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Is the House at, L'insin. ei i lay au amendmcnt buing pending to i prohiuit merabors of the Legislature or '. ther offioers froni receiviog fftvors or tree jasses froni railroads, it wuh moved to udd, ; and no farmer or grunger sball presen ny fruit or vegetable to any circuit udge." Which ramindi us that auother nienduient might bo in order, prohibitng tho yiving of auy gttme to a judge f ie Supreme Court, by any party or atorney ; but rememboring that the duck was sent out of the houso to bo cooked ud enten wo forbear. - Again a decroase in tlo public dobt 8 reported -this time for February, and ho flnancial doctors and sponsors of the ;overnmont congratúlate themsnlves on he turn. Tf the decrease in tho bonded ebt not due had a tendency to make jreenbacks appreciate to their nominal ut üctitious value there might bo causo 'or grutulation. But with tho demand notes- say logal tenders, if you choosc - at a discount of 13 or 14 percent., for that g the truo meaning of tho premium on ;old, little relief will come to tho country rom a small monthly decreaso of an undue dobt. Wo decidodly incliue to the opinión hat the Democratie membera of the Uni;ed States Senato did a very impolitic and unwise thing in voting for tho confirmaion of Simmons, Butler's candidato for Collector of Boston. It was a very poor jiece of political strategy. Nothing is to ie made by striking hands with Butler and holping him into the United States üenato via the Gubernatorial chair. The Democracy of Massachusetts or of the nation cannot touch Butler (pitch) without being defilod. - Butler popped in a bilí on Monday " to enablo membors of Congress to do public business with their constituents andothor departments of thegövernmont, and to limit tho franking privilego to certain newpapors." Did Mr. Butler over hear tho homely saying " Let every tub stand on its own bottom," if so he will oblige his friends of the press by letting newspaper postage be rogulated by itself. The pross don't desire to bo weightad down by either impeounious or avaricious Congressmen. - The Free Pttu lias been chosen defendant in a libel snit, Senator Chaudler being tho plaintiff, who rates the damages to his roputation at $100,000. The libelous article was a Washington " Special" chargiug recent public and 'beastly" drunkenness to the account of Zachariah. Neither tho Free Presa nor its correspondent scare wortha cont. - Judge N. K. Hall, of the Western District, of New York, died at his rosidonco in Buffolo, on Monday List, of heart disease. Judgo Hall was formerly a .partner of Millard Fillmore ; was, on the accession of Mr. Fillmoro tothc Presidency, appoiuted hia Postinaster-General, and afterward to tbo judgeship which he held nntil his decease. - " Dr." Russcll of Detroit got hiniself jnto bad odor in his recent visit to Ohio. Tho praying woinen into whose faces he throwed prohibition as the only remedy or implemont, liadn't heard of his great success in closing saloons in Michigan, and intimated that he had botter go home and mind his own business. - Judgo Durell is a close follower of the famous hunter who unable to mate vut iuc nature ot tna game in tnc gaiuuiing darkness of the evening, shot " to hit it if a deer and miss it if a calf," and so he has placed hisresiguatiou in the hands of a friend " to be presented in caso the Judiciary Comtnittee of the House undertake impeachment." - Meditating on that libel suit brought by Zack Chandler against tho Free Pres - and just becauso a Washington correspondent, had charged tho gruat Michigander with being " beastly drunk " - we are moved to ask, why tho Washington Capital was not prosecuted for capitally telling that story about Zack Chandler's baby? - Gen. Butler writes to " My dear Miss Anthony," advisiug tho inspectors of the election not to pay the fine imposed for receiving her voto and promising a remission by the President if collection ahall be prossed. That is one way for a law maker to givo aid and countenanco to a law-breaker. - About eighty of the most respectable ladies of Allegan moved on the works of the saloon keepers on Wednesday. The principal ones were closed agaiust them, but thoy sung and prayed in two of the minor ones. They propose to continue the work daily. - The Christian Union is now publishing Eev. Henry Ward Beocher"s third course of "Lectureson Preacbing,"delivored at Yalo Theological Seminary, reported by Mr. Beechor's special reporter and carefully revised by himself. - Orange Jacobs, recently appointed by tho President to be Chief-Justice of Washington Territory, was formerly a resident of Sturgis in this State, and " finished" his education at the old Albion Seminary. - Miss Elizabeth Stuart Phelps has proposed, through the N. Y. Independent, a new and " improved " marriage service or ritual. It may not be amiss to ask Miss Pholps what sho knows about marriago. - The Ladies' Library Assoeiation of Adrián recently brought out Anna Dickin8on and Nast. They lost $10.60 by the former and clpared $101.20 by the latter. Ungallant Adrián. - Thia State hastwonew Postmasters : Edgar A. Tribou, at Tecumseh, and ert A. Sinclair, at Jonesville. And there is still room in the waste basket for other official heads. - Caleb Cushing is indulging in a libel suit. It ia brought by Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines, and she wants $200,000. The first fruit of Senator Chandlor's example. - The Boston Pud is aiiything but complimentary toward those Deinouratio Senators who voted for the confirmation of Simmons. - Mrs. Admiral Dahlgren has written a letter taking strong ground against the praying women's raid on the saloons. - In the London ehurches on Wodnesday prayers wero offered for the snfety of the Ashanteo expedition. - Butler is victoragaiu, Simmons having been confirmad as Collector of Boston by a voto of 30 to 16. - Tho Ohio women show no signa of relaxing in their praying orusado against tho liquor taafiic. - Justico Waite took the oath of ofüce and entered upon duty on Wednesday. - A Troy (N. Y.) journal charges that the Senate was on a "financial drunk " ou tho diiy of its recpnt voto in favor of inflation. The S?nate should imtnediately ordor iho jonrnnl prosecuted for libol, and tbuu ChpUia Sunderland should pray that th soribbler's right tirm be paralyzed. - The Ithiic.i (Jí. Y.) Journal rucords tfae frightful fall of two prenchers : not froin graco or virtuo, but over a precipice fit'ty fi.'üt high and into Cayuga Lake. Tlie carriage was literally siuashed and the badly injured, one minister iraraersed inuchly, and the other oouBiderably scratched. - Tho alumni of Yale College, resident of or jiiesent in Washington, banqueted Chief-.Iustior' Waito on Monday evoning last. Mr. Cüuk, rcprofionting tho Third district of this couuty in tho Legislature, indulged in a very commeudablo show of economy on Wodnesday, by expressing a desire to have the pay of mcmbers of the Legislature tixed at $2 a day. Ourfriend Peteu was not accustoniod to be quito so modest in estimating the value of his services when a Supervisor. TnE Hon. Morgan Bates, Register of the United States Land Office at Traverse City, ax-Liout.-Governor, and one of the pioneer editora and publishers of tho State, died on Monday last, aged (G yenrs.


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