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IN CHAiVCERY- FIRST CIRCUIT. Joseph C'nrk, Complainant vs. Peter McGivricy. Dolendant. BY vinueof n decretal ordor issucd out oftlic Court of Chancery, ot" the Stnte ot Michigan, I 6hall expose to salo .o tho higliest bidder, ni tho Court House, in the vilUee of Ann Arior, Waslueriaw County, Michigan, on the 24th iay of Ffcbruary next, at ono o'clock n the aflernoon of that d;iy. the following described premisea, to wit: ''The liorthoast quarter of Sccnon thirty, township number ne bou tb, of Range three cast." GEO. DANFORTH, Masier in Chancery. Dor;r.r.AOT & Walkf.r. Comp's SoIVh. Dnted Janunrv 6ih, I84i. 24fi- 7w FOU1NTD. . . A BOUT Éuur weeks nee, on ihe road betwech. Detroit ond Plymouth Corners., a Für Murr. The ownr ot'which can hnve it by callingon VV. II. WALDRON. Salem, fiec. 8. ]845. 3w-243 D1SSECTK1) MAPS.- An inêtrüctive nnd amusingarticle for the ycung. for snle rt PERRY-S BOÖÏCSTORE. Dec. 2 4- tf SABBATII SCHOOL. BOOKS for sulc nt PERRY'S BOOKSTORE. Dec. 2á. 244- tf ANNUALS- A larce and valuable assortment of Annunls for 1816, together with inany other splertdidly bound books, euuable for presenu,, lor ftRrs BOOÍÍSTORE. Dec. 21. - flax Scied ! THE subscriber wishes to buy o qtfantity ol Flax Skd, foTwhich ho i!l poy i!(o highest mnrket prico, in Gooös or Cash, de!ivrod nt his Miüat Mount Pleasarit, Geneweo Coönty, M.chiean, fivemilMiiorihö "Ij Dec. 15. JÖi5. 2i3-5mC. BRINCKEUHOi'P'S NOTWITHSTAND1NG ilie biisti## of empines of great cures liever pertonned nd forged certifícales ot ihcm, vet their I trums sink like oiliers of thcir kind. in ilic great sea of oblivion. The teelof time is iheguiding one for ihe eearchiug stick, who nro inxionsly watchiiig cvery gtcnin of hope iliat snincff on their piitli. The Health Rcstorative hns been impetuuusly n6snilcd us the production ol a nostrun m-mger, lut tune hus proven that a falsc ano baso ininiintlon oud hns jewelled her reputation with ems ol' honor from ihe cnskets oí those who lnve e.tperienced the efFects of ihis balm. ltseovercign ptower isshown in the cure of complaiñts of ihe Iiivër and Lunes. Con sumpiion. Coliyh Cbkfcj even in their greaieei severity, Asilnna, omi Poin in the Brenst and Side. All thnt is dcsiruble in n remedy lor these compluinis. is in tho Resiorative rcduced and condentrateJ tó the ultimatum of their power, and so placed in such perfect combiiiaiion ihnt their scveral and united force is experiènccd at one nnd the same lime. lt is nojt oilcred asa palliaiive ouly for discase, but as a.compleie extermination of t, and a restorer to natural and blooming henlih. As all tho tesiimony of unimpcnchnlile witnesses is often insufficien' to convince those who are determined to wiihstand tho forre of evidence. no matter how powcrful. we earnestly hope that they will make trial ol the Resiorative. nd beconvinced by actual demonstration. Tho snfety of your life dependa on the use of this tnc-Jioine. without it you had better basten to prepare for a quick nnd fatal terminaiion of your disoase: bnt by its use you avail yonrself oí' tuenns which cannot difiappoint or delude you. 