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'BUSINESS DIRECTORY, ■ Mt.VKK, IIAKUIJHJI A HA.niLTO T Attorneys ut Office .Nos. 1 and 0 Hout] .tiiin stiect, Ann Arbov, Mirh. EllASTUS TIIATCHEK, Attorncy and Counselor at Law, Xo. ii Kast Huron stropt Ann Arbor, Mich. 13 A VIV ARBOR MINERAL SPItINGS. ;V Morris Hale. M. !)., Supjrlntondeyt. Office ü buildinsr, corner Mann and 'West Huron Streets. WINES Sc WORDEX, 20 'outh Main sírctt, Anu Arbor, Mich-, Wholesale and retatl dealers in Dry Goods, Carpeta and QrocerlM. ISSltf __ ACK êc SCHMII, Dealera in Dry Goods Jil Groceries, ürockery, Sc. No. 54 Bouth Main Btraet. iir H. JACKSOJY, DentUt.successortoC. B. VV Porter. Ofiice corner Maiuand t?urou átreets over the store of R. W. Ellis & Co , Ann Arbor, vnestheticsadniinistercd if reqnhed. UTTIIERLAN & WHEDOS, Life and O Firelusurauce ArenU,and dealerpui lieal Estáte. Oüiceon Huron Street - BAGH ABEL, Dealers in DryOooda Grocenes, c fcc.,No -6 South Main ïtieet. Aun Vrbor. liAWSOBi c SOW, Grocors, PrOTislon and Comiulssloll Merclianls. and dealers in Water Urne. Land Piaster, and Plas'.er Pari?. No. 99 East ïuror. street. Wíl. WACHTER) Dealer In Rady adeCloth ing.Olotbs, CHssimeres. Vesting. Hat. Capa, Trunks.Carpot Baga, &i 21 South Main street, TOAH W.CHEEVKK, Ai'TORNEY AT LA.W ! 0 tte wicli E. W. Morgan , Blasi slde of Court House Sqiiire. 1331 UT E. CABIli DouíUl, -s. BuoeMBor lo C.C. y'"' V. -ii-nkiii. CjBfe Nitr 11 u s Oxi ( GaS tdministered wben necessaery. - O íli c e over Pf Bach & A b c 1 ' s WPT No. 20 S o u t li JIKS. H. i. KILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opire and ReêideBce No. SS Aun 8tm '. corner of Inrjulh, Ann Arbor, Micli. W Office hours- 8 to 10 A m., and 2 to 4 i m."'5TÜ Faor. Sagek, Pno, 1'ai.mi.ü. H.üyl l'BOCKEKÏ (ÍLASSWARE & GEOCEEIES, J. & Donnelly Have iustore alargestockof Croclcerj, Giapsware, Platdd Ware, Cutlery Grocene, &c, 4c, all tobe aoldat unusually low prices. No. 12 Kast Hnron Street, Aun Arbor. USStf J. SC l'. DOMELLÏ, rOHN G. 0 ALL, DEALBK IIsT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, L1RD, SA.USAGKS, Etc, Urderssolicited andpromptly llled wüh thebest meats in thomarket. 31 Kast Washington street Ann Arbor, Sept. lfith, 1800. lS86tf DR. C. A. LEITER, Pliysician aml Surgeon, 'ifflee over Watts Jewelry Store, Mnin Street, Residcnce 58 East Huron Street, lMDtf ANN AKBOR,MIC!I N. akkkV' : Mannfacturer oi' Carria.ges, Buggies, Wagons, AND SLKIGHt!, of nrery sty'e, made of the best material, und warranted. Kepaiiing dt)im promptlyinl prices reasunable. Detroit Street, neur it. II. Depot, Ann Arbor, Micli. H40yl T FRED. BROSS, MANUFACTCRER OF ClllttilliES, BKitilES, LDHBEB WifiOIS, SlMMXti U'AGO.VS. ( l II ÏKS, SLEIUIIS, fc. All -vvork warranted of the best material. Repairinjdoüe promptly and reasonably ■ All work warrauted to give perfect satláfuction. fifí South Main treet. 1422 pLOUR AND FEED STORE. HENRY WASGH {Successor to Geo. Luubengayer,} At 14 West tAUerty Street, will keep constan ly üu hitnd i i' uil stock oí' i'iour, Meal. Outs, Corn, ilill Keed, :c. AU orders promptly lilleil it the lowMt cuëh pricea. Casli p.üd for Corn. a ad Oats, i415yl [)B.f. B. PORTER, IDJEISTTISX. f titice in the Suving Bank Block, Ann Arbor. 11 Operatioas on the Natural Teeth Performed with Care. J iSaaPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE imito ARTIFICIAL TEETH, rO UIVE BACH INDIVIDUAL, Immillii proper fat, shapcf.olor.firmncsstinii natural txpretaion. 1244 WaTlovejoy, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, Sirafï, fipes, &c, VT m. EAST HUBON STREKT, Xext to the Express Office, ANN ARBOR, 7IICII. 1345tf


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