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niSSOLUÏION. Noticeisherebygiven that the co-partnrship existing between the undersigiied and Faunie E. Chapín, in the blacksmithins;, business ia tliis öay diseolved. The undersigned intenda to continue the business of BLACKSMITHING and Sharpening Miü Picks on his own account. CHAS. C. (JHURCH; March 14, 1874. A BUSINESS OFFEK. A. rare and excellent chance to judiciously iuvest or take an interest in .1 really göod, saie and permanent business, which can be profitnbly increased to any extent, without danger ot exceedinL the demand ; and in ílarge, well built, brick Factory, with 300 horse steam power, und the monopoly of iniproved and unequalled machinery tbr manufacturing wood or iion, (which makes its own fuel ;) and at the best place in the Uniled otates for obtaining materinla of all kinds, and distributinf: work in every direction, by water or rail, at the door of the Factory, from or to any part of the U. 8. or of the world : is offered by Dr. 11. S. Smfth & E. W Morgan, of Ann Arbor, Mich., and a thorough inyestig-ation courted. 3W140 D EGISTEATION ÜOTICE. The Boards of Registration of the Ann Arbor will meet on Saturday, April 4th, 1R74, at the following places in the several wards : lst Ward- At F. Soi'g's Paint Shop. 2d Ward- At Trocy W. Roofa Law Offic 3d Ward- At Sheriff Office, Court House ■tth Ward- At Moses Roger's S-hop. 5th Ward- At G. H. Rhoiles' Shop. eth Ward- At T. F. McDonald's Store. Comtnenoing at 8 o'clock a. m. and closingat 8 o'clock M. for the purpose of correcting and completing ;he several Ward registration lisis. All persons who wiíl be entitled to vote at the charter election to be held on Slonday, April Gth, 1874,should register their names. By order of the Board of Registration. J. G. LJSLAND, Chairmau. Geo. H. Rhodes, Secretary. Ann Arbor, March 2, 1874. OPERA HOUSE ! ONE JilGHT OSLY. THURSDAY, MAROH 26th. THE SCOUTS OiV THC TRA IL ! ASTOCMDING AXTBACTIONS! The Origináis. Living Héroes. Links between Civilization and savagery. jBXJFFALO BILL HON. V. T. CODY. TJBX1A.S CTA.CÍ35:, J. D. ORKUUNDBO. Hl! appear on the above named erenlng in their íeu Skksatioxal Plav entitlcd SCOUTS of fin PLAINS. upporlod by a full and powerful DRAMATIC COM'ANY, and the Peerless Danseuse and 1'antomimic Aetress, M'LLE MORLACCHI, ncluding the popular Actor Frank Mordaunt. leserved seats for sale at Fi.ske t Domólas;', comnienciig Friday morning, March 19th. -tëS Pnces as usual. HAKRY MINER, Business Manager. HARD WOOD & BASSWOOD LUMBEE FOE SALE. THE subscriber has on handja good assortment of OAK, ASHf KLM, BASSWOOD, WHITEFOOD, and other varieties of Lumbei-, from l in. to in. thick. ALSO, Fence Posta, Square Tircber Plank and Oak Studing of all Bizes kèpt on. hand or sawed to order on. hort notiee. Particular attention given to CUSTOM SAWING. Fenco Posts plancd, OalPickets kept on hand and awed 10 order. MOULDINGS of different patterns sawed'to order. FARM GATES kept on hand and sqldcheap. Particular attention given to furnishiug bilis of tiraber of different lengths and sizos on the most reasonable teims. SAWS GUM1IED ON SHORT NOTICE. LOGS WANTED. I am prepared to pay CASH for sound Oak, Ash, Basswood and Whitewood I.ogs delivered at my raill, or will buy and raeasure Logs in the woods within six mile of the mili. K7"AU persons indebted to tho late flrm of Wines & Hallock will picase cali nnd Bettle their accounts at tho Mili. J. T. HALLOCK. TWELLING HOÜSES i uE SALE A large and very wcll built brick house, with two or more Iota. Two lare framed houses. Also a good sized brick house and framed house ; and a small frame house on a good lot, in tended foradding afront for B!.le on fairterms and a reasonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. MONEY WANTED-So many wibhing to orrow money apply to me that I can readíly obtuin for tenders good atiftfnetory invostmenta at ten per oent. interest. E. W. MORÖAN. Ann Arbor, Acril 23. 1873. )423tf


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