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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. HRAÏER,HABRIMAN & HAMIITON F AUorneys at Law. Oöice Nos. 7 and 9 South jfsin Btreet, Ann Arbor, Mich. nttASTUS 1HATCHËR, Attorney and R Counselor at Law, No. 5 East Huron Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. lm TTabbor mineral, spkings. V Morris Hale, M. D., Superintendent. Office inbu'ltlinir' corner Mann and 'est Huron Street. tiriNES & WOKOEJf, 20 South Main trc, W Ann Arbor, Mich., Wholesale and retail dealair Dry (Joods, Cárpete and Grocerles. e' 1351tf TTcK & SCHJIIB) Dealers in Dry Goods, )l'i;rocerles, Crockery.&c. No. 54 South Main Stoet. ,TH. JACKSON, Dentlst.successorto C. B. VV Portcr Office corner Main and Huron streete, let the 8tore of BIlis Co ' Ann Arbor. j[;th. i nesthetics administered if required. tÏMEKX.AND & WHEBON, Life and U pire Insurance Aaents,and dealersm Real Estáte. Oülce on Hurón Street rvACH & ABKI-, Dealers in Dry Goode. QroD'cfriea. 4o &c..No 6 f outh Miu itreet, Ann Irbor. ifcAWSOX SO!T, Groccrfl, Provisión and Coramission Merchante, and dealers in Water üme.LandPlii8ter,and Piaster Paris. No. 16 Eaat duror. street. urn. WAVNEK, teller in Ready MadeClothV a Clotbs. Casnimere. Vestings, Hats. Cap, Tronks,"'rpet Bags, &c. 21 South Maingtreet. TOAH W.CHEEVEK, Ai'TORNEY AT LAW ! Ottocwith K. W. Morgin, Eat side of Court Honse S'imre. 13 ii' :. (All Kt Dentist, 8 Oüioe over ■■ëe mSt store. MRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PKYSiCIAN AND SURGEON, and Rvsúlence No. 88 Ann Street, corner oj' Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. ÜW Office hours- 8 to 10 a m., and 2 to 4 p. m.5S3 lieftrencts -Trot. Sager, Pbof. Pat-mitü llyl .iBOOKSSY GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly Have natorcalarge stock nfCrocker), Glassware, PlatedWare.Cutlery Grocenen, &c, 4c, all tobe ioldat unusaally low prices. No. 12 East Huron Street, Ann Aroor. 1128tf J. & V. ONJiEt,l,Y. FÖHN G. QALL, FEESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, 9AITSAGES, Etc. Ordcresolicitedandpromptiy llled with thebest meits in the market. 31 East W shington street Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. 12S5tf DR. C. A. LEITEB, Physician and Surgeon, Offlce over Watts' Jewelry Store, Muin Street, Eesideuce 58 East Hnron Street, l9tf ANN ARBOR, MICH. M a ii k s e y , 03: M:mufacturer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLEIOHS, of every style, made of tho best mteiial, and warrantcd. Kepairing done promptlTüad pricea reasonable. Detroit títreet, near K. B. Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 1446yl T FEBD. BROSS, MAMUFACTUREB OF CIRRIA.GS, Bl'GtilES, LlIÜBER WHiOSS, Sl'lllVC. WAGONS, fll TDItS. 8LEIGHS, &.C. AUwork warranted of the best material. Repairin? doae promptly aud reasonably. All work warmnted to sive perfect gatijfaction. U South Main itrect. 1422 pLOüR AND FEED STO11E. i HENRY WASCH, ; (Sucuessor to Geo. Laubengayer,) ' M 14 West Liborty Street, will keepconstan lyunhanda full stock of Flour, Mea 1, Oats, Corn, ' MlFeed,óic. All orders promptiy fllled at the i est cash iiriees. Cash piiid f or Corn and Oat8. i415yl JU. U.H. PORTER, DENTIST. Ottice in the Saviná Bank Block, Aon Albor. 4U Operations on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. üïïSÜRPASSBD FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE imiBb ARTÍFICÍAL TBBTB, TO aiVE EACH INDIVIDUAL, "!ireo the proper itzt, thapef.olor.firmneitand natural tzprtuiüK. 1344 "wTaTlovejot TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both TOE CUT AN1) SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuff, Pipes, &c, AT NO. 7 EAST HURÓN STREET, Next to the Express Office, 1346tf ANN ARBOR' 3H.


Old News
Michigan Argus