'J he following certificare ia from Dr. Chilton, tho well known New York chemist. "1 have annlyzed a bottle of medicine cillcd C.BrinckcrhotT's Health Restorative, and find that it does not contain Mercury, or any o'her metallic preparation; nor opium in any of ite '' forma. It s composed oí vegetable matter en■ tirely." Jame R. Chilton. M. D. C. RRINCKERHOFF. Solé Proprietor, 58Í) Broome etreet, N. Y. For saleby W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Agentr Ann Arbor. 246-4wSlCkÑESS ÍN CHILDKEN. AND ihe suflering whïch they undergo froin "worms" ofien tend lo a latal tertnination, while tlic causb is liever uspected. Offuneive breath, picking at ihe nose. grinding the tceth duririg sleep, etnning in sleep wiih friclu and screaming, uoubleaomocough, and feverishncss. are among some of the Prominent Symj t ms o( the prcsence of worms. ' A timely use oí SHERMÁN'S WORM LOZENGES Wilt immcdiaiely remove nll these unpleasant syrnptoms. and restore 10 psrfect henlth. Sister lunatius, Superior of the Caiholic Half Orphnn Asylum has added her testimony in their invor, to ihë'Is which have gone before. Slie simes thnt there aro over 101) chüdrun in the Asylum, and 'hat they havo been in the habitof using Shermnn's Luzenges. and she has always found them to be attendcd with tho most leneticial effects. TJiey have been provcd lo be infallible in over 400,000 cases. CONSUMPTION, Influenza, Coughe, Colds, Whooping Cough, Tighiness of ihe Lungaor Chest may be cured. Ilev. Darius A.nhony wns very low !rom Consumpiion. Jonathan Howard, the celcbraied lemperance lecturer, was reduced to the vergeof the grave by rnising blood. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of New York, the Rev. Mr, De Forett. Evangelist in the Western part of this state. Rev. Sebas'inn Streeter, of Boston, the wift-of Orasmus Dibble, Keq. in Monravia, and hundreds oí others, have been relieved and cured by a propor use of SHERMAN'S COUGH LOZESGES, I And no medicine has ever been more effectual in ihe relief of those dÍ6cases, or which can be recommendcd with more Jence. They al lay all tctimg or irritation. reniler the cough ea ey, promoie expectoration, remove the ciuse, atiC produce the most happy and tasting tfFíets. HEADACHE. Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of Spirits. Sea eickness, PesppndeDC7, Fainmess Cholic, ííins'iis, Cfa.'iips of the Stoniach. Sinnmer 01 Bowel Complainis, also all tho distressing symptofns arising frm free living, or a nipht of dissiiinnion nre quickly and entirely relievcd b) using SHERMAN'S CAMPIIOR LOZENGES. They acl speedily and relieve in a very shor space of time, giving tone and vigor to the sys tem, and cmtble a person usiwg tham lo undcrg great mental or bodily fatigue. RHEUMATÍSM, ' Weak Rnck, pain and Veakneas in the Breasl Back. Limbs and otber parta of the body ar speedily and effectually relieved by SHEP MAN'S POOR MAN'S PLASTEU, whic p cusisonly 1'2J cents, and is wilhin the reach i all. So grent hns bicorne the reputation of th article. (hal one million will not begin to suppl the annual deinaiiil. It is ncknowledged to t the best 6ireiigthenmg Piaster in the world. BEWARE OF IMPOS1TION. Dr. Sherman's Poor Man's Piaster hia nam n with direction printed on the back of the Plai ,s ter, and a (D "fac simi'.ejj] oí tho üoctcr'e wrt ten name undcr the direcuons. Noneoihersai ' genuine, or to bo relied on. Dr Sherman d Warenouse is No. 106 Nrssau at. New York. W. S. & J. W. MAYNAKD, Agcnis f. Ann Arbor. 