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This word is now in tliu mouths of million on this sfdeof the Ailaiitic, and we míjliÉ eiy of mi'linn.s ,-iIso nn the oiher sidc. l'cliiors. politici; lis pliüii.-opljorri, ainï natura'i.'ts dic merjis nf.iheco nUy, nmlini i,y ihuuufal in the VVt'st wc nntcntlmg tu remove 'o llira kind ofpiomi c aa sonn as pts Bble. Tlio pupén item uith nrlichtfnn Orogjon, ome far icing and pensihle, whiJo uihprs ure abnril umi visinnary . In tliC nnd.-t ol iliis {jnriTn! cornrruiiiM, otir ie.idr nriy hc ;lu fO lo eean pxtrci ur htfn lr in uur i.n .-hnnge. Ilere is one ín tn ilic Wolej?fl Joillllül. LM PORTA NCJ-Ï OF OREUON. Orrgon is considrrrd, if wo roav judge froni [lic sjipt-rficial rrhiarka wc oftcii henr wid eee m paper., nri iiií-inificnnt sirip ofdiwrt Imd. Dfylf U the cleor hcaded thifker, ibis sume doiort si rij) prevenís onc uf the most inlercsIÍDi ilieatri-s of ilie future de'tinies of i lie AnIo Saxon roep; one, Ion, frotn uhich mus; gii forlh uu inffiieiice w inch will inodily ilie whoïe future Ji6tory of ilio oriental vyoiJd, Tiiii.'ii inpnrtnnl .trip of land incindès nenrly 100, 0U0 Mjuare niili-s"; tlint if, il H Inrger tlinn ihe whule of Urn ihi iron original staUs of i)e Union - 'atgor llian all cur presrnt Atlantic Mntc.s fniiii Mnirie to the 51 ú sif slppi. The latett ncvri froin hpyoiu.1 tlie Rncky mountairií', ropnriB that lvo pückots now run rpgulnrly bol n een Qrcgou ei: y and llic Sandivich ihhuda. Tlu fier, snvs llie Cincinniii Chronicle, s thé iiiüial i-f orVe óf ihe preatest comhiercinl rtvu'iilitns uhirh ilie uorld has fci'h. Look rit tiie m.'tp. Pis yoiir i oints ut Livcrpoo!, Boston. S'. l.oui.1--, Orrgnncity and Can'on. TIkii rnlrtilale tlie freijjíit nnd lirne requirerl !'or )i bule of gonds tobe (rnnsported around Cnpo Hom to Cantón. Then take the sanie af gópda by stram car Irom Bosion to Oregon city. and thfti by Blcajtn pneket front Orrmui to Cantan! It'the goods go froni HnirLiiid, by Cnpellorri, it will t-ave ten thousond unies tn tnke Iheoi across lbo Amoricnn continini ! ]f thcy gn from tlie United Sinlos ilicrt' is a siivin ot' tvvo-tliirds ti:e wholedistnnre! 'J'liMt ti)C trade of the UnUrd Staten will tako tlmi ccnirsp, provided lho omtnunicotion is by flenm, no one enn doubt. It is vain to talk abonl the Panama route, if yon cun go by s eani to Oreo. Whnt, in tlilrty-thrpe vpnr#, (the nverage ejenerntion,) will be ilie cfl'.ct nt turnitij thp Pacific tiadeacros the c5hirterit1 ín Thai lime the pnpulntion of the United States will bè fifty milh'ons. and tí commercial marine llie yreatctt in tlie world. Tne ports of CJtina and il s vast ir de ore and vvill bo open to all ñutióos. The wnters of the l'ncific nre coniparaiively smontli nnd the vbjaffé sofe. Wliat does the reader inogine will be the t-ffi et of pouritig the tnide of the United Statep, and its fifty miNmns of people. activo, ingeríion? and industrioii?, ocrosa i lie continent of A menea upon the ancient field s rif Asin? - Vast, nd2ed, will be the revolntion in conimerce, and eqimlly great willbelhe revolution iik the civiliz ilion of Aöjyj All this tnny ap pear to sorna minde as okx-nm. but it is a necefiity of commerp. bci nce and .iit. It will happen, as cc-lainly as the United S.'ultt Cimtinue lo groic. Wlien this nation loks out nc.rass tlie Pac;fic on (he fields ofAsia, a crisis will have come in this wortd's affuirs, likc that yrtat calastiophe which took place wlien the blnepyed Germán and tl:e hung-ry GoUi li oked dowu upon the beautiful plaina ofltuly. The hour will have come for mighty cbnnges in the liiimvn familv. Tliese lliingd miitit lake place, and they will crine sonn, too - bpfore nnother generatmn has expired ; and America - these United Siate? - will be the grand instrument in the world's future revolutions. Tho folio wing1 fl.itlering account of the country ia frotn ilie Washington Union, and is w riuen by Elijih White, the bcarer of the Orrgon memorial. 'The terrilory of Orpgon, rxfenfiing froni tl e Rotky Moúníairi'9 to ihe Pucific oceai!, a dwlèncd ofovcr a thbnssnd miles and from 42 to JU 40 fcc. nortli laltiiuo'e, may t6 ihe geni-ral lea tures of llie connlry, be CDiivenienily brought under f'liree róut divisiolii?. - PJié lir.-t or castern división is most exien. sivc end kut valiinblc. It Ls stcnle in Diany porlMii.; bul o wing to Ihe mildnc-s t the climate, nnd l.e nul riciqusnPSfJ o thegrass1, vat hcrdsi.f bnllhlo havo there suuiiuèri-d and winiered fiom times irnmernonal. Dometic tierdl have, at Fort Unll and elspwhe.e, done the same; and large caravans of laden horsen bave patsed through ir, in the most unfuvorablo eeasons of the year, well subaist[tig upo: the graas indigenoustoihe ciHilrytht'ening the convictinn, tliat even cablein Ore gou mupt be of inuch vuluo as onc of the best nnd tnotft exïensive grazing dislricts in the world. The wn'cr-coursts from tlie casten. fXtrenie to tbe P. cf:c (icen tí are rapd ui tlnir descent, not o(!mitiiigof un exten4c navigOtiOti - cvr n liie Cclumbia being iW t n!y íü5 miles. TIip fuqrcnt int un r. pin im bjf tijt casca deí nd rnpids !;ave producid watrr priy ilpges iiiilinrted m exem and power, warrnnting l he -(iiu I'i.-.'mh ih [ i í:is nnirv is di si i n. ed. by Ihe f;icilili t'iin,i.-icl by na ure lo btconn.' a hiijc niníiuíne'jiring chkiiiv; inor' parl.cii'tn ly (is wool may ! e giouii i-lit.-iic-i aridptif-iiV litan ín niiy oUii'i .onioi .1 n klioivn wi(!. U on íP:ier r.viM, li uvc;i iheHoiKy Mcl:lira!li uilt] i"'.rT II .l.linil u Cur)5'denillc ií.íTic ;-b -ni tuid em'iiiic.i.j ) liar for' - mui e i iht liuiid'fd miles frnm tin Pa cínr - j liiul i Itivi-r.-ble éuriace, tíue _ , plrafani -tcnery, and good íbíiiI: but t lio counn y i.- .parely timbeed wtih liet-s of stinted {jrowth. J f' dvvelling upon the valué and intcrrsiing chaiacer ot' the toda .pringf m iliis región, níending to devote lo tlictn a more extendrd nolicc herc.nftrr. Polluwlng the grent CDligratiüD rond at Frr motu's Puse, and puríiiipg its direct and onwnrd courge over a n'osl favorable suiAice tbr a highwny, ve ccitne to nnother part of Orogon moro valuuIiIp for civilized man to riweJI in. Tho secnery in the óëighbórhood of the Coií=e river, is varipd, grand and impos-in: the volos, table pronnd and hi;!s well grnssed: the inibfru of bflter growih, and here nud thert' n httle district betler adrtjted to ogrcultire. - We how come to that portTi-ii rmbrücing the Blut? monntaini=, tïic Grande Ronde, nnd all that district fn tn Onml nvor to the Cacado mountaii s, cnvering an o.M.'iit of country ol about 400 miles fn m ras; n wp.-t. llere ihe chínate is rpmflrknu.'e for ils extrome s.lobri ty; the wnoded di.tiicts irc we'N tirnbfred wilh ccdar, fir, onk, Sic,: the secrièry p'casingly diversified: nnd all nature nround ihe locations of the pious mi.ioi ary eslabli.