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1 ia. "291 í CO.X). ! "Wliin flr.,1 I,. COLBV hung bui Of C. O. D.-At No. ofl, And offered Groceries cheap for cash, Some peoplesaid, " he's bound to go to smash." And old-timc Grocers would faintly smile, Prophesyin g ■ C. O. D. will last hut little while. In Mxty days we'Il run him off tlie track, And cali our wanderiiig customers bliek." The croakcra suid and thought it truc, "Hc'Il surely fuil before the year ia New ! Ti ou cnn't Bell (iroceries in this town And {et your puy in greenbacks down ; Where dry good merchants on every streel th mikt. and mitins, hang out chickens to ent ; v hcre trude is mixed in nvery place, At the same counter yon buy butter orlMe , Where credit and km go haiid in hand. Mr. C. O. D. hut a slim chanco will stand." Let propheta and eroakers have tlieir sar, L.COLBY-eUa OOOCKEIKSonly fov REAUY TAT, Andselln so cheap for daily cush He feur 110 danger of a smash. And to nis patrons all, and buxineiw friends, 1 he greoting of the noanon he extends, l'o young and oíd, a glad New Ycar, ïth bosta oí fricnd and lote ot clion ! (iive bim a cali, and froto his store Your tables spread with ?ood tMnga more. At tlint place j-on will alwuys flnd i resh new Groceries ot best quality and kind - KverythiM needful for good checr at home Yon cían buy at hls counter whenever you come. 1 he days are so short this bitter cold winter, To mention details would weary the orinter. Bnt aak If you choose for anything iUble, ï ou ;et it at once, in quality unbratable 1 For hungiy men who are weury andoold, He hu Uj-Hters hot, üyaters that must bcsol.i Oysters p.ckled, Optar tew, and oyster f r , Or Oysters any other way you choose to try He will serve np Oysters at any hour of day, And the best of eigars to smoke on your way. A d sb : of hot Oysters will do you mach good. And cheer tou while sclling your Brain or wöod. Aïiwith "JSfl '" 1'1""1 lay 'n a store "' f:' ' "' gngr. Flour and manr more, Uf all thingn substantial for daily use Nor treat life's good tbings with abuse' Crockery and Glassware and Fruit to put in theni, N uts, Kaians, and Candy, for children who win them Will Hnd [29] the best of all places 1 o buy a tritio, to bring a smilo or ringing laugh, Your pleasure, than theirs, will be greaterb" hU Then do not forget to cali on Mr. C. O. D And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Ten. Thouarh the Kg qq may fall from itn place, The O. o. D. V store is still on the race And does not intend to fly from the course 1 UI croakers of evil talk themselvca hoarse Grooenes can be sold for ready pay km i T Okt-y has learned the way feold flve times more thiiïi he expectod ■- ' By O. O. D. from loss protected. And the secret he is not afraid to teilKeep the best of uil things-with priees low- be "ood natured, give good measuro. d And you are bound to sell j 29! 39! 39! BOOKS. Hböoks. I. B. WKBSTKK te (0. XEW 00K STORK IN THE (ÍREÍJOUY BLOCK." LOOK TO YOUR fTEREST AXD CALL. BOOKS. ! I L.CRISDON'S ! A 'VSRTI3EMENT. Snw is thp time to buy ; PARL0K&HBAT11 STOVES. I will sell them at CO8T until further notice. o. :}t S. Main 8t, ÁM Arbor. EU. GIDLEY, ;n9!or to ('OLGROYJE 4 SON. drumt m mm ÍN COOK'8 NEW HOTET,. No. 12 E. HURON STREET DEAI.KR TV DKKiS, HMCHCt. SIRiilCAL IKSTKUMESTS, PI RK W li;s l! LIQIÍORS, Ivon MKniOAú PURrosEs oni,t.) Fancy Goods, Periumery, PAINTS, O1I.S, VAR!VISlIi:s, UM ASB Pi;i'TY, nWkW PRESCRIPTK Carefallj compoiinded at all lioars. PBOPOSE NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THE CITY WHOFURNISH AS QOOD AN ARTICLE. K. II. IDLGV. . 1367tf "1R0CERIES AT LESS THAN OOST ! L. R. SLAWSOIM Is now selling Groceries at LESS THAN OOST For cash to close out his stock. V3 Buyersahuuldcallnnd examine hi (niotls before purohasing. NO HUMBVO ABOUT THIS. Ann Arbor, Not. fi, 1R73. MiHf K HURRY UP ! l AltTIES wishfng Wall Pnpcr, Cloth and Paper Shades. Holland. Window Fixture, Coids, Tapsels. Ac, all New Styles, at Satlsfactor) Prlces. by J. H. Wibitcr4 Co., Book flore, nearthc Express Office. X X( FIRE ! FIRE ! C. H. MILLEN'S taiiïi Apncy The Oldest Asrency in the City ! Represent the fyllowing tírst-ilass eompanies : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus over $4,000,000. Continental Ins. (V, of New York. 