246IN CHANCËRY- FIRST CIRCUIT. Daniel Onkley, Cmnplainant vs. Paul Minnis, Marcin Minnis and Wiiüam II. Thompson, Dufeudunts. BY virtue of a decretal order ieaued oui of the Court of Cliancory of ihe State of Michigan, 1 f-hnll expose to sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House, in the villoge of Ann Árbor, Washtcnaw County, Michigan, on the 24th day of February next, nt one o'clock in the afternoon of that day. tho following described preniises. to wit: "All that certain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the village öf Ann Aibor. County of Woshsenaw, and Staie of Michigan; known, boundcd and dc-ocribed ne followo, tö wit: Comnioncing on Packard streel. twelve nnd cighiy-four one-hundreth perclies south of the northenst crncr of land conveyed by Klish.t W. Rumsey to Benj-imin H. Packard. nnd running north twelvo and righty-futír onehundredth perches thw noriheuBt corner, thence weit fn the souih line of the villaje plat five and one-twentieth porches, thenco soiith nme and thrce-tenths perches to Packsrd street, thence With s.iid l'acka'rd street south to thé place of begtnning, containing fifty-six perclies, bf the simo moiti or less. GEC. DANFORTH, Mnster in Chanccry. Jot &. Poetkp. Sol'rs. , Duted Jaliuary tth, 1846. 246- 7w IN CHANCERY- FIRST CIRCUIT. Daniel Onklty. Complainnht f". David Page and Calcb N. Ormsby, Defendants. BY viriue of a decreta! order issiied out of the Court of Chancerrof the State of Michigan, I hall exposé to sale to the hiyhest bidder, at tho Court House in the vülnge of Ann Arbor, Wnshtenaw Coíinty, and Staioof Michigan; on the y-lthdav of Fèbrunry next, at ono o'clncl; in the aftoruoon of hat d.iy the following desertbed premise?, to ii: "All thai certain tmet or pnrcel of land sitúale, lying and heing in Brown & Fullcr's addition to the viliage of Ann Arbor. on lot number one, in' block riuniber eight. and beinp all tha( part of the snid lot on which stands the threc northeaái corner buildinss öf the Huron BlöCk, togetlier wiih said buildings nnd the appurtennnces thereto belonging, being in tle County of tVashtfnaw. ond State of Michigan. fiEÖ. DANFORTH, Masíer in Clvy. JöT fc P'lRTtB. Sol'r. Da-ci Januoryerh, JSJG. 246-7wBOOKS! BOOKS! ! At Ferry's Book Store. Vexi door Eust of the Y. York Chcap Store. TUK subscritor hns jusl opencd und is now ready lo ecll ile most extensivo assoriinen: oí fíOOKS, BLANK BOOKS and STATIONjn. ver oflered in Ann Albor. H is stock consiets of SCHOOL BOOKS if ncnrly cvery vnriety in use iii tliis Suite - Historie, biiigiritphles, Tr.ivcls, Meinoira, Mis.ulInncotiM. Relijpou aod Cla-sical Books. BI BLES ond TESTAMENTS, iviiry var iet y oí size, siyle and binding. Somc iplendidiy iuiishcd. PRAYER BOOKS, POEMS &. ANNUALS leimtilully boniid fat Holyday gifts Parentp mei oihcrs wishing to ninke Rplendid hulydny jresenrs ut sninll cont, will do wcll to cali at Pcrry's und mako their selcctionséfrom a fu!l itec't. Don't delay. Al80. on hand the Inrgcst nssorinient of PAPER everoilercd west if Detroit; svich ns Cap. Flat C o. Letitr. Frcnch Letter. Btmker3 Post. (opyinp, issuo. Card Back, Env?lopó, ind lU kinds oi noto paper, wiih n full assorttnent of Steel Pens. Qmllá, Wcffers: Black. Biue, Red. ■ind Gopyjnz