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Indian Arrow-head Factories

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Along tho sumuiit of tho Sierra Nevada thore is scarecly au y momento to bo found, except tho arrow-heads shot away in hunting or fightiug, or tho brokcn airowhoads and chips froui tho sanio to bo gathored at places which havo ovidontly boen factories of aboriginal weapons, the most notable find of this latter soit made by the writer was at tho Summit Soda Springs - a mostpicturesjjue spot at the head of tho American Kiver, nino milos south of Summit Valley Station on tho Central Pacific Railroad. Hero, ut an elevatiou of about six thousand throe hundrod feet abovc tho soa, tho river breaks through a tremendoua exposurc of granite, which it has woru into narrow gorges 8evcral hundrod feet doop pexcept whorc it runa rapidly through valloy-like glades of coniferous voods, in which the now soil is covered with a rank growth of grasses, Howering ilants and shrub8 - where the deer come to drink at tho salt-licks, and tho piping of quails is constantly hoard, altornating with tho scolding cry of jays and tho not ant caw ot tüo wnito spotted Clark crow. Just in the rear of tho public house kopt at this looality the rivertumblosingligbt falls and cascades over slanting orporpendicular walls of richly celorod granito, shaded by boautiful grovcs of codar and yellow pino which grow in tho clefts of the rocks to the very edge of tho stream, and crown the dark cliffs above. On the roundod tops of the ledgo overlooking these foaming waters, on both sides of tho stream, the Indiana used to sit, chipping away with stono upon stone, to mako arrow hads. This was Ihoir rude but romantic workshop; and the ovidences of their trado aro abuadant on the sloping rock, in the coarsö, granite soil which forms tho talus of tho ledge, and in tho blackened litter of their ancient camn lires. l Before these deposita had been disturbed by visitors to the spring?, fragmenta of arrow heads and chips oí' the materials oomposing them could readily be found upon the snrface where not coverod by bushes. Their flat shape and light specific gravity caused them to wash to tho top, and 0110 had only to look carefully, lightly raking with fingor or stick tho superficial gravel, to find inony a curious specimen. In this peculiar quest many persons, including ladies, who cared nothing for thescientitic orartistic suggestions of the simple objects sought, dcveloped u. strong interest. It kept them out of doors with naturo ; it gave them a pretext for remaining in tho air by a lovely scène ; it aroused that subtle sympathy which is excitod in all bnt the dullosf minds by tho evidencos of human associations with inanimate things, and particularly by the relies of a race and a lifa which balón! to tho


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