'npital and surplus Y2,000,000. Girai'd Insurance Co., of Philadolphia. Capital und surplus $760,008. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capitel mul anrplas $600,000. No. 4 South Main Htreet, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN. 1458tf WAGÑER The Oiio-PihmmI ('lotliier! Has recently enlarged hia store und ha just reoeived and offers to the publie the larecst stock oí MENS', YOÜTHS', AND BOYS' Ready-Made Fidl and Winter CLOTHING! Kver lirought within the of Washteuaw.- These gonds were Nmirlit fr cnsh.'aQil will he sold :it the loweet ])ililee:h prioe. AT WAGXKR'S. Also cmstnnlly on liand : Hne line of Fore:i?n xdA DonieMie Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings All in great variety, whieli will be madu up to order and warracted to fil. AT WAOKKE'8. A complete and laige atoek of Gents' Furnlshing Goods nf eveiy deseriptinn, lower than ever. AI WAGNER'8. TUUNKS AND VALtSES of various stylea and malees. AT WAGNER'8. GOOI) PAPER OOI.r.ARS only 8 ets. per box. WM. WAGNER. 21 Soutli Main S(., Añil Altor pHAMBEKS' ENCYCLOPMaT A DICTIONAltY OF Universal Knowledge for the People. REVISED KDITIOlSr. WITH Maps, Plates, and Engravings. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 juiircs each. llluHtratíd wilh ahout Four Thoutand Engravings and Forty Maps, iogeiher with a Series of front Eighttj lo One Jínudred Ekgantly Enrrraved Plates - illustrative of tht Subjects of Natural Jíisiory - nmo for tht first TIME apptaring in the work. PKKJE PER VOLTJME. Extra Cloth, beveled boards, - - $5 50 Library Sheep. marbled edges, - B 00 Half Turkey Morocco, - - - (i 50 Tms Editiox is Sold onj,y bt Agents. Tublished br J. B. LIPPINCOTT & C'O., l'hiladelphia, Pa. SYLVANUS WARREN", 189 AVoodwnrd Avenue, Detroit, General Agent for the State of Michigan. Uy comparing Chumbera' Encyclopaídia with the New American Cyclopiedia,- the wort with which it Í8 most frequently Drou&ht into coraparitton, it will be found that while thc Un volumes of Chambers' contain 83'iO pages, the original fixtttn volumes of the New American contain lesa than 12,000 pages. It will alai be found that a page of Chambers' contains full one-fifth more matter than a page of the New American, making the ten volume of the former equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numerous Plates labout 80), Woodcuts {same 4 000), and Maps (about -10), that are included in this edition of Chambers', and to which tho New American possesses no corresponding features. It is conñdently believed that as u popular " Dictionabt of Universal Knowlkdoe," the work is without an equal in the Engliah language. I426y1 Al SUPPLYING A WANT LONO NEEDEDBY IIAMvlllv. "" I-AWYERS, ._.._, nivsiciAXS, n C %A# i,i:it;i yt i;, R E II ('l)lti:si'o'U''l BOOKKEEPKRS, MERCHAIVTS. I A If TI i VHttt lsst" ■ lf t I : ll si.msn MEN, _ i -ue of the moat practical, ' useful, and valuable , VÜN" T) I ventions of the age. , ented December, 1872. , j Over 5,000 now in daily ( I ft I I I i use' Kivinff unqualifled . ■ ■ I satisfactiou. No business i U O tL I U !■ office is complete without j I l8 V E NT ION.! Send for Priee List and TUustrated Circular. AGENTS WANTED fe& Also, {.'onnty liights for Sale. Addresa C. A. OOK, CHICAGO, JXL. T A MlíSMcMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in new blook, North of Court House Money collected and promptly pald over. INSURAKCK AGENT. Trinmph, nset, $721,903.11 Nortli Minimi ri, " 45,417.91 Hibcrnln. " 350,000.01 BICAL ESTÁTE. I have S0 acres of lnnd of a mile froin the city imite, llnoly locatod for fruit or garden pnrpoees. Also 40 acres. Aleo 10 acres, witli house and bom, and a live] strcam of water ruunlnythrongh the barn yard. 60 acres, a milooul. 1 will sell ao5' or all the nbovo cheap, or exchange forcitproperty. l'-74yl ÍYES M cMAHON._ EMR SALE ! The undersigned offers for sale chenp hia Store, corner of Huron and Fourth streetfl : a good and conrenient building nnd one of the best business locaiions - espeoiall y for the (rrocery trade- in the city Ann Arbor, Nov. C, 1873. 