Ink; Sand. InUstands. Folder, Pen IJ. '1 Iers. Slumps. Motto Senls. Gold nnd SilvérWnfers, India Rubber. Penoilsand Points. Envelop, s. nnd manv varieiies of Visiting Cards. Also, GOLD PENS, au artielo combininp elegancc with rconomy. Ilo bas on hand n good selcction of Books suiroble for Tatnily, School District nnd Township It wiU not le pobsiblo io name all the arricies in hisiine: Sufiiceitto eay, that bis assortment is general nnd cheaper thon waa ever before offered in this village. He lias made aTangements in New York which will enable hini at all times to oblain anything in hisiine direct from New York at ehort notice. by Express. It will be eeen that lus incilities for accomodating bis cuslomers with nrticles not on hond is bnyond precedent, nnd he is ready and willing to do every thinpreasonable to mnke bis establishment sucb in tne ns nn enigbtened and discerning conimunity require. and ie bcpes to merit a sbaie of))atronape. Persons wishing nny nrlicle ïn bis line will do wcll lo cnll betore puiuharing elsewbere. ï you forget lbo placf, enqtiirc far Pcrry's Bookstorv, Ann ArboT, Upper Village - '2d door Laat of Main strect, on Huron street. WM. R. PËRRY. December, 1S45. 243- I f IN AT'IACHMENT. State of Michigan. ) County of Waahtenaw. ) 68 Guy Beckley ) In Justice's Court, befor ra. Edwin Thompson, Esq. JusMyndart Lang. ) tice of the Peace in und fo said countv. Noticti ia heieby given, ihat a writ of nttnen ment lins been isaued by the nbove Pamed Jua ; tice of the Peace, against the goods, cliaucl i rigbts. credi s and efTects of the nbv6 nani J dofendant, in favor of tbc above named plaintii returnablc on the )3ih day of December, 184! f at 1 P. M. and thnt the trial of ihe said canse adjoiirned to the 16th day uf Man-h. 1346, at P. M., at the office of the said Justice in tl village of Ann Arbor. in said county. 1 GUY BECKLEY; Plaintiff. r Dnterl. Dm?. Tílh. 184ñ. 244- üwProbate loticeÍN the matter ot ih estáte of Lorenzo Bannister, deceascd. In pnrsuance rf an order made by Hon. Samuel P. Fuller, Judgc of Piobate for the county of Washtenaw, the folio wmg described pretnises will be so!d at lle pubtfo jouse Uept by Moses RL Egglesion. in the VÜlnge of Dexter in said county, on the Sist doy of anuary next at 1 1 o'clock in the forenoon of hat day, for the purpose of paving debts duc rum sa;d estáte, to wit : " All tliüt cerlain piece or parcel of land situated in the vülnge of Dexter n the county of Washienaw and state of ftlichii;an, known and described as follows, to wit, Seginning at the souihtast corner of lot thirieen n block one, in the village of Dexter, and corner of B street, thence novth sixty four degrees west tnirty nine feet, thence north iwenty bx degrees east ninety fect. thence somh wonty rive degrees east eighty eight feet to B streel, thence south sixty five degrees west to the place of beginning, excepting a small piece of said land (ieeded to G. W. Gibba on the thirtietb day of March eighteen hnndred and ihirty eighi." The ■aid premise9 will bo ofTered for 6alo in pareéis. Dated Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1845. 