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rpHE CIRCUIT COURT for tho County of WashX tenaw - In Chancery : Kozella Ölater, eomplaiaant, T8. Jacob Slater, Defendant. H satiafactorily appeariug to this Court, by utüdavit, that the defendant, Jacob Slater, in not a resident of this Sfate, but resides in tho State of New York, or lnotion of IX iianifT, solicitar for complainant, it ia ordered that the defendant cause hij appenrance to be en tered in tlÚB euuse within three mouths from the dato of this order, and that in case of his appearing he cause Iiis answer to the complaiuant's bill to be iiled ia this cause, and a copy tnereof to be served on the compluinant'i solicitor within twenty days after romee on hira or his solicitor, of a opy of the bill of complainant tiled' in this caube, and a notice of this ordt-r, and in default thereof, that the isaid complainant': bill ba taken aa confessed by the said defendant. A ml it h furthor oraered.that withiu twenty days the said complainant cause a copy of this order to be publiBhed in the Michigan Argus, a public noivspuper printed in baid county of Washtenaw, and that tho pub ication continue at least once each weck for six suncessive weeks, or that sho cnuse a copy oí this order lo btï perBonalïy Berved on the sid aofendant according to the rules and practico of this court. Dated, Harch 16th, 1874. JOHX F.TAWRENCE, Circuit Court Commissioner, Washteuaw (ounty, Michigan. D. Crameb, Solicitor for Complainant. 1470 Sheriff's Sale. STATE OF MICHICAN, County of Washtenuw, sa. iiy virtue of a writ of execution issued out of and undcr the seal of the Circuit Court for the County of Wuhtenaw, and t-o me dlrecUd and dellvered uainat thogoods, Rliattcls, landsaud tenoments of John I). Helnrtch, ] have this 181hday of February, A. V. 1874, Mlied ainl levled upon all the rlght, title and interest John D. Heinrlab has in and to tho followlng lands to wil : Int number four, live and slx in block nuniber Ihrco in Page & Ormsby'a adilition t.. the TÜlMo (now city) of Aon Arbor, aecording to the retordcd plat thereof, ezeepting and reurrlng the part of said lot numbered five and six which lios 90nthweatrly of a line drawn parallel to aud flvo rod nortibewtrly from the southwestcrly line of lot number fourtaen in said block, together with all the umurtanuicet theretó, which above described property 1 sliall expose for sale at public auotton to theliiRlicst bidder, at. t be aoutl) door af the Court House, in the city of Aun Arbor, on the secoud dav of May, A. D. 1874, at 10 o'cloclc A. M. ofsaidday. ' M. FLEMING, Slioritf. Datod March 3th, 1S7I. l70td Cj.0 TO THE BIG Livery and Sale Stable, Monitor building, to buy or sell good horsci. J. V. N. 0RE00IIT. CITY DRUG STORE ! L. S. LERCH. ïill recontly with K. W. KUis & Co., has purchaaed the Drug Store of E. B. Gidley, No. 12 EAST HÏÏRON STff'ook'H Hotel BLoek) vhere ho will be pleiued to see all hm friends, and ny in want of DRUGS, MEDICINES -:-OR :- FANCY GOODS. Tl Bton WÍB be re-fltted and rf3tooki-d, and will bv Icnown hereaftor u the CITYIIRIÍGSTORE. 1'. S.- I'hysiciiin' Prescriptioiid a Kueciulty. W69tf NRCOLË" Has poiohand the interest of hix partner, V. Treranin, in the GROCERY BUSINESS ! ad will "I'Uy LVta Bwid," futniHhioï he Best Goods ! at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. UeuKmbnttbe place- lü Knat Huron Stret. Mr. Oole imm nll the liabilities of the late nnn, umi uil biilancos duethcüriu must be paid to '■■"■ UOUtf TAMRslcMAHON( Justice of the Peace, Office in new blook, Nortü of Court House Monty collected and proinptly paid orer. IN8URANCÏ! ASENT. Trlumph, naaeti., $T2T.90S.H Nortn Miaanrl, " 45,417 91 Hibornla, ' :I50,000.0 ItlCVl. K8TATK, I Iwvf so acres oflnnd 'Í of a ralla frora the cltj Imits, flnely located for fruit or sarden purpoeen. Algo 40 acres. Alo 10 acres, with hüuae und barn.mid a livel etream of waterrunnlngthnuigh the barn yard. 60 acre, a mlleont. I wlll sell any or alt thfi above cheap, or exchanze forcitproporty. .u.uo 'W-'y' JAMES MoMAHON. rpil-E BEST ACCOMMODATIONS i In the city for HORSES TO HAY AND GRAIN Ii at the Monitor Stablea. 9 p] J. V. N. QREGORY. FIRE ! FIRE ! C. H. MILLEN'S PIRE Insurance Aun The Oldest Agency in tho City ! Hepreaents the foUowing tirst-clasa compauies : Home Insurance Co. of New York City. Capital and surplus over ii,000,000. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Capital and surplus 12,500,000. Girard Insurance Co., of Philadelphia. Capital and surplus f750,000. Oriënt Insurance Co., of Hartford. Capital and surplus Ï600,000. No. 4 South Main iStreet, Ann Arbor. C. H. KILLEN. UWtf L.C.RISDON'S AOVERTI3EMENT. Xow i the f.ime to buy PARiiÜR & HKATJNG i STOVES. I will nell tlwm at ('OST imtil l'urlher notice. j i Su. 31 S. Main si. Aun Arbor. H BUSINESS COLLEGE! Itmik Ulook, Ann Arbor, - Michigan Student can enter any timeafter Auf. 31st. üall and examine facüities for study at onr very ileasant and newlv farnished rooms.l 1441tf


Old News
Michigan Argus