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Br. J. Wnlker's California Vinl'giU1 BillCl'S are a puroly Vegetable preparation, maelo cliicfly frorn tho native lifrbs found on the lowcr ranges of the Sierra Nevada inountains of California, the medicinal proporties of which are extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question ia almost dailyasked, "What is the cause of tho unparalleled success of Viseoam Bitters?" Our aiiswer is, that they removo the causo of disease, and the patiënt röcovers his health. They are the prreat blood purificr and a life-giving principie, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tho history of the world has a medicino been componndcd possessing the remarkable quali ties of VrNEQAB Bitters in healing the sick of every disease man is heir to. They are a gentle Purgativo as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestión or Inflammation of tho Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Dis. cases. If men will enjoygood hcaltli, let them use Vinegau Bitters aK a medicino, and avoid tho use of alcoholic stiniulants In every form. No Persoii can talie Ilioso Kiltcrs according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bonos are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means. and vital organs wastcd beyond repair. Grateful Tliousands procUum Vnaagar BiTTEits the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. Bilious, Rcmittcnt, and Interlllittent Fe vers, which aro so prevalen t in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, cspecially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Eed, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roanoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaxies, throughout our entiro country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanicd by extensive derangements of the stomaeh and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgativo, exerting a powerful influence upon theso various organs, is essentially neeessary. Thero is no cathartic f or the purpose equal to Dr. J. Waikeb's Vineqab Bitters, as they will specdily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating tho secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestiva organs. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Hcad ache,Pain in the Shoulders,Coughs,Tightnesa of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attaeks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pain in tho regioa of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas,1 Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc, etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, Walkeb's Vütegab BrrTEBS have shown their great curativo powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflainmatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Eemittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Sueli Diseases ara caused by Vitiated Blood. Mecjianical Diseases.- Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of AYamüe.k'3 Vineqab Bittees occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Bheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Kingworms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of tho system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroycd and removed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no anthelminitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in yung or old, married or single, at tho dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Jailüdice. - In all cases of jaundice, rest assured that your liver is not doing its work. The only sensible treatment is to promote the secretion of the bile and favor its removal. For this purpose use Vinegak BrrrEBS. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you flnd its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you flnd it obstructéd and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is f oul ; your f eelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. II. II. DIcDONALD &, CO., Druggists and General Agcnts, San Francisco, Califor nia, and cor. Washington aud Cuarlton Sta., New York Solil li y uil UiuKisIs and Dealers. L B. GIDLET, SacccBsor to COLGKOVE & SON. DRUÜGIST AND CHUT IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL. No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEALER IN DKltiS, UEDICISE8, SIIRGICAL lSTltrnEMS, PURE H IVKS AN LiqiORS, CPOK MEDICAL PURPOSES ONLT.) Fancy Goods, Pertumery, PAIIVÏ'S, OII.S, VARNISIIKS, ;I,ASS AKÍD PUTTÏ, PIIYSICIA5ÍS' PRESCRIPTÍONS fiarefally corapounded at all hoars. PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS QOOD AN ARTICLE. E. I!. GIDLGY. 136Ttf ■TJESIRABLE EEAL E8TATE FOB S .A. L E I The subscnber, on account of il health offer3 his 33 ACllfcS In the corporation for sale. This ground adjoins the Universitj Observutory on the east, opposite side of the street. It has a most excellent S F R I . N O ! On the northeast corner - formerly supplied the Ritilrond tanks with water. ITS ADVANTACES A re as f ollows : For city purposes the Huron Itiver meanders the same some 30 to 40 roda, and is part of the best Water Power On the River in this vicinity, and the elevation on the northeast corner is aufficientl y high and ampie to supply the city necesaities for water and fire purposes THE WESTERN PORTION On the road ia very appropriate and suitable for a Publio City Ccmetery. The city has no sach grounds now but must have aoon, and whatever grourkls the city doe not care to use, can bo sold at an advantage bo much so,that the coat of the Water Works grounds and Cemetery, would be merely nominal. If the city does not want the name, the grounds would be invaluable f oi' FRÏÏ1TS, LAEGE&SMALL, There being somc 100 trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturagc. And also for MILKsupply,BLOODED STOCK Horses. Sheep, And other animáis always in great want by many in the city and its viciuity. As city lots adjoining the northwest corner of this land are now selling f rom three hundred to three hundred and fifty dollars these lands would or could be sold in a short time to a good advantage and to much profit to the purchasers LIBEEAL TIIMLE Will he given or the same will be exchanged for Mer chantable joods or Drugs and Medicines, at caal prices. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor, Jan 31 18T3. 1411 L. C. RISDON 8ELL8 FERRY & CO.'S No. Í) to American COPPER LINED IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, 'FULL TSI3IMED, ifoir, seoi Other Stoves in proportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN AEBOR. 1446tr If you are Suffering from any CHRONIC DISEASE, Brokcn Down Constitntion, Or require a Remedy to Purify and Enrich the Blood, Yon will flnd Dr.Crook's Componnd Syrnp or Poke Boot to ponses grenter nu rit, cure you more Kpeedily, and do you more good than any and all othr remedies combined, ruat liilo, Yclloiv. Sirkly-lookiue Skin la changed to one of freshnesf and ïioalth. Thoso Jipns-s of tlic Skin.PlmpIes,Pnstnles, Blotclios and Kriiptionn are removed. Scrofula. Sc rodil ons Diseasea of tbe Kyes, While SwelllnKü, Ulcers, Id Sores or any kind of Humor rapidly dwlndle and disappear nnder its influence. Wlint is it? lt is nut ure's own restorer t A soluble oxyd of lron combined -with tha medicinal properties of l'oke Root divested ot all disagreeable qualiUen. It will cure any Disease whose real or direct cause is Bad BlOOd. Itllelimntittm. I'itiUH in I.iltllN oi Iloncs, Coiistitiitions braken down by Mercurial or otJii'r poisons. are all cured byltOt'or friypïiiliH, or N.vpliilUic laint, there is untlün uyual to il. A trial will prove it. Sold by THE GREAT CAUSE Just published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price G ets. A .. on the Nature, Xreatiuent and Kadical cure of Seminal Weakneas, Sperraatorrheea, induced by Belf-Abuse, Involuntary Emisaions, Impotency, Nervona Debility, aud Impediments to Marnage geuerally ; Conantnption, Epilepsy and Fit ; Mental and Phyeical Incnpncity, &c -By 11OBERT J. CULVEKWÜLL, M. D.t Author of the " Oreen Book," &c. The world-rcnown author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awiul consequeüces of Kelf-Abuse may be effectually removed without medecine, a ad without danfrerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual by which every sutferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and rudically. THIS LECTURK WILL TROVE A BOON TO THOUSAND8 AND THOÜSANDS. Sent under eeal, in a plain envelope, to any ad drees. on receipt of six cents, or Iwo poatage stampa. Address the Publiahers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 1 2T Bowery, New York, Postoöice Box, 4586. 