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IIÁKTFOKI M-'irc Insiérante Company. fTWti Su'8cuí.r,-ogetfuritlj ll"".h'"' " JL fnsurauce i.,npunj. wkes plensure irt Jny in be'fore tho fMibtjo :ho foilowing uirculai : [luvH'.i:'Firt.' I.nm'kam . ' 'i FU );, ( Juiy 2d tb-l."). ..i.s fui' in New Vork yili UHSpct( s'ihcituilc ni r';iid t na '■'l'i;l cu ., .iJi.i ihc ín i rhboi ,n:: places. Tlie Wicetoi ..i ihe Hartford Vuq Insurance Cónipany c h ;;,,,. their cusloineffl nud t!ic pliblitr. thatthny are prep,red 10 ndjtisi and p:y al mouimy, alUossea enátaíneá bf Iheir office, 1 curréni rceipli witjiouu dclny. md witliou' wnlidrawing llwir pernjiicnt mv. stmtnts. 1 1 t!rcmíiiiwnnipf I ■"' ' a'l.wh i .-uie wiih hom; nnd tluy i ín iie ovvners l de sirnblc proporty to ohtaih Polrcies n fi.vornuli:,. both at the Home OrRcé and at théir severa 1 Agencies: THëir mo'dè oí trrtnaaciirrgbuai. wlnch íór 35 years past fii s sccuied the public confjtlonce'. will rèjnaiq imchinged. Bi ordei ot thé JJ.i.ri 6f Directora, JAMKS G. BOLLES, Sec'y. p, J. B. ('i: im:. Anti Arbor. ] this it will ba fien, that the Compony pay their loases, during the last six mouiha of fircs. OUT OF Tí I Ei R SURPLUS FUHÏDS. Sincc tliu paj.neiu oí ono ihousand dollars, to R. I). Powere, oí Drighton, t'orthe loss mistainetj by iiim. Uie Cptnpajny have pail iho subscríber iiioihor íluiusnnd, lor Flour Barrels, buriil at the receñí ílre :i iliií village. Fortliislast tho'uand tbe añbecnber poid the Coinpany four dollars- u p.'eid iiivtötinent as he thinks. durinc thoso iuirJ í AÜM'lionre not insured are invited to cdl on him, ar.dhc will 6suc Policics withont dcl.iy. F. J. B. CRANE, Agent. Ana Arbor. July 20, 1S45. S&4-6ai "T0 THE VICTORS BELONQ THE SPOILS." A LTílOUGlI inany prnpamtions in the nainp Jrï. oí "POPULA II MEDICINHS'! havcbten before the public, claiming to give reüef. and even curo iho most invetérate diaeases, yet none have eo well answered the purpueo as Dr. Slierman's Medicated Lozenges. Thcy are agreeable to the taste, easily administered, and íroni the unpfëcedenteti suecess whjcfa they have niet with, ud the renmrkable cures which :hey have performeJ, nmy justly liy claim tothetitle of Conqueror over the diseases for which they have been recommended. Dr. Shermao'a "COUOlf LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate casos of Cuugh in a few hours. They have cured alargo numper of persons who have been given up by :lieir phystcians and friends. and mnny who have been rcducp'J to the verye óf the grave by spitting blood, Coneumption aud Ileciic Fever, by their use have lind the rose of heahh restorcd to the haggard cheeli and now live to epeak fortli the praisesof las iuvaluab'.e medicine. Dr. Shernian's "WORM LOZENG'F.S" Have buen preved in more than K'.OOO cases to be infallible, in fact thn only certaiu Worm Destroying Medicino ever discovered. Children willeat them wiien tl.oy cannot be forced to take any oiher medicino, and the benefit derived l'rom the adininistration of medicine to them in this form is great beyond coneepiion. When the breath of the child becomes oilensive, and there is pickin? ofthe nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, paleness about the lips with flushed chceks. heudiche, drowsincss. starting durin eleep, disiurbed dreams, awaking with frightand screaming, troublesomecoug!i,feverishness,thirst. voraci'us appetite, sickness at the stomach and bloated stomach - these are among the many prominent symptoms of worms, and can be reliuved by these incomparable Lozenges. They have never bern known to fail. Dr. Sherman'6 CAMBHOR LOZENGES" Relieve Ileadnche, Nervous Sick Headache. Palpitation jf he heart, and Sickne.'.s in a very few minutes. They cure Lowressdf Spirits, Despjcdency, Faintness. Colic, Spasnis, Cramps of the Stomach, Summcr or Bowel Complaints; thcy keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressiiiir symptoms of a nightof dissipatior, and ennble a person to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. Shorman's i'OOR MAN'S PLASTER5 Is acknowledged by all have ever uscd it to be the best strengthening Piaster in the world. and a sovereign remedy for pains and weaknest in the back, loins, side, breast, neck, limbs. joints, rheumatism, lumbago, íte. One million a year will not supply tho domand. Caution is necessarv, as there ars niany unprinoipled persons who would lorce a spurioua artielo upon the community. Be cireful to get Sherman's Poor Man's Piaster, wiih a 'üc simite" of his written name on tho back - none othors are genuine, and will do more hurt than good. When such men as tho Rev. Darius Anthony. of the Oncida Conference. Rev. Sebastian Stieeter of Boeion, Rr.v. Mr. Dunbur, Mr. Hancock. Rv. Mr. De Forest, Hon. Aaron Clark, J. IJoxio, Eeq. Hon. B. B Beardsley, Daniel Fansh iv, Esq. and a host of names of the like reputution can bc brought forward to prove the eifi- cacyoi'Dr. Sherman's preparations - when the} aro so warmly recommended by the medical pro fession, and preseribed in the practice, anc when such universal approbation follows their ust among all classes, we may justly say that tht Dr. Í9 not only cmitled to the appellation o "VÍCTOR," b;it can fairly lay claim to the pat ronage of the pul lic. and will reccive it. Agenta for Ann Arbor. II. M. Thompson & Co.,W. S. & J. W. Maynard; E. Sampson Vps'ila;iti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickforc fe Craig, Saline; Smith & Tyrol. Clinton, H Bower. Manchester: P. Farlick &. Co., Plymoutli; D. Gregory and A. Grant, Northville. 