14Sltf L. R. SLAWSOX. Ordinaucc So. 71). An Ordinance to prescrre the Statistus of' the City of Ann Arbor in rrijarff to the Pvblir llraltli. Sectiox 1. Be it ortlained by the Mayor, Recorder and Aldormen of tho Citv oL Anu Arbor, That it ahall bo tho duty of all Practicin" Physiciaiu in the city oí Ann Arbor on tho firat days i of January, April, July and October in oach and evcry year to report in writing to tho Board of Health of the city of Aun Arbor, a truo statement of the number of cásea of Small Pox, Cholera, Scarlet Fever, Typhoid Fevcr, Measles and Whooping Cough, occurring each month daling the past quarter, upon which thoy have boen thü attending Physician, also tho number oï dcathsresulting f rom each of said diseases. 2. That. all Undertakers and other persons who shall furnish any coffins or casket within which to mter tho dead within the limits of tho city of Ann Arbor, or within which tho dead are to be removed from the limits of said city, shall fjrst ohtain a written permit from the President, aeting President or Secretary of the Board of Health ' of said city provided that uothins in this section shall be construed to prevent coffins and caskets being furnished lor persons dring without the limits of said city. i 3. Any person or pcrson3 violating any of tho provisión! of this Ordinance or failing to comply with the provisions and requirements of the samo shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, nor less than five dollars and cost of snit to be recovered before any Justice of the Peace of the city of Ann Arbor, and in the imposition of any such fine and coststhe said Justice of the Peace may make a further order, that in default of the payment of said fine and costs within the time to be fixcd by said Justice, in hik said sentenee, the offender be committed to the county .Tail of Washtenüw county, for a period of time not excecding tïrenty-five davs nor less than fivo daj's. 4 i. This Ordinance shall bc published for two weeks successively in the Michigan Aegus, and the Peninsular Courier, and shall tako effect in fourteen days after the first publicatiou of the same. Made and passod in Common Couueil this BÍIteenth (16th) day of February, A. D 1874 HIRAM J. BEAKES, Mayor. Adam D. Seylee, Recorder. Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WaWnaw,w. Notice is hereby given that by virtuc of two w i it ■ of exeentionissuedoutof and undcr the seal of the Circuit Court for tho County of Waahteoaw. aud lo me direeted nnd deliverect, I did on this twentyfourth day of Jauuary, A. D. 1874, levy upon all theright, title and interest of Merchant II. Goodrich, in and to the following described real estáte situated in tho County of Washtenaw, Btate of Michigan, to wit : Lols number two, three, four, flveaudsix, and west half of lots seven and ei?ht, block one north, range nve easi, exceijtmg ten ieet off the west half of lots seven and eight. also excepting fortyfour feet front on Fourth street by one hundred and ten feet deep oft the soutlnvest corner of said lots; also lots number thirteen and fourteen, block number three north range four enst, all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, whicli above describid property I shall exposé for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, al thesouth door of the Couil House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the fourteenth day of March, A. I). 1674, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. 24, 1874. l3td II. FLEMING, Sheriff. CTATE OF MUCHIGAS, Fourth Judicial Circuit, y m Chancery. Snit pending in the ( irouit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on the twentieth day of January, Á. 1). 