4w245 GEO. MILES, Administrator of said esiate. Dissolution of Copartnership. THE undersigned have tliis day by mutua) consent dissolved the Copartnersliips hereto.ore ex8ting betwee us under llie names and s yle of Marris. Partridges & Company. Patridge. Kent &. Company, and H. & R Patridge & Compatiy, at Ann Arbor. by vir'ueofan Indenture made the twenty-first day of Ueiober, A. D. eighteen hundred and for_v-two. and all domands of whatevcr name or naturo d:ie all orany of said firms are to be paid to H. B. Harria, one of the late partners of fho said firme, who is duly authorized to receive the same and all debis due by said firnisare to be paid by suid H B. Harris. II. R. HARRtS, HARPER PARTRIDGE, REüBEN PARTRIDGE, G. F. KENT. Ann Arbor, Dec. 23, 1845. 244-3wTEMPERANCE HOUSE. PB. RIPLEST vrould say to his friends and the rienda of Tempen nee. ihat he line tnkeii the Temperante House, larely kept by Wni. G. Wheaion, where hwould be plml tu wnit upon tliem. liny and Oaia and Siabbling 10 nccommodate teams. Detroit. Jnnmry 1. 116 25 f Loss by iFire. MÍI0WARD, as Agent fcr the Protec tion Insukakce Compaky. of Hartford, continúes to insure Dicdlings, Jiarns, Mills, Merchnndizc, and all other instable property. on ns low terms as any other frod Conipony in the United States. Office opposite oíd Bank oí Washtenaw. Ann Arbor, Pee. 13, 1845. 244-3-w IN CHANCERY- 2d CIRCUIT. Belween Ruel Smiih. et. al. Compluinants and E. W. Morgnn, ei. al, Delendan la. IN pursuance and by virtue pf n decree in this cause. I shall sell at public uuction. ot the Courf House, in the vrlhgo of Ann Albor, on the cgliih uay of Fedruary noxt, ot rioon. Iois Elevert, Twelye, Thineen, Fouriccn. and the south half of Fificpn; in Block tour. in Brown & Fuller'8 nddin'on to ihn vulnero ol Ann Arbor. JOHN N. GOTT. Ríasícr in Chancory. Mji.ks &, Wilson, Sol'rs. Dated, Dcc 24. A. D. IS45. 244 "Sleani JPöundry THE undereignetl ha ving bougltt ihe entire intercat of IJ. fe It. Partridpe and Geo. F. Kent in ihe ''Sientn Foundry." Ann Arbor, will mnnufacture all kinde of Oastin9 to bnlor, and wïll be hnppy to furjiif.l nny kind of Casii.ngf to the oíd customere ot Harris. Partridpé Co., II. fe 11. Panridge, vV Co., nnd PartridL'C. Kent & Co., nnd to all otherB who niny favor hem wiih a cali. H Tí. HARK IS. E. T. WILLIAMS. Ann Arbor. Dcc. 26, I8-1G. i-'M-if E: ö. BURGER, Denlist, HAS rfcmovcd his office u Crnnu &,Jewett'e niock, iirst room on thu Second Fioor, whcre bcintr wel) pn-pr-H tp tiend lo every brnnch df his prpfowion, woiild röépectfuUy eay to nll rho hnvc nrtt had those neecssary oraans. THE TÉETH. properlv attpnded to. del iy im lonjjer, fut chII tipon him and experience the ease i and ilurnbility of hiö openüions. Tkrhi accomrnodntiii nnilcliarges inno caso liHfeoson.ible. Ann Arbor. Mnrch fi. 14. 47-tf t i i AKEN tip by the s-uli3crilpi on or nbont ihe .JL fí-st of November last n IIKIFEli. tupposed to be iwo yeara old. wiih brindleeidcs. white back oud bëlly nnd tome whitfc on the les;s and tail. The owner ia requesied to pny chnres and takeheeawaj. LEVI JUNK. Btioorer, tec. 16. I84o. Ö4D-In Ist Circnft. George F. Foiiei, adiuiin&traior f Onver Knno, deccnsed, complninant. r. l.orcn IV1 íllt. ICIijuh IV. Morgan ud Willi;un tí. ).y n.