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OHAPPËD HAWIACI Sore I.ips, Dry ijosb of the Skin, iec. Ciired nt or.oo !..y HEGKMAN'S CAMPHOK ICE' W1ÏH OLYOBRINE. It keepa ths hand tott in all weather. Ben h.-.t yon tel UEOEHEAN8. Sold by all Druggist. Pïrce, tl by rnail tor 30 cent. Manu ELl IEMAN & GO.. ChomUl and P. o. Cox i;22, Mw ïööO'S HööSEöOLö MAGAZINE. THE BE8T DOLLAR M 'NTHLY. Lïi U C ?♦ 1 U a day made by canvaasing L L. "f f L 1 C for (liis magazine - now in in j IU '11(1 II 1U volume- with CbioTHE YOSEHITE VALLEY, 14x20 iiKïics, in ir 011 Color. Magazine one ; ear -with mounted Ohvomo. .-i 00 Magazine, one year, with Unmounlod ■ biomo, 1 : Magazine, alone, ono year, 1 00 Kxamino our Olubbing and Prtmium Liata. TwoFirntClat Perlodicnla for ine i i'rite of One. We solicit Can vnsst-r and I otliciK tó send at once for terms and Specimen MagI azini'. Afldreg S. K. SHUTES, Puhlisher, 41 Pakx How, N. Y. Citt, ob ïïewbubgh N. Y. IW II !)ill-BI!OK A Démocuatio Wkekly. Eatablished 1S50. It support ui,;,, Sup emacy, politica! and social. Teruis, Í2 por year Xo club, nine copies tov f8. B] imen copien free. Addruss DAY-BOOK. New ïori i ij. i Af PMTPinrclopedia ui Thimn oilh Knowillf ÜiiV loJ ir':. '■-■■' """ Wants Siippliud. Over 11, 1 0 columns on royal-octavosized ii'rwasted. les. The greateut Rtctipt Bonk of the age. T V II "twI"i"ohh Free. Famphlet circulara ', ""tree. N'th Western BiWe and Pub. Co., Extra, iarand Rapid, V LjSjfe EXTEEIMIMTOH Fot Jínts, [iee, 1Io;h?1h'íí, Ant, Bod-BugB, Moths, & .1. F. IIÜNUY, CURRAN & (')., X. L". Solc Afyent. CKfní9npíH-ü;.y: Agenta wantod ! Ai! clüMea PvJ LUkPciUof workinL'peoplo.of eitliersex, youn or old. m:ike moro money at work tor uu in tbeir spare moraents, or uil the time, thun at anythiug: else PartioulnrB free. Addreea O. tinpon & Co., Fortlaml Maine, Í1 pisVcnOMANCY, OU SOUL CHARMINÍI." X How ejther s ; raay ba fusoinated and frain the love and alfeetionsof any persou they choose, instantly. This simple mental acijmremenfc all cun posaess, tree, by mail, for 25 cents; together witfa a Sfarrioge üuide, Eyptain Oracle, Dreams, Hints U Ladles. A queerbook. 100,000 h11. Address T. WILLIAM & CO., Publisherft, Philadelphia, f HËGOLDËN ECG foragcnt.s. Lurg-e inpome iruaianteed. Eno-lose stamp toroircular. 1:. ALLI8ON, 118 Chambers 8t., N. Y, (fli Cto SlOOin Wall St., olten tovds toa forl tune No risk. S2-page pamphlet for atamp. iN V.iLESiiKE, Tdmbbidok & Vo., Bankun und. 1U Brokers, ::i Wall St., XewYork. WW W üul id i nú I i O. O 13Whenflrstli. COLIiY huns lns.-in üt C. O. D.- At No. vl', And otfered Groceries cheap for cash, Some people said, " he's bound to go to smash." And old-time Grocers wouid faintly smilt1, Prophesyingr "C. O. I). will last but little whik'. In sixty days we'll run him off the track. , And cali our wandeling etifttotnem back." The croakera aaid and thouglit it truc, 'He'U surely tujl before the year is Xew ! You can't sell Groceriea in this town And get youv pay in reenbacks down : Wherodry gavin nuichantson every street With silks and satins, hang out chickens to eat ; Where tradeis mixed in every place, At the same counter you bu y butter or hice ; Where credit and loss go hand in hand. llr. C. Ü. D. but u slim chanca will stand." Let prophets and croakors have their say. L. COLBYsülls ÜROCEHIES only for ÜEAD Y 1' AY, And sella so cheap for daily cash He feara no danger of a smash. And to his patrons all, and business fnend, The greeting of the soason he extends, To young and old, a glad New Year, With hosts of friends and lotb of cheev! öive liim a cali, and from his store Your tables spread with good thinas more. At that place you will always Hnd Fresh ntw Groceries ot best qualitv and kind - f.very thinff needful for good cheer