218-6m üledical iToticc. npflE undersigned, in offering his services K X Washtenaw and the adjoining Co'inties, at IIomcEopathic j-hysician, would say, that aftei having practiced medicine on the principies aí taught in the old school, and treatod diseasc foi the last two years according to the law of IIoniCBppathy, - '(Siiúlia simiLibus curuntur,) taught in the new school of medicine ; and havingcompared the successof the two systcins, hl unhesitatingly believes HomoBopatliy to be tht most safe certain and succes6ful rnethod of cure. Dieeases, hitherto incurable, ate now in most casos, permanently eradicated by Homceopathy. Affections of the spine, head, uterus, stomach, &c. &.c. have no.v their certain remedies. Ep ilepsy, niania, paralysis, neuralgia, bronchitis, liverand lung diseasis; scarlet fever, cholera, black measles, mallgnant sore throat. erysipelns or black tongue, croup, inflammations of the brain, etomach, bowel?. Ac. &c. are only a few of the many ilb, that have been stript of theii trors by the timely application of homocopathic medicaments. Withont furthcr essay, the iindersigned would leive it to the afilicted to say, on trial of the remcdies, whether Ilomceopathy is whatit claims to be or not. He would also state 'lint he has just returned Irom New York and Philadelphia. with a comptctc assortment of MEDÍCAMENTS, jnst imponed from Leipsic, to this place, where he will attend to all calis, and furnieh medienments. books, &c. at the lowest prices. From the close and exclusive attention he ia giving to the study and practice of Homtüopathy to be ablc to give Batisfaciion to thosc who may favor him witli their patronage. Communications, post paid. l'rom patiënt at a distance, will reccive prompi attention. Those who may wish to place themsclves undcr his treatment for any chronic disease, can obtain lodgings either at his house, or in other places, at low prices. THOS. BLACKW0OD, M. D. HorncDopathist. YpBilanti, 20th Nov. 1845 239-ly COUjïY ORDERS. THE lii 'thestprice paid in cathby G. F. Lew p, Exchange Broker, opposite the Insttranco Bank, Detroit, for orders on any of the counti?8 in the State of Michigan; also for Stnto eccuritics of all kinds and uucurrent funda Cali amlsee. Dcc 1, 184."). 241-tf ÏVATED. rpVVO young men about 13 or 19 years of age, JLa9 apprrntices to the Snshand lilin.l makinjr business. Alo, one JOURNEYMAN, at the au ovo busiaefd. H. GREOORY. iVan Arbor, Lower-Town. Dec. 4, 1845.Thirty Thousand Persons ft t : A . NM-.L!A' I..I1 victinus tu Cui.biimimon i tho United States. The cause ol the evii is g.;nerally overlooked. A short dry coigh, or heglected cold, is the precursor. 1 hrsc ate üeemeci uniníRortrint. Puin in the sute, hectic lever, mul hight sveats MU,w. and Jtain e mis ihe scène. Would youfiridn m MKHï mu :"- ' v" Ilerc it ia. The cxpc:iencc oí more than 20 yeni& in private practico twu prove! Ita cüicacy. ;m. iiiccit.s: iniroduction to public notice, aüliyugn ithwnow been olurod Uu d fcjv niQiiihs, lis feaJ'o has been uhpreccdented, and iü suctefs be vond quesiion, great- so mueh au, ibnt it uMie clared lü be tlic greotesl remedy ui ihe world. ArfTMMA, too, that fcarful and dwircsaing nwlady. which readers life bnrth'ensrimö thiring ita cohtfriuance, issubdued without d.flioulty by thiffgreet rea.cdy, and the ëüflèrèr is enublcd by t ise to obtein quiet ïeposo ; tho shortneas of breath is overgonie, the cougU ia nllayèd, nud hc.dtli and vigor tak'e the place of di spüiulency and suflenng. Dr. Fülger'8 OLOSAONIAN, or, Ar.r. IIki im; Uai samj is the remedy which haa been so emmuiuly Bttccéssful m alleviatini; orid curiiiK thè above cotnplaints ; and ït has been used by the fust physicians in tliu cuy, who declare it to be unrivallcd, masinueh as il docsnot disturb the bowels in the least by producmg cosliveness, while all other remedies recummended for the above diseases invoriobly siiut up the bowels, thus rend.:ring it nccessary to resol i to purgaiive medicine. , . , , , the Ibllowing cases, whicli have been retievid and cine.l wi:i:in " few weeks : ÜWID I1ENDERSON, 00 Laight Street, look a severc cold b'n the 4th day oí July. and wns hiought very low by a distressin-; cough, which rcsulted in frequent attucks ot blceding from the lungs. Although hc tried every thtng in the ehape of remedies wliicü could be ionnd, yet hc was not benetitted, and by the tnontn ol Üc.obsr was so much reduced by night Bweata ihat he det=paired ol lift. One bottlc of Folger s Olosaonian restored hun to heahh. GEO11GEW. BüllNETT, of Newark, N. J has sutTered under the efiects of a severe cl ld for more than a year. He was reduced to the brink of the grave alm 08 1, by his cough and nigh sweats. He commenced raising blood in the month of Oetober lasU He commenced using the Olosaonian, and by tl e middle oí November ho was so far restored that he left lor Piltsburgl with evcry prospect ol recovering his health. Mrs. BELL, the wife ol Roben P. Üell, o Morristowb, N. J-, was dreadfully afllicted with As-hma for many years. Her physicians hnd despnirtd of relieving her. One bottlc of the Olosaonian so far her that she was able lo get out of her bed and dress hersell. which she had not done before in months, and she is now in a (air way to berelieved. IVIr. F: LABAN, 52 Pike streef, was so bad with asthma that he had not slep in his bed lor ten weeks, when hc commenced the use of this great remcdy. One bottle cured him, and he has not had a return of his comnlaint now more than five months. Mrs. McGANN. 20 "Walker street. was also cured of sevcre asthma by the Olosaonian, and states that ehe never knew medicine give such immediate and permanent relief. GEORGE W. HAYS, of this city. wasgiven up by his physician as incurable. His disease was consupmtion and when he commeneed using I the Olosaonian, was so wcak that hc could not wrflk without being assisted by a friend. By stricl attention he was so far restoren in a few weeks as to be ahle to pursue his business. JAMES A.CROMB1E, lL0 Nassau street ; J. .1. Parsells, 11 TcriIi Btreet ; C. S. Benson, 219 Bleecker si reet ; James Da vis, 58 Greene street ; and Mrs. Mallen, 9 Morton strect ; have all expericneed the good ellects of the Olosaonian in coughR of long stnnding and nffections of the lungs, and pronounce it. with onc accoid. to be the greatcst remcdy. and the nv st spcedy and efleciunl, ihat they have ever known. Ronder, nre you puffering from the above dis ease? Try this remedy. You wil! not. per haps. rerct it. It mny flirresi all lbose disngrëe ablc symptoms which strike such terror tu the mind, and priAóhe your days. Forsnleat 1 0 ' Nassau V=t. one door Ann and at Mrs H.iys. 139 Fólton st., Bmklyn. Agent for Ánn Arbor, V. S. & J. W. May nard; E. Sampson. Ypsilanti; D. C. Whitwood Dexte'r; Pickford & Craicr. Saline: Smith&Ty rol, Clinton; H. Bower, Manchester; P. Farlick ,tCo., Plymouth; D. Gregory and A. Grant . "iorthville. 2M-GmoNEW COOKKVCJ STOVE, And Stovës of all kinds. The subscriber wuuld cali the attcnüon of the public to Woolson's Hot Air Cooking STOVEWhich he[can conlidetnly recommend aa being decidedly superior to any Cooking Stc-ve m use Por 8impliciiy in opcration - economy in iuel and for uncqualled and Uoasting quali ity, it is unrivalled, Tlie nesv and imporiant mprovemem mtroduccd in iis construction bcing such as to in surc great advantagea over all other kind3 o Cooktng Stoves. WILLIAM R. NOYES, Jr. 76 Wcodward Avcnuu, De roit. Dec. 12, 1Ö45. 2 Ready Made Clothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. THE largest and best nssortnient of rcadj made clotlunjj ever belbre orlered in this Siaje, now on hand and for 6ae, Wholcs.ile or Retail, at the Cloihing Emporium of the Sub scribers, consisting in part of Fine broadcloïh Frock avd Dress Coatp. Tweed and union enssimere, satinctand jean FVock and Business Coats. Summcr' Coais in great variely and very cheap. Cassimerc, cloth, tweed and summcr Pnnts oí all style8 and prices. Saiin, velvct, Rtlk, valencia, enshmrre and Mnrsfiilles Veáis - a large stock ofrich andfashionable styles. Also, an extensive ossortment of liosiery, Stocks, Srnrfs, Uandkerchiefs, Collars, Shirts. Gloves, Crnvat8, Suspenders, &c. &c, all of which will be sold low for cash. They would rcïpectfully inviie all, in want of ready made garmenta, to cali and examine thcir stock before purchnsing elscwhere, asit has been selected with care in the Fastern market nnd nianufaciured in the latcst styles and moet durajIc manncr. IIALLOCK RAYMOND. Corner of JcfTerson &-Woutlwanl avenues. Detroit, April 4, 18-15. 213-tlKOK COUGIIS, COLDS, NM MI'TION &'. important TO ai.i. rnoSK akkí.icti-: wrni DISKA SliS OÏ TUI: LÜNG8 AND BRKAST. }VM Mn !!. rrcr raiJr? Mme r.cidcm C of il surjt(is-:ni" h uittil r stnn'icc v'rlii'ï!!! Fro:n Dr. Bnkcr. Spring field Wqsh. Co. Ky.] SiMüNGKiKi.D Ky., May 11, Irt4ó. Meísrs. Sanford fc Park: - (k.nvs - I take iliis opportuniiy of informini: ou of a most remarkahlc Qiire pi-rlormeil üpon .f by tliu uso ui '-Dr. Wislar's iiukum J V.IL Citer r y." In i lic yeur 1840 I wa taken wiili au Iiiflmiiiaii of ihe Büwels whicli 1 Ittbö.red uudur lor si.N veckswhen I gradually roovcictl. In the fnll ■ I IH4Í I w;ts attacked wiih a severo tíold. whicli eated iiself upon my lunttsf, and lor the spnee ot liree ycars I was con fin uil lp iny bed. I iried al, Kinds of medicines ntid cvery varieiy of meiücal lid and witliout ben fiti and thus I wpnfïed alon tntil ihe winter of It41, wlien 1 Iicord oí -Wistar's Balsaiu of Wild Olierry." My friends persuaded me to give it a trinl. though l.od givonup all hopes ot' a iccovcry, ind luid prepurod myself for the chango of another world. Throuyh thcir soüciiaiion I was induced lü make nse of the ''Genuine Wistar's Ualsainof Wild Cherry." The effect was Inily astonisliing. Afier fivc of allliciion. pain and sutlcring: and niter having epent four or fvc Itundrcd dollars to no purpose, and the best and most lespnctablephysicinr.s had proved nnav.iiïuxu. 1 ten o; il rol i cl lo evtire hcaVh by the blessing of God and the vse of Dr. IVlstars Balsam ff Wild Cherry. I nni now er.joying goo:l heahh. and such ie myaltcred nppcarance that lam no longcr know when I meel my formcr acquaintanecs. I have göincdrapidly in weight, and my flesh is firm nnd solid. 1 can now eat as much as any person.and my food seemsto agreo with me. - I have eaten more during the lastsixmomhs than I had eaten for five yonrs beforc. Considering my case almost n miracle, I deern t nccessary for the good of the afilicted and a dmy I owe '.o the proprietors nnd tny fcllow men, (wlio should know where relief may be had) to mnke this statement public. May the blcssing of God rest upon tho proprietors of so valuable a medicine as Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. Youra rcspc-ctfully, WILLiAMÏl. BAKER. Th r. fallnxr'.nz has just been recevedfrom Mr. Edicard Stratlon, of Lczington, Mo., ichich s'tows ihut Consnmption in i's iportt furm canbecurcd by "Wislar's Uulsum of W.ld Cherry. Lexixgton, Mo., Jan. 21, 13-15. Bnjamin Pliclps - Dear Sir: 1 take great pleasurc in cominunicating to you what I considcr an cxtraordniary cure, effected on my daiigliter. about 14 yearsof oge, by Wistar's Calsam of Wild Chcny. About the lstof September last. my daughier was tf.kensick. and was attended by several physicians, whosc precriptions proved ineirectuaL or sce.ncd to do no good. She was attended with a constant cough. and pain'in the breast. Her physicians and all who saw her, carne to the couclusion that she was in a conflrmed stage of Consumption. I mude no othcr cnlculation than for her to die. - But os soon assho commenced taking the Balsam she began to improve. and continued so to do until her health was restored, and is now entirely wel!. With a view of benefming those who may be similarly afflicted, I take pleasure in rocommending this remedy to the confilencc of ihe public. Yourp, with respect. EDWARD STRATTON. WISTAR'S BALS AM OF WILD CHERRY tbat not only relieves but cures! [T7Pncc$l per bottle, or six boules for $5. For sale in Ciucinnati only by SANFORD & PARK, and in Ann Arbor by Maynards, sole Agents for this County. 238Persian Pilis. "Put not Ihc Light vnder a Bushtl" but rtad and ponder . rpHE TIMÉIS COiME, a-id now s, that the X great mass of ihc people o' ths and the oíd worid, liavc decidcd that tho PERSIAN AND XDI4N EXTRACTS, are the most cffjctunl combination of medicinal ingrediente that ever has, or ever can compese a pil!. The RESURRECTION or PERSIAN PILLS, being niade ol vegetable extracta, are easily digestive. becoming a juico in the huirían stomach. This liquid s easily taken up ly ihe absorbent vessels, and conveycd tliroughont all parta of (hcsystem, dispensing lifeand animatiou in all the organs. By being assimilatcd with ihe blood, it enters into iis conibination, purifying thestreams of lifc. You sec it would natu rally and rcadily combine with the blood and a the pecretions, thus ndupting iiself to ihe reniov of all diseases of impure blood, which clog ti orgnns, causing pain, distress, and Jcath. Iftl impuritics settle upon thc organ of ihe btomacl it causea bad taste in the mouth. a furred lougu bad breath, indigestión, dyspepsia. pain. a sens of fullness or gonencss. &c. If upon the Iung or throat, thcy will cause 'a cough, tightness weakness. and an uneasy sensation in the throa irritation, bronchitis, vnd consumption. Ifthe setile upon the livei. ihey will cause liver com plaint, jaundice, or sallow skin, fever and agu bilious diseases of all kinds, and irregulariiy o the bowelö.diarrahoja, &c. It upon the nerve they will cause nervous weakness, pain in tl, 8ick headache, general debility, low spiriis heat in the back, side, or head. If in the systei generally, it cause general emaclation, scrofula, tumors, tight hard skin, pimples, blotches, irritation, &c. &c. You know i f nny thfng clogs the engine, all the machinery bccomes relnrded in lts motion, and as it decreases in strength, the motions lecome paralyzed more and more, until finallyit ceases to move. So with the human system, as the blood becomes impure with humors, the organs sufler creating. pain, misery, and if not removed, deaih. A constant use of these Pilis in a family. will add years to each individual life. For being made of vegetable exiraets, they may bo taken from youth to oíd age without injury, but with decided benetit. Weakly, puny chiidren, will bccome healthy and strong with a slow uso of these Pilis. Thcy sooihc weak nerves, strengthen the weak, and cleanse all tlw; organs in a man ner abovo described Being compound of juices. they pass throuh thc smallest vessels, thus teaching d se.isc whereever pent up in thc systeni. even in the eyes and brain. We knmv that they are the best Pili in the world. for tai of thousands that have taken every other pill, have decided so, and nothingcould hinder thein from keeping them on hand. - Takc these pille freuly, and you will seldom want a physician. Whi over heard of muc sicknossin a family where these PHls were take freely 1 Then again ihey causo no pain or weak ik ss in their operaiion; they sooihe the bowel nnd are a sure cure for D1AIIRÍIGEA OR SUMMCR COMPLAINT indigestión, cosiivenesp, and all diseases arisin from an impure stomach or bluod. Therc noihingbetier for fever and agüe, or bilious disensos, nnd all others meniioncd nbove. N. B. Price reduced to 2s per box for 31 Pilis. Remembcr eauh box contains 'M Pilis - therefoie. they are the cheapest ae well as the best. Beware of Pilis made of gums, calomel nnd conrse powders, for they will destroy the coats of the stomach in time, and cause death. - Beware, for the most of them contain calomel or something as destructivo to hurnan existence. Remember the Resurrection Or Persian Pilis, are made of Vegetable extraets. Kor sale in alltho principal places in thc Unon- Wholesale and retnil by P. Owen & Co., Detroit: C. Eberbach, S. P. Jewott, Lund & M'Collum, Ann Arbor. 237-6m Blank Dccds and mor tgrages. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for sale by BECKLEY, rOSTER & Co. March 20, 1845.c. iuujnckiíuiioiws T!IF, l'rojme'or (ksiics lo e.xpress llio Ibcl ih:it bis medicine ia tvtn of more lian cnrryíng out what lie recomtnends it for.- .s Por instante lie luis huieiuiore í.ot rtcommrnled it as n perfect cure in all c.-isetj ol Consumpion, nml oiíiL-r .discases ofltíc Ling8, Lfveránil 1'liioat. CouL'lis and Colds: but peisi-ns who isc it beihg the bcsi judgis í as incnis. decidí it once that t is the pt-riecuon ot an effecliyc Medicinal preparation. Testimoníala crowd n j') tlie Proprieior. stating such rapid cure of the ibove discasts even wtío.n ol tho most aggrovo:ing character. tha: Uierc s no wiihstunding tbc natura] inlcicnce lliai i exeteds in power by ihe eílcct of ils singulárly happy vegetable eotnbiiiauun. any of (lie mineral and dnñgerolia nnstrL'ins devised by iho hand of qunekery; Thie medieine is Naturo's giand specifie in L.ung complaints; it touches tbe sent ol tbc disenso, ii piocoeds ni once tó purily and deterge the lungí and chest ot' tliosc liumors and decayed paf'.s wbie!) resuh from tlicactioiiof dieeasií, and h(.i it has performed tbis part ot' íts oílice, it com menees to repair ihe rnvage made in tbe vitáis, ind ytrei)í,'iliensa'nd incrcasrs tlie sclion of tbé vésselsso i!iat tbe p:tr t is renewed suft!ciently to perlbrui its wonted duties. and ibc cure is efIccted. 'J'be Consuniptive fliould know that to them delnys are frátight wiib danger, even a day wnsted in worsc ti an uselcsa tampering witli iheir complaint, if devoted to tlie use of the Restorutive, would be bcinglog tliem so much nearer to n cure. Therc is an abiding sens? of comfort while under tbe mild and soothing, yet cíieclual action of thia remedy, which is a hnppiness indiscribable by ihfl patiënt; it is a ieelng ot au ensured escape lroni death by an almost miraculous human jnyentión. Tlie following certifícale is from Dr. Chilton, the well know'n New York chemist. MJ hnvc analyzcd a bottle of medicine cnlled 'C. Brinckcrhoff's Ileallb Restorative,' and lind that ii does not contain Mercury, or any o'lier meiullic preparation; nor opium in ony of its forms. It is composed of vegetable matter cntirely." Jamks Chii.ton, M. D. C. BRINCKKRIIOI'T. Solé Proprictor, 58Í) Broome et reet, N. Y. For snleby VV. S. & 1. W. Maynard, Agents, Ann Arbor. 24l-4w CAN'T BE BEAT ! TUE subscriben would inform the Public, that tbey continue to supply the State of Michigan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT Tho large numbers ot these Machines that hove been sold, and the ateadily increasing demand for tliem. is the best evidence of their real valué, and of their estimation with those who have become fatniliür with tlieir nierits. Waj.ker's Smut Machine is superior to others in the following particulars: 1. As it combines the Bcating, Scouring, and Jiloiring Principies, it cleans the emiitucst ( grain in the best manner, retaininf: al! the fric tion of the wheat, and discharging the smut and dustns fastas separated from the wheat. 2. It 6 simple in conslrvclion, and is thercfore less liable to bccomc deranged, and coste less for repairs. 3. It runs very light, and is perfectly secure from fire. 4. It is ao durable as any other Machine in usc. 5. It coso considcrab'y r.r.srthan other kind. These tmportant points of difierence hnve giv' en this Machine the preference with those who have fairly tnmd it. Appng a large number of Gentlemen in the Milling Business who niight be named. the following have used ihe Machines, and certifted to their excellency and 6uperiority: H. N. IIoward, Pontiac. Mich. E. F. Cook. Rochester, do E. B. Danforth, Mason, do M. E. Frink, JJranch, do H. IJ. Comstock. Comstock. do References may also bc to Joiis Bcotf, Aubnrn, Micli. W. Rvo.v, do do I). C. Vkeland. Rock, do Johx Phips, Monroe, do II. DoüjBMaN, do do A. Bkach, Waierloo, do Geo. Kktchum. Mnrshnll, do N. HKMt.NUAV, Oakland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Addrcsa E. O. & A. CR1TTENTON, Ann Arbor, (Lower Town) Co. Mich. Aul'. 24, 1845226-1 yDry Groods at "Wholesale. BEECHER & ABBOT OFFER for aal for cash the following goods at Ne York wholesales prices, transportaron oa atlded : 40 Bales Brovvn Sheelings and Shirtings, 10 Cased Bleached do do 10 Balea Brown Drillings, Ö Caees Bleached do 2000 Ib3 Battiner, 1000 " Col ton VVarp, Nos. 5 to 20 500 ' Cand'e Wieking, 700 Carpet VVarp, 100 pieces Sheepg Gray Cloth, 100 " Sattinette, 60 tl Cassimere, 50 ' Blue, Black, Brovvn, Green, Steel Mixed, and Cadet Mixe Broad Cloths, 150 " Black, Colored, Figiired and Plai Alpaccas, 50 " White, Red, Green and Yello Flannftl?, S0 " Snper Mcal Boerginff, 50 " Plain and Figured Kentucky Jeanp 00 ' " Linseys, 50 " Csnton Flannels, 50 pairs Mackinaw Blankefp, 50 pieces M. DeLaiwc and Caehmeres, 100 Blanket Shawls, 50 pieces 7-8 and 6-4 BedTicking, 50 " Stripe Shirting, 50 " Blue Drills, 100 " Prussian Dinper, 1000 " English and American Prints, together with a general assortment oíThrends Pin?, Buttons, CombsjGlovee, Ribbons, Lnces Hdkfs, fcc. c, makinsr tlic larpost and bes as8ortment of goods to be found intliis stale 132 Jefterson avenue, one door below th St. Clair Bank Building. Detroit, Oct. 7, 1845, L33-6mo STATK OF MICHIGAN, Tlie Cvu for the County of VVnshtcnaw; of the Decei berTerm, A. D. 1845. Henry Roüse j v!, e IN ATTACIIMENT. JOSHUA iRATT .V l Daniki. A Rkxkord j Survivors of thcmsclvcs ond Lymnn Miller, dec lately (ioin? business under tlit; narne andstyleo Pratr. Rexlord & Co. NOTICE is hcreby givcn thnt on the first da ofOctober A. D. IB15,a wriiof attáchmeri was issuf'd out of (he Circuit Court lor iie Couni of Washtenaw aforosaid. against the Innds ;.ik tcnamenls, goorls. cliattela, rights, credits, nioneys and eflects of Joshua Pratt and Daniel A Rcxford survivois. Sus.;, at the suit of Henry Rousc plainiiff, for the suni of one hundred am thirteen dollars, which writ of attaebment wa made rcturnableon tbo first Tuesdny of Dcccnibo A. D. i 845. and hos been returned duly servcd. Hawkins & Pnn, B. KING, Attornies for PlainiifF. Clcrk. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, J845. 241- 6t fcuit Claim Bccds JUST I'rintcd and forsnlc at this office. 22GrpilE.prtceding fiyuro is givcn to ropreccnt X the Insensible Perspiratíon. It is the great ■vncuiition for the iinpurities of the body. It will je flüiiccd thut a iliick cluuily mist issues ('rom ill poinls of tlic surfacc, wliich inilieates ilint his peispirntion lluws ühinierrbptfedíy whéri wc aio in henlth, but censes when we are sick. Li'e ennriot be sustaincd without it. It is thrown off 'ïom the bloüd nnd othcr juices of' ilic body. nul disposes by this meqne. of neiirly all the imuirities within us. 'I'lic Mood, by this nicaiis only. works itsell pure. The lnngunge of Scripure is, ilin the Dlood is :ho Life." II' it evor jcconiea impure, it niny be trnccd dircctly to the stoppngc of the Insensible l'erspirntion. It never requiree nny internal medicines to clcanee it, a6 t ulwnys purifica itself by its own heat and ac; ion, lid tlirows off all iho ofibiuHng britnor's, ihrough ihe Insensible PêrBpirïttön. ThÖB we see all tliat is necessary whon the blood is stngnantj orjnfected. is to open the pores, nndit 1elieves ittulf from cll iinpurity instautly. lts own heat and vitnlitv are snilieient, without ono partic'.e of mtdicine, except to open the porc upon thesurface. Tlius we sec the folly oftnking so ninch iiiiernnl remedies. All praciitvoncrs, howevcr, direct tlieir cfforts to restore the insensible perspiralion, but il seems to bc not always the proper one. The Thompsoninn, for instancc, eteains, the IJydropathist shrouds us in wet blankets, the Hoinopath et deals out infinitissimnh?, the Allopathist bleedsand doses us with mercury,and the blustering Quack gorges us with piils, pilla, pilla. To givc 8omc idea of theamnunt of the Insensible Perspiration, we will state that tho learned [)r. Lcwenhock. and the great Boerhaave, a6certained thnt five-eighthsoi' nll we receive into the stomnch, passed off by this means. In othcr words, if we eat and drink êight pounds per day. we evr.cuutc five pounda of it by the Insensible Pcrspiration. This is none other than the used up particlcs of the blood, and other juicea giving place to the now and fresh ones. To check ihis, therefore, is to remin in the systcm five-eighths of nll the virulent matter that nature demanda should leave the body. And even when this is the case, thé bljod is of so active a principie, that it determines t'ioso particlcs to the ski i, whcre thcy form scnb6, pimples, ulcers, and other spots. By a sudden tronsition ironi heat to cold, the pores are etoppcd, the pcrspiraiion ccase?. and diseaso bcgins at once to develope itself. Henee. a stopp.igo of this ilow of the juicts, origínate? so many eomplaints. It is by stopping the pores, that overwhelni6 mankind wiih coughs, colds, and oonsumptions. Nine-ienths of the world die from diseases induced by a stoppage ot the insensible Perspiration. It is ensily seen, therefore, how neceesary is the flow of this subtle humor to the surface. to preserve henlth. It cannot be stopped; it cannot boeven checked, without inducing discase. Let me osk now, evcry candid inind, whnt course seems the most reasonablo to pursue. to unstop tho pores, after they ore closcd? Would you give physic to unsiop the pores? Or would you apply something that would do this upon the surface, wherc the clogging actually is? Would not this be common senseT And y'etlknówöf no physician wlio makes any externa 1 application to eflfeét it. The reason I assign is, that no medicine within their knowledge. is capablc of doing it. Under these circumstances, I present to physicians, and to nll others, a prepnration that hos this power in its fullest extent. It is McALJSTER'S ALL HEAL1NG OINTMENT, or the WORLD' S SALVE'. It has power to restore perspiration on tho feet, on the head, around old sores, upon iho chest, in short, upon any part ol the body, whether diseased tlightly or sèvérely. It has power to cnuso nll external sores, scrofuloushtiniors, skin disenFCB, poisanous wounds. to dischargo their putr.d mutter, and then hta's ihcm. It ts a romcdy that sweeps off the wholc catalogue of cutaneous disorders, nnd restores the entire eutiele to iis healthy functioiis. It is a remudy forbids the nccessity of so many ;:nd deletcrious drugs taken into the stoniach. It is a remedy that neither sickens, givcs inconvenience, or is dangerous to the intesu'nes. It preserves ,rand