-ird, 5efem!ant?. BY virtue of a dt:c:ct..l orJer i9ucd ui of the court of clianeery OÏ the S'nie oí Michigan, I sliall esposo to sale to the highestbidder, ;it ilio Comí Moubfí ín ilie itínue of Ann Ai- hor, Washtenuw couniy, un the 2od day of Sléntber nc.xt, m I o'clouk, P M..of that dny, th folluwing describcd preimsos situaie. lo wiu ''siiöntc, h'ing nnd being in the town of Ana Albur, in ihoconnty oí Woshipiia%-r niti Smt of Miclniíiin: Dc-gínninií ot ilift cntr of W hites Rund, Vö cüllecJ. ui; ilw wcsi line of section W, in tuv.n iwo sornh f rango eix eui; thenc 3Oittbon ilie lino of t he &nid aection und on ih line ofeection ihirty-tvvo, Jorty roda eouih of ih söoth west córner ot the sail íenion to ó etskO: thcncc! enst nt nyht nngles wiih said stciioh lin thirty rodé: thenre nortli ond pnroütl wiih taid section lino 10 ilie centreTenid VVhitcs' rond. - ThcncoBouih seventy fivedcgiers wst in th centro of ihe eaid rond to tho plac of bginnin lontniniuj thiriy-thrce ocr8 and siily-five huwilrcdiLö ofati ocre of l-'ind more or cf. GEO. DANFORTH, Maaier in Chonccry. Jot Je Poktkk. Sol'a. Daicd. August llih, 1345. 2SÁ Thé oboíe eole is pos'poníd until tho 20th day of Octobcr A. D. 1845 cl the eamo hour nd place. GEO. DANFORTH. Master in Chanceryj Dated, Pept. 23d, 1845. 1 he nbove cale is posiponcd until the 17th dnr of November, A. D. 1845, a{ ú same hoor aai plnce. GEO DANFORTH, Maater in Chancery. Dnted. October 20th, 1S45. The nbovo sale is postponed umil tho 5i:h day of November, A. D. 1845, ai thn samo hour and plnce. GEO. DANFORTH, Mastai in Cchtancoty. Nov lóth 1845. Tho above palé is postponed until ihe 23d dar of December next. mtbe same place nnd timo of doy. GEGRGK DANFORTH, Master in Chancery. Dated, Nov 25. 181.r. The above sale is poaiponed until tho "?tb day of January, A. D. 1846, al the same hour and place. GEO. DANFORTH. Rlas'.er in Chancejy. Dated, Dec, 3d, 1845. The obovo sale i postponed umil the Htli dny of Jenuary A. D. 1646. ai the en me honr n-i place. GEO. DANFORTH, Master n Chancory. Dated January 7th, 134G.ON WAUÖ AGAirVJ JpSS HPI1E Subscriberhaajoel Ey-fc J_ rcceivcd, (and ia conJs JiUnily receftihg) t'111 ll V üL Ne Yorkan elegant ai d fewclry, Clocks, Watches, cc &.C. which he intends iu aell as l ie as a( ufiy ther establishment iliis ide ol Buflalo for ready ay only miiong which muy be l'ound tlieluUuwn: n eood assorttnem of Gold Fineer Rings. Gold Breñal pina, Guard Chaina and Keys, Silver Spoone, Gorman Silvef Tea nnd Table Spobns (flrst qualiiy.) Silver nnd Germán do Sugar Tonga, Silrer Sali.Mustnrd nnd Cream ÉpOOflSj Dutier Knivt8, Silver Pencil Case, Silver and Common Tlnnibles. Süver Spcctacle8, Germán and Steel dn. Gosgles, Clothes. Uair and To'th I]ru8hofl Laiher Hrushcs, Razors and Pocket Knives. Fine Shcars and Scissorp, Knivs and Fork?. BrittanniaTea Pota and Cnstors. Fine lated do Brittania and BraEfl Candleslicksj Shaving bnxea and Soops. Clinpmaii'a Beat Razor Strop. Calfand Morocco' VVallcis. Silk tBd Cotton purses. Violins nd Bowá, Violin ond B.iss Viol títringp, Fintee,Fifes. Clarionets. Accordone Alotio Seo!a. Steel Pens and Tweczcrs, Pen enses. SnufFoiict Tobacco boxes, Ivory Dressing Conibs, Sidc and B.ick and Pocket Combs. Needie cases. Stelet'toeF,Water Puints, Toy Watches, n great variety of Dolls. in short the greatest variety of ittys ever bronght to ihis market. Fancy work boxes, children's tea eetts. Cologne Hair Oils, Pmelhng Salts Court Piasier. Tea Bolls. Thermometers. Germán Pipes. Children's Work Baskets. Slate aid Pencils. "Wood Pcncils, BRASS AND WOO1) CLOCKS. &c in fact nlmost every thing to please the fancy. Ladiea and Gentlemen, cnll and examine for TOiirselveSt Watchea and .lewelry repaireá enrf warramed on ehort notice. Shop at bia old stand, oppo&ito H. Becker'a brick Siore. CALVIN I5LISS. jy. B- Cash paid for old Gold & Siiier. Ann Arbor. Nov. 6th? 1345. 