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Newspapers Domestically Considered

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Too low an ostimato is apt to be sot o Üie domestio vnluc of nowspapers. After rcading thetn, and putting oarsclvos. through tboir agency, in mental correspondenco with the world, thcyare tlirown asido and forgotten. But to Buppose their useí'ulness bounded by their news columns and tha w&ste-b&g is ;v thriftless rnistake. In the flret jlacCj thcro uro t he liousehold recipes, to bo i'ound in stray comerá, often excellent, and dcsérving a refugo on the fly-lcaf of the family cook-book. - ïhen come tho pretty venes, tho straugc and droll stories, tho brief biographies andreminisoencos whicb, pastel in a scrap book, are a sourcc of ncver-rjnding pleasure, not only to tuosu wfco do not caro for richer iutelloctual food, but to thosa wlio have only odd minutes for reiidiiig. Notwithstandiug tho squibs jocular journalists havu peenned on tho use of nowspai)ors for bedclothiug, wo know trom experienoo that thest' are not to bu despised. 'Áey may not be as comfortablo as your blankots, but cortainly thoy keep out tho cold. Two thicknesses of papers aro botter thttn a pair of blaukets, aud iu the case of persons who disliko tho weight of many bed-clothes, they ara invaluable. A spread inade of a doublo layer of papers bot woon a covering of calicó or chiutz, is desirablo in evory hous?hold. Tho papers should be tackod together with thread, and also basted to the oovering to keep them from slipping. ■- An objection bas been ruado ou account of tho rustling, but ïf soft papers bo chosen the noiso will not bo aunoying, cspocially should tho spread bo laid betwoen a blanket and tho countorpane. As a protection to planta agaiust oolcl, both in aud out of doors, nothiug is better. If newspapors aro pinned up over uight at a window botwoen pots and glass, the ilowors will not only not be frozen, but will not evon got chiiled, as they aro so liablo to bo at tuis soason. In tho same way, if takon to cover gardonbeds, on tho frosty nights of early autumn, thoy will allow tho planta to reinain safely out-doors sometimo later than is common. One of the oddost servicea to put our journals to is tho keoping of ico in summer. An ingenious houaekeeper recontly discovercd that her daily lump of ico would last nearly twico as long when wrapped in nowspapers, und placed iu any kind of coverod box, as wheu trusted solely to a refrigorator. This is very convenient, sinco it is possible to have tho best and cheapest refrigerator cotintantlj- at hand. To polish all kinds of glass aftel washing, except tablo glass, 110 cloth orflannel is half so good as a nowspapor ; and for a imker's dozen of other uses, quite foreign to its primal purpose, it is without a Jtiílñflqn Jtps


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