dcfunds the aurface from all dernngement of its hinctions, while it kecps op'efl the thnnnels for the blood to void all its impuiitios and dispose of all its useless particles The snrfnceis the outlet of five-eihths of the bile and used up matter within. It is pierced wi'h millions oí openings to relieve the intestincs. Stop up these pores, and denth knocks at your door. It is rïghlly termed AU-Healing. for there is scnrcely a disenso, external or in ter nal, that it will not beuefit. I hnve used it for the last fourtetn years, for all discases of tlu chrst, consumption, Iiver, involvinj; the utmost danger and responsibility, and I declare bcforc Ilenven and man, thnt not in one single case has it failed to bentfi!, when the patiënt was wi;hin the ronch of mortal means. I have had physicians, learned in the profession; 1 have had ministers of the Gospel, JudgC8on the Bench, Aldermen and Lawyers. gen domen of the highest erudition and multitudes of the poor, use it in every variety of way, nnd there has been but one voice, one united, universal voicc, saying, "McAlistcr, your Ointment is goodl" CONSUSIPTIOH. It can hnrdly be credited that a salve enn have any effect upon the lungs, Feated as they are within the system. Bat wesiy once for nll, hat this Ointment will rench the lungs quicker than auy medicine thot can bc given internally. Thus. if placed upon the chest, it penetrales dircctly to the lunËrs, scparatPs the poisonous particles that are consuming them, and cxpels them from the system. I need not 6ny that t is curing persons of Consumption continunlly, although we nre told it is foolishness. I care not what is said, so long as [ can cure scveral thuusand persons yearly. BK AD ACKK. This Salve has curvd persons of the llencl Ache of 12 years standing, and who had it regularly evory week, so thnt vomiting of'en took place. Deafntss and Ear Ache are helped vvith ihe lilic 8UCCC8S. as also Ague in the Face. COt.D KKET. Consumption, LiTcr complaint, pnins in tbc chest or siile, falling of the hair, onoor the othcr alwnysnccompanies cold feet. It is a sure sign of disenso in the sys'cin to havo cold feef. The Salve will restore the Insensible Pcrspiration and tluis euro every cafo. In Scrofula, Krysipela3 and Snit Rheum, and other discases of this naturo, no interna! remedy has yct betn discovercd thnt is so cood. The snme may be said of Bronehitis, Quincv, Sorp Throat, Piles, Spinal Diseases, Broken or Sorc Breast, cSrc. And ns for the Chest Diseñar?, etich as Asthma, Pain. Oppression nnd the likc, it is the moet wonderful nntidote in the World. For LiverCcmplaint it is cqually rfficaciotis: for Burn8 it has not has its equal in tho World: nlso, Excresences of every kind, suc;h as Warts. Tumors, Pimples, &c, it makes clean work of them all. SORE F.YES. Tho inflammation and disease nlways lies back of the bnll of the eye in the socket. Ilcnce the virtue of any medicine.muat reach the scat ol the inflamation or it will do littlo good. The Salve, if rubbed on the temples, will penétrate directly into the socket. The pores will be open cd, a proper perspiration will becreated and the disca8c will 8oon pass offto the sur'aco. PIMPLES OV THE FACE, FRECKr.ES, TA.V, MASCUI.INE SKIN, CROSS SURKACE. It9 first action is to expel all humor. It wiloi ccasc drnwirig lili 'li face free ftom ony laticr that muy be lodged undcr tin: skin and cqucntly brcaking out 10 the surince. h the u.ils. When therc is nothinp bul grossness, or uil repulsivo mirfaci1, il begin tó Pollen and ificn until ilicskm hecoincH asshioflth artd linie as a child'fe. It throws a trcshiicsH and hisliin color apon th' iKw wliito. iraneparcni kin. (luit i's' pcrlccily cnchnniin:;. Some tiincfc i cast; ui Freek J es M wiil first start out lliu'sfa i:it have laiu huiden and geeil bui seldom. Pur uu the Salvu auil all wiil souu disappoar. VUÏ)13. Ifpnrcnta knew liow fatal most medirines were o chiltlrt.ii taken inwardly, tlu-y would be blow o resort to tliem. Espceially 'Mncrcurinl lo'.unn s," callcd "medicatcd lózöhgcp," pills, &c. ['lie irutli is, no one can teil, inv;irinbly, when vorirta are present. Now let mestjy to parents. hut tliis Salve wiil ahviys teil if a nhild has vorms. It wiil drive every vëstigè of tliem avay. This is n sirnplo nnd sale cure. Therè is probably no medicine on tlic fnce of lic earth at once so sure nnd eo safe in the ex nilsion of worms. Il would be cruel, nny wicked. to give interïnl, doubtlul medicines, so long as a harinlcss, :xicrnalonc could bc had. TOII.KT. Althoush I have aaid lude nbout t as a hnir ■sstoraiive, yet I wiil stofte il qgainst ilio World! l'liey may uring tlieir Oils far and near, and nina wiil restore ilie hair two cases to their one. OI.D SOKKS, M0RTIF1CATIU.NS. Ur.CKKS, KTC. That gome Sores aro nn outlet to the impuritie? of the Byöiem, is becatisc they ennnot pass )1I' through 'he natu al channols of the Insensiilo PeíTpirotion. If such sores are hcaled up, tho impuritics must havo some other outlet. or it wiil endangcr life. This is the reason why it b inpolitic to usc the common Salve of the day n such coses. For they have no power to opeu uiber avenues, fo Iet órf lhi morbid matter, nnd ih consequences are alwnys fatul. This Salve wiil always jrovide for sucli emerpencics. IWSKASKS OF IIUI.DHKW. FIow niany thousands are swept off by giving interniil medicines, whain thcir younp bodies and tender frames nre unable to bcar up againsi thtm? Wholo armies are ihtis sent to their graves mcrely froni pouring into iheir weak stomachs powerful drugs ond physicsl It is io sjiich that the All-IIealmg Ointmciu tendcisbO safe, pleasant, and harmlcss a cure. Such iasrs as Croup. Cholic. Cholera Infantum. Worme, nnd all Summer Complainls, by ubich so many chilJren die, the Oinimcnt will lemove so epcedily and surcly, that a physician will never be needed. 'Molhere! througluini all this land. we now solemnly and snertdiy declare to you ihat ihe All-Mealing Ointinent sviü snve your children from an rarly grave f you will use it. We are not now actuatcd by the least desiic lo gain; but knowingas we do that vast bodies of infanfs and children die early; which is supposed to be inevitable and impossible to prevent, we hold up uur warninir voico, and declare in the face oí the whole world, CHILDREN NEED NOT DIE MORE THAN OTHERSn But it is from the want ef proper nourishmeni and the constant dnij_'ging they undrrgo which mows them down as the rank grass folls bufore the scythe. IWothers! wc repeat ngain. and if ihcy wcre the last words wc were ever io alter, and of course past the reach of all iniereBt. we would eay, "use the All-lifuling Üiniinent for sickncjs among children." RHKUMATI.-i.M. It remove? al:nost immediately the inflamaüon and swellihg, when the pain oí' course ceabes. FKVF.KS. In cases of fever, the diflicnlty Ücs in the pores being Iocked up, so that the heat and persplration ennnot pa&s o 11'. Il ihe least moisture could be started, the crisis ia passed and tli daner over. The All-IJpnling Ointirent wil in all cases of fevers almost instanily unlock the skin and bring forth the perfpration. FEMALK COMI'LAINIS. Inflamation of die kidneys, of iho womb. aii( it8falling down, weakness, and irrcgulariiy; i short, all those difTlculties which are frequen with females, finJ ready and permanent relie We have had aged ladies teil us they could n live six months wiihout it. But to females ahou to beconie mothers. if used forsonic weeks ante cedent to thcir conilnemont, very few ofthose pains and convulpions which aftend (hem at tliat period will be feit. Thisfact ought to be kuown the world ever. SíWr.I) IIKAI). We have ourcd cases that actually dt'fiedcvcrything known, as well as the ability of fifteen or tweniy doctors. One man told us he hnd epent $.r00 on his children withpul any liciirfii. when a few boxes of ihe Oinimeni cured th'eih. COKNS. People necd never bc troubled with jhem if they will uso it. As a FAMILY MEDICINE, no man can measurc its valué. So long as iho stars roll along over the Ileaveiis - so long us man treadtthe carth, mbject io all ihé ihfirínities of th.t liesh - so long a6 disease and sickness ie known - just so long will thi6 üintiiieni be used and esteemed. When mnn ceasos from off the carth, then thedemand willccase, and not till ihen. To allay all appiehensions on accouni oí itF ingredicuts, in possessinirsuch powerful properties, we will state that t is co-nposed of sonic oí the most common and harmlcss herlm in e.xistence Thcre is no incrcury in t, asean be scen from the fact that itdocs not injure the skinont partiële, while it will pass ihrough and phyèic the bowcls. JAMES MuAl ISTBR & CO. IC8 South etreet, N. York. Solo proprictor of tho above Medicine, t whom all Communications must be luMressec (post paid). Price "5 cents and 50 cents. OX'AUTION.o As the All Fleaüng Ointmcnt has been great ly counterfcitcd, wc have given this caution t thepubhe, that "no Ointment will be genuino unless ihe names of James McAlisler, or Jame McAlisier & Co., are writcen with a pen upo every label." The label is a steel engraving with the figure of "ItiBensible Pcrepiration" o the face. Now we hereby offer a reward of $500, to b paid on conviction, in any of the consiitutei courts of tho United States, of any individua counterfeitinf; or name and Ointment. MAYNARD'S, Ann Arbor, Wholeealc A nents; Srnith & Tyrell, Clinton: K tcliuin tl Smitli, Tecumsch: I). C. Whitwood, Dcxter II. Bower, Manchesier; John Owen & Co. Detroit; Marinan &. Cook, Brooklyn. Dec. 18, 1845. 213- Iy WOO3C! WOOlJ CLOTH! CLOTHÜ rrIlE subacribers will continue io munufacX ture Fulleti Cloth, for 37J ets. per yard, and white fiannel for 20 cent$ per yard; or they will manufacture the wool lor half the cloth it -.vill make. Their Factory is 2 miles West of Ann Arbor, on the l'uron River. Wool willalso be received at Scio. Vhen sent by Railroad it will bc attended to in the same monncr as il tne owners were to come with it. Wool will be nianufactured in turn as it comes in as nearly as it can be done with reference to the different qualities of woo!. WOOL CAIW1NG, will bc done at Scio, by Thomas Hoskins. S. W. FOSTER&CO. Scio, May 1, 1815. 210 ÏÏAYiVAUDS HAVE now on hand a largo assortment of Family Groccries, Paints, Stuils, Drugö & Medicines of the best kind for sale very cheap. Nov. 17, 1845. 238 SHAWLS, Dress stufls of all kinds, Lace Vcils, Cravats. Ribbons, &c. &c. At the Masiiatta! Stohb, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dcc 25, 1345. 244- fint BROAD CLOTíIS, Cassimcre3, Vesiings, Satinetts, Gents. Cravats. &e. S:c. cheap at the Mamhattan Stokk, Detroit. W. A. RAYMOND. Dcc. 5, 1815. 211- 6raTry - Try Again. A yon hóvc trieb1 uno thousand and on A kinds of Pilis; ihcn try Dr. Ilalstoad's Brisk Filis ml you wii5 lic l'ully sntibfied thnt tliey aic ainch prefbrnb'lo to üvcry óilier kind a.x ihe uu,. glit ;wid licnt is preferable, lo bring forwaid and roniote i hcaltliy growth in vegetables lo tlia trjiich' emnnntes rom ihe innon. They niejust wlint is wnntcd in tliis country. - a pill tliat opcratcs quick, ilmrough nnd easy nrrying nll linpuritics ïviih ihèm; leaving ihé toniach and bowolsclesn and cleor. Awny wuli vour SLOW PILLS, that act SLOW-cltanao' SI.OVV. and leave the sy6tcni in a b'LQW state. ïilious matter nnd other ini cdinicnts caflecl vc ■ y inpid in the syBic-m when once they begin ie (icnniulatc - nnd will incrense as fast ás Slow 'ills wil! remove tliem. It is necessary tliercfore 0 have a brièk operntion - ihai will nors ah' tuk ónGANS "rom iicir torpid stntc. ive a nü'vi nipetiis to the blood nnd sccreiions. Thcn fooo vill digest - the Moinnch gnin strengtli - the'sya em stronc - the fkin clenr - the appeiiie gobd, ind yon uro wel]- whrn your s'ow dosee WouÚ toep you lingerirg along ior nionthg- nnd ilicn lerhnps you will send lor n Doctor, nnd wlirii vill lic do? He will give yu a powerlul ca harlic - on that wijl do yon somc good. Now l)p your own d ctoiè', and lake Halstcd's Vegetable Brisk Pilis, nnd gradéete tliem to suit hè patiënt. To wenk patiënt give ftnnll doses- nlso to clnldren. They aie KarmlcfB nnd can begiven to tbc n;ost delicate - but thcn they ;ivc life and motion to the syslcnï! DISEASE is a slow inórbïd ncticn, clogging ip all the sninll vesscls - and calis aloud lor n remcily that will arouse tliem into netion rfefore hcybecometoo wenk to be kept in inotion. - 'eoplo die for the wnnt of nction - nnd fearing bey shnll obtnin a hcnlthy. nnturnl actior - thi-y prefcr tnking n slw niedirine - ihrit thty mny doctor slowly Tor years - nnd at lust die. wiih slow, íingéring disenso- thé nniural eiTcct of taking elow Pilis. Awny then wilh ibis thcory. - If nature wishes to pttrify the nii. the calis pi a hurry a thunder showcr. nnd wiih it her light- nings (air physie) to purify, clennsc. and give rr now niotion to the ntnioFphere. and nll is well. Shc does not liphten frrntly the yenr round io' product thiL inotion. Then follow nature, hen you are out of health - have a bad Insic in your innnth - indigestión - costíveness - frver - eolk cbills - fever and ngue - dyspepsin - pain in bacd or liml)s - taken cold - or in fnct ont of order in nny wny - relieve yonrfclf inimcdintcly bytaki'ny the IJrisk Pilis. Try thf-ni once nnd you will use no other. 2fl Pilis for L5 cents. Sold wbolrsale and rctail !y .1. Owcn S: Co., Detroit; C. F,horl)arh, S. P. Jewttt. I.urd fc McColluin, Ann Arbor. Q37-(in , CIKCUIiAK. Washtinaw Co. TnvAaynr.R'a Oiiick, ? Ann Arbor, Déb. th; Í8Í5. $ IT having been made the duty of the Trcsurers of tbo different Countits throughout thé State o Michigan, by the provisions, of "An Act to provide more effectiially for the complction, and disposilion of h'nes, pennltiés a)id lorfeitures of recognizunccH;" npproved, iilarch 12th, A. D. 1844: - To demand nnd reccivc all monios which may be in the hands oi the # ent ofiicerfi rhtHlfoned insaid act: and it iiaving been rc;resctited ut tliis oflïce, that thercisa large nniount of inpney in lbo liando of different individuals in the Couuty of Wnhtenaw, which should, in accordanue with tho provisicuis of tnw act aibrcsnid, be pnid into ihisoHice. in onticipution of the disttibution of bucIi nionejs tv bo innde on thefirst day of March, A. D. 1846. And also, belicviog tliat no oílicer would retain money, or mokö ony use of the snnie, wiffi a lull underuiatu'uig oi the pravieions of the uct abovc alluded to; The undersiijned has thounht proper to publiah in this mnnner th 7tfi, &h, 9th. lOth, llth and 12ih Sections of Snid act, rèlatmg particul.y-ly to sucH cases, which may be foundon pngis 120 and 121 of 'Seesion La'wè of Michigan, 1Ö4-1. "Soc. 7. All slicrifTs. county cleikp. or oiher oiTicers or persons, i-o riów have in thcir hands or niny hercatter eoilect, or receivc. any uioneyr on fines or penaltiea iniposed ujion any pet8oi or persons, in any couit of record in thi atate, or upon any recognizansea incrniinal proceedings, shall rmmediateJy pay oer ïhesamc to the treasurer of the county where such ine or peni.Uy wasso imposed, which treasurer slwil give In uflicial receipt ;o siith officer ur peraón paying the same for the amount so paid. Sec. 8. All jiutices of the peare, conatabfis, marshals aiW other officers or persons, who have now in iheir hands, or may hercaftcr colléct or receiveany money on fines orpenahies inïp'bsej upon any perron or personf, ly any juslico ot' the peacc, eourt of special sessroha, urcohrt niartial in this stute, fhall immcdintely pay over tlic saine, to the treasurer of the county wherc uch fino or penalty was so iinpored, which Ircasiiré'r shall giyo bis official recéipi to s,k-1i officer. r person paying the saine, for the nn.onnt eo pnVd. Sec 9i All money collieted,. or received on fines or pehaltiès, nr upon ■ ny rvcogn zaucc iik criminal proceedings, and paid to any couniy treosurerof ihis state, ös heicin provic'led. shall hy couniy tieafcurer, on or before thefirst 'lay of March, in énen and every yoai, f e divided accOrdiiig tó the nuniber of organizt-d ownships in tbc county where such trt-auriT i(í'u:i:.íly belongs. and an equal share tlieicof sliafl bu paid over by i-uch treasurer lo tfaJ chairmnn ót the board of school inspectora in e;;ch of ucl orynni.ed townships, who shall ive bis ofKcii! reccipt to the trensuier for the nmount so pfiid. Sec. 10. All money paid over to, and rcceiyCd by. tbc ehnirmnn of the board of' school inspecuirs in nny township in this state; shnll b by such chairmnn npproprinted to the pinchase of such books and the nicetsary nppendngfs fora township hbrary asa majoiity op the I oaid of inspcciors may cBiébt; which l.brary when fdiabliehed', shnll bc kept a tbwnsh'ip librnry, e.dusively ior se of the inhnbitants of tbc township, and suall be under such ru'cs and regulations as rhe board of inspec;ors may front 1 time to time deern neeessary and proper to ninfte for the protection and preisèfvaüöii of the books, and to etcurc such inhabitaniB in an equal anJ just use of the same. Sec. Jl. If any public oíficcr. or ojhrr individual, having cojlecied or received nny money or funds of any kind wliatsoovor, on any fines or penalties contemplated by the provisions of this act, shall neglect or refusc to pay over such money or funds, eo collectcd or received, on dcmand, to thepropir county treasurer, such oflicer or individual so negleciing or rcfusing. shal! forfeii and pny doublé the nniount ol such money or fund, which may bc sucd for and recovercd, Iy qcúon of debt in the name of the cóüu ty jreasurer, before nny couit hnving cognizrncc thercof, which amount so forfeited, when collected shall be dividcd and pnid over by suth rreasürër as hereinbefore mentioned. Sec. J2. Any oflicer who shall hercaftcr cofIcct or receive any money or funds of any kind on fines, penalties or recognizances, nnd shalt eonvcrl euch moiiey or funds so collectcd, to bi own use, or shall retuse to pay over the same as hereinbefore provided, shall b; decmed guilty of enibezzlement, and on conviction thercof shall bepunishedby imprisonment in tho alatc priaon for a term not more than ihrec yenrs, or by fina not more than two thousand dollars' It is hoped that alf persons now hnving in thcir hands money belanging to the Lirraky Fvs crentud nnd npproprin;ed by ïhe act aforesaid will makc inimediati; paynient of the same at this office in obedietue lo the requircmentB of the provisions of thesnid net. And that the uu dersicned wifl not, {by n due performance of bis duty,) bo undcr the nccessity of enlorcing the Penul provisionp of the aforesaid act O. W. MOOR E, 24I{- 3w. Couniy Treasurer. STIIAYED froni tho subscriber in Florida, Hillsdnlc County, obuüt tho first of November, a three year oíd Chesnut colored Pony MAIÍE, with n strip in the face, and three óf four small white spots on the bnek. Any jierson that will give infornation where tbc mn"y be found, by sendingnic a line, or publishingit in tho Signnl of Liberty, shall be liberally rewnrdded. KANSOM COLE. Florida, Nov. 21, 1845. 243- 3w CHARLES H. STEWART, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFFERSON AVENUE DETROIT. FEATHERS and PAPER HANG1NGS may be found at all times at the Mnh attAk Stouk, Detroit. W. A. KAYMOND. Dec. 25, 1844. 844- Cm


Signal of Liberty
Old News