at home You can buy at his counter whenever vou come. The days are so short this bitter cold winter, To mention details wouid weary the printer. Hut ask ïf you choose for anythint? eatable, You f;et lt at once, iu rjuality unbeatuble ! For hungry men who re weary and cold, He has Uysters hot, Oysters that must besokl - Oysters pickled, Oyster stew, and oyster fry Or Oysters any other way you choose to try. He will serve up Oysters at any hour of dav, And the best of cigiirs to smoke on your way. A disn of hot Oysters will do you much good, , And oheer you whilo sellinff your grain or wooi. And with csh in hand luy in n store Oí Cof&e, Tea, Silgar, Flour and maiiy more, Ot all tilines substantial for daily use, Nor treat life's sood things with abuse : Crockery and Glassware and Fruits to put in them, Nuts, Kaisins, and Candy. for childrcn who win them w'n v' T r " arï blossecl wih their beautiful faces, ïll iind [301 the best of all places, 1 o buy a trifle, to bring a smile or ringing laugh, Your plensure, than theirs, will be greater by half Then do not forget to cali on Mr C. O T) And buy of him your Fruits, Sugar, and Ten. Thoiigh the big (JA may fall from its place, The, C. O. I). V store is still on the race And does not intend to fly from the course lili croakers of evil talk themselveshoarse (rrocenes can be sold for ready pay oSa ?"": Coltoy haa leai ned the way : Sold flve tiines more than he expecledBy C. 0. 1). from loss protected. And the secret be is not afraid to teilkeep the best of all things-witl. prices low-be goo nuturcd, Rivc good measure, And you are bound to sell ! 29! 29! 29! W b Jl jFH -' "Y& -'t. I CARBOLIC DISINFECTING SOAPS. For washlng Horses, Cattle, Pigs, Dogs; Kills Fleas on Dogs, Destroys Lloe on Cattle and Horses, Tlcks on Sneep. Death to Bed Bugs and Ronches; Cheaporand bet ter than all Powders. CARBOLIC TOILET SOAPS Whiten, Beautlfy and Cleanse thr skin from all Impurltles. CARBOLIC MFDICINAL SOAP CURES A OTHER Satt-Rheum I ■ Cutaneous And all ' wff DISEASES. CARBOLIC PLANT PROTECTOR. Affords complete protectlon to p'inta. Vlnes, Trees, ie, from all Bugs, Fleas, Plant Llce and Parasites. Without Injury to Vegetable Life. Never falls. CARBOLIC SHEEP DIP The most effeotlvo cure and preventiva c." Scab-lt kille all Llce -Cads -Tlcks' etc. The Increased growth and weight o fleece encouraged by lts use more thar equals the cost of the dip. Bochan'b Carbollo Boaps and Compounds al , are genuino. All others are base imitations vrthlcss. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I8ÜPPLYING A WAXT IiONS NEEDED BY BANKhlIS, "" MWYKItS, g.. _ ._. PHÏSIC1ASS, IU P W f n:it;v .ii !■:-. ■ v Kb VV roimnspoMi'Ts, t- - i..,. liOIIKKDi: PEBS, MKHCHAIVTS, ■J A W T I 1'IlOl'ESSlOJIAt ■ tl BUSINESS ME., m - " One of the most practical, useful, and valuable in_A.N"D I ventions of the age. - ented December, 1872. I j Over 5,000 now in daily II ft ■■ ■■ ■ (use, (fivingf unqualilloil I 5a Bb 1 ;satisfactiou. Xo busiiii-s U V h U 1b office is complete without - - - - .it. r i n v e ra t a o iM i_, Sond for Prioe List and Tllustrated Circulai. IGENTS WANTED tetg&S! Also, County Kights lor Sale. Addree c. a. rooK. rmcAGO, ill. m Mortgage Sala. DEFAULT fcaving boen mode in the nonditio of u certain mortgag mude by David McColl, of Scio, in the County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to William Latnon, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the County and State aforesaid, dated Maren twenty-siith, 18ij, and rucorded in the oöice of Register of deoda fcr Washtonaw County, Michigan, on tho twcnty-nixlh duy of March, '18U6, at eleven iind one-hnlr o'elock, A. M., iu líber S5 of mortuage, on pugo 257 ; wirioh aid mortgage, logethcr with tho note accoinpuuying thu same, was on the eighteenth dy of January, A. D. 1872, duly nssigned to Leonnrd Vuugkn und Martha Vaughn, which uslgnmmt was duly ïrcordcd in the office of Register of Deeds, aforebaid, on the third day of Jlarch, 1874, at nine o'elouk, a. í., in liber -lot assignmenta of mortgages, on pago 2:;: : upon which mortgage there is claimed to be duf hy vlrtue of the conditiont thereof, and renuiiniug impaid at tho date of this notice, (he anm of t.-nty-to hundml and forty-two dollars and slxteen cent, und an attorneyV iee ot tbirty dollars provided ior io said mortgage, and do suit or pgocqedivg hoviitg heen inatitutea at lawto recover tlie imin now due and secured by said mortgage, 01' any part th'rrt.'Ot : Now, tlwretore, by vivtue of the power of mie cuntained in said mortgage and by virtuo of the iteróte in such case made and providod, nol is hcreby given that on ftuturday, tho thirtieth day of May next, al twclve o'c'ock noon of that day, at the front door of the Couvt House, in the city of Ann Arhor, in said County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan (said Court House being the place of holding the Uircuit Court for said CountjO, thcin will be sold at public auction or vendue, to the highest bidder, the premisos described iusaid mortgage as: AH that certain truet or paroel of hind known and ■ seribed as follows: Being one equal and undivided half of the carding and clothing works and onc-half of the appurtenances, maehinery, and premises thereto belonging; said premises are npon the soutbeast fractional quartcr of section two, in township two south of range five east, beginninL at a stake standing on the norta bank of the liuron river, at a point near tlneo rods from the end of the bridge across saul river on the roart leading from Ann Arhor to Howcll, inLivingston County, thence running north trom said atako ight rods on the line of said road, thence wcHterly eight rod. thence southirly and parallel with said road eight rods, thenoy oant-Tly to the place of beginning. Dated,S1arch4, 1874. LEONA UI) VAUOHN MARTHA V.U'miN, ASSÍ''IHES. JAML8 II. GüTT, Att'y lor Anignee. 1468 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having heen made in tho oondition of a certain mortgage executed by Jonathan Boeken and Lydia hia wife, of the townnhip of Dexter, county of Wa.shtenaw and .-tate of Michigan, to Isaac Ray, of the game place, on the twenty-tífih day of August, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and recorded in the Kegister's office, in the couniy of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, on the fourth day of November, a. d. 1870, at 3'í o'clock r. m„ in liber 12 of mortpfaires on page 528 : And there is now claimod to be due on said mortgago and note accompanying the samo the sum of five hundred and cighty-seven dollars and seventy-ono cents, (and the further sum of three hundred und four dollars and seventy cents to becoine due oïi the 2th day of AngHst, 1874 and 1S75,) also an attorney's fee of thirty dollars should any proceedings be taken to foreclose said mortgage, and no proceeding in law or in equity having been had to recover said sum of money or any part thereof : Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that by virtue of the power of saie in said mortgage eontained, I shall sell at public auction to the higheat bidder on the thirtieth day of May next, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid.fthat being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county), all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the township of Dexter, Washtenaw Couniy and State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to wit: The north half of the aouthwest quarter of xection number Bve oi township one south of range four eafit. Dated, March (, 1874. ISAAC RAY, Hortoagee. John N. Gott, Attorney for Mortgagee. SherifTs Sale. STATK OK MICHIGAN, county of Waabtenaw.sf, Notice is hereby given that by" virtue of two writs of excc.ition issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, and to me directed and delivered, I did on this twentyfourth day of January, A. D. 1874, levy upon all the right, title and interest of Merchant II. Goodrich, in and to the following described real estáte, situated in the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, towit: LotB number two, three, four, rivenndsix, and west half of lots seven and eight, block one north, range flve easi, exceptmg ten feet off the west half of lot seven and eight. also excepting fortyfour feet front on Fourth strent by one hundred and ten feet deep off the southwest corner of said lots; also lots number thirteen and fourteen, block number three north range four east, all in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, which above described property I shall exposé for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on the f'ourteenth day of March, A. D. 1874, it ten o'clock a. M. of said day. Dated, Ann Arbor, Jan. 24, 1874. Uliita M.FLKMING, Sheriff. TATE OF MICHKÍA tf, Fourth JudtóaT Circuit, in Chancery. Huit pending in the Circuit Court for the County of AVashtenaw, in Chancery, at Ann Arbor, on the twenüeth day of Jauuary, A. 1). 1874. M;u y A. Loring, Complainant, vs. Barns Loring, Defendant. It appearing by affldavit that the delendant, Barns Loring, isnot a resident of the State of Michigan, but that he resides in the State of Kentucky, it is ordered that the said defendant cause hia appearance in this cause to be entered within three months from the date of this order, and that in case of hia appearance he cause hls answer to the complainant's bill to be iiled and a copy served on the complainant's solicitor within twenty days after service of a copy of said bill and notice of this order, and in default thereof that said bill be taken as coufessed by said defendant. And it is further ordered that within twenty days snid complainant eause a notice of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed insnid co-jnty, weekly, and that the publication be continued in said paper once each week or six successive weeks, or that she cause a copy of this order to be personally served at least twenty days l,efore tho time prescribed for his appearance.' Dated, Jauuary 2Cth, 187 ■). JOHN F. LAWRENCF,, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Michigan. John N. Gott, Solicitor for Complainant. Commissioners' Notice. 'i'ATE OF MICHIGAN, County of The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county. Commissioner to receive, examine and ad!ust all claims and demands of all persons ngrainst th.e estáte of Charles Marken late of said county . deceased, hereby give nolice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Vrobate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the residenee of Philip Blum, m thé township of Lodi. in said county, on Saturday, the eleventh day ot April, and on tiaturday, the sixth day of June next, at ten o'clock A. m., of each of said days, to receive, examine and ad just said claims Dated, December 8. A. D. 1874. 1468 KGDEKT P. HARPEIi, ) ,, OON&AD WARNER, i (oninnssioners. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtunüw, ss. The underBighed, having been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, Commissioners to receive, examine, and adjust allclaims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Jacob liuehler late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six mouths from date are allowed, hy order of said Probate Court, forcreditorstopresenttheirclaims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Mack & Schmid, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Monday, the twentyntth day of May, and on Monday, the twentvfourth day of August next, at ten o'clock a m. of each of said days, to receive, examine, and adiust said claims. Dated, Febninty 24th, A.D. 1874. CHRISTIAN MAOK, FKKDKRICK SCHMID, H6Gw4 . Commissioners. TiHE CIRCUIT COURT for the county of Washtenaw. Myron Webb and John W Huil vs. Allen H. Risdon- In Attaehmeut. Notice is hereby given, that on the fifth day of January, a. d. 1874, a wfit of iittaehment was duly issued out of the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, at the suit of Myron Webb and John W. Huil, the above námed plaintiffs, against the lands, tenements, goods and chattles, moueys and effects of Allen H. Kisdon, the defendant above named, for the sum of oue hunared and forty-five dollars, together with costs of suit, which said writ was returnablo on the third duy of February, a. d. 1874. Daled, this 20th day of February a. n. 1874. M87 A. J. SAWYER, Att'y for Pl'ffs. THE CIRCUIT COURT for the Cou=ty of Washtenaw. Edwin H. Ford M. Allen H. Risdon: iu attachraent. Notice is hereby given that on the tenth lay ot January, A. D. 1S74, b writ of attachment was duly issued out of the Circuit Court. for the Jounty of Washtenaw, at the suit of Edwin H. Ford, .he above named plaiutiff, against the lands, leneïr.ents. iroods nnd chattels, moneys and effects of llen H. Risdon, the defendant above named, for .he sum of one hundred and fifty-two and 77-!Olt lollurs, iogetber with postsof suit, which said writ was returnable on the third day of February, A D. WÍ4. 1 Dated, this nth day of February, A. D. 1874. ' FRAZER, IIARRIMAÑ k HAMILTON, 1463 Attorney's for Plaintiff. ' UUT YOTTK MONEY ] i WHERE IT WILL DO THE i i JWIOS'I? j i t : t A. A. TERRY! t: II AH A FÜLL STOCK OF t, b n HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES S T. T O ii sa st )E PY CO M I ETITIO !n SO CO ALSO, A FULL LINE OF jL ENTS' FURWISHINS GOODS S hu Cal! btfore ]vrehaiug. ibi 15 South Main Street. _JL JS Ar to i Aluin, Terra Alba, and Starch sai e good in their plnoes : but haTe no place in OilT'a Baking Powdur. , Mortgage Sale. IjI.i'AULT iiavitijbeenmnaein tho condiüon of iJ n certam moitgage, made nnd exeratcd by Poloi Cook and Ann L. Cook, his -wifo, of tho city of Arm Arbor, Wnshtenaw County, .ind Stale of ínjhi? to Silas n. Douglasa, uf the samo place, bearii.g dnt ' tho flrst day of Aueust, in the ycur of om Lord on iijoMsnndcurht hundredund aixtv-seven, and recorS cd in the oflice of the Register of' Deeds of the om?' tv of Washtenaw, in said Mate ot Michigan, on tho first day of August, a. d. 1867, in liber 36 of morten ges, on pago 530, on which mortgage the is claimed to be duo at the date of this noticc, for principal an!ï interest, the tnv.r. of two tl.ousand flvo hunored nnd ninety-eight dollars and twenty-nine cents, toeether with an attorney loc of flfty dollnr3, as provideil and agreed should any proceedings be taken lor the forcclosureof onid mortgage; and whcrean fco proceedings at law or in equüy have been tnken to recover the same or any part thercot' : Kow, therefore, notice is hereby givcn that by virtue of the power of sale mstaroed ra mortgage, public auction to tho hlghest bidder, on Monday, tbc mnth dny Of lebruary, a. d. 1874, at ten of the cloclt In the iorenoon oi that day, ut tho soulh door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor and Stnto of Michi pan, that being the building in -whieh the Circuit Court for the county oí Washtenaw is held, the premises described in mortgttge, or i-o irmch thereof as hall be aecessary to satisty the ainount dneonsaid mortgage, the oost 'and expendes of Mid sale and the nttorncy fco (is aforesaid ; lid pn mis are deseribecl as follows, towit: All that tract or parcel of land known and dvsenbtd as fel lows, towit: lying in the township of Arm Arhor and part of iho northweat quarter of sectioti number thirty-three in township numb'ei two poutli of range number srx east in said htate, bcginning in the east line of soid quarter seotion at a i oint six teen chains and tifty-three links south of the i.m-'th. i-ist corner of said quarter stclion, nnd rurjiritK thence south on said line üve chains imd thirtv fivc links, thence south tifty-ono and a-halí degrees west twunty-two chains ind eleven links ti the c the Ypsilanti road, thence nortb-westerly along the center of said road nincticn chains oud nim links toa point eight.een chaina and neventy fli srmth of thonorth lint of said section, tiiencc ent parallel to the north line of said section twettj chains and thirly-two links, thence north pol Bllel to the west line of said seotion Bix ehains and twentvflve linka, thence east parallel to said north Une Bine chainsand forty four links to the cast line of said quarter section, thence south four chains oud tbrerlinksto the place of beginning, and beinir the same lund deededby Jacob Kemplto Kíiid ('ook. the fir-t part (to said mortgage) and the same lnnj aeacribed in two deed? to said Kempf recorded in tl Kegister's office, in said oounty, in libel Y of Deeds' on pages 676 and 6Ï7, and in liber No. 32 of deeds t pages 6ó8 and Sóii. Ann Arbor, November 1 2. 1878. S1LAS U. DOUGLASS, Mortgngee. Felch & Grant, Attoraeys for Mortgagee. The sale of the premises ibovo describid, is ad. journed to Thursdny. May seveuth, at tl place and hrur of the day. Dated, February 1), ls.7!. FatOH & Sbaht, sn.AS "II. DOUGI ASs. Attorneys. Mortgagee. Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT haring been' mmlo in the conditior, of n eertaln mortgage made and exeented by Elijan W. Morgan and Lucy W. 8. Jdorgan, hls wite, to John Henly and Amanda M. F. Goodale, on the eleventh day ot August, A 1). 1873, and recordeS is the office of the Register of Deed for the ( 'ounty o( Waihtenaw and state of Michigun, on the niietcenth day of August, A. 1). lS7o, at thrce o'clockP. M., in liber 45 of mortgages, on p:ie 304. and upoii which said mortgage there ïsnow claimed to bednt andnnpaid thesumof üve hundretl and twenty-sii dollars and ninety four il626.M) nenia prmi ipai nd interest and a roasonable attormyfee as stipulated in said mortgage, and no auii having been instituted in law or equity to recover said nm or any part thereof : Now, thereioxe, notice is hereby üivcn that by virtueof a power oi' sale eontnined in said rr.utgage, and in pursuance of the statnte in such case made and jirovided, the lunds añil premises decribeü in said mortgage. to wit : All these certain parceh of land known and desoribed ás lots number live (51, six (fi), aeren C7), eiuht f8! nine f?), ten f 10), eleven' (11), twelve (IS), thirteen (131, fourtcen (Mi, Bfttei (15) anlsixteen (Hij, in llock number live (5) south in range oue wett, in Maynard'8 ndditicn, in tle city of Ann Arbor, Washtentiw County, Michipin or so much therrof as muy be nt'cetsary to amount due, with interest, costa of sale nnd s;iid attorney fee, will lio sold nt public auction, to the highest bidder, at the eouth dooi i I in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, ftate of Michigan, fthat being the placo for hokling the Circuit for said County), on Fridoy the twi ondday of May, A. LI. 171, ut ten o'cloc foienoon of said day. Dutert, Ann Arlio'r, Fcb. ?5, 1874. JOHN II KN I.', AilAXDA M. F. SOODALE, Mortgagen. Pbazer, nAnniMAS c IIamii.ton, Atty's tor Mortgagccs. Mortgage Salo. DBFAtTIiT liaving'been made iü the