl,' oid complainant eause a notice of thip order tot published in tho Mú-h,,,ui Argv, a ncwepaper mint ed in said county, weekly, and.that the publiealon be continued in said paper once each week lor ai successive weeks, or that she eause a copy of thiim der tobe personally served at least tweutv dav-u' fore the time prescribed for his appearancc " Dated, JaUEary 2Cth, 187 i. JOHN F. LAWEENCï Circnit Court Commissioner, Washtcnaw Couity, John N. Gotï, Solioitor for Complainant 'Saa' Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waakten ■ Notiee is hereby given that by virtue of two IS of execution issued out of and under the seal of i] Circuit Court for the County of Washtenw, and tl me directed and delivcred, I did on this twent? fourth day of January, A. I). 1874, levy upoiuli the nght, title and interest of Merhant II. Go neb, in and to the i'ollowing described real estáte situated in the County of Washtenaw, State o Michigan, to wit : I.ots number two, thrce foui live and six, and west half of lots seven and tok block one north, range hve easi, exeepting tenfen off the west half of lots seven and eight. ,üso escepting fortyfour feet front on Fourtli street bv on hundred aud ten feet deep otf the Southwest coma of said lots; also lots number thirteen nnd fourteen block number three north range four cast, all in tki city of Ann Arbor, 'Washtenaw County, Sta! ignn, which above described property 1 sball eipan for sale at public auetion, to the highest bidder ai the south door of the Court Ilouse, in the citj ol Ann Arbor, on the fourteenth day of Marcli. A. J 1874, at ten o'clock A. m. of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. 24, 1874. H03td M. FLEMING, Sheriff's Siilo. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WetU k ' Notice is hereby given that by virtue of cneïni of execution issued out of and under the Real of tbt Circuit Court for the County of W:islten;nv. It me directed and delivered, I did on this intteenth day of November, A. D. 1S73. levy npen all the right, title and interest of 3 H. Goodrich, in and to the following describe: real estáte, situated in the County of W tenaw. State of Michigan, to wit: Lots munter two, three, foui, flve and six, and west hall seven and eight, block ono noi-th, range ñ excepting ten feet off the west half of lots seven m eight, also except forty-four feet front on Fouitl street by one hundred and ten feet deep off tie southwest corner of said lots. all in the cityof Am Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan above deseribed property I shall exposé tbr atüe ui public auetion, to tbe highest bidder, at tho soutl; door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor. on the twenty-flrst day of February, .. D, ten o'clock a. m, of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Nov. 19, 1873, 1-100 M. FLEMTXi,, Sheriff. Sheriff's Sale. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, Washtenaw County, h J By virtue of a writ of execution is.sued out oí' ad under the Seal of the Circuit Court for the county cl Washtenaw, and to me directed and delivered agauut the goods, chattles, lands, and tentnients of Meichant H Goodrich, I have this Sist day of Dei A. D., 1873, seized and levied upon all the right, tilla aud interest Merchant H. (Joodrich has iu and to the following lande, to wit : Lots number two, three, four, iive, and six,nnd west half of lots even ido eight, block one north, r:mge tive east, excepting ten feet otf the west half of lots seven and eight, aiso except forty-four feet front on Fourth Btreet, by ono hundred and ten feet deep, off the south-ivest comer of said lots, also lots number thirteen and foiirtee, block number three north range four etiSt, all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county. State of Michigan, whieh abovo deseribed property I shall expose for sale at auetion, to the highest bidder at the i-'outh door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the Iwei day of Feburary, A. D. 1874, at ten o'clock .i. M. s: said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Dec. 81, 1S73. 146ttd M. FLEMING, BhoK steak: COCO-OLE A períoct ïi;i r - ntt adye '■ storative, bilt a dresapg, elegant Pt1 STEARNS' COCO-OLESNC: is cooiiiig to the scalp, imparía a deligh I TitaHty ' nnd sottnesg tu I- '-y '■■ ! ■ STEARNS' COCO-OLLENE, sweeíly perfumed and limpid, rendéis thfl ha pie and dressesit in any t ' ■ 'H '■ form. ■' STEARNS' COCO-GLtlIrc entirely vegetable oil, prevente tlmt di j w h i c h f causes dandïuit -J--1 muíate. ■■■■ HH STEARNS' COCO-OLEÍNA tontaina in one largo botíle moro oil and W fume - ■ than any otlicr - - ' in market, and --i 1" ■ BOld twenty-five per cent, less than most othasSTEARNS' COCO-OLEINE briphtens blonde hair, darkens aub mhm QC '':■ ' ' rendera lustroua brown and blaok - h.ü " sens the harshness ol' coarse hair. STEARNS' COCO-OLKINE IS MADE ONLY Iiï FKEBEEIOZ STEAEÏÏS, - CEEMIST, DETROIT, MICH. Sold ovcrrwherc. Be sure and get the Gen' Coco-Olefne. Let no one palm offonyouabottMol --.nii chtap and teorthless imitation of (f?' Oleluc. There are more than twenty counteria" oí i í now sold, put up as near lilec the genuino Rfl -: maktu-s duro and cvude the law. HURRY ÜP ! pARTIJKS wishing Wall Paper, Sliad"5 ■ HuHands, Window Fixturea, Cord' Tassels, &c , all Xcw Stylcs, at Satisfnc'o'J Pricee. bj .1. K. Webster & j Buok Str" , noar the Expiees Office. -=- ? Aromtnré a vaJI ÍLONG NEEI)EDBÍ IIAXKMIS IiAWYEBS, fVJEW p"vï iM E. w couRKi-oD'r. ■■■ h(kki:i:i",!{ ihkkcma1vts V t 1 BUSINESS MES) "" 'r11 'r I useful, und vnluable J" AND ventions oL the nh'! ented December,;-: Over 5,000 now in ' ! IIP T T II I uso, uní IV t t I satis&ctiou. Notm.f" UvCrUL ?aico is complete TiU" I IM V E IM T I O W Send for Trico List ana Tllustroted Ciiou'.:". AGENTSWANTED,.Also, Coiuity ltiühtB for Sale. Addrcss C. ï. t'OOK. CHICAGO, IL1" TJ10B SALE ON LONG CKEDlT' Ann ArborCityLots, withgood title, and 11 ated i'or residences or business. Also sereral Mortgages lor sale. t w Inqulreof B. W.


Old News
Michigan Argus