-h ments plantcd therp, is weuiing a inildtratid more agreeable as-pret." llore isnnother iura, taken, we believr, í'roin a report of a lecttue of Mr. Cuhinr, late Minisier io Chim. "In conr'nsiiiri, permit me 'o sy n fow vvo'ds concerning iho ulue end iir.porlance of Orogon (o the U. S. That n región of the enrth thrice ns long aa the Britton Islam], as lnrLic as the thirteen original Uniteo State?, wabed by the be, with four greal rivera flowing lulo the ara, iih many vlnnlilft haibors in is more uortherly portp, nnd nnsurpnfspd ti-heries - R rpgion posFOised of n mild and tpmperate rlima'e, capablo of pasturing entile the wh-p winter, well wooded, and with mnrh fortile and prodnetive soil- ihat such n. rpgion hn? ralut, iuia idle to coutrovert, nnd ridiciilous lodeny. To be surc, tbvre ure larjje tract?í it which nre coniparotivcly orid, or fiücl wiih precipitous nnuintainÍR which mountains, luwever, it is quiie pnsStblu forscsa the shiiic kind of ijiiiieru! riched which lili the siintiirily rvugejs n iMr.vico; nn I, if it should prow; oiliciwiío, ih'-rc dned ii-t ihe Ipss r muña v.i.-i a ufi'int uf habiUbleand íinile ternídry. copjihfé of kíwíiíii ri ti comfort nnd j tinppilMMMi riiiihniis of ini'ii. And it M '■ rejion ■ f c.nii t y iialurally ilécttué 1 1 siippl y (bu liaion on ihe coHfis of tho l'..cih'e nml it a isMfids with tuni'jer, li.-h. bn.-iiíJ-t-i nfVs beef, nml luis? ío posscs'í iimncdiateiy a lucrnlivo cumncrce un ilini oceuii. Añil its iiliimnie vnlue is, n deal, ih-t vliich cníisea Erígtnnd t coyey the Hssai.-i'in i'í'v, and to denjre nny dispoiiion .'" i! raiJicr til n itd settleinent hy the Uniíod tÜalrr. FjfT, in llio región of üregon, a tu grow np, ere mnny yoará pisa nuny, a roce 'f uen. who wi)l stand in I be same retal iqn tu he Pacific, wc of i lio rastern States lo lo he AtLiniíc; fui I in the same relotion lo Asiu ii.ii o (Id to Kirope. And ihenlnk tlicro'iirr, is worlhy of pos.-iWIe S')liciiiJtl lo onr svhnlo coiin! ry, 8iid tottri ai' llie KiBt eípecialv. who hnve l'vrcniy millions óf propérty olout in i lie Sonih Seo, wthout n hnrbor in vhicli wc. hnyothe perminent riilt of refunr, without nn nc-ie of land on which the stormásfé'ú mnjinpr enn set liis foot and (bel hiiíií-elf rtsiin nt lengt h tuidrr llie protectinv fbl(.'s of the bnnner of the Union." For our part, wq are nol inclmod to dispute that Orc-on ia "a grent cuuntry," or thnt we liave as gpd a right to the whole of it os KnIand. Mor do we think tlic amicipotions ofits rapio 6ettlcment are bevond the range of probnbility. Lita comfortublo, secure and conrenienl route for once he fairly ottuhli.-hed bclwecn this country nnd OrVgónJ nnd llioussiids upon thonsanr'5 of yó'ï'ng men, nctiuued by therestless nnd entcrprifinif spirit of Ihe Vunkces, uill be found trave!!inr thi. jrotid road, ns it were, io another world. - Bnt wheticr "the wlio'e of Oregon" will long remain ''ohV t er it shall have been settled by the Anglo Suxon race, is very dotiblful. The obility ond disposiiion for eelt government is one of the si riking chnrnctrr istics of the tace: nnd we fhouid not be at ai] surpriscd if Oicgon, within our life time, should be known and recognized as nn independent nation. For our part, we think it will be best for the people of the United States and of.Oregon for the ntter to nssume the dnty anti privilege oftakin cnro of iSemselves as soon ns they wish to do so. We may cai Oregcn "onra': as ninch we pleose, and fight to make il fo, and yet without some convenie nl and expeditious mode of communication, liku Wliitney's projectetl Railroad for px ampie, the people of that country mist be in rcality frooi the nature of their position, ai independent nation.