143üyl IROCERIES AT LESS THAN COST ! L. R. SLAWSON Is now selling Groceries at LESS THAN COST For cash to close out his stock. KF" Buyerssliould culi and examine his gooda before purühiiaing. NO HUMBUG ABOUT THIS. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1873. Hóltf K HURRY UP ! liARXIES wishing Wall Paper, Cloth and Paper Shades. Hollands, Window Fixtnre, Coide, Taeeels, c, all New Stylee, at Satisfactorj PrlceB, by J. It. Webster & Co,, Bjoki-tore, near the Express Ofllce. X -X MIOHIUAK CENTRAL HAILROA1). winter time tablï. Pasbengel trainsnow leavc tbe sovi-rul gtutions,ns follOWS HOINc; V.T.H1. ft o c M M s ■ & -aal e a ■ w-j. o 1 w a 4' w i A. M. A. M. P. M. I. M. T. M. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 15 10 M 1 4fl -t 00 5 W 10 30 Ypsilanti, S 45 11 85 3 02 S 30 7 10 A. M. AnnArbov, 9 02 11 43 3 21 SM 45 12 OS Dexter, Iti .111 (25 ft 10 Ohelsea, 0 6S 4 0 8 80 Ornss Lake, 10 19: P.H. 4 81 09 Jnckson, 10 55 1 05, 5 04 9 M 1 80 1-. IC. A. M. Kalamazoo, 2 20, 3 10 8 20 12 25 Chicago urrive, s :m " (KJ f, 80 8 30 C.O1XG KAST. ï; i la :i 3 tí _ "'■lili s íg 3 (4.1 ft .2 ■ ■, S S ?! q a w - w k 5 ( A. M. A. M. I'. M.P. M. Chicago, lenre, 5 011 8 88 5,15 'J 00 P. M. A. :.T. A. M. Kulamnzoo, 11 05 11 5 00 2 15 P. M. A. M. ! Jackson. 2 80 3 55 8 00 12 30, 4 45 Grasa Lake, 2 G, 8 30 Chelnea, 3 24 S 58, : A. M Dexter, :i 41 'J 0!) R 2. Ann Arbor, 4 05 5 03 0 38 1 55 6 00 6 51 Ypüilanti, 4 M 5 22 KI 03 2 17 6 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, _ 5 50 fi 25 11 20 3 30 7 25 s J The Atlnntir find Pacific Express run between Jackson and Nilew on Ihc Air Line. Dated.Nov. 2.1873 DETEOIT, HILLS.DALE & INDI ANA RAITROAD. aOINtt WEST. - 1S7- - COIN(i KAST. stations. MaiLExp.j stations. Kxp. Muil A. M. P. M. ■ ' Detroit, dep... 4:00 a. m. p. m Ypsilanti 10:30 6:15 Bunkers P:30 2:1 Saline,.. 11:00 6:43 HiUsdille 7:05 2:3 Bridgewator..H:18 7:0b Manchester.... 8:33 4:0 Manchester. ...11:38 7:18 Bridgewater . . 8:50 4:2 p.. Saline 9:05 4:4 Hillsdale 1:20 8:52 Ypsilanti 10:03 5:1 Bunkers... 1:30 9:00 Detroit 11:20 6:2 Trains run by Chicago time. W. F. PARKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. TDALL BULLETIN ! E. J. JOHNSON. i; rr:o:i3 " HATTER! Has turnee! bis b:ck upon Winter and oponed hi stock of WINTER GOODS Including all the liüest stylcs of Hats and Caps GENTS' FURNISHING OOODS, &c Which must bt' sold. GOODGOODSANDLOWPRiCES Is the word to pass along the line. 7 South Main St., Ann Arbor 1424 GIVEN AWAY IF IT WILL NOT INSTANTLY RELIEVE Neuralgia, M cSS?rh Chllblalns, H F D'seases WILL KILL The worst cough In qulcker time than any other preparatlon In the wond. Wewlllwlll refund the moneylfwedo notglvo Immedlate relief. SOLD EVERYWHERE. IhMU mSum &Pi HitiTml ONLY HARMLESS DYE. Acts like the most a charm ! M k natural Neverfails fl ■ shades to ■ W of Brown ly produce J or Black BY ONE APPLICATION. ipUT YOUE MONÉY WHERE IT WILL DO THE MOST GOOD A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES T O DS' -F Y CO M I E T ITlü ALSO, A FÜLL LINE OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Ï3F Cali liefore purchasiug. 15 South Main Street. _gfl r ive öïïese feathjírs PIBST dTT-A-LITTT , Con"1nl'yonh.ind andforsaleby BA CE ,- A BEL. HURRY UP ! ' TJARTIliS wUhlng Wall Pupcr. Shadl A Hollands, Window Plxtures, Cords, Tasscis, &c, all New Styles, at Satiefactory Prices, bj J. K. Webster A; Co,, Book Store, near the Expiees OÜTcc. X X


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