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Dr. J. Wülkoi-'s California Vin(iíir ISilícrs are a purely Vegetable pVfibnration, made cbiefly fi-om the native lien s fouiul 011 tlio lovret ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal propertics of which aro extractcd therefrom without tlio use of Alcohol. Tht question is almost daily askccl, "What i.; tho cause of tlio unparalleled success of ViNisflAK IJitteiís?" Ouv answer is, that they remove tlie cause of disease, and the patiënt recovers bis health. They are tho grefrt blood purificraml alifo-giving prineiple. a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the systcm. Never beforeinthe history of tlie world has a medicino been compon nded possesaing the remarkablo qualitiesofViNEaABBiTTEiísinhealingthesick of ávery disease man is heir to. They are a puiitlo "Purgative as -well as a Tonie, relievii) Congestión or Inflammation of tbc Liver and Visceral Organs, in Bilious Disensos. I f men will enjoy good health, let them use Vinegar Bitters as a medicine, and avoid tho uso of alcoholic stimulants in overy form. t H_fry _A Mf B. II. HcnONAl,1) 4b E., Druggiste nd General Agenta, 8n Francisco, California, and cor. Washington and Chulton Sts., New York. Sola by all JOrugffUt ana Dealer. MICHIHiS CEJÍTRAL JÍAILKOAI). WINTER TIJIK TABLB. Passeugei traiusnow leave tbc severnl stationivii follows OOINO WEST. o -; y, 8TATI0B8. _ W í g . = S S g S ' a O ! M O ■! W ■ d. A. M. A. M. 1'. M. r. M. r. II. P. M. Detroit, leave, 7 15 '10 15 1 43 4 00. 5 40 10 30 Ynsilimti, 8 43 11 '25 3 02 5 30 7 10 a. m. AíinArbor, J 02 11 43 3 21 5 50 7 45 12 05 Doxter, 9 35 1 3 41 6 25 S 10 Chelscn, 9 52 4 00 30 Grnss Lake, 10 1!) r. m. 4 35 '. 00 Jacksim, 10 55 1 05 5 05 'J 35 1 30 P. II. A.M. Knlamnzoo, 2 20 3 40 8 20 12 25 Qhicago arrive, 8 30 9 00 6 30 8 30 (ÍO1SG EAST. & i 'o 4 Á í JE j"w?a 'Ti I .1. M. A. M. 1'. M. P. M. Ciiicngo, lenve, 6 00 8 30 i 15 U 00 P, M. A. M. A. M. Kiiliimnzoo. 11 05 1 1H .i 01) 2 15 P. M. A. K. Jackson. i 30 3 55 8 00 12 30 4 45 firuss CaKe, 1 ll 8 30 Chelsen. 3 54 8 53 a. m Dexter. 3 41 9 09 ( 25 AmiArbor, 4 05 5 03 9 38 155 (i 00 6 55 Ypsilanti, 1 28 5 22 10 03 2 17 tí 20 7 20 Detroit, arrive, i 60 ;.í 11 20 3 30 7 25 JM5 The Atlantic and Paoifle Expíe! run bctween Jückson and Xiles on the Air Line. Dftted.NoT. 2. 1873 DETROIT, HILLSDALE & TNDTAXA EA1I.ROAP. boma - 1S73 - aoiva f.ast. BTATIOXS. Mali. Bp. 8TATIOS8. K.ip. lluil Detroit, dep... ' '" ' 4:'ob', ■ Mr- Ypsilanti 10:M) 6:15 ! Bunkers (■■:.; 2:1.' Salino 11:00 (i:43 llillsdale 7:05 2:30 BHdgewater.. 11:18 7:00 Manchester.... 8:33 4:08 Mjanchester... .11:88 7:18 ! Bridgewater.. 8:60 4:28 p. M. Salino 9:05 4:45 Hillsdale 1:20 8:52 i Ypsihmti 10:03 5:15 Binkere 1:30 ü:00 i Detroit... 11:20 6:25 Traína run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. rinHE MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFE INS. 00. OF DETROIT. rw J. S. PAEEAND, - - - President. W. A. MOURE, -. - -. Vice President. .I0HX 'I'. LIGGETT, - - Secretary. T.. M. Til AYER, - Gen'l Asent. Assets January lst, 1874 $000,335.41. The poople of Michigan can no longer aíford to pay tribútete Eastern States by placing tlieir Life Insurance with Eastern Companies, who by their charterB are corapelled to loan their monoy in their own States, thus becoming a heavy drain on the resources of tho State, when we liave so roliable añd well raanaged Life Company as the MICHIGAN MUTUAL. In 1H73 the business of the ('ompany was increasec I'orty-eight and onc-balf per cent. of the total amount done the previous rive years This ehows the MICHIGAN MUTUAL LIFK has the Confidence of the People. The losses during the year 1873 were only PIVTYFIVE per cent of the aracunt the mortulity tables cali for, ehowing great care in tho