237-ljr ' FLAX SEEI.. Important o FarMef. THE fuhscriber has now ereeied a Mili for mannfactiiring Li.incsD Oif.. The location of the Mili ia 5 miles nonhof Fentonvülc, Gonesee Co., Mich. This locaiion wrll accommodate the farmers in Genesee. Lapec-r, Shtawassea and a part of Liv'ngsion and üakland Countiea. The Mili ia capablo of grinding 10.000 bushels of Soed. And 1 hope to le able to get that quarnuy another year. Tho Fias Crop ia believai to be the best tlutt the farmer can raise.- In the State of New York. in &imo section which ere acknowledgcd to hO eqaal to r.ny other for rnising wheat, the furtners have proven by en experience of 3 or 4 years. that tbey enn mako more money at raising flai eetd at onc dollar par , bushei than they can at ruising wheat bt tho pri cesit O'dinarily brings. Í efaall bare aquantitity ol eeed ready cleaned (or eovving to iurnish thoso who cannot procura clsewhereí I will contract sced at one dolar per buahel, to be deüvored at the Mili next All or winter. A good assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, end Hflrdware, and all the material forpiintiiig képt consiantly on hand. Cash paid at all times for Fins Seed. D. L. La TOURF.TTE. Long Lake, Dec. 22, JS45. 2Ï3- 3raÜianhattan Store. Corner of Jijfcr son Atenué aud Late ttri, Detroit. BE sure and vieit tlie Manlinttan Síor when are ninking purcliases. The goods which you will fiud thero aro excellent in quality nd reasonnMe in price. We have Good Heavy Shcetinge, Aiapacaa, Dfülins, Merinos, Ticking8, Muslin Delaine Linseys. Caflhmere, Red and white Flnnn!8, Celio, Salitjclls, LaccVeilí. Full Cloibfl, Grcsp üarröge Cossimeres, Glores, Veeiiriüs. ílos.ery, Broodcloihé, Gnghnm, Shawls. Ribbons, Linen Caml-nc Hdkfa. Lam, &c. Scc. &c H.ntiing, Cotton Yarn, Wickins, Wh.te Carpet Warp. Colorfed do. do.. Sirnw Ticking, Blcachcd of nll qualiiie, Fmü UDblencÍj. ed Cottons. Barred Múslins, .Ve. &c. AhoT rEATHEÍlS and PAPER HANGliG3, Bordering. Winduw pnper, Fire boird papers, Traveling Baskets. Firêt rare TEA and COFFEE, Are &c. And o:her oriicles too numerous to.mention. Farmers cannot fail of findirig i lió íManhattan Store n dcsirnble plnro to do their trüding. No pnins will bc spared in wnitingon customers and nll nre iuvited to rail nnd examino our gootlí !)- fore niakin their purchases. While wt nre confidént that ni! wlio exnnufte mr etock Wilj buy, yei wo will rake nc oíTence, if n'ter 6howing our coods. people choose to trade elsovheri VV. A. RAYMOND. Detroit, Dcc. 2", 1S45. 244- Gm W HOEVER wishts to buy their gootls to good ndvnningc. must nottliinU nf rnaktn their purchi8C8 ti U they have lonkrd over tfi eood8 nnd pricté nt (he Mashattas Stft, Detroit. W. A. RYïOND, Dec. 25, 1845. . 244- Gm 00 Keírs nf EnsternNails, jt.-st recèived t# and fnr f,aU by IIV'ILLIAM NOYHS, Jr. 76, Woodward Artnuc, Detroit. I Dec. 12, 1S44. Mt


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