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IMAPPHD HANDS & FAGH Sore I.ips, Irj ncss oï tlic Skin, Ac. 3ured at once by HKGEMAN'S CAMPHOR ICE W1TB liLYUEKINE. It kceps ie hands soft in ül weather. See lliat you get IIIiGEIUAN'S. Sold by uil Druggist. Trice, '25 cents ; ïent by mail tol "'" eente. Manufactureed only by HEGEMAN & CO., Chomists and Diuggigla, r. O. Box 222$, New VTovk. ÏÏOOD'SIIOliSEilöLüllAUAZINEr THE BEST DOLLAR M0NTI1LY. dft U (Uil U a dil5' male y öaan V U T fï V L 'or t'"3 magazine- now in Ij) j] I U JfJ I M its Utli volume- with i bioTHE Ï0SE5IITE YALLEY, 14x20 i ik lies, in 17 OilColors. Magadne one jenr with inonntcd Clironio. $2 00 Magazine, one year, with Unmounted Chromo, 1 fiü Magazine, alone, one yonr, 1 oo Examine our Clubbing and Preniii.-m Lista. Two Firt ('l;ns l'criod i!i Is for tlic Price of One. We solicit Canvasscrs and others to send at once for termB and Specimen Addrets S. E. SHIÏKS, Publislier, 41 Paek Kow, N. Y. City, ob Xkwuleoh, N. Y. MWT01DM-B01 A Democuatic Weekly. Establiahed 1S50. Jt supports White Fuprmiacy. political and social. Terma, $2 per year. To clubs, nine copies for $8. Specimen copies tree. Address DAY-BOOK, Xew York City. k(D VmtJlflyclopedia of ïhinis Worth Know-' ílllIilV luí" or 25.00 Wants Supplied. Over ■1,100 columns on royal-octavo-sized pao-. ivasted. Ie8. The greatest Recript Bonk of the . rriurnvitltliromo I'rec. Famphlet circulará ,, , preo. N'th Westera Bible and Pub. Co liiXtra. iGrand Jtapids, Mioh. SSfe EXTERMINATOR - SÜ A1VD VMBO9 FOWDER. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bcd-Bugs, Moths, &o J. P. HENRT, CUKHAN & CO., N. Y. Bole Agent. 'CRf-í!OnPera5'1 ABent3 wanted! All classes IJ LUiPjUof working people, of eithersex, younf; or old. make more money at work for us in their spart' momenis, or all the time, than at anything else, Particulars free. Address G. Sïinron & Co., Portland Maine. (Í pSYCHOMANCY, OR SOUL CHAEMING." X How either sex may be fascinated and gain tlie love and affections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, tree, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with n Marrlaje (ïuide, Egyptain Oracle, Ureams, Hints to Ladies. A queerbook. WO.OOO sold. Address T. TflLEIAll & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia. THE GOLDEN ECG foragents. Large income guaianteed. Enelose stamp for circular. R. Al.LISON, 113 Chumbera St. , N. Y. (Ni Öto SlOOinWall St., often leads toa tor. Itune. No risk. 32-page pamphlet for stamp. iM IValentuíe, TriimtnxiE & Co., liankera and hJIU Brokers, 39 Wall St., New York. Ordinaiice Xo. 79. .li Ordmanee to preserve the Stalistics of the City of Ann Arbor in rcyard lo the Publu Health. Section 1. Be it ordaincd by tho Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of the City oï Ann Arlior, That it shall be the duty of all Practicing I'liviicians in the city of Ann Arbor on the first days of January, April, July and October in each añil every year to report in writing to the Board of Heaith of the city of Ann Arbor, a true statement of the number of cases of Small Pox, Cholera, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid Fever, Measles and Whooping Cough, occurring each month during the past quarter, upon which they have leen ths attending Physician, also thö nuraber of deaths resulting from each of said diseases. 2. That all Undertakers and other persons who shall furnish any coffins or casket witliin which to inter the dead within the limits of the city of Ann Arbor, or within which the dead aro to be removed from the limits of said city, shall first obtain a written permit from the President, acting President or Secretary of the Board of Health of said city provided that nothing in this sectiou shall be construed to prevent coffins and caskets being fumished ior persons dying without the limits of said city. 3. Any person or persons ïiolatillg any of the provisions of this ürdinance or faüiug to comply with the provisions and requiremeuts oí the same shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, nor leas than fivu dollars and cost of suit to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace of the city of Ann Arbor, and in the imposition of any such fine and costa the Baid Justice of the Peace may mako a further ordn-, that in default of the payment oí said fine and costs within the time to be fixed by said Justice. in his said sentenee, the offender be coinmittod to the county Jail of Washtenaw county, for a period of time not exceediDg tweuty-iive ilavs nor less than flve days. 4. This Ordinance shallbc publishedfoi-two weeks successively in the Michigan Aiíous, and the Peninsular Courier, and shall take effect ra fonrteen days after the tirst publication of thi same. Made and passed in Common Council thi teenth (16th) day of February, A. D. 1874 HIEAM J. BEAKKS, Mayor. Adam