selection of its risks. Durlugthe yeur 1873 there was a maceria reducüon in the ratio of expense ahowing CAREFUL MANAGEMENT. The Michigan Mutual issues all the most uesirable forms of Lite and endowment Policios. Oividcnds Dcelared and Paid at (hc ene of the First Policy Year and ciich year thereafier. All Policios non-forfeiting af ter One Annual Premium has been l)aid. MffilfO NtRÏ All Endowuieut Policies are convertible into Cash at the oud of any year af ter the iirst. Rellablo indcinnity at lowest Casli rales can be procurcd l tkc 'I liian Mutual I-ife. GEO. L. FOOTE, Dis't Agent, Ypsilanti. J. Q. A. Sessionk, Agent, Ann Arbor. (EO. E. Foote, Agent at Dexter. Al SUPPLYING A WANT 'LONG NEEDED BY IMVM.US -- I,AWYEttS, Hl ET 1AI CLKKUVJTIKIV, im EL II COURESPONBiïü ____. iiooiiki:i;i'i:iis. BIERCHANTS, üannci pkoieiona BW I V E. I i BUSINESS ni;. m w - - One of the most practical, ■ j-l"111 '■'"1 uBcful, und valuable in TtfT ventions of the age. Patented December, 1872. Over 5,000 now in daily II tt I I I I use, gi ving unqualined 9 % f ■ 8atisfaction. Nu business U w mt H U Li office is complete without I N V E NT ION. tfend for Trice List and Illustrated Circular. AGENTS WANTED oYnSeVt Also, (Jounty Kights for Sale. Address C. A. OOK, CHICAGO, ILL. TWELLING HÖÜSËSESALE A t&rgeaud very woll built briok house, with two or more lots, 'I'wo laro framod houtjes. AUo a f?od sized briek house and framed house ; and a wnull 'rarae house on a #ood lot, intended foradding a front or Kiiln on fair terms and a reasonnble credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. MOPiEY WANTED-So raany wiahing to orrow money applj to me that I can readily obtnin br lenders good aatisfnetory iuvestments at ten per Dent. interest. E. W. MORüAW. Ann Arbor, April 23. 1873. USStf T)ESÏK-ABIE REAL ESTÁTE - yon - S -A. Xj J3 I The fuibsi-nb'T, OU .■tt-eount of iil hpitlth offers hi1 83 ACKKS In the eorporationfor sale. Tfiisground nd.joins the Umversit) Observatory 011 the east, oppOMte ide o the street, it lias a most excellent SPRING ! On the aortheast corner- formerly supplied the Kuil rond tanks with water. ITS ADVANTAGES Are as follown : Forcity purposes the Huron Itiver meanders the same sonie 30 to -10 rods, and ia pait oí the best "Water Power On the Ui ver in this vicinitj, end the elevation on th northeust corner is auiÜciently high and ampie to stip ply the city necessities for water and flre purposta THE WESTERN PORTION On the road ia verjf apprupriato and suitable for n Publfö City Cemetery. Tiie city luw no such ground now hut must have aoon, and whatever groun-ds th city doen not care to use, can bo sold at an advantnge so much BO.thftt the oost of the Water Works ftround and Cemetery, would be merely nominal, lf the city does not want the same, the grounds would be inval tiablo for FRÏÏ1TS, LA.RGE&SMALL Tliere being some l(l0 trees now in hearing Vegetables and Pasturage And also for MILKsupply.BLOODED STOCK Horsesj Sheep, And other animáis alwaya in great want by mnny íd the city and ita vieiuity. Ab city Iota adjoining th northweat corner of thia land are now selling trom three hundred to three hundred and flfty dollars these lands would or could be aold in a short time to good advantage and to much profit to the purchasers LIBEBAL THUTE Will be given or the sfimewill be exchrtnged for Mer chantablo 'oods or Drugs and Medicine, at cas p rices. TRACY W. ROOT. A n n Arlmr, Jan 1 187:!. 1411 L. C. RISDON PERRY & ( O.'S No. 9 Nbw American COPPER LINIO IRON-CLAD RESERVOIR, FULT, TRIMMED, FCDTt $6OI Otlier Stores in proportion 31 SOUTH MAIN ST. ANN ARBOE. i4tr '- -_ '..■=rr=:Ê j 1 1 1 lï-i An r v sí i "■■ Brïggs House, Randolph St. and Fifth Ave. CHICAGO. This well-known Hotel, rebuilt upon the oíd site, has all the modern conveniences - Passenger Elevator, Rath Rooms, Hot and Cold. Water in each Room, Ehg&nily Furnished, andlocated ín the business centre of the city. TERMS: $3.00 Per Day. RICKCORDS L HUNTOON, - Propretors. BUSINESS COLLEGE! Bank Blook, Aun Arbor, - Michigan. Students can enter any time after Aug. 31st. Cali and examine facilities for study at our very plesisant and newly furuishod rooms. 144HÍ HARDWOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE. ïïaving bought out the interest of Mr. D. E. "Wines in the 8aw Mili and Lumber Yard, I shiill continue business in all of it branchen. I have a good luality of tough oak f rom 1, 1 1-2 to 2 inohes thick, un der eheds and woll sensoned. A good assortment ofdryAsh. A good quality of Basswood, f rom one L-2 to 2 inchea thick- dry. Hickory, Maple, Cherry, Whitewood, Kim, and otlier ytirieties all wellseasoned. FRiice Postö, Square Timber, Plank and Oak ötiidding kept on hand and aawed to order on short notiei'. Particular attention given to CUSÏOM SAWING. Fence Posta and all kinds of Timber not over 8 inches wide, planed. Oak Pickets kept on hand and cutto order at the same price that the lumber aells IMIOTTLIDIÏNra-S of dillorent patternsmade to order. Field Gatee kept n hand and madeto order. ( ross-t ui and M1H Saws Gummed and Flled at short uotlce. B3T All perBOns indebtcd to the late firm will piense cali and settlo their aceountn at the mili. Cash paid for sound WHITE OAK, Ah and Bawood Logs. ly146l J. T. HALLOCK. CBAPPED HANDS & FACE Sorc I.ips, Dryncss of Ilir Skin, Ac. Onred at once by IIKGEMAX'S (.'Airi'HoK ICE WITH GLYCERINE. It kepa the linmls soft, n all wcatlicr. See that yon rvt. HEGEMASf'S. Hold by all Drutfgists. Prict?, ?■" cnnU; tent by mail íor 30 cents. Manufocturecd onlj by lli'M kman & ("()., Chounsls aml DiuggisUi 1'. O. Box S22$, New WOÖD'S IIOOSEHOLO UAtiAZIKE. " THE BEST DOLLAR M 1NTI1LY. (í! U íni 1 M n 7 by OfmvMSÍsg TW U Tfi Hi 1 U 'oí thix miiOHzine- oow in H) íl IU 1 f its 1-Hli volume- witli MiroTHE VOSEMITE VALLEY, 1 1x20 incites., in 011 Colora. Mftgnzirn! one í.ar with knounted Chromo. $2 00 Magazine, one year, with Unmounted Chromo, 1 50 Magazjne, alone, one year, i 00 Examine our Clubbintf and Premium Lásts. Two First Class IVriix' for tlic l'rlcc of One. AVe Bolicit invasscrs and others lo end at once tor terrnw and Specimen Mapazine. AddrefrsS. lO.NIM ■ i:s. Publisher, 41 F ark Iïow, N. Y. City, oí: Xkwiiiiuím, X. Y II 11 Ml'-BOOk A Demockatic Weekly. Estublished 1850. I .upporu ll'hüe Supremacy. politicul and sooin] Terms, $2 per year Tu Clubs, ñire copies for $8 Specimen copies freo. Address DAY-B00K. New York City. ilf 17 VTÍínycIopcclia of Tbinga Worth Know ÜUull 1 Jl" '" ul' 25,(iOD W;mts Hupplied. Ove 11,10(1 columns on royaloctuvo-sized pair WANTÜD. lea. The rentest IZecefpt of tlie nge Vv Ifree. N'tíi Western BiMé and Pub. Co Extra, fernnd Rapids. Mi.-l.. ift EXTERMINATOR IJQ S a:vs insect vowdeb. For Ttnts, Mice, lïoaches, Anta, Bcd'Buga, Moths, & J. F. 3IEN11Y, CURRAN Sc CO., X. Y. Wole Agent CÜ f4-CbOAPcr il' Agent-s wanted ! All classe kJ5 J LUUof workingpeople,of eithersex, youn or old. make more money at work for na in their spar moments, or all the time, than at anything elao Parliculnrs f ree. Address G. Stinson & Co., Port land Muine. íí pSYcnOMANCY, OU 80UL CHARMING." X 3ïow either sex may be íasoinatedand gainth love and aifections of any person Ihey choose, instani ly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess iree, by mail, for 2.r centa ; together with a Marriag Guide, Egyptain Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 ?old. Address T. WILTJAi & CO., PublisherH, Philadelphin. TH ECOLDEN ECG foragents. Large incomc guaianteed. Enclose stam for circular. B. Ai,LISON, 113 Chumbéis St., X. Y fhl Oto SI OO in Wall St., of ten leads toa for l Itune. Norislt. 