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Cu"_ Circulara. _ Bill-Heads. ,. tetter-Hoads. „ Shipping Tags. Printeil at the Aeous office. [n the best style and chkap. pon't order elsewhere before calling. _- Sdtisfaction guaranteed in every respect 'ifoW il the time to subscribo for the ARGtrs. „tfowisthetimetopay what you owe ior _Thobottorahas fallen out 01 the roads in Uj, Ticiuity' _Bach&Abel have been gettiug in Spring noods during the week. __ jfjst's lecture netted the Students' Lecture Viiociaton about Í600. ' light of Wodnesday morara disclosed ,l,fjutiLul"8ugarsnow." -E. B. tridley has sold his stock of drugs aj modioin88 to L. S. Lerch„The firat thunder shower of theyear is -ariei down against last Tuesday. _ 38 cents a pound is what city grocors aak „ibutter, andagood deal of it is "bootther" iï thnt. _Our fellow-citizen H. W. IRogers, Ksq., nt to Buffalo on Tuesday, to attond the fun(Wlof JudgeHall. -The Ypsilanti ladies- according to the Detroit Tribune " local "-are meditating an early nid on the saloons. - March eime in like that lamb (of the spell. book or almanac). We wait on the elementa jcfore finishing the saying. - A long needed crossiug is being put across Main street froni the Opera House corner to the romer of the Court House square. _If OM Probabilities " was a weathermater instead of a simple reporter he conldn't liavebettered yesterday in the leaBt. . The rohins and bluebirds conceited a little onMonday and Tuesday, but on Wednosday moniing snowbirds would hare been more in order. _Wagnerdon't calcúlate on Spring or any other man getting tho start of him, and so he jjriBes the Anoua readers that his ncw goods are in. _ J. V. 2í. Uregory, suceessor to Robison & Greory, has several Livery Cards in to-day's Ajws. (iregory means to deserve and get patronage. _ Governor Felch and J. W. Winghare been delegated to represent the Pioneer Society of tbii county in the proposed State Pioneer Convention. -The firstweek of the coming special term oithe Circuit Court is tobo giren (such, at least, is the understanding) to the Chancery Calendar. _ Prof. Palmer, of this city, lectured at ïiormil Hall, Ypsilanti, on Monday evening. Subject: "The effects ot stimulants and opiates upon the human systeni." - At the Sixth Annual Commencement of the Detroit Medical College, held on Wednesday evening, Theodore A. Felch, of this city, -was one of the graduates. -"■What's to Hinder?" is the conundrum Anna Dickiuson is to propound to our citizens nxt week. We suggest a reference to the faculty in our friend Judge L's "ante-natal training school." ■ At the Manchester election held the samo ly, the Democratie ticket was worsted by the People's ticket. Chauncy Walbridge was elected President by (S3 majority, and Clarence W. Case, Eecorder, by 22 majority. - At the Dexter charter elechon, held on Monday last, John Costello, Democrat, was elected President, by 38 majority, and E. E Appleton, Clerk, by 33 majority. The Democrats elected nearly all the other öfficers. - We give place to another Toledo Commernal communication relative to the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Bailroad. We hope that the oiücers of the Company and our citizens will jive the subject careful consideration. -AnnaDickinson is to give the closiug lectiro in the S. L. A. course, on Friday evening neit. Subject: " What's to Hinder?" Miss Dickinson is bo well known to the lecture-going public that no introduction is nesessaiy. -Dr. Pratt, of the Fifth ward, declines to jield to the pressure brought to bear upou him tj kis numerous political and personal f riends torun for Mayor, but will accept the office of Marshal: that ia if the next Council shall insist. - Ypsilanti is moving for a semi-centennial celebration of the Fourth of July, the first celeimtion of that day in this county having taken place on the Fourth of July, 1824, at which erery white person then Uring in the county wis present. - E. W. Ellis, of EHis & Co., druggists, prenentshis "Card" to the AEQU8 readers to-day, Muring them that he has not sold out, and does mt propose to forsake the city and his friends. Ellis attends closely to business and is deserving the confidence and patronage of the community. - It is but ust to say that the books, periodical, etc., acknowledged by the Agent and Chapluin of the State Prison, as received from Ann Arbor (see article in another column), were tributed and forwarded in consequence of personal yisitation and solicitation of Mrs. D'Artimbal by Kalamazoo. - The union meetings have been continued this week at the M. E. Church, with a large atteodance and increasing interest. The meetings o) the Studente' Chnstian Asociation- held ach evening - have been so large that the room of the Association haa been unable to accommofote them, and they have, therefore, been held 'i Ur. Cocker's lecture room. - The largest audience of the season gathered toseeand hear Nast on Friday eveuiug last. 'e noticed many from a distance of from ten to tirelve miles. In manner and style tho lecture - Malled- was a very weak imitation of Artemua Ward. In matter, it was exceedingly thin. The drawing or caricaturing was a reproduction oihii old pictures, executed with considerable tacility.


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