D. Seyler, Eecorder. Mortgage Sale. DEFAL'LT having been made in the cundiüons of a certain mortgage, by the non-payment ot money due thereou as provided by the U-rms of saiJ mortgage, which said mortgage was executed by Martha O. Herbert to Comatock F. Hill, fcearing date the fourteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord onc thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and recorded in the oihee of the Register of Deeds for the Connty of Washtcnaw, and State of Michigan. on the twenty-firat day of December, in the jesr of our Lord one thousand e-ght hundred and But] nine, in Liber forty-three of mortgages on pagf one hundred and seven, which eaid mortgagu was duly nssigned by Comstock 1'. Hill to Densmort Cramer, by assignment dated the eecond day of l-cptember in the year of oar Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, wbich assignment wus recorded in said Register's office en the second day of September, A. D. 1870, in Liber two of assienments oí mort gages, on page ftve hundred and ninety, and by reason of said def ault the power of sale in said mortgage having become opera tive and there being clnimea to be due on said mortgage and the note and boud accompanying the same at the date of tuis notice, the sum of four thouaand six hundred and fifty-iwo dollars and sixty-six cents ($4,652.(56), together with an Attorney's fee of flfty dollars provided lor in said mortgage, and no suit or proceediDgs in la or "equity having been instituted to recover saiil amount Gr any part thereof : Notice is thenM herebyi given that on Saturday the sixteenth day o May, A. D. 1874, at eleven o'clock in the forenoonot said day, at the south door of the Court House in city of Ann Arbor Csaid Court House beins IM place for holding the Circuit Court for said County of Washtenaw), there will be sold by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage at pubK auction, to the highest bidder, the premises descrito! in said mortgage or so much thereof os may be naessary to satisfy the amount due and payable onsaw mortgage, together witb interest, costs, charges aiw expenses allowed by law, and provided for in m mortgage, that is to say : All the west half oí tne northwest quartér of section eleven ; also anotiier piece of land describod as follows: Ileing pa"01 section eleven, beginning on the north line of seotioi eleven one chain and ninety-two linka west of tne quarter stake between aections two and eleven, thence south thirty chaina and forty-four B thence weat ten chaina und thirty-threu links, tbcnee north thirty chaina and eighty-four links, tien east ten chains and thirty -three links to the place oi beginning, containing thirty-one and flfty-four oü( hundredths acres ; also another piece ot land '■ senbed as follows: sub-division number one ■ cording to Burvey and plat, being parts of leen eleven, a strip or piece of land off from the west BM of the east half of said northwest quarter se chains and thirteen links wide, exfending s' from the north line of said section, thirty chains ana eighty links to lauda set off aa dower, conraimti ninety-nine and twenty-flve one hundredtha a' land, all being on section eleven in towuship tur south range five east, in the State of Michigan, t " flrst and third descriptions above constitutmg "' visión number one. Dated, Ann Arbor, February IS, 1874. DENSMORE CRAMEE, Assigneo of Jid niortgagf11. Ckamkr, Att'y inperson for said Assignee. ' PROF. E. S. MOIÍSÍT WILL GIVE TWÜ POPULAR ILLUSTRATED LECTURA ÜN TUK THÊORIES OF EVOLUTION, IN THE OPERA HOUSE , OSMONDAY EVENÏNG, 23d FEBBÜABÍ AND TUESDAY EVENING Ï4Ö FEB., AT 8 Ü'CLOCK. 76 Ct Tickets to both Lecturee, - " " o ct?To u single Lecture, ---- For Bale at Webster'a Bookstore, aiidjiUbejW. HAEDWOOD & BASSWOOD LÜ& BEE EOE SALE. Elaving bought out the interest of Mr. ]'''' in the Saw Mili and Lumber Yard, I ibli contra k, the business in all of its branches. I haj 'i quality of toufc'h ouk, from 1, 1 1-8 to 2 'llcllt .' „: ander sheds and well seasoned. A good asso ru of dry Ash. A good quality of Bsswood, lro " 1-2 to 2 inches thick-dry. Uickory, Mage, J Whitewood, Elni, and other varieües all wal;', qS ed. Fence Posts, Square Timber, PlaijH nushort Studding kept on hand and sawod to order on - notice. Particular atteution given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fence Posta and all kinds of Timber not ove'1 cheswide, planed. Oak Pickets kept im H ' aiU. cut to order at the same price thut the lum ivEOTJXiiDira-s of different patterns made to order. Held ■■"' on hand ana made to order. v'Aci Cross-Cut and 111 Saus umnied a at short notice. „ sar All persons indebted to the late fina wiuï cali and settle their accounts at the , j,nCash paid fur sound WHITE OAK, Asli"" r J. T.


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Michigan Argus