1874 Mary A. Loring, Comp)ainant, vb. Barns Loiin" Vifendant. It appeariiiK by nifidavit tluit tlip defepdant, Barns Loring, ismt a resident of the State of Michigan, but that he resides in tlie State of Kentucky, it h ordered that the said defendant causo his appearance in this cause to be entered within thrro months from the date of this order, and that in case of his appearaneft he cause his answer to the complainant's bill to be tiled and a copy served on the coiuplainant's solicitor within twenty days after service of a copy of said bill and notice of this order, and in defunlt thercof that said bill be taken as confesad by said defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty dayfl SHid complainant eause a notico of thi? order tobe published in the Michigan Argu, a newspaper printed m said coUDty, neckly, and that the publicatiou be continued in said paper once each week lor six successive weeks, or that ehe canse a copy of this order to be personally served at least twenty days efore the time prescribed for his appcaranoo. Dated, JauEnry tCth, 1S74. JOHN F. LAWEKNCE, Circtnt Court Commissionci, "Washtenaw Connty, Mlchiga'n. John N. Oott, Solicitor for Complainant. Mortgage Sale. rjEFAI'LT havingbeen made in the conditiems of -L a certain mortgage, by the non-payment of nioney due thereon as pr'vided by the terms of said mortgage, whieh said mortgage' waa excciunil )iMartha O. Herbert to Comstock F. HUI, hearing date the fourteenth day of July, ia the ycar of our Loid one thousand eight hundred nnd' sixty-nine, -nnd recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ior the County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, on the twenty-flrst day of December, in the taioí our Lord one thousand e-ght hundred and sixtynine, in Liber forty-three of mortfiaees on pngc one hundred and seven, which said daortgage was duly assigned by Comstock F. Hill to Ilensmore Cramer, by assignment dated the serond day of September in the year of our Lord ofte thouMmd eight hundred and seventy. which assignment was recorded in saicl Register's otHce en the second day of September, A. 1). 1870, in Liber two of nssieuments of ïnortgages, on page fivo hundred and ninety, and bj reason of said default the power of sale in saicl mortgage havins become oporntive and thoie brang clnimed to be due on said mortgage and the note and bond accompanying the same at the date of this notice, the sum of four thousand six humhed and flfty-two dollars and sixty-six cents (í4,G52.ti(, tofíetber with iin Attorney's fee of flfty dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proeeediufcs inlaw or equity having been instituted to recover said nmount or any part thereof: Notice is thnefore hereby given that on Saturday the sixteenth day ot May, A. D. 1874, at eleven o'clock in the forenoun of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor (said Court House bcin place tor holding the Circuit Court for said C'ount'. of Washtenaw). there will be sold by virtue of tb'e power of sale contained in said mortgage at public auction, to the highest bidder, the premises describcd in said mortgage or so much ther of as may bo neer essary to satisfy the amount due and payable on said moitgage, together with interest, costs, charges and expenses allowed by luw, and provided tor in suii! mortgage, that is to say : All the west huif of the northwest qnarter of section eleven : alto anothev piece of land described as follows : Iïeing part ot section eleven, beginning on the north line of !etio:i eleven o ce chain and ninety-lwo links west oí the quartcr stake between sections two and eleven, thence south thiriy chains nnd forty-lbnr link?, thenoe west ten chains and thirty-three unka, thence north thirty chaina and eighty-four lmks, thenee east ten chama and thirty-three links to the piare ol beginning, containing thirty-one and fitty-four one hundredths acres ; aíso anuther piece oí land desenbed as folio ws : sub-division numbei onc aecording to suevey and plat, being parts of section eleven, a strip or piece of land off from the west side of the east half of smid northwest quarter se ven chains and thirteen links wide, exlending: mth from the north line of said seetion, tlmty chains íiiiii eighty links to lands set oft" as dower, contaminar ninety-nine and twenty-five one hundredtbs acres oí land, all being on section eleven in township tliree. aouth range five east, in the State of Michigan, the flrst and third descriptions above comtituting subdivisión nuraber one. Dated, Ann Arbor, February 18. 18Ï4, DKNSMOEE ('KAMER, Assignee of ÍBÍá inortgngo. I). Cramf.r, Att'y in peiam for said Assignee. 1 46-3. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditjou oí a certain mortgige, made and executed by Solon Cook and Ann L. Cook, his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, VVaehtenaw County, and State of Michigan, to öilas H. Douglasa, of tíie same place, bearii.g date the ürst day of August, in tJie year of our Lord onu thousand eight hundred and sixty-seveu, and recorded ia the office of the Register of Deeds of the county of "Waahtenaw, in gaid State ot Michigan, on the iirstday of August, A.i). 1867, mliber 3(i of mor tg a - ges, on page 530, on whieh mortfrage there ia elainnsd to be due at the date of this notice, for principal and interest, the sum of two thousand five hundred and ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, tog-ether with an attorney fee of flfty dollars, as provided and agxeed should auy proceedings be taken lor the foreclosure of said mortgage; and whereas i:o proceedr ings at law or in equity have been taken to recover the same or any part thereof : Now, thercfore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in raortgage, I shallsellat public auctiou to tho highest bidder, on Monday, the ninth day of February, a. d. 1874, at ten of the clock in the tors noon of that day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor and State of Michigan, that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the county oí "VVashtenaw is held, the premises described in said mortgnge, or so mueli Miereof us shall be necessary to eatisfy tlie amount due on s;iid mortgage, the costs and expenses of Baid sale and the attorney fee as aforesaid ; Balfl premises are described as follows, towit: All that oertain tract or parcel of land known and described as fcllows, towit: lying in the township of Ann Arboi, and being part of the northwest quaiter of seetion Qumber thirty-three in township number two fiouth :f range number aix east in said 8tate, beginoing in the east line of said quarter section at a point sixteen chains and flfty-three links south of the northíast corner of suid quarter section, and running ;hence south on eaid line íive chaina and thirty tiw inks, thenco south tifty-one and a-half degreèa west ;wenty-two chains and eleven links to the reuter oï :he Ypsilanti road, thence northwesterly akmg the enter of said road ninetecn chaina and ninety-iiw inks to a point eighteen ehains and seventy five links iouth of the north line of said section, thence east pariiiiel to the north ano. oí puü aectjon twenty cbains and tbirty-two links, thence north parallel to the west line of isaid section six chaina and tvotityfive links, thonce rast parallel to B&id north line nine chaina and forty foxir links to the enst lina of saitl quarter section, thenee south four ehüins and three links to the place of bezinning, and bein the sam(! land deededby Jacob Kempfto said ('ook, party of theflr-t part (to said mortgape) and the same land deseribedin two deeds to eaid Kempf recorded in the Register' office, in Haideounty, in liber Y of Decds, on pages (Í76 and 677, aud m liber No. 32 of üteefls ;■.! pages G58 and 559. Ann Arbor, November 12, 1873. SILAS H. DOUGLASS, Mortgngee. Felch & Gbakt, Attorneys for MortgHgee. The sale of the premises above described, is adjourned to Thursday. Mny scvonth, at the süiiv place and hour of the day. Dated, Febmary !t 1S7-Í. Felch & Grant, BILAS H. DOUGLASS, Attorneys. Mortgngce. rpHE CIRCUIT COUKT for the Conr.ty of AVashX tenaw. Kdwin H. Ford w. Allen H. liiedon: in attachraent. Noticeishereby given that on the tentli day of January, A. D. 1874, a writ of attachment was duly insucd out of the Circuit Court. for the iounty of Washtenaw, at the suit of Edwin H. Jord, ;he above named plaintiff, against the lands, teñementa, o-oods nnd chattela, moneys nnd efl'ects of Lllen fl. Uisdon, the defendant above named, for he sum of one hundred and fifty-two and 77-100 olíais, tog-ether with costs of snit, which snid writ was returnableon the third day of February, A. D. S7-I. Dated, this fïtli day of February, A. D. 1874. FKAZEH, HAIïRIMAN & HAMILTON, 146Ó Attorney's for Plaintiff. MtVE ÖEESE FEATHiiRS FIRST GiTJA-LITT , DptmlHonh.'nd and forsalcby B AC 'E Sr ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus