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RailroaD Accident I Cases after cases of GENTS' YOUTHS' AND BOYS' READY-MADE Spring and Summer CLOTHING! are continually arriving for WAGNER. The goode were bought for Cash so low that they can and will be sold ut prices Defying ail Competition, and just suitable to those in nead of CLOTHES, and pressed somewhat by hard timet. Also those that tüke pride in vearing First-Class Clothes Will be uble to select from tho bett of Foreign and Domestie mnke of CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS And have them made at the same place in the latent Style, and Warranted to Fit before th y leave, If anything in Furniahing Gooda line they abould huppen to need, everything in the Gents' Dressing liue can be found ut Lower Prices than at any other Clothing1 House at WM. WAGNER. Nü. 21 Suutli Main St., Ann Arhoi1468IÍ O TO THE BIG Livery and Sale Stable, Monitor bulldinsr, to buy or sell good horses. J. V. N. GREGOHY. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition of u certuin inortgiige mudo by David MeColl, of Hcio, in the County of Washtenaw und State of Michigan, to William Latson, of the city of Ann Arbor, iu the County and State aforesaid, dated March twenty-sixth, 1S66, nd recorded in the office of Register of deeds fcr "Washtenaw County, Michigan, on tho twenty-sixth day of March, 1866, at eleven and one-half o'clock, A. M., in liber 35 of mortgages, on page 257 ; whieh said mortgnge, together with the note accompanying thu same, was on the eighteenth day of Jaimary, A. D. 1872, duly assigned to X-eonard Vaughn and Martha Vaughn, ■which assignmeiit was duly lecorded in the office of Register of DflodB, aforesaid, on the third day of Mareh, 1874, at nine o'elock, a. m., in liber 4 of assignments of mortgages, on page 23S : upon wliich mortgnge there is claimed to be dut by vlrtue of the conditions thewof, and romuinng unpaid at the date of this notice, the sum of twenty-two hundred und fortytwo dollurs and sixtcen cents," and an attorney's fee ot thirty dollars provided for in said mortKage, and no suit or proceeding having been instituted at law to recover the sum now due and seeured by said mortgag;, or any part thereof : Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in aaid mortgago and by virtue of the statuto in sueh case mude ana provlaea, nouce la neretiy given that on Saturday, tho thirtieth duy of Muy next, at twclve o'c'oek noon of that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan {said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said Countyi, there wijl be sold at public auotion or vendue, to tho hit-heat bidder, the premises described in suid mortgage un : All that certain tract or parcel of land kncwn and described as follon-s : Beinj one cqtial and undivided half of the carding and clothing worka and one-half of theappurtenances, machinery, and premises theroto belonRing; aid premises are upon the so'jtheast fraetional quarter of section two, in towiiBhip two south of range flve east, beginninp at a stake standing on the north hank of the Huron river, at a point near thiee rods frora the end of the bridge across said river on the rond leading froin Ann Arbor to Howelï, inLivingBton County, thenoe running north f rom said stake eiht rods on the line of said road, thence westerly eigbt rods, thence southerly and parallel with said road eight rods, thence eosterly to the place of beginning. Dated, March 1, 1T4. LEONARD VArGHN, MARTHA VAI'GHÏi, Assignee. James B. Qoti, Att'y for Assignee. H68 A 1 uní. Terra Alba, and Sturrl are Rood in their placee : but ave oo place ia Oilf3T'a Baking Powder, I QHAMBERS7 ENOYCLOPíEDIA; A DICTIOXAltï O F Universal Knowledge for the People. RE3VISKD EDIXIOlSr. wirn Maps, Platos, and Engravihgs. Complete in 10 Vols. of 832 paires eacli. lllitstralcd uríth aboul four Thousatiii Kngru-wj and Forty Maps, togeíher iciíh a Series of fram lúigUy lo One Ifnudred FAtgaiúly Kii(jravcd Platrtt - ilhistrative of the Subjfcts of Natural Hístitry -rtmo for the TlHF.ajipfarinii (n the worl: TRICE PER VOLUME. Extra Cloth, beveled bonrds, - - i;, ;,v l.ibrury Sheep. marbled edges. Half ïurkey Movocco, This Editiox is Sold oxly jiy Agkxts. Published by J. tí. LIPriNCOTT &, CO., rliüadelphia, Pa. 8ÏLVANU8 WAKREN, 189 Woodvwd Avenue, Detroit, General Aeut for the Stnti' of Mio)iig:m. Bycomparing Chumben' Encyclopajdiu with tlic New American Cycloprodia,- the work with which it i.s most frequently brougbt into comparison, it will be found that while the ten volumes of Chambers' contain 8320 pages, the original sixUm volume of the New American contain less tlmn 12,000 paffes. It will also be found that a pago of Chambers' uontnins f uil one-fifth more matter thun a paije of the New American, malcing the ten volumes of the former equivalent in amount of prlnted matter to at least thirteen volumes of the latter, not to mention the numerous Plates íabout 80), Woodcuts (some 4 000), and Maps (about 40), that nro included in tilia edition of Chambers', and to whioh the New American pcssesses no oorresponding features. It is eontldently believed that as a popular "Dictionaht of Univerbal Knowledge," the work is without an equalin tlie English language. 1 4Jfiyi A Chance for Bargains ! For sale at a great bargain, 160 ACRES OF CHOICE LAND, ying 2!-á miles from the city of Ioniu. 100 acres under improvement, with gooa orehard, bam and shed, aud a eomfortable house. Terras of paj - ment- from $2,00(J to $2,500 dowu ; balance on loiig time. Also 90 ACRES, about 1% miles from Augusta, Kttlttmazoo Oounty, all improved, with Lood buildings. Ternas- ex tremely low. Also 40 ACRKS about eight mileafrom línstings. Also 80 ACRES on section 8 iu the town of Ilazelton, Shiawasse County, about miles froni Coiunii;i. Well timbered. For terms address the undersigned. B. 18 I'OM). Aun Arbor, April 2, 1873. Couimissioners' Noticc. STATE OF MIcniÜAN, County of WasJitonaw, ss. The undersigned haring boon appointcd by the Probate Court for sa id county, Commissioner to receive, exnniino and ad!ust all clnin;s and demanda of all persons against the estiite of Charles Marken, late of eaid county. deceased, hereby give notico ihat aix month froni date aro allowed, by order of ssid Probate Court, for creditors to present their chuma against the estáte of said deceased, and tliai tïiey will meet at the residence of Philip Wuni, in tli township of Lodi. in said county, on Saturday,-thO eleventh day ot April, and on Baturday, the sixth day of June next, at ten o'clock a. m., of eacfa oi said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated, December 8. A. 1). 1874. 1468 COXRAD WARNER, ) ;-Comnn8sioners. "POR SALE ON LONG CREDIT t Ann Arbor City Lot, withgood titlt, and well 1 ated íor resideuces or business. AIbo neveral Morttragres i'or aaïe. Iwiuireuf E. W. MOKHAN. 14.12m.T TTOK KALK ! -T The undersigned offers for sale clieap hia Store, corner of Huron and Fourth streetB : a good and convenient building and one of tlie best business locationt- ispeoiallj' for the grociry trade- in the city. Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1873. M51tf L. K. SZAWSOX. "O OOM TO STOEE 100 OUTTER8 ormore, at the Monitor building. Ratea reasonable. 1408tf . J. V, N. GBEGORT.


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Michigan Argus