oondittoUBOi a certain mortgage, ly the nuii-paymeut of money due thereon as provided by the tenns of.s;iil moitgnge, executed by Elijali . Morcan and Liicy W. S Morgan, his wife, to John Ilenly and AmaLÓ M. F. Goodale, hearing date the flrst day of Jpiil, A. D. 1870, nnd recorded in tiie office of the Ecgister of Deeds of Wiishtenaw County. in the State tl Michigan, on the nineteenth day of Jlay, A. in book 45 of mortgages, page 340, by Which defnult the power of sale contuneú in said moxtgage lias become operative and on ylneh mortgage tlierc is claimed to be due at the date of this nutiee the sum of one thousaüd one hundxed and uiuety-niir and no snit or proceedinas having been' instituten in law or equity to recover the debt ieenred mortgage: Notieeis hereby given that on Fridaj the twenty-second day of May, A, 1). 1874, nt tal o'clockA. ■., on aaid day, at the south door of the Gomt House, in the city of Arm Arbor, County oi naw, in the State of Michigan (said Court House being the place for holding the Circuit Court forsaid County). there will be sold by virtue of the : sale contained in said mortgage at public luction, to the highest bidder, the premiees uettcribed mortgage or so mucii thereof is may be nee sati8fy the amount due and payuble on said rnoitgage, with interist, eosts, charges and ex] ■ ïowed by law and provided lor in said mortgage, thatistosay: Lots number flve (5), six r . .- eight f8;, nine (!'j, ten (101, eleven (11;. twelve -lij, thirteen f 13), iourteen (14; ritteen !!;,) and sixtOT f 16), in block nnmber five (5) south. in rnj west, in Maynard's addition, in the oityof Aun Ubor, Washtena-w County, Michigan. Dated, Ann Arbor, Fcb. 25, 1874. JOHN HENLY, AMANDA M. F. GOODALE, Hbrtg . ■ . . Fbazki;. Hai.iuman & Hamiltos, Atty's for Mortgagees. Mortgage Salo. DEFAULT having beun made in the condil a certain mortgage executed by William II. Mallory and Heln M. Mallory fo ïoh bearing date the sixteemh day of September, a.d. lSTJ.and recorded in the otticc of the Deeds for the county of Wnahtenaw and i Michigan, on the ninth day of October. a. d. 1872, ia Liber forty-niue of mortgaffes on pnge two hondred and ninety nine, which said mortgage was duly assigned by John N. tinti in Samuel F. Jewett, Siimuel P. Jewett to Christian Maek and Frcilcric Sehmid.andbyreason of said uefault the power of sale in said mortgage having bicorne operative. nnd there being claimed to be due and ov.injr on aoid i and ihe bond accompanying the same at ate oí this notice, the sum of one thousand seren bundred and fifty-six dollars and twenty-niue centfl J1.7i;29), together with an attorney "s ico of flfty doDan, provided ior in said mortgime, and no suit er proceedinga at law or in equity having been i: to reoover said amount or any part thereof: 2s' otice is therefore hereby given that on Saturday, tlic twenty-third dayof May. a. i. 1S74. at eleven o"clock ii the forenoou of said day, at the south donrof the Court House in the city' of Ann Arbor fsaid Court House being the place for holding the Circuit Coarï for the county of Waahteoav) there will be sold bj virtue of the power of sale contained in said nv'rtgage. at public auction to the highest bidder, the premises described in said mortgnge, r so mueh thereof as may btt necessary to 6atir-iy tlie nniount due and ptyable on said mortgnge togèthei wi interest, c:jsts, charties and expenses ;iloved by l?w and provided for in said mortgage, t!;;tt is to s;iy : AÜ that certain piece or pitroel of land situnted in tlie city of Ann Arbor, county aforesaid, known, bouuded, and described as tollows. to wit .