32-pagc pamphlet for stamp mll I V.r,ENTibTF., Tttmbhiixie & Co., Bankers an( VjJlU Brokers, aJ Wall St., New York. CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. ForwashlngHorsea, Cattle, Plgs, Dogs; Kllls Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Llce on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sheep. Death to Bed Bugs and Roaches; Cheapor and bet ter than all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET 80APS Whlten, Beautlfy and Cleanse the skin from all Impurltles. CARBOLIC MEDICINAL SOAP CURES M OTHER Salt-Rheum I Cutaneous Artd all j Ê DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. Affords complete protectlon to pltnts, Vlnes, Trees, ie, from all Bugs, F'eas, Plant Llce and Parasites. Without InJury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effectlve cure and preventiva ot' Scab-lt kllls all Llce-Cads-Tlcks' etc The Increased growth and welght ol fleece encouraged by lts use more thaft equalsthecostof the dip. Bdohám's Carbollo Boaps and Compounda aloj. are genuino. All othen are dbso imitations -i troithleas. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGI8TS THE GREAT CAUSE Sly OF ÜXJ3VCA-lsr MISERY. Just published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price (1 ets A Lecturc on tlie Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Seminal Weaknes, Hpermatorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Ëmiasions, Impotency, Xervous Debility, aud Impedimenta to Marriage g-enerally ; ('onsumption, Epïlepsy and Fits ; Mentnl nnd Pliysieal Incapacity, &c -By UOBKItr J. CULVE11WELL, M. D., Autho of the " Green Book," &c. ïhe -world-renown autlior, in this admirable Lee ture, clearly provea from his own experience that the awful conseciuences of Self-Abuse may be etfectually removed without raedecino, aud without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, ring orcordials, pointing" out a mode of cure at once eer tain and efíeetual by which every sufferer, no raat ter what his eondition inay be, raay cure liimsel cheaply, privatcly and r:uüc:illy. THTS T.ECTUIIE wiiTl trove a boon to thousaxds and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to aiiy ad dress. on receipt of six cents, or two postaye stanips. Addresa the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 12T Bowery, New York, Postoöice Box, 158(!. 1436yl If yóu aro Suffering from any CHRONIC D1SEASE, Broken Down Constitution, Or requlre a Eemedy to Pmify and Lnricli ilic Blood, Ton wlll flnd Dr.Crook's Componnd Syrnp DfPoke Boot to possess greater merit, cure you more peedily, and do you more good than any and all other remedies comblned. Tbat Pale.Yellow, Sirkly-Ioohine Skin la changed to one of freshnes and bealth. Those IMseasp of the Skin. IimpIcs,Pustnles. Slotclies and ICrnpiionn are removed. (Scrofuln. ,icro!iilous sisease of tbe Eyes, White mwellins, ITlcers, OW (Sores or any kind of Humor r.ipidly dwlndie and disappear undtr lts influencu. What Is it? lt is nature's own restorer I A soluble oxyd of Irou combineel ivith the medicinal proporties of Poke Root dlvested ot all disagreeable qnalltlea. It willcureany Sisease whose real or direct cause ia Bnl Blood. Rbeumalisin, lains in Umbs or Dones, Constitutions broken down by Mercurial or other poisons, nreall cnred by ltOFor SypUili, or N.yphilltjc taint, tnere is nothing miual to IU A trial il I MWveit. Boldby TUT YOUE MONËY WHEEE IT WILL DO THE MOST GOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FÜLL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DE F Y COMPET1TIO ALSO, A PULE. LINK OF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Call liefore ptirchasiug. 15 South Main Street. „J


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Michigan Argus