- Commencirj point in the north line of Huron street, in th Ann Arbor aforesaid, eiyht rods and ciglUeen inches west of the west line of I. Mclntyre's land andronning thenco north parallel with said west line of said Mclntyre's land twelve rods, thence wot pnrniW with Uuron street to tho east line of 7Iann strfet. thence south twelve rods to the corner ofMnnnand Huron streets, thence eaet to the place of beginnm?. Said description being intended to cover the premiso where said William H. Mallory now ]iv's. on the north side of Huron street. Daled, February 'S. 1874. CHHI8TIAN HACK, FEEDEBIC SCHMID, Assigr.ees of said MortpRüf' T. Cbahbb, Att'y for said Assignees. 146' Mortgage Sa!e. DEFAULT having been made in the conuitioii of a certain mortgage exeonted on the twenty-tiíth I day of July, A. D. 1808, by Bobert P. Leonard and Martha Á Leonard. of tlio ci!y Of Ann Arboi'i Washtenaw County, Bfichigan, iu Joseph Pray, oï the townshiji of Xorthiield, in tle Countj of vVuslitenaw and otate of Michigan, aforesaid, and iccorded the same day in the office of tho Register of Deeds. for the County of AVashtenaw, Micbijran, in liber 38 of mortgages, onpage453, upon which mortgftgs there is claimod to be due at the date of this DOticè, two hundred and ne dollars and six'y-seve cents, for principal and interest, and also thiit; dollars as an nttorney or solicitor's fee as often . proceeding is taken to foreclose sai 1 mortgage. nnd no proceedings having been taken at law or in cq'iiti to recover amount due or any part thereof: There fore, notiee is hereby given tht by virtue ot the power of sale eont:iin!'l m said morteage, I sbtill seil t public auction, to the hishest bidder, on Saturda! :he twenty-third day of Maynext, at two o'clocli p. M. of sa'id day, at tho front door o the Court Elouse ín the city of Ann A.rbor. County nforeBaiöi that being tho place of holding the Circuit Court for laid Countyl: All that, certain piece or pareel of and sitúate in the township of Nortlifield. Wftshtelaw County, State of Michigan, kr:ovn,bounded and lescribed as follows. to wit : Commencing south hirty-six degrees i'orty-four minutes cast, ■ods and eight links from a ■tiike. seven hnktf to ront of the northeast corner of Albert Steven 's t:ivcrn tand, thence south rifty-three degrees and flftce" ainutes west, eight rods, thence south thirty-sis egrcs and ferty-four minutes cast. four rods, henee north flfty-three degrees and fifieen minu'1 ast, eight rods, thence north thirty six degrees am orty ove minutes west, four rods to tho place ol cginning, containing one-fifth of au apreoflaiwi ïore or le&s. Dated, Feb. 2.i. 1S74. JOSF.rlI PRAY, Mort JOHX GOTT, Att'y for Morigagee. NOTICE if n Special Term of tlie Circuit Court for tüc County of Wathteuaw. ITATEOF MICHIGAN, "tt'ashtenaw County, ■ Whereas it nppears to me necessary that n f peci' erm of the Circuit Court for said county should Pp ïld for the transaction of tho general business pend' ng in Sflid court: Ther&fore. a Spccnil Term i11 ,id court is hereby ordered, in pursuance of 'e atute in such ense made and piovided ; nrd notie" hereby given to all persona having business pen"' g in said court, and to their respective attoiceyflicitorB. nnd counselors, that a special temí oí' MHurt will bo begun nnd held at tlie Court Honf. i id county, on the FIKST TUKSDA Y OF APB xt ensuing. nt ten o'clock in the lorenoon of slïIÜ y. and to be continued from day to day ns may oe. Lind uecessaiy for the transaction of the genprfl] siness of said court : And it is further ordeiW t the Clérk of this court cause a copy of tbis oroe d notico to bc published both in the Petiimvm urier and Family Virilant and in the llichfl ffus, for four sueeessive weeks, onco in each weei-t commence on Friday, tho 27th instant, in each o' d papers. CRANE, Circuit Jndi. latea, Feb. 24